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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15683434 No.15683434 [Reply] [Original]

How unhealthy is this chink bio weapon? Should i consume it every day?

>> No.15683444

Less unhealthy than pasta or corn per pound. It's literally just starch and fiber.

>> No.15683449

but what about the arsenic? Is it a real danger or just shills?

>> No.15683455

Don't Nips eat rice like every meal and have the highest average lifespan on earth?

>> No.15683487

Can we turn this into a "What do you throw into plain rice for a thrill" thread? I make fried rice with leftovers, ans sometimes when i dont have any compatible meats I just wanna make rice, but can't think of anything to put into it to make it more meal -like.

>> No.15683496

Fried egg or two with loose yolk. Kimchi and pour some juice in. Sprinkle with furikake and enjoy

>> No.15683533

I would guess the fish make up for any ill effects of the sodium and carbs they eat

>> No.15683545

Cereal grains are part of God's sense of humor.
Grasses are like the most abundant biomass of any organism. The fact we can eat them is truly a blessing.
Don't pollute that with racism, anon. If you have to be that way, eat wheat or barley then.

>> No.15683552

Genuinely based.

>> No.15683553

I can smell you from here, janny

>> No.15683569

I think you have a mistaken idea of what is, and is not coming at you.

>> No.15683571

the only thing you need to consume every day is water

>> No.15683616
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Make sure to wash the bugs out of it before you cook it.

>> No.15683633
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you will eat the bugs!!!!

>> No.15683843

American rice has the arsenic problem. Asian rices are normally fine

>> No.15683930
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I've been eating it most every day recently. Got a big bag of this stuff from walmart for like 15 bucks. I'm pretty lean and do weight training so I don't have to worry about gaining weight. I figure it's pretty innocuous, not super healthy or unhealthy, just good for calories. Also pretty versatile. I like to make a stir fry with it one day and then in the morning use the left over rice to make a indian poja inspired breakfast rice

>> No.15683991

it's just carbs

>> No.15684014

eat buckwheat and bulgur wheat instead

>> No.15684062

Rice is very healthy and a solid base for every meal.

>hurr durr is POIZON!!!1
Americans are 80% overweight or obese. Asians are <5%. They eat all the rice they want. Carb the fuck up fatties

>> No.15684068

Chinese rice has the arsenic problem. American rices are normally fine

>> No.15684069

it feeds 80% of the world or some shit like that so it cant be that bad. but if you want to be healthier eat brown rice

>> No.15684083

>American rices are normally fine
Not true. Anything grown in the south is contaminated, as genius mutts used to use arsenic as a pesticide for their cotton.

The best rice comes from Thailand or California, where mutts didn't get the chance to poison their own food supplies

>> No.15684146

>is rice healthy
Rice contains arsenic and is highly constipating, which is unhealthy and can cause bowel cancer.
Wheat is superior to rice in every way. Eat some bread, ditch the rice, man.

>> No.15684189

>Asian cultures consume rice on a daily basis
>Low rates of obesity and relatively long life spans
Yeah I doubt rice is a killer. I’m sure rice with your meals instead of processed supermarket brand breads or pastas is far less damaging.

>> No.15684197
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>Rice contains arsenic and is highly constipating, which is unhealthy and can cause bowel cancer.
White rice nigger. Brown rice is the opposite. Or even better, God-tier wild rice or black rice.

>Wheat is superior

>> No.15684213

I'll eat both, thanks

>> No.15684290

They say white rice spikes your blood sugar, as someone with sleeping issue because of hunger. It satiates me enough for about 13 hours from dinner to waking up the next day. Pretty good.

>> No.15684294

>They say white rice spikes your blood sugar
that's a good thing.

>> No.15684314

onion, garlic, mixed veggies, 2 eggs, soy sauce

>> No.15684335
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>> No.15684426

It's only a good thing when your blood sugar is very low, even then having a more stable meal would be better as you're preventing a energy crash.

>> No.15684454

spiking blood sugar quickly boost satiety, reducing the amount you eat.
blood sugar crash is untrue. a big meal of starch takes many hours to digest, which will provide lots of energy for a sustained period of time. my last meal is before noon. sometimes I'll eat 400g of toast. I'll be satisfied until breakfast the next morning.

>> No.15684853

Rinse your rice thrice, pre-soak it for 2-3 hours, rinse again, boil, rinse again, steam. That's my routine, and you can be damn sure the majority of the already insignificant arsenic content is gone by the time I eat it.

>> No.15684903

>not sprouting your rice
cringe and lectin-pilled

>> No.15685053

I've eaten these before. They aren't particularly tasty tb h.

>> No.15685205

You might as well eat styrofoam peanuts. There is nothing of value left in your rice.

>> No.15685224

That seems to be true if you're eating nothing but white rice, but eating it with oil/meat/vegetables/etc. lowers the impact of that. But overall white rice is still a bit less nutritious, and I think it's a bit less tasty. The outer bran with brown rice contains some flavorful compounds and I like the texture more than white rice.

>> No.15685283

my go to is frying an egg or two and making some gochujang dipping sauce to go with it. soy sauce, gochujang, toasted sesame oil, honey crushed garlic and some gochugaru.

>> No.15685308

Oh fuck off. You're the type that walks around in public in a hazmat suit.

>> No.15685545

I do like how loose brown rioce grains come out.
Probably a lot better for yoghurt too.

>> No.15685551

The only thing you should eat every day is pusy

>> No.15685689
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lmao that's how you make proper basmati rice. Let me guess, Americans?
>wash 2-3 times
>pre-soak 2-3 hours
>dump into plenty of salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes
>put pot on low heat
>put some oil at the bottom (or yoghurt, oil, and saffron mix if you know what you're doing)
>dump the drained rice on top
>cover with a loose fitting lid (or a cloth with the lid on top of that cloth holding it in place, even better)
>steam like that for 10 minutes
I do wonder how you make your basmati, but I assume the answer is "put the bag in the boiling water for 5 minutes".

>> No.15685706

Eating nothing but rice and fish is a fucking shit idea though.
The instant Japan moved away from a rice and fish based diet their average height went up by like a foot over the course of a single generation

>> No.15685723

not OP, but I don't think people were talking about basmati rice.

>> No.15685728

No, the instant they had the diet of a developed, fully industrialized country their height went up.
That happened in every Western country too you know, and they never had a rice based diet.
You're now going to post "W-well westerners are taller because of wheat!" No, they're taller because of genetics. Any discrepancy in height between developed countries is genetic, not dietary.

>> No.15685737


Califag here, most rice in cali is medium grain, but they still grown some of that in the south. Their main is long grain down there.

>> No.15685738

Well if you're talking Jasmin you really shouldn't worry, I'm pretty sure Jasmin is the rice with the least arsenic of all.

>> No.15685747

I rarely even wash my rice to begin with, what kind of third world shithole do you live in with rice so dangerous you need to take 50 extra steps?

>> No.15685757

Im sorry but i had no idea you were retarded. I wont pick on you anymore.

>> No.15685782
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>white rice
Eat whole grain!

>> No.15685847
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damn I forgot you can just wash off the heavy metals

>> No.15686220

Only brown rice has fiber noob

>> No.15686230

>pure carbs

>> No.15686342

No it literally is dietary. Japan noticed a surge in growth of female breasts and height after introducing higher amounts of dairy in people's diets despite already being a developed country by that point

The Dutch used to be the shortest ethnic group in europe 200 years ago but diet changed all of that

>> No.15686359

Milk is for babies - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vegan

>> No.15686377

Arnold was notorious for purposely giving bad advice to others so they would never reach his level

>> No.15686396

So that's why he told them to eat meat when he was really vegan

>> No.15686858

tuna salad

>> No.15687039

>Sleeping issues due to hunger
Are you a newborn child?

>> No.15687388

I think it's done that way just so the rice won't stick, not because it's dangerous without doing that.

>> No.15687402

People who don't like milk or are lactose intolerant always try to come up with a reason like that as to why it's inherently wrong for an adult to be drinking it. It's for babies, it's for calves, it's unnatural because we're the only animals that do it, etc. They can't just say "I don't like it" or "I can't have it", it has to be wrong for everyone.

>> No.15687457

No, because we started eating other foods in addition to rice and fish.
In Japan, the diet is still based on rice.
Because it is cheap and of high quality.

>> No.15687599

I think that's more about getting enough calories. Even if you eat the best quality foods, if you aren't getting enough calories you're not going to hit your maximum height. Although supposedly in recent years average Japanese height is declining, maybe because of an increased intake of processed foods.

>> No.15688687

This is the best way to make rice anyway, I don't even give a fuck about arsenic.

>> No.15688814

Please don't eat jew rice oh my god anon...

>> No.15689355

Not him but do I even want to know what horrid sticky goopy mess of a rice you eat?
>what kind of third world shithole do you live in
Whatever it is, it is better than your flyover shithole.

>> No.15689400

>horrid sticky goopy mess of a rice
Based retard who has never eaten rice in a western country.

>> No.15689723

They did studies finding pasterized milk actually leaches calcium from the bones to combat it's acid-forming properties, to maintain a proper blood pH.

Milk is bad unless you're getting it straight from the cow.

>> No.15689728

You're supposed to wash rice to get rid of some of the excess starch and lectins. Enzyme inhibitors.

The stickiness is because you've overcooked it. Or it's short-grain sticky rice

>> No.15689877

My rice doesn't come out as sticky, retard.

>> No.15689897

>My rice doesn't come out as sticky, retard.
What is it with you people getting so buttblasted over the smallest things?

>> No.15689949

>What is it with you people getting so buttblasted over the smallest things?

>Let me guess, Americans?
>what horrid sticky goopy mess of a rice you eat?
>it is better than your flyover shithole.

>> No.15690296

IDK who you're quoting that's not me. I'm simply saying if your rice is sticky you overcooked it.

Don't know why that launched you into a tirade

>> No.15690310

>IDK who you're quoting
ctrl + f, based retard

>> No.15690331
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>t. offended autist over sticky rice

>> No.15690340
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>gets BTFO and tries to deflect, failing miserably in the process

>> No.15690365

Holy obsession, batman!

>> No.15690380
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>eating watermelon
Is that because your rice is too sticky and inedible?