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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20210303_121445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15733341 No.15733341 [Reply] [Original]

post steak
rate steak
enjoy steak
argue about steak
heres my steak

>> No.15733345

Wtf that shit is burnt to hell
Have you tried cooking it not charring it?

>> No.15733346

steak looks good but kinda dry, could use a poivre sauce
carrots look good
taters look underseasoned

>> No.15733349
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what the fuck is it with this board and awful steaks...5 minutes a side! Rest it! Done! This is simply disgusting!

>> No.15733360

it was too cold to grill so i made it in a pan on the stove. it got charred a bit but it was probably because i put too much mrs dash on it
i agree completely

>> No.15733422
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Where I am from, we call this a Fordey Special.

>> No.15733449
File: 278 KB, 706x412, 1587076206784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell am i looking at and why the fuck is the bacon raw

>> No.15733488

Two sirloin steaks, two mushrooms, two fried eggs, bacon. Bacon isnt raw, no need to incinerate it.

>> No.15733506

Boiled steak, yum! Definitely British cuisine at its finest

>> No.15733510

look alright, but is that milk in the upper right hand corner? steak with milk anon?

>> No.15733523

Boiled? Its grilled and has butter on. Do you burn your food?

>> No.15733525

its salt dumdum

>> No.15733530
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, A2BE3E30-B88F-43CF-8D9F-CB93C499F1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do those look boiled too?

>> No.15733532

anon seems really insecure about his boiled steaks

>> No.15733533

That's a lot of salt anon. I'm worried about you. Do you eat this much salt at every meal?

>> No.15733537

its the salt shaker that always sits on the table next to the pepper shaker. i dont know why you would think that i use all that salt in one serving.

>> No.15733547

Only because it appears to be in a drinking glass, and sitting near your left hand, the usual position where a person keeps their beverage at meal time. It's ok if you have a problem anon. I'm a trained addiction specialist. Open up. Who hurt you?

>> No.15733549

You do need to actually cook the bacon though

>> No.15733554
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jesus christ.

>> No.15733565

That steak has zero sear. It looks like every other steak you angloid subhumans post - boot leather

>> No.15733577

Why did you sneeze on your boiled steaks?

>> No.15733604

This board is disgusting

>> No.15733644
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Not at all, im simply incredulous that you dont see good food. Should i was my meat before cook it then cover it in hit sauce in the American style? This one seared enough?

>> No.15733660
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How about my roast beef?

>> No.15733700

All that stuff sounds amazing if it was cooked properly

>> No.15733714

im gonna throw up

>> No.15733722

every meal is this thread is a solid 7

>> No.15733731
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>> No.15733753

make sure to swallow it so you don't lose those precious vegan calories. his dish looked good.

>> No.15733783

out of 100, sure.

>> No.15734018

Listen bong, the interior looks fine. What you need to figure out is getting a nice sear. Do it in a pan instead of your grill. Grilling steaks is inferior to doing it in a pan precisely because you won’t get a good sear unless you are great at grilling which you aren’t.

>> No.15734141

no sear at all, you should learn to cook a steak anon.

>> No.15734146

Did you salt the steak water when boiled them, Nigel?

>> No.15734188

I fucking hate foodies.
Oxtail and flank steak are premium prices compared to decades ago when they were unwanted and cheap as fuck.

>> No.15734268

If i cook it long enough to sear it tyen it would he cooked through, They are only 8oz steaks

>> No.15734277
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 2C317203-6BB1-4938-B146-55096B5F7E64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bacon done enough for you faggots?

>> No.15734322
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>> No.15734325

Why the hell is this board unable to sear a steak properly? It's not hard at all.

>> No.15734462

>sear a steak 3/4” thick
>and its well done

>> No.15734611
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>> No.15734620

Sear looks very good. Way too much fucking butter on those potatoes. The carrots are not worthy of mentioning.

>> No.15734628

I'd eat bacon raw, so yeah its done enough for me. Whatever the fuck you are eating looks bland as fuck though.

>> No.15734629

hotter pan dude please get it together

>> No.15734634
File: 1.03 MB, 2841x1894, DSCF8080 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dinner 4 days ago, med rare

>> No.15734640

fuck yeah dude, right on.

>> No.15734643

Anon, that's the upper left hand corner.

>> No.15734649

that steak looks delicious op. don't let these faggot women tell you your char = burnt. Its just a nice crust that's holding in those YUMMY steak juices.

>> No.15734650

Protip my dude use the indoor no smoke method for the steak. Take a half stick of butter drop it in a cold cast iron pan on the stove. Season the steak and drop it in with the butter. No need to preheat. Put the heat at directly medium and just flip every 7 minutes or so. Use a thermometer. Boom perfect crust and no overcooking.

>> No.15734653


>> No.15734657

name a better way to cook steak? don't tell me you sear it for a minute on each side and stick it in the oven with a bunch of garlic and herbs like a FAGGOT

>> No.15734659

post pics

>> No.15734941

You find bacon is bland?
Wow fuck thats burned
I grill my steak

>> No.15734954

your boiled steaks are cringe at best

>> No.15735139

Your grill is not hot enough then dumbfuck. It’s clearly not working for you.

You want to get thin steaks cold in your fridge then right on a hot pan to keep the inside from cooking through. Might take some experimenting with times but that’s what I’d do.

>> No.15735381
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>> No.15735382

>It’s clearly not working for you.
Its brown on the outside and red in the middle with crispy fat, exactly what i was aiming.
Its working great.

>> No.15735432

this is the person who will tell you that electric stoves are superior

>> No.15735446

rethink your life
stop grilling
learn to cook

>> No.15735451
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>> No.15735484

could somebody give me a guide on how to cook steak? about to go to the store and get some for din but it seems like i always fuck it up and burn it and/or undercook it. i have a cast iron skillet with an electric stove that i cook on

>> No.15735577
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I can cook. Check out my classic British dishes of chicken saag, paneer and peas, seekh kebabs, chicken korma and Bombay potato on a naan bread. I cook my steak how I like it. I could cook it in a pan and sear it, but I don't want to, and it seeks to trigger a bunch of autist burgers.
Its not like its well done with ketchup on.

>> No.15735613
File: 683 KB, 2048x1536, FC006E2D-A962-4838-B1D0-7BD8C7838372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I do have boiled steak i do sear it first though. Yes its a shit pan my decent ones were probably filled with curry. You can see the steaks im boiling are seared, and im deglazing the pan. I am a pretty decent cook.

>> No.15735704
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>I am a pretty decent cook

I mean so long as you enjoy eating your food thats all that matters but would you ever serve that shit to someone? Probably, since you seem to lack self awareness.

>> No.15735708

Nice thumb you fucking piece of shit

>> No.15735711

What cuts do you guys like and at what price?

>> No.15735714


>> No.15735715
File: 180 KB, 808x850, buffalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buffalo filet mignon

it was decent, but plating this shit on top of the spinach was a mistake, the spinach basically just absorbed my goddamn pan sauce

>> No.15735718

i thought the bongs can't cook was a meme but clearly not lmfao

>> No.15735727

How much different is it from beef?

>> No.15735742

To be honest, on the filet mignon side, it's very similar. It seems to have less fat, which is both a blessing and a curse - I like it nice and lean, but (at least in my experience) you have to baby it a hair more. In terms of taste, I barely discern any difference whatsoever.

I actually prefer it. It also tends to go on mega-sale in my grocery store because few people touch it, so I can regularly get one cut (maybe .5lbs?) for about $5.

>> No.15736514

It’ll be that brown if you boil it too. Good job bongistani, you never cease to disappoint. Gott strafe England.

Get a good thermometer. I like the thermoworks brand. Get a NY strip and then cut the back strip of fat. Chop of the fat into little cubes and toss into a cast iron pan at medium heat. Let the fat render down into oil. This will be your cooking oil. Once rendered, put that on high until it’s about to smoke then drop the 1.5-2” thick steak in. Two minutes then flip and then another two minutes. After that drop a knob of butter in and tilt your pan over and get a spoon to baste the steak. Just keep spooning the butter / juice mixture over the steak for another two minutes then flip and do it again for another two. Check your interior temperature at the thickest point for desired doneness. 145 is med rare but if you take it out at 140 and onto a cutting board it will hit 145 shortly after. Let your steak rest for 10 minutes and then enjoy with a bottle of red.

>> No.15736524


>> No.15736562

He’s mentioned multiple times that he “”””grills”””” them. We already nailed that he’s a bong and I’d venture a guess he’s also a boomer so it’s just layers of idiocy making themselves into one giant idiot lasagna.

>> No.15736580

I wouldn’t feed that slop to my dog

>> No.15736646

im gonna fucking hurl

>> No.15737078

Speaking as a bong, even by bong standards, this person is awful. And also possibly a Millwall supporter, which is the English Football way of saying they're a thug, a boil on the arse of society and an insufferable cunt, all rolled into one.

In short, fuck that guy and don't blame his incredible awfulness on being a bong; that's like saying the problem with an inbred backwood rapist brother-uncle-cousin that masturbates using a live fish is that they're an American.

>> No.15737102

how do you fuck up 4 for 4? overcooked mushrooms and eggs, raw bacon, alien pussy looking steak. is this bait?

>> No.15737107

I don’t hate all bongs fren, but the stereotype is true. Love me some patriotic alternative. You could call most Americans retarded illiterate nigger lovers, that’s fine. It’s true but I know I don’t fit in that category.

>> No.15737120

He’s been sperging ITT. Keep reading.

>> No.15737130

I'm glad you survived your small kitchen fire, anon. Too bad about the steak.

>> No.15737145

Stfu nigger. You need two arms to post

>> No.15737171
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>> No.15737242

definitely better than op but still needs some work.

>> No.15737257

By the burnt bits and inconsistent sear, the meat curled up a bit and you never pressed it down so that the whole steak was making contact with the surface. Edible but you could use some work still

>> No.15737320

looking good anon

>> No.15737695

Salad and steak look on point! Grill?

>> No.15737745

thank you, and unfortunately its too cold for that. cast iron pan on an electric stove for now.

>> No.15737774

Cast iron pan, preheat on the stove on high for 10 minutes. Toss out all your 'nonstick' bullshit.

>> No.15737783

You’re the only one who grills his boiled steak, bong

>> No.15737789

not him. my comfy steak made the bong seethe see >>15734941

>> No.15737804

>When I do have boiled steak
The truth comes out

>Yes its a shit pan
Use cast iron, moron. Those teflon pans are toxic and pointless.

>> No.15737823

In British English, "grill" means "broil". He's been cooking them in the oven so of course there is no sear.

>> No.15737859

LMAO. I would think a broiler on high would accidentally put a bit of a sear on it. His look baked at 350.

>> No.15737949

I can’t believe anon called him out for boiled steak and it actually turned out to be true. Then he takes proud pictures lmfao

>> No.15737986

3 minutes a side, faggot

>> No.15738224

depends on how many BTUs your unit is.

>> No.15738666

Uh huh. And what does it look like before you've eaten it?

>> No.15738704

Jesus christ, did you pour fucking Velveeta on a steak? Or did you buy it from a hobo with a yeast infection that was using it as a maxi pad?

>> No.15738705

looks delicious op <3

>> No.15738727

>cooking a steak by time
You're both retarded. Cook it until it's done to your liking (which shouldn't be over over medium-rare).

>> No.15738734
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Ye olde kettle steak

>> No.15738744

Was this steak "grilled" in a microwave?

>> No.15738749
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Now we're talking

>> No.15738753

this is what happens to men growing up without mothers.

>> No.15738784
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Ribeye cap with chimichurri

>> No.15738787
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>> No.15738811

good shit.

>> No.15740194

Amazing thread

>> No.15740367
File: 84 KB, 746x461, C33125E8-52E5-422D-9043-7DCFD79E48BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry this is something you feel is special anon, I hope you get to enjoy a real steak one day.

>> No.15740372

Fuck cast iron I have carbon steel
The grill is separate from the oven
Right, its stewing steak. You stew it.
Thats mustard you retard
Amazing the amount of butthurt septics that i didn't burn my meat.

>> No.15740377
File: 3.29 MB, 365x498, C6F8D911-54CC-47A1-B893-0F6B7D1C10BE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that looks like three different samples of stool on a plate.

>> No.15740520

Please post more pics of your cooking anon

>> No.15740609
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1440, steik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green stuff off camera

>> No.15740619

That’s a good steak. Take notes bong

>> No.15740631

Share procedure

>> No.15740641

Sous vide.

>> No.15740646

And seared on cast iron

>> No.15740670

That’s what I figured. What do you set it at and how long do you sear?

>> No.15740679
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20200926_023854608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this a few months back I think. Tasted fantastic; sorry about the accompaniments, I was trying something out and it didn't look as good as I thought it would

>> No.15740688

i once peed my pants from too much water and on that day I swore it would never happen again

>> No.15740712

I think I did this one at 58c (136.4 f) for a bit over 2 hours. Seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder. About 30 seconds each side in cast iron after patting them dry with a towel.

Basically replicating what I have seen on youtube. I am no great chef so this method gives me the best results.

>> No.15740719

You did great anon. Dry cast iron when they went in? Or did you have oil in there

>> No.15740725

That looks beautiful. Nice wooden table too. Thats gotta be one of the juiciest roasts Ive ver seen whats your secret anon?

>> No.15740726

A tiny amount of good quality canola oil.

>> No.15740741

The temperature of that steak looks perfect. The gradual perfect pink interior with no sear is a good steak. You can't get that kind of perfect center if you sear

>> No.15740755

well the steak does look good

>> No.15740757
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20201219_173940~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another one of my sous vide meats. Picture taken while slicing for serving. Not really a steak cut, but with sous vide it was tender. The meat is moose.

>> No.15740762

Damn. Looks comfy.
Anon I...
This man knows how to live life

>> No.15740766

>with no sear
There’s no need to samefag bong. Even though the temp is right it’ll be way drier than if it had a sear

>> No.15740771

Damn moose meat looks very lean. You could make some half inch slits and slide in some beef tallow slices to give it some better juiciness

>> No.15740773

How did you achieve this? Sous vide?

>> No.15740790

Moose meat is very lean. With sous vide I find no reason to try to add fat to meats. Just treat lean meat like you treat filet mignon. By not overcooking it, it stays soft and flavorful. Moose itself has a stronger flavor than beef. I would not want to mask or dilute it.

>> No.15740800

Another thing that is very important is to let the meat rest.

>> No.15741149


details in the followup replies

>> No.15741160

why the crack rocks tho?

>> No.15741199

Just a sprinkle of bath salt for the buzzz ;)

>> No.15741214

Steak á La Floridaman

>> No.15741820

Yeah I didn’t mean to insult your food, it looks good. I’m just saying with cheaper leaner beef cuts that’s what I do to mimic more expensive cuts with more intramuscular fat.

>> No.15742323

And that is somehow an improvement in your eyes isn't it.

>> No.15742605
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210215_010707384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best steak I've gotten a picture of, set all the smoke alarms off and covered my stove in splatter, just as god intended.

>> No.15742620

That is impressively, almost creepily uniform, good job tho.

>> No.15742627

I did not take it as insulting. I just wanted to explain my experience with moose meat.

>> No.15742631


>> No.15742633

That is purely because of me using sous vide. No grey overcooked band when you sear it super hot and fast.

>> No.15742634
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>> No.15742636

that gray border is appalling

>> No.15742660
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Decent steak! Garnish mehhh

>> No.15742664

that sear and cook looks decent

what did you put in your risotto

>> No.15742674

Just garlic and parmesan, it's the first time I ever made it

>> No.15742751
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1440, moose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ẗhis is another piece of moose, this time the muscle fibers were a bit bigger, likely a muscle that does more work

i am no food photographer obviously and I kind of drenched the plate in red wine sauce because I fucking love red wine sauce

>> No.15742753
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x2268, 20210216_184450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.9lb boneless ribeye

>> No.15742763

looks like a good cook on that meat

>> No.15742824

Remember to flip the steak on its side to get direct heat on the fat cap

not saying you didnt, just cant tell from the photo

>> No.15742971
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x2268, 20210216_184329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

Funnily enough this one actually had an extra bit of meat over the fat cap, but I tried my best

>> No.15743000
File: 1.36 MB, 1908x2493, 20210311_135001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tri Tip
Honey Chili Corn
Hasselback Potatoes

>> No.15743286

very nice. looks delicious if a bit too rich. could use some fresh greens but would still devour.

>> No.15743316 [DELETED] 

Do teabags literally contain dust and twigs swept from the floor? How can there be enough dust if most people drink teabag tea?

>> No.15743322

looks good to me op, would eat

>> No.15743381

Nice sear faggot

>> No.15743417
File: 1.39 MB, 2576x1932, 20210311_175443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dinner. Four eggs, peppered, and I just sliced, salted and quickly fried a petite sirloin.

>> No.15743425


>> No.15743447
File: 24 KB, 586x439, 1557079619930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god anon

>> No.15743449
File: 1.23 MB, 2576x1932, 20210311_180209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand your post.
Yeah, it is pretty good.

>> No.15743471

man, what I wouldn't give for a good ribeye. being poor fucking sucks

>> No.15743482

Just don't eat lunch and you can get a ribeye for dinner. Simple.

>> No.15743490
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>Just don't eat lunch
but I already don't

>> No.15743493

Okay, just beg someone on the street for $20 or something.

>> No.15743622

Boiled steak anon is back. Welcome fren we missed you.

>> No.15743628

Go into a supermarket and tell em you’re poor and that you’d like a ribeye. I would be surprised if they don’t mark one down for you.

>> No.15743672

I just bought two ribeyes for $10... know where to look

>> No.15743727 [DELETED] 

Looks absolutely terrible. You all fuckinf suck at cooking. Owned.

>> No.15743733

Is that you bong? You sperging out again?

>> No.15743778
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x2268, 20210105_171933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't remember what cut of beef this was, but it was absolutely delicious. I let the steak rest for 10 minutes after cooking, and it still released this amount of juice when being cut

>> No.15743781

Very nice.

>> No.15743906

thanks fren

>> No.15746007

That is dinner? Jesus how big are you

>> No.15746104

>rest it
no, I am cutting into it immediately with knife and fork, and eating it while it's still warm. Not going to wait for it to get cold for some water balance meme to happen

>> No.15746105

where do i look?

>> No.15746112
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20210110_203701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sous vide'd a bison ribeye.

Was sweeter than beer and fattier but still pretty good. Beef is better tho

>> No.15746115

shut the f*ck up, stop letting your meat get cold before you eat it

>> No.15746119


He said rest it, not stick it in the freezer. How the fuck long are you waiting that it's getting cold?

>> No.15746135

5 minutes is too long, 10 minutes would be insane, I start eating it within 30 seconds of it coming off the heat

>> No.15746144

You take a steak out of the pan and 5 mins later it's cold? Adjust the temperature on your thermostat before you freeze your pipes.

>> No.15746400

Like fuck if I'd do that for some idiot who can't be assed to spend like 12 dollars on a steak.

>> No.15746619

nice meme boi

>> No.15747345
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>> No.15747450

Looks like shit, m8

>> No.15747501

So a hunter friend gifted me some Buffalo T-bones and ribeyes. Should I cook it like regular steak or do I have to do a quick vinegar wash to get some of the gaminess off?

>> No.15747539

The buffalo filet mignon I had didn't require anything, it was good to go. That said, it was vacuum packed and otherwise prepped for grocery stores. If I were in your shoes, I'd do a quick vinegar wash, just in case - I've heard other folks complain about gaminess when they got it from better sources.

>> No.15748164

"gaminess" is just flavor

>> No.15748525
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, 84BE06C1-C1F5-4B0C-8788-290E051CA94D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooked in pan
>no longer the doneness i like
>fat not crispy
>nothing gained
>rareness lost

>> No.15748685

that not a sear buddy

>> No.15748817

If gertting a sear means its more cooked than that then its simply not worth it to me. I understand if you are poor then you might want to make it some magical experience but to me its just meat i sometimes have a couple of times a day. Id be more bothered about not having some spring onion to mix i to tuna and mayonnaise than a sear.

>> No.15748824

Why's it so wet

>> No.15748826

Anon I really don't know how to help you, I can't tell if you're trolling or actually retarded at this point.

>> No.15748837

hotter pan for less time. cooklets i swear

>> No.15748847
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 8411794A-C192-403A-A887-C260CBD3074A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This steak was $100. Be jealous faggots.

>> No.15748856

could've put that 100 towards a less shitty stove

>> No.15749040

Im not quite sure what help I need? Im cooking a piece of meat how I like to cook it and eat it. A bunch of steak autists are getting upset about this. Ive eaten steak in decent restaurants and good steak places. Sear doesn't bother me, but it seems to bother quite a few people that I’m not bothered. The only thing I'm concerned about is getting 2-2 1/2 lb of meat a day to eat.
Cooking in the grill means any pathogens on the outside of the meat are killed while the inside is still relatively raw. That how I like it.

>> No.15749850


Thing at the back looks like a blown out asshole

>> No.15750129
File: 3.22 MB, 5984x3000, IMG-6556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread still alive?
Mine was $5

>> No.15750626
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, stake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With mushrooms

>> No.15750703

What in the fuck is this. I knew Euros were deprived animals, but this, this is a new low...

>> No.15750716

It's hilarious how I can tell this mongrel is posting from England, just by looking at his food. Why are anglos such vile & disgusting fucks? Everything from their diet, to the way they look is absolutely disgusting and offensive.

>> No.15750770

looks almost like ur gf after I was "well done" with her

>> No.15750816

Damn you were a few seconds shy of well done

>> No.15750821

That’s not seared you retarded Anglo faggot holy shit.

>> No.15750838
File: 31 KB, 478x456, 6DF8E3F4-2EF9-4D03-B126-592CD4A1C5E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you are so fucking retarded. For someone who cooks so much meat you’d think you could accidentally get it right sometime. Your constant copes don’t make you better at cooking. Hot pan, a bit of canola, two minutes each side then let it rest. What’s so hard about that bong?

>> No.15751449

>disguising your lack of sear with burnt fungus

>> No.15751687

Anon why do your turds look so dry?

>> No.15751758
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, 73A96CE2-362D-433B-AB27-6EB20FEA20C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck seeds oils i used lard with these

>> No.15751790
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, AB7EBC55-B4BC-4686-BEF7-A3BD558D3B21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good anon, I like my foo yung on a side plate with my steak.

>> No.15751811

> 5 minutes a side

OK, so you like charcoal, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

>> No.15751823

Shame baby hasn't grown up to eat adult food

>> No.15751832

Listen to the man-baby tell everyone how to "cook"

>> No.15751845

Fat-arse American cooking 101

>> No.15751851

> Cooking
> America
> Drive thru

At least they fucking try, fatty

>> No.15752041
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>> No.15752208
File: 493 KB, 1440x1920, image:11597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was pink on the inside tho. But i didnt care to take a pic when i cut it

>> No.15752291

No sear :(

>> No.15752345

This thread is a testament to how bad you angloid subhumans mangle food

>> No.15752349

>this bong posting steaks that are worse than air fried

>> No.15752368
File: 60 KB, 720x1280, received_1152811608570671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a rump steak tonight which I cooked with rosemary then topped with garlic butter, and I also cooked some mushrooms in the pan with some garlic butter while the steak rested. Steamed broccoli on the side.

>> No.15752371

>Macaroni cheese with steak

An hero

>> No.15752452

Doesn’t look bad anon. Good work

>> No.15752606

Edible to delicious looking. You know where you fit on this scale if you're honest with yourself.|

Unappetizing to gross, you also know where your steak lies on this scale.


>> No.15752636

The bong is hardly honest with himself or is actually so deluded to think his slop is decent cooking.

>> No.15752642

That's not Mac n cheese tho. Think that's potato gratin

>> No.15753242
File: 473 KB, 2048x1536, img69fggt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15753247

>well done

You got a reply

>> No.15754482


>> No.15754512

get some better flatware.

>> No.15754527

*nothing more and nothing less than medium rare you fucking muppet

>> No.15754532

meat probably coulda rested longer but it looks good

>> No.15754548
File: 1.69 MB, 4128x3096, 20201108_173406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.15754549 [DELETED] 

>t. doesn't know steak

>> No.15754559

mine is delicious looking poggies

>> No.15754565

>paying $100 for a striploin that cuts into the top sirloin
Holy fuck you're retarded.

>> No.15754982

At least we don't have weight problems in our countries. Clearly we're doing something right that the Americans are not.

>> No.15755148

long time lurker here. based off of the responses in this thread. you'd think this board is a collection of Michilin Chefs. Get a grip, food is as subjective as the day is long. so just watch the food and stfu.

>> No.15755251

Go back to lurking pleb

>> No.15755273

yea? well, you're the plebian overlord.

>> No.15755403
File: 1.45 MB, 2224x2673, E5E79CC3-593D-4C12-8837-CD99CD7A279B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry brined ribeye. Red wine reduction w mushroom and thyme. You will never make better roast potatoes than me as well.

>> No.15755624

I'm sure that was fantastic and the potatoes look perfect but that food deserved a better camera.

>> No.15755643

Tell me your secrets, I feel like my roast potatoes are never as good as I want them to be.

>> No.15755651
File: 3.02 MB, 2184x2912, 20210310_185051_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always overdcook my spuds but ill catch you one day.

>> No.15755720

The store.

>> No.15755738

Serious east roast potatoes. Boiled in salted baking soda water than roasted with lots of fat. The real secret is the gelatinized starch on the outside from boiling before you roast. It goes wayyyy crispier than I boiled potatoes.

>> No.15755748

That’s fair I suck at photography

Oh and I skip the infused oil and fried aromatics It’s good but a lot of work. I just season at the end with kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder and smoked paprika

>> No.15755760

Try an air fryer.

>> No.15756350

$100 for a t-bone??

>> No.15756400

Boil and drain.
Shake in a metal colander to rough up the outsides.
Roast in generous amount of oil.
Salt and pepper, garlic, rosemary optional.

>> No.15756558

That meal looks vile. Are you in prison?

>> No.15756997

sous vide is cheating

>> No.15757002

Looks like shit

Way too long, no more than 3 min a side

>> No.15757011

Got this far and I'm done, fuck all of you need to learn how to cook a steak.

>> No.15758261

looks very good anon