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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 580 KB, 1314x1077, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15783952 No.15783952 [Reply] [Original]

These eggs look okay, /ck/? Would you eat them?

>> No.15783962

Are they cold

>> No.15783970

Looks good to me. But you burnt the shit out of your toast.

>> No.15783976

looks good. i like to put a little bit of cheese in mine and i mix it well so you cant distinguish the yellow and the white... its more like an omelette, but scrambled. a not fully nuked like american scrambled eggy. it has to be a little bit runny

>> No.15783987

You're a little bitch, that's a deep golden brown, not burned at all you pansy ass.
Op your eggs look like they need a little salt and pepper.

>> No.15784021

How can you tell if they need salt?

>> No.15784033


>> No.15784035

No, eggs are bad for you. Also is that a glass of milk?

>> No.15784036

hahaha thats what i wanted to ask, too. maybe the motherfucker seasons his eggs AFTER cooking, and he is looking for salt crystals... and everyone seasoning the eggs AFTER cooking is a MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.15784054

You season at the very end as you're finishing the eggs. If you season beforehand, you get watery shit eggs. If you season after it's already finished, and plated, you get crunchy shit salt crystals. If you know how to cook at all, you'd already know all this.

>> No.15784056

whats wrong with your coffee?

>> No.15784066

adding salt to uncooked eggs turns the consistency to shit, lmao
how new are you? have you even turned on a stove before?

>> No.15784126

you fucking idiots... i have eaten scrambled eggs, omelettes, shakshukas, menemens, every egg dish you can and can not imagine for the last 10 years ALMOST EVERY DAY. Friends who visit me and my family always want to stay overnight, BECAUSE OF MY FUCKING EGGS IN THE MORNING.

Dont fuckin dare to tell me how to make eggs motherfuckers.

I make the fucking best eggs in the world, and you bastards can go to hell

>> No.15784133
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>> No.15784143

take your meds shizo

>> No.15784155


>> No.15784157

If you season your eggs beforehand, you not only aren't making the best eggs in the world, but you're also making shit eggs that fucking suck, and you're lying about your eggspertise. Not only have I eaten everything you just listed, and quite regularly because I'm also an egg lover, but I've cooked them all to perfection, and it all started with proper egg seasoning. I can crack four eggs at once, I can whip a meringue BY HAND, and what can you do, besides make shitty eggs that FUCKING SUCK

>> No.15784162

fuck you all. white people cant scramble eggs. scrambled eggs and dancing, its like a mystery to you fuckers

>> No.15784171

Are you the guy who made the shitty roast beef smell?

>> No.15784178

thats just hurtful, to be honest. i never felt so insulted in my life, and i cant prove you how wrong you are. if i could i would serve you eggs that would make you apologise. you will never stay overnight with my family, you pig.

>> No.15784180

laws and working, its like a mystery to you fuckers

>> No.15784191

>deep golden brown
It's called burnt faggot

>> No.15784193
File: 30 KB, 469x185, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you niggas a meme

>> No.15784210

what kind of internetpage is that?

>> No.15784219

I'd never want to eat your terrible eggs, or stay overnight with your coon family.

>> No.15784229

Lmao omg put me in the epic screencap XD
Faggot ass clown ass mark ass slack ass bitch made ass dick in the booty ky jelly packing ass.

>> No.15784236

get off the water, Ryder

>> No.15784260

Le I le understand le that le reference XD
The bacon narwhals at midnight, right, my fellow reddit gentlesir

>> No.15784261

Personally I would give them 20 more seconds. And some bacon. Nice touch with separated white and yellow parts though.

>> No.15784265

okay, how about get off the drugs and stop sperging out you fucking baboon

>> No.15784283

Okay, how about you hope off my dick, you aids riddled faggot?

>> No.15784298

white people dance like humans, and black people have the illusionthat jungle style jumping and flailing equals fine dancing

>> No.15784310
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>> No.15784319
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1614179684061.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called discord you dip

>> No.15784330
File: 14 KB, 450x300, a512cf692f0a9beeb833dbf693da35e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. keamy

>> No.15784347

Looks perfect to me.

>> No.15784376

>manbaby can't handle toast

>> No.15784415

its called toast for a reason u slow ?

>> No.15784458
File: 519 KB, 751x816, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you season beforehand, you get watery shit eggs.
I've never had this happen. I've also heard they'll turn gray if you salt them before cooking but that doesn't happen either, they just turn a slightly darker yellow.

The only time my eggs have ever been watery is when I tried mixing a bit of sour cream into them before cooking, I guess it curdles and the moisture gets squeezed out. But there's nothing wrong with salting them.

>> No.15784517

light roast

>> No.15784934
File: 236 KB, 672x936, chk-283-shizo-death-s-storehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15784953
File: 114 KB, 640x1138, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15784957

shizo OP, bring back uro

>> No.15784963

I’d eat them and then smash the plate in your fucking face.

>> No.15784978


No. I like eggs as an ingredient, but just eating eggs with some butter and salt or cheese is not my thing. I'll do it if there's nothing else, and yeah I kind of wish I was some kind of eggfag, but definitely am not one of these eggfags that happily eats eggs and has just hardboiled eggs in my refridgerator, and talks about eggs like they're delicious just as is or with some cum in them (deviled eggs). If I dated a girl and she ate eggs like that, frequently and with great pleasure, I would really want to choke her out, but I'd end up just dumping her for being disgusting.

>> No.15784981

>jerks off to Blacked porn
Fucking simp.

>> No.15785039

Delete this, Gordon says otherwise.

>> No.15785088

I can see a bit where the whites weren't incorporated well, but they look good all the same!
Good job friendo!

>> No.15785127

Yah sure

>> No.15785372
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>> No.15785527

DEBUNKED by the kenjicuck.

>> No.15785544

Ah, a heavy whipping cream chad like me

>> No.15785591

>mug of milk

>> No.15785833

Look pretty good, prefect toast on the bread for scrambled, I like my bread just barely toasted if I’m eating over easy eggs.

>> No.15785882

scrambled eggs on toast is the perfect dish
less than 5 minutes to make and delicious every time

>> No.15785909
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, coffee-stop-motion-001-1554835744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based A1 drinker

>> No.15785912

thats not the point lmao

>> No.15786034

>eggs are bad for you
what? no really, what?

>> No.15786094

nobody wants crunchy fucking eggs either.

>> No.15786226

It's called child grooming

>> No.15786253

Speak. For. Yourself.

>> No.15786289

(((they))) randomly alternate between claiming eggs are good for you and eggs are bad at you seemingly at random

>> No.15786312
File: 51 KB, 474x624, 1593476082607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is belgiums health minister, she claims eggs are bad for your health

>> No.15786490
File: 518 KB, 2048x1536, 48340453556_78aca7faf9_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15787996

get the fuck out with your unkempt kids

>> No.15788003

Looks good but if that's coffee that's some weak shit.
It wouldn't even be toast if it was less cooked you cuck

>> No.15788009
File: 67 KB, 960x639, 1614633188163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our health minister.

>> No.15788011

i dont eat eggs they give me the shits

>> No.15788014

Pure sóy post

>> No.15788015

looks perfect yeah

>> No.15788031

No they're not

>> No.15788492

Is this coffee thing a meme or is really that unusual to just drink milk

>> No.15788642

salt your eggs bitcho

>> No.15788816

I would pay 5 bucks for those.

>> No.15788885

Quality bait. Congrats on the (you)s.

>> No.15788887

Sure. If you add some pico de gallo

>> No.15788942

>If you season beforehand, you get watery shit egg
Old wives' tale. Salting the eggs prior to frying doesn't do anything. Maybe you might get separation if you're salting them and leaving overnight but the salt isn't going to draw out moisture in the 15 seconds it takes to mix in the salt and pour into a hot skillet.

>> No.15790027

I don't care how usual it is; it's fucking wrong

>> No.15790256

You allowed your toast to cool too much before putting butter on it in my opinion, but that's fine.

>> No.15790488

>to test, i put in the exact same amount of salt in each egg

>> No.15790993

This is the guy from yesterday with the overnight friends and a (happy) family. so not you. i am writing the last time on this bulletin board or whatever it is. you assholes with your discords or whatever where they quote me. your false beliefs have been debunked by that fine gentleman with his egg-screenshot. (someone said something about that kenji alternative lopez guy that often experiments with food, so i guess i have him to thank, too). and of course you have been debunked BY MY FUCKING YEARS OF EGG-EXPERTISE, YOU ASSHOLES. IF SEASONING WOULD MAKE EGGS WATERY, THEN I WOULD HAVE RECOGNISED THAT YEARS AGO!!!

What other myths from your old, senile grandmothers do you believe about food? Eggs have high colesterol, maybe? Raw carrots are more nutritious than cooked ones? Dont reheat rice?

You are officially not allowed to ever eat at my table, and the genteman with the screenshot: Tomorrow I (again) will make perfect scrambeld eggs for my family and i dedicate that meal to you, good sir.

The Salt-Crystal-Motherfuckers can lick my (high colerestol) eggs, as we germans say.

>> No.15791037
File: 235 KB, 181x179, cat dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you are really retarded

>> No.15791051

20 more seconds is nuked, you asshat. american scrambled eggs heheh

>> No.15791059

yuck, what kind of color is that? thats not how scrambled eggs should look. that looks grey to me, so you must have added something like milk or cream to it and that is a sin. if i would serve this no friend would stay overnight with me and my family for my scrambled eggs. shame on you

>> No.15791171

>seemingly at random

It depends on how many egg futures they've recently purchased or sold.

>> No.15791550

ahahahaha fucking kek!

>> No.15791578

I like scrambled eggs thoroughly mixed, cooked hot in a small amount of oil-- they scream instantly in the pan, pulled into large curds, very fast-- like 15 seconds, no browning.

>> No.15791903


>> No.15792612

yeah he should've done a batch with no salt at all, but still said the eggs that sat with salt for longer actually came out better so i don't think it matters. salt usually enhances the texture and moisture of proteins which is why a lot of people brine their meat, so i'm not sure why it should be any different with eggs.