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15661611 No.15661611 [Reply] [Original]

How do I appreciate this? I dont get ketchup

>> No.15661656
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I go through a large bottle every month. It's a delightfully sweet and tangy sauce.

>> No.15661664

Try sticking it up your ass you shitposting faggot

>> No.15661673

mix it with a little tabasco and lemon juice to balance the sweetness

>> No.15661962

What do you use it on?
Why aren't your meals already appropriately acidic and sweet? Why does ketchup improve them?

>> No.15662029

Use on low quality meats like hot dog and hamburger

>> No.15662047

scrambled eggs

>> No.15662053

take a normal food
'chup it up
enjoy improved food

>> No.15662066

dip french fried potatoes into it
I suppose I'll occasionally use it as a sauce for fried rice but that's only if I don't have okonomiyaki sauce on hand

>> No.15662111

Fried okra, fries (along with mayo), tater tots/hashbrowns, hotdogs (if they're not chili dogs), onion rings, 'ambuger, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6oeAdemFZw

>> No.15662139

>t. 14 year old English brat

>> No.15662149

the only good ketchup is mushroom ketchup. Tomato is just some sweet shit for the underage at heart

>> No.15662153

do they even have 'chup in europe? i thought eurotrash seethed at the thought of it since americans like it.

>> No.15662160
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, chup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior in every way. the sugar is just too fucking much

>> No.15662196

Haha no, ketchup is everywhere. But it is only used with fries or on burgers and whatnot. Proper meals used real sauces

>> No.15662225

The only good use of ketchup is to put it on scrambled eggs

>> No.15662270

Ketchup is a junk sauce for junk food. No self respecting person should use it for anything else. Can't believe I see people saying they put it on eggs. Disgusting. Most europeans that dislike yanks is because of what they see on tv, and what we see on tv is joggers, brainwashing news media, braindead sitcoms, "smart" tv hosts making fun of 'dumb" Americans, degenerate music videos, generic and boring movies, trannies et al

>> No.15662336

i'm american. i hate all of those things and most of american my friends hate all of those things. it's not yanks you should hate, but... you know who

>> No.15662345
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>> No.15662352

ketchup is good
there, I said it

>> No.15662522

My 70-something old Lithuanian immigrant Grandma used to chup her scrambled eggs until she learnt to Cajun season her fried eggs

>> No.15662530

I think fries are the best thing to 'chup up desu

>> No.15662549
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But frens do

>> No.15662591

Fuck, and I thought I was Chadden' it by buying no HFCS 'chup.

>> No.15662592

good, don't. the stuff is shit

>> No.15662613

create a new paradigm of ketchup to yourself, reconfigure the schema and sauce. That's where the mind can be more than anything such as Condiment, and you can just put it on without fear

>> No.15662637

Corn dogs and chicken tenders are prime ketchup foods

>> No.15662966

I know, that's what I meant. Normal Americans are fine, but a lot of people here are brainwashed too by the (((media)))

>> No.15662970

Excusable as she probably had a life of limited means

>> No.15662977

Some people are in love with the shit, others act like it's the worst thing on earth. I am of neither school of feeling. I think ketchup doesn't work with most foods, but has very specific uses that I can't imagine much else taking it's place. Burgers, meat loaf, fried potatoes, eggs, grilled cheese, boxed mac n cheese, fish sticks. I think ketchup goes good with all these things, but I can't think of anything else.

>> No.15663677

check out chef John's peanut butter curry

>> No.15663691

>you can't sully my mystery meat shit tube with a popular condiment
what a strange hill to die on

>> No.15665047

we do things a bit different here in Chicago bub

>> No.15665072
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>blocks your path

>> No.15665390

>good one 3 things

>> No.15665397

Best use of yellow mustard: on a polish with lots of grilled onions.
It more than makes up for it only having one or two uses.

>> No.15665404

Be loudmouthed and pompous?

>> No.15665529

Ketchup is best for greasy food like hash browns, fries, etc.

>> No.15665655

Trash food only OP. Crap fries that don't deserve any better, quick and easy burgers, etc. Only other thing I bother to use ketchup for is this meatloaf glazing thing that I make occasionally.

Heinz is basically a household name over here in bongland. Heinz beans, ketchup, soup, etc. My understanding is that they're actually an American company, but they're so prevalent here that I doubt most would realise that. I personally like 'em, but I don't consider it to be some top tier brand, they're more like a decent standard/comparison because of how readily available they are.
See >>15662270
>Most europeans that dislike yanks is because of what they see on tv
This, but also because of retards starting fights online with every non-American for no reason, and just perpetuating the idea that you're dicks for the sake of being dicks. Not that anyone else is any better.

Also, we're not in the EU anymore.

>> No.15665780

that's 2 more things than ketchup

>> No.15667235

I wish you could get actually good mustard in the classic yellow barrel design