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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15680753 No.15680753 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when the waitress gives you passive agressive attitude about the things you're eating implying you're fat. Like

'whoa there you sure about that?'
'And you know we have medium too.'
'I just thought I'd bring you a box in case you can't finish.'

Isn't this very out of line?

>> No.15680770

I've never had that happen.

But stop and think about it. You're likely never going to see this person again in your lifetime. Why do you care what she thinks? You're wasting a chunk of your life worrying about something inconsequential.

>> No.15680774

How fucking fat are you, OP?

I’m pretty fucking fat and not once have I encountered such a situation. Maybe if you didn’t cave in the chair or your gut didn’t flow over the booth table you barely squeezed into, you wouldn’t deal with this.

If even the fucking waitress, whose tips depend on being as nice as possible, is making these comments maybe you should choose the salad and take a fucking walk.

>> No.15680784

>Fighting with the waitress?
No "fight" necessary. If she's really getting on your fucking nerves that badly, you don't tip. If she really activates your almonds, you can talk to the manager and fuck up her day.

>> No.15680790

I weigh 350 pounds

>> No.15680822

Are you serious in that this happens to you? Like with frequency too? I’m a big dude and I’ve literally never, not once, had a server say something that could even be construed as a passive aggressive or otherwise fat comment. I really don’t believe you, and if this honestly happens to you I’d consider dining somewhere else. And again lose some weight

>> No.15680856

I never understood lippy customer service. You may be a disgusting piece of lard, but do they not understand that you are paying them to do what you tell them to do, and if they get sarcastic like that, they are only going to drive away customers?

>> No.15680865

it is always with the same waitress, at texas roadhouse

>> No.15680870

just get up and leave before the food arrives

>> No.15680875

lmao what’s your order? Are you polite or a complete sperglord? Stop going there if it’s so bad

>> No.15680888

Bet you still tip her too.

>> No.15680894

Height matters too. Are you 350 pounds at 5'5" ?

>> No.15680937

I would never be in that situation because I am blessed with hyper fast metabolism, which means I can eat 4000kcal a day withoun't gaining weight withoun't actually doing any exercise at all.

The biggest problem is that I spend a lot of money on food since I need to eat a lot, but that is solved by eating calory dense foods such as sweets.

>> No.15680940

Lose weight

>> No.15680941

Looking forward to the day your metabolism crashes when you hit 30 and you blow up like a balloon.

>> No.15680943
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>implying a fatty of OP's size could escape quick enough

>> No.15680950

You really never got a "sorry about the weight" comment? Especially in drive throughs? Like damn, it's not that subtle especially when you get your food 10 seconds after pulling up

>> No.15680963

Im over thirty, this is a genetic trait that runs in my family for generations.

Cry me a bloody river, im not at fault if your metabolism is slow and you are short!

>> No.15680981

lmao absolutely not maybe I’m not fat enough but I can’t wrap my head around anyone doing this. You must be a fucking planet

>> No.15681037

>got a "sorry about the weight" comment? Especially in drive throughs
lmao that's gold

How would you tell the difference between "wait" and "weight" though? They say that to everybody.

>> No.15681047

>'I just thought I'd bring you a box in case you can't finish.'
How is this implying your fat. also if your fat your fat stop being a faggot about it.

>> No.15681051
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I'd leave. Of course, a fatty like you doesn't have the self restraint to leave a restaurant without eating.

>> No.15681052

the worst i've ever had was the subway sandwich artist tell me i look tired. thought it was mildly inappropriate for someone i don't know to tell me how i look, but whatever i guess.

>> No.15681054

I bet you shit from 3 to 5 times a day.

>> No.15681161

>Isn't this very out of line?
Yes, but don't expect everyone to have your IQ and customer service training. Remember the bell curve, and that most people are average intelligence.

If you think it was intentional, and not sheer ignorance at how to be helpful from their perspective? Then just tip less.

>> No.15681235

I haven't watched Daym in a few years.
Is this a recent picture?
Holy shit he got HUUUUGE
Didn't his doctor tell him that he was gonna die if he kept this shit up?

>> No.15681256

The waitress probably didn't care because he's black, and we all know black people don't tip either way.

The cringiest thing I see people do is ask for a bowl of ranch dressing (or alfredo sauce) to dip all their shit into.

>> No.15681260

Yeah he got fat.

>> No.15681265

I'm getting more of a seared bite

>> No.15681268

>ordering a bowl of alfredo for dipping
Damn people really be doing that?

>> No.15681270

Maybe he was trying to be helpful.

>> No.15681272

I don't know man, it's just like, if my doctor told me "you're literally going to die" then I might start taking shit more seriously.

Yeah, at olive garden or other italian places. My ex would ask for alfredo sauce to dip her bread sticks into and I would cringe internally.

>> No.15681274

Tell her she's not getting a monetary tip nor the tip of my massive cock.

>> No.15681277

>The cringiest thing I see people do is ask for a bowl of ranch dressing (or alfredo sauce) to dip all their shit into.
Hiw big is that bowl, just to get an idea of the sauce quantity?

>> No.15681286

They usually bring it out in a ramekin

>> No.15681299

Not as bad as I thought. Still very cringe.

>> No.15681305

as a fat fuck this only happened to me once. went to a friendly's with my mom and we each got a banana split, waitress was giggling towards us. left a tip of 12 cents or something like that.

>> No.15681307

Didnt you tell her to stop that shit?

>> No.15681309
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That's never happened to me because I'm not fat, but if someone were ever rude, I'd just get up tell her out loud I'm leaving and never coming back here because you're a rude cunt and just walk out.
If someone's just a flat, shitty waiter/waitress I just won't tip.

>> No.15681314

>waitress was giggling towards us.
That's evil.

>> No.15681328

>Didnt you tell her to stop that shit?
No because I didn't want to look like a cheapskate.

>> No.15681361

Pull the old Ron Swanson on them.

"I know what I'm about son."

>> No.15681395

I will usually order two entres, with 4 sides

>> No.15681413

Sounds like your mistress tubby

>> No.15681438

Quick enough for what? Not like they can tell him to pay for food he's not taking.

>> No.15681443

how many cinnabutter rolls do you eat anon?

be truthful

>> No.15681647

that's the problem, you're NOT paying them, you're paying the shitty corporation they work for. If workers kept all the money they "Made" from customers that'd probably be a better deal for them. They're paid the lowest amount possible to serve lard to fat lazy fucks like you that can't cook. Fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.15681705

If I was Indian I'd tell you rape, but thank god I'm not. I guess work on the things she is mocking you for.