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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 300 KB, 1080x1620, instant-pot-chili-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15755831 No.15755831 [Reply] [Original]

Rocky mountain bros, what are you cooking for the snowpocalypse? I am simmering a pot of chili.

>> No.15755855


that's not a picture of chili. chili doesn't have beans in it. that's just spicy stew.

>> No.15755875

Imagine being this wrong and homosexual.

>> No.15755932

He's right. Original chili contains no beans, you beaner.

>> No.15755953

Original hot chocolate contained human blood, what's your point

>> No.15755956

Chili without beans is just a meat stew.

>> No.15755962

Imagine being a beancel in 2021

>> No.15755963

Chili doesn't contain beans.

>> No.15755967
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>> No.15755968

Chili contains beans

>> No.15755977

I'm pro bean.

>> No.15755978

Snowed hard here for an hour and stopped. 'Historical snow storm' my ass. The media needs to be gassed.

>> No.15755980
File: 178 KB, 1024x682, 23EE33FC-B0EE-47BD-8927-D4F83EF4C0B6-1024x682[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do my green chile stew with potatoes

>> No.15755990

Damn, that looks good. I only ever have green chili on omelets.

>> No.15755996

awh shit que paso 505 anon

>> No.15756003

The major front won't hit until midnight.

>> No.15756011

that looks fucking good ngl

>> No.15756026

ham and bean soup has been going for a couple of hours. going to make some cornbread from scratch in a bit.

>> No.15756171

Fuck yeah another simple comfy meal, I don't get why beancels hate beans so much.

>> No.15756209

575 > 505

>> No.15756257


>> No.15756309

Actually he was correct

>> No.15756341

This my area was expecting 3-4 feet of snow and got a couple inches and it stopped. Nothingburger that got people into a panic as per usual from the kike medi.

>> No.15756382

lmao imagine chilli without beans.

>> No.15756398
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Only women and low test betas don't like beans.

>> No.15756405

It's spring

>> No.15756412

It's winter for another week faggot, and spring in the Rockies just means winter until May.

>> No.15756414

Sounds fake it's sunny and warm where I am.

>> No.15756421

Yeah it's been pretty fake and gay so far, but Calornia apparently got 2 feet of snow yesterday.

>> No.15756531

Rocky Mountain Oysters, naturally.

>> No.15756583


>> No.15756606

Are you also a descendant of the St. Patricks's battalion?

>> No.15756624


Correction: Competition chili doesn't have beans in it. The picture is not of competition chili.

>> No.15756625
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Fuck8ng potati niggers.

>> No.15756633

>competition chili

>> No.15756679

When I lived in Alaska there was this Alaska reality show on the history channel and they wanted to do a chili competition at the bar I went to. This guy from Texas spent days smoking keat and preparing his chili. They did a taste test and declared him the winner, then the actors dumped canned chili into a pot and they turned on the cameras and declared an actor the winner. He was devastated, but they said the drinks were free up to two. I probably drank 20 beers and half as many shots on their tab and nearly beat the shit out of one of the actors.

It was really good texas chili and he was adamant that chili doesn't have beans, but I like beans in my chili

>> No.15756690

Show me the rule where you can't add beans to chili for competition (which competition?)
I do doubt you would win if you did though, I just want to see the rule.

>> No.15756696

Texas chili doesn't have beans.

>> No.15756701

No you aren't

>> No.15756712

Show me the rule.

>> No.15756713

Chili is a stew named after it's main flavor ingredient... a chili pepper. God you faggots are retarded.

>> No.15756717

Sunny and warm in the leaf Rockies

>> No.15756718
File: 717 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210124-133134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, section A subheading 2

>> No.15756729

The best chili I have was in a ghost town in wyoming called Chugwater Chili

>> No.15756732

That's shitty of them. Good for you for getting drunk on their tab, fuck actors.

>> No.15756744

I also did everything that I could to fuck up their shoot when it became clear it was bullshit, lots of locals thought it was a legit contest.

>> No.15756805


Thanks to whoever posted the rule. Of course, each competition generally has its own rules, but if in Texas, beans and other fillers aren't permitted.

In real competition chili, they cut everything up as fine as possible. They want to have an identical blend of flavor with every spoonful of chili.

Except when preparing for a chili competition, almost nobody in Texas would even consider making competition chili at home. They might follow the recipe regarding the ingredients and amount of each ingredient, but the preparation at home isn't going to make something akin to a soup like in competition chili.

>> No.15756819

Imagine being this autistic about fucking chili, it's supposed to be a cheap and easy food.

>> No.15756835
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>section A subheading 2

>> No.15756841

this is the cringiest thing ive ever read. why are texans like this?

>> No.15756842

Chili was invented on cattle drives using the leftover and worst cuts of meat and definitely had beans in it.

>> No.15756858


This happened several years ago:

I was in the press box at a race track years ago in preparation for a major race. On Saturday, they had a chili cookoff in the infield.

After the judges collected the samples, they brought it up to the press box to do the judging. Each judge would have a box of plastic spoons and would use a fresh plastic spoon for each bite. In the process, they didn't take more than a tiny taste of each chili, so there was plenty left over.

After they had left, I saw a friend of mine who also worked in the press box with all the chili samples. He was tasting each chili and arranging the samples he had tasted into three groups.

I asked him what the groups were for. He said that the first group was chili he was going to take home and save for his own consumption, the second group was chili he was taking home to feed to his dog, and the third group was chili that was not worth taking home.

>> No.15756878

Nice shaggy dog story. Where's the punchline?

>> No.15756889

I have eaten so many homemade chilis and more often than not they are boring and flavorless and other times they try to be hotsauce pain. A good chili is a good combination of flavors and spices beans or no beans.

>> No.15756890

You asked about the rules you retard

>> No.15756911

This happens everytime a committee is assambled to regulate anything. Nobody agrees and have to make stupid concessions

>> No.15756929


That a significant number of chili competitors in a chili competition made chili that was not fit for man or beast.

>> No.15756936

You forget that the people that would even volunteer to be on such a committee are miserable fucking losers looking for validation and power.

>> No.15756949

Like jannies?

>> No.15756950

>I have eaten so many homemade chilis and more often than not they are boring and flavorless and other times they try to be hotsauce pain. A good chili is a good combination of flavors and spices beans or no beans.

I'm in complete agreement.

One time I had some bratwurst that was getting old so I chopped it up and used that for the meat in a chili. You wouldn't have wanted to eat that chili. It was edible, but didn't taste like chili should taste.

>> No.15756966

I've had the same thing happen experimenting with using ground italian sausage. I stick with chuck now.

>> No.15756990

Stagg 'dynamite hot' chili is unironically perfect, I wish I could replicate it at home without the preservatives.

>> No.15757024

Do crushed tomatos belong in chili?
I say yes.

>> No.15757031
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210313_200635925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some steamed ''''''''''crab'''''''''' dumplings with stuff that was sitting around the house. We were planning to freeze any leftovers, but we ended up eating all 45 in a sitting.

The rest of the snowy weekend will probably be spent eating the stockpile of $1.99 1500 calorie frozen pizzas that hasn't been touched since the beginning of last year.

>> No.15757036
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190702_220607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yall chili niggers i make mine from leftover bolognese i just throw beans and chili in

>> No.15757057

Chicken noodle soup or beef stew is more hearty and comfy.

>> No.15757073


Chili (with beans) > Beef stew > Chicken noodle soup on the heartiness scale. Not debatable.

>> No.15757078

I don't care what it's called I'm still putting beans in.

>> No.15757085


>> No.15757107

>Texans: haha only poor mexicans put beans in chili
>twirls mustache
>*tips 10 gallon Stetson*

>rest of the world
>Why do texans hate beans in chili?

>> No.15757137

>Snows in Texas
>power outages
>thousands die

>Snows in the Rocky Mountain states
>people make chili (with beans)
>get comfy

Lol Texass.

>> No.15757162

Montana reporting in, we didn't get shit, looks like Nebraska cattle are going to drown again though

>> No.15757191

I quit making chili a few years ago when I found something better.

1 large onion, coarsly chopped
2 medium tomatoes, coarsly chopped
4 serrano peppers, finely chopped (w/seeds)
1 cup cilantro, finely chopped
2 cups "Clamato" juice
2 large cans Bush's pinto beans
6 strips of bacon
1 Tbs oil (or lard)

Cook onion in hot oil (lard) until just getting soft. Add bacon.
When bacon just starts to brown, add beans and all remaining ingredients.
Bring to boil and simmer 45 minutes.

Best damned beans I've ever eaten. I'd rather eat this than chili.

>> No.15757225

>weaker sex hates being Dutch oven'd
I quit doing that to me wife because she holds a grudge now that the thrill is gone.

>> No.15757253

My gf is a fucking furnace with icy cold hands and always wraps around me. I gave her a bloody nose in my sleep the other night when she laid those icecubes on me.

>> No.15757267

Now THAT’S my kind of sloppa

>> No.15757285
File: 1.39 MB, 1944x2592, DSC00356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i play with you guys?

>> No.15757288

kek, been there.

>> No.15757294


>> No.15757305

Crazy bitch bled on my face until it went up my nose and woke me up.

>> No.15757309
File: 488 KB, 2048x1538, DSC00812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i add beanz tot mine, anon, that's just base ragu

>> No.15757316

Garlic is too big, but you can hang.

>> No.15757380

When you are chopping up the veggies put the flat side of your knife on top of the garlic clove and palm strike it. Easy peasy minced garlic and all of the flavor will dissolve into the stew/soup/chili, also make getting rid of the dead layers easier and faster to remove.

>> No.15757411

>a major storm attacking the Rockies from the south east
Has this ever happened? They always come from the north west

>> No.15757439

High pressure freeze from arctic Canada fighting with low pressure rain coming from the gulf of Mexico to do battle with each other in the Rockies, it happened in 1979

>> No.15757465

>beef prices are still fucked from Nebraska losing 10 million head of cattle from last years flooding and freeze
>Nebraska is getting rain dumped on them followed by a big freeze
>Colorado and Wyoming could get up to 4 feet of snow
RIP Beef bros.

>> No.15757488

That was '76 and started the environmentalist alarmist to start chirping about the next Ice Age. Even though we are just coming out of a real one.

>> No.15757529

In my short life time it went from ice age > ozone layer >global warming and now climate change

>> No.15757562

>That was '76 and started the environmentalist alarmist to start chirping about the next Ice Age. Even though we are just coming out of a real one.

Somewhat true, but all of it.

The current interglacial period, the Holocene, is something like 12,000 years old. That's not much younger than the previous interglacial period, the Eemian when it ended.

In other words, in this ice age that has lasted about 2.6 million years, we could slip back into another glaciation at any time.

>> No.15757593
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already do that but thanks. also mostly use the crusher nowadays. do you like garlic as much as i do?

>> No.15757614

>are you eating fast food contained by styrofoam
>Are you refridgerating food? It's destroying the ozone layer
>Are you using more than a single piece of toilet paper to wipe your ass? Trees are dying for this
>Polar bears will be extinct in 10 years and coastal cities will be underwater in 10 years unless you stop driving vehicles!
>What do you mean you haven't transitioned into the ipposite gender? Racist bigot mysoginist homophobe!

>> No.15757629

Yeah Napoleon lost his Army from marching into Russia during the mini-ice age.

>> No.15757814

Getting golf ball sized hail while it's snowing right now, wind is also picking up. North of Cheyenne. All of the soft heavy snow early in the day turned to slush and now ice.

>> No.15757880
File: 3.16 MB, 4656x2218, 20210218_215455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you guys do business

>> No.15757888

>Yeah Napoleon lost his Army from marching into Russia during the mini-ice age.

And the Little Ice Age was a very minor cool period. Imagine what it will be like when the Holocene ends and we have more than 100,000 years of glaciation.

Early in the Holocene was a period called The Younger Dryas. If I remember correctly, it is thought that the cool down of an average of about 10 degrees occurred in as little as ten years. And it kept up for about a thousand years.

>> No.15757892

Yessir Garlic is God's gift to man to prove that he loves him.

>> No.15757897

That's why vampires avoid it.

>> No.15757917

Bane of Nancy Pelosi

>> No.15757924
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thx those are both me and also >>15757036 is one of my ragus

based. i love the thai chili marinated garlic cloves they sell in the delicacy counters here

>> No.15758017

I want green or red chili, so hungry.

>> No.15758095

That's literally just chili retard.

>> No.15758113
File: 149 KB, 1011x1024, 1614664403276m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made green chili (still cooking)
And home made vanilla pudding.
Seriously debating on making cookies for my sleeping fiance before her morning shift.
>Hope you guys are cozy.

>> No.15758132

Im getting retard levels of drunk, my body will snap me out of it before I die if the power goes out. Mountain Rangers don't die to exposure to the elements.

>> No.15758151

I may force it upon a little girl. Technically not blood. I got some ecchi and hentai to help groom. I got many cans of beans so I want to hear and smell her toot all night while I am the big spoon.

>> No.15758173

Based, if I go cannibal you will be a tasty morsel

>> No.15758206
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Where y'all at and how's teh snow so far?
Coloradofag here, Aurora, just trudged home from the bus and about to make some fish filet and chili cheese fries with pic related and it will warm my butthole tomorrow the way it warms my heart tonight.

>> No.15758219

Cheyenne, maybe 3 inches at most.

>> No.15758228
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20210313_235950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I over-tomato'd the chili

>> No.15758329

What's the difference between chili and chili con carne?

>> No.15758332

Chili con carne has carne.

>> No.15758565

I need this

>> No.15758567

how do i make chilli?

>> No.15758619

this looks good, gonna look into it, thanks for sharing this anon

>> No.15758722

>6 am Sunday morning
>2 inches of snow
HAHAHAHAH I hate the media.

>> No.15758744
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The same thing I cook at work every day!

Thats right! Come get your SUNDAY BREAKFAST cuz My chef refuses to close!

I know at least ONE PERSON must want their eggy brekky in the TUNDRA!! Worth opening the whole restaraunt and paying gas, electric, and payroll for as long as I can get mad about service.jpeg.
Oh chefry. Never change.

>> No.15758748


Should state there is 1.5+ feet on the ground here in Foco. Something *actually* worth closing over consider we're open from 7-2 lol

>> No.15758799

>2 inches of snow
I can't remember such blue balls

>> No.15758832

>have a dream I’m in a restaurant
>waiter serves me a plate of mush
“Your sloppa sir”

Fuck you /ck/

>> No.15758981
File: 129 KB, 1500x1500, Organic-Red-Kidney-Beans-1500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilli contains beans.


>> No.15759379

That's how my mom made chili. Your pic is giving me comfy home vibes

>> No.15759399

>ground meat
Ain’t chili.

>> No.15759748

"Chili" by default is actually "chili con frijoles con carne." Deal with it you pedantic fags; Texans mad, vegans mad.
Spectacular post.

>> No.15759822

I made a big pot of beef stew on wednesday when the cold front came in, and just finished it off last night. This morning I made huevos rancheros, and for dinner I will have spaghetti with meat sauce.

>> No.15760084

if a warm, soft, comfy blanket was food, this would be it

>> No.15760098

>you're having more than one baby?! you're committing environmental terrorism and genocide to non-whites

>> No.15760469
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x1800, 20210312_194508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Colorado Springs, and so far the snowpocalypse has been underwhelming at best. I do live at 6800 ft.; however, so I have almost a foot at my house. I made a pot roast for the snowpocalypse, and I am going to make some chicken and waffles later.

>> No.15760635

We got maybe 8 inches of snow, but the wind is supposed to pick up and it will drift. But nothing that Wyoming isn't used to. I don't know what to cook, probably will just drink beer all day and txt girls looking for a booty call.

>> No.15761085

We're about 18 inches right now, it's like trying to drive in mud.

>> No.15761528

Fucking 505, nice!

Los Lunas reporting in.

>> No.15761596

I don't know either. Home made ham and bean soup is like a time machine to my youth. I make it better than my mom. We got about 14 inches here so far, not going anywhere for a few days and we have a ton of comfy food.

>> No.15761679


>> No.15761768

extremely based

>> No.15761803

>That's literally just chili retard.

No. The closest would be something like "chili sin que carne".

>> No.15761990
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Littleton bro here. Rouladen

>> No.15762150
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1536, 20210314_175322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 3 inches of snow on my picnic table this morning too (West Metro). What you got now (6pm)?
I made "ground beef Wellingtons" last night, don't know what I'll make tonight, I'm beat from shovelling snow so probably something easy.

>> No.15762234

About the same as your pic, shit is really wet and heavy.

>> No.15762369

Cool dog.
>there is something spectacular up there on that counter, it will be mine if I just bide my time
Yeah it fucking sucks to shovel. Oh well I got a good path done so I can move more of the white bullshit tommarow. I'm sure by Thursday it will all be gone too.

>> No.15762400

It's gonna rain tomorrow then freeze at night. It's gonna be a skating rink for a week.