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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15809840 No.15809840 [Reply] [Original]

Shalom. Passover is quickly approaching, and I am struggling to come up with non-matzoh recipes for this year. I've fucking had it with matzoh, I need something else unleavened. Even hardtack is doable in comparison. Does anyone here have good substitutes for leavened bread products? Thanks.

>> No.15809845

pita bread
le happy merchant

>> No.15809847

Sneak bacon into everything and tell everyone after they ate

>> No.15809848


>> No.15809857

Or you could try rie bread with walnuts, honey and blueberries. it's great too.

>> No.15809891

Mexican tortillas are unleaved. Tamales can be, but need to make them yourself to be sure.
Pretty sure some of the whole-grain all-rye breads sold in foil are unleavened.
In other words: look past wheat.

>> No.15809941

Do you know why there are no spoilers here on /ck/? Because you’re meant to read the entire recipe before you begin cooking

>> No.15809976 [DELETED] 


>> No.15810052
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i... don't get it.

>> No.15810311
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I'm not finding unleavened rye recipes anywhere, and I don't live next to a bakery likely to have them, unfortunately.

>> No.15810326
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>> No.15810387 [DELETED] 

Bake yourself, yid

>> No.15810424 [DELETED] 


>> No.15810536

>not finding unleavened rye recipes
My bad. I was thinking of the class of breads that Dutch roggebrood is in; I thought they were unleavened. Nope; they're made with sourdough cultures.

>> No.15810553

a dozen varieties listed

>> No.15810795

>>15809976 (actually made me chuckle a bit)

How insufferably droll :)

>> No.15810993

Anyone who denies the holocaust in this thread will be prosecuted for antisemitism and hate speech.

First and last warning. I'll notify the ADL and SPLC.

>> No.15811169
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>> No.15811343

But wonder woman won the war, it's as good as german mythology like cernunoss is to celtic gods.
As for jews they got double screwed, they lost the war and got a piece of shit dry land surrounded by retards and will never be happy again.
Sephardic music is great though.

i don't really like jews, i don't hate them either. what i hate is ignorance.

Here a song to soothe your mind.

>> No.15811349

crackers lol

>> No.15811574

kek, thanks fren

>> No.15811607
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The what?

>> No.15811686

Look into strict paleo recipes. Cavemen didn’t have leavening agents and they didn’t have lactase persistence, so you don’t have to worry about mixing meat and milk, either.

t. Paleo but with lactase persistence so feed me bunless cheeseburgers

>> No.15811710

I was canvased outside of grocery stores in hollywood for the splc. the jews were by far the most reluctant to donate.

>> No.15811722

Now gimme your jew gold.

>> No.15811727


>> No.15811801

B-but the wooden doors

>> No.15812210

Jew jew little train abord

>> No.15812293

Have you tried Ezekiel bread? It is really trending rn.

>> No.15812515

never helping your kind, not sorry and i wont evn use puinctuation in your thread or spell right because your kind are pigs

>> No.15812518


>> No.15812520

you should make chapati - ethiopian style is really good. mix in rough chopped green onions in the dough, use a good amount of oil. goes well with everything and is delicious on its own fresh or cold

>> No.15812531

Good old flatbread doesn't need leavening.

>> No.15812573
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falafel and hummus and tzaki

>> No.15812576

Stop pushing multiculturalism on all our countries and promoting the goals of the frankfurt school before we loose patience with you all. The silent majority is very, very angry. You are living on borrowed time.

Please stop.

>> No.15812588

lot of jackasses in this thread got lost on the way to /pol/

>> No.15812590

>he actually believes a majority of people supports his fringe crackpot ideology
>n-n-no they are just silent about it

fucking loser

>> No.15812593

>Because you’re meant to read the entire recipe before you begin cooking
just improvise as you go lol

>> No.15812673

Hey nice, another Jew on this site.
I eat a lot of Mexican food, because tortillas are unleavened, and I cheat on the matzoh by making Matze-crust fried chicken, and grounding it into a meal.
You can do a lot of stuff my grinding it into a paste or flour, like using it to make a rue or whatnot.

>> No.15812683

Back to leftypol comrade. You'll be late for the dilation therapy session.

>> No.15812687

Man, it's like everyday yall got some kinda holiday or some shit.

Why can't you be like everyone else and blow off holidays?

>> No.15812699

A difference to regular holidays lies in the fact that most practicing Jews don't take most holidays off, they visit the Synagogue in the evening after work. The Yom Kippur is pretty much the main exception.

>> No.15812714

The holocaust never happened
But I wish it did

>> No.15812742

We can apply for holocaust reparations too even in America. I just put that money straight into my investment portfolio. Fucking lols. We already send billions to Israel as well.

>> No.15813184

I just eat the fucking bread.
Tiv Taam is a godsend.

>> No.15813212

fuck off kike

>> No.15813225

yawn, come up with something original. you are a literal npc at this point

>> No.15813864

>unleavened bread
rieska my lad. delicious and easy to make.

>> No.15813902

I’ve got a quick and ez af recipe from my oma she said her parents made it all the time during Passover

Step 1: aquire flour n water
Step 2: mix and heat oven to 460 degrees
Step 3: get inside

Serves 6 million.

>> No.15813904


>> No.15814187

I'm ESL, sorry, but what does unleavened mean OP?

>> No.15814201

No yeast or baking powder or baking soda. Unleavened means there is no rising agent in the dough

>> No.15814202

"Without yeast or other things that make bread rise when baked"

>> No.15814204

Passover is just Easter, you retard. And who doesn't like holidays? You don't enjoy eating delicious food in good company?

>> No.15814303

But the wooden doors.

>> No.15814329


>> No.15814376

Swedish knäckebröd

>> No.15814424
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Reminder for /pol/tards that the average person doesn't constantly think about the jews like you weirdos do, we're here to cook and don't care for your whackjob unrealistic ideology.
tl;dr polfaggots go back

>> No.15814442
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Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

>> No.15814475

Is pasta allowed?

If so, you've got a huge array of dishes available.

>> No.15814570

please stay on topic and stop being anti semitic

>> No.15814624

almost got quads. serves you and your dumbass memejak collection right. your kind probably has cp chalked full in your file explorer unironically faggot

>> No.15814874
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you can actually bake a whole host of delicious foods.
you don't HAVE to use traditional grains, which is where the limitations on fermentation come into play.

because gluten-free diets have become so popular as of late, you can easily buy some almond or coconut flour and find recipes that use them.
this opens up so many more baking options while still holding kosher!

>> No.15814908

Have some PORK you fucking kike

>> No.15814940
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this is a troll thread. no jewish person calls it matzoh

>> No.15815020

my family says matzah but people seem to call it motzoh apparently.


>> No.15815061

Oh sorry does people disagreeing with you trigger you? What a shame. If only we could pass more laws to restrict speech huh? Literal fascist.

>> No.15815071

Google the kalergi plan and the Frankfurt school.

>> No.15815089
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Hold my beer.

The holocaust didn't happen but it'll happen again.

>> No.15815126

I wonder what it feels like to just be constantly obsessed like this, it's like a mind virus.
they've actually mind raped themselves.

>> No.15816380

Shalom, namaste, ans that gods watch upon you.

>> No.15817032

I say "mat-zah" but it's spelled like that on the box I bought a few days ago. (I'm not super orthodox anyway, so a lot of hebrew/yiddish gives me trouble anyway.)

Huh, I didn't know that. Neat.

>> No.15818501
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>> No.15818513

It was really in my mind.

>> No.15818522

>he says as he cowers under the desk in fear of a second holocaust

>> No.15818531

/ck/ is more hateful than /pol/ but the replies in this thread are almost all nice and helpful. Wtf?

>> No.15818539

I never got that either, but they try to trick God (actually tricking their own man made rabbinic laws).

>> No.15818546

The average person is legitimately borderline retard.

>> No.15818556

Have you tried not being Jewish?

>> No.15818573

>not fasting along the entirety of good friday

>> No.15818577

lol what

>> No.15818681
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Substitute this for flour.

>> No.15818685

Corn and bacon muffins

>> No.15818690
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>> No.15818720
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>that was the average American 25 year old American back in 1959
>pic related is the average 25 year old American in 2020

>> No.15818754


>> No.15818759

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.15818876

Those don't sound like cooking terms...

>> No.15818893
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I think even npcs in games have more dialogue branches than these retards. Must suck to have lower IQ than a skyrim merchant.

>> No.15819299
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My sides

>> No.15819334

I don't think there's actually a silent schizophrenic majority

>> No.15819341

What is wrong with matzos?

>> No.15819346

>being anywhere near as wackjob as a major religion

I want you to think very hard about this, anon. Poltards just scream online, Jews do genital mutilation.

>> No.15819378

Hey faggot it's supposed to be religious observance of your history not a fucking vacation. If eating plain cracker once a year is too much of a burden maybe stop pretending to be observant.