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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 1600x1322, salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15660580 No.15660580 [Reply] [Original]

name ONE flaw

>> No.15660603

I can't. OP, I kneel.

>> No.15660609
File: 217 KB, 1200x795, 1200px-Fish_and_chips_blackpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only fish I like is battered cod, accompanied with chips and tartare sauce.

>> No.15660612

It's fish

>> No.15660614

Parasite filled and generally nasty fish thats wrecking the fauna by spreading ungodly amounts of sealice in the surrounding environement. Its also fatty in a bad way.
The real based fish is mackerel and that is not up to debate.

>> No.15660619

Yeah mackerel is a pretty cool guy

>> No.15660629
File: 521 KB, 601x602, 20495801138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it make da house smell

>> No.15660645

>advocating canned bullshit over tuna
sure is manbaby in here

>> No.15660670

Who is talking about canned shit ? I get my mackerel fresh from the pier at Dieppe once a year in season or I get it smoked to eat with some baked potatoes and a special vinaigrette.

>> No.15660683

It doesn't have skin on both sides.

>> No.15660690

u stupid fuck

>> No.15660720

Why are you literally seething, you stupid fuck?

>> No.15660735

dont talk to me

>> No.15660745

>larping like you're not some greasy neckbeard that posts about canned fish every day
nice try

>> No.15660767

What ? I live only a few miles away from shore and one of the biggest fishing ports of the coast fresh mackerel is cheap as fuck there why would I torture myself with canned garbo ? Hell smoked mackerel is available all year long here so no reason to buy canned shit.

>> No.15660775

Smells weird poached and grilled.

>> No.15660796

no matter how it's prepaired it always taste the same. The skin is the real winner.

>> No.15660825

I'm allergic

>> No.15660826

Full of poison?

>> No.15660828

it's not in my belly lol

>> No.15660833

It's not larping if it's on the internet.

>> No.15660847

Oh no what are you gonna do about it big man? Piss your little panties?

>> No.15660851

Why would you assume its a larp ? Getting mackarel from Dieppe is nothing fancy its just something people around the bay do. Mackarel isnt even expensive are you fucks all NEETs or something ?

>> No.15660957

Non wild salmon is a bit too fatty and tasteless.
Not top tier but I eat it most weeks either way. Goes well in a lot of meals.

>> No.15660959

i don't have any right now :(

>> No.15660964

Going extinct

>> No.15660978

It's too fucking expensive

>> No.15661051


>> No.15661061

Smells and tastes bad

>> No.15661112

Salmon is based. Nothing better than line caught salmon. I live in utah about a mile from a lake filled with Kokanee salmon. Shit is delicious

>> No.15661143

literally only tastes good if you DONT cook it

>> No.15661163

this is true, really good in sushi tho.

>> No.15661227

90% likely to be farmed. Drenched in antibiotics and fed soy. Fat composition all wrong. Major environmental impact in sensitive marine environments like Norwegian fjords. The "pens" where the fish are kept are literal germ seeders where virii and bacteria mutate and spread onward with every wild fish that swims by. Make damn sure to buy certified wild catch, or don't buy it at all

>> No.15661267

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15661320

shelf life

>> No.15661330

cooks unevenly because it's butchered like that.

>> No.15661386

You're suppose to cover it for the last minute or so to get it even

>> No.15661402

Oh yeah what are you gonna do if I don't? Nothing you stupid fucking sack of shit.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15661448

Shelf life, cost, and leaves ur hands smelly

>> No.15661460

Covering makes something cook even? The fuck?
You're talking about sauting? right?

>> No.15661494

it's like $30 for one piece about the size of your OP pic
>fly-over cope
I literally live on an island surrounded by salmon, by a lake that's full of salmon and the cunts are still fucking $30 for a small piece

>> No.15661515

I love mackerel, I have fond memories of fishing for it with my Dad.

>> No.15661579

Im saying you have to put the lid on mate. The trapped vapor and hot air cook the upper par so its even and not dry as shit.
Ever had the smoked kind ? It's a fucking treat and a healthy one too.

>> No.15661898

It's kind of expensive where I live

>> No.15661909

>The trapped vapor and hot air cook the upper par so its even and not dry as shit.
this doesn't make sense to anyone with a science degree.

>> No.15661991

too fatty.

>> No.15662078

Explain how I'm wrong then.

>> No.15662100

>Science degree
OMG I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!! It's a shame you don't know how to fucking cook

>> No.15662106

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>put lid on pan
>lid fogs up and gets hot
>how could this happen?
>durr surely it couldn't be steam which is also cooking the food

That said I like to sear the upper part a bit too for a nice crunch, also cooks faster since it the heat can go from both sides. Crispy skin is the highest priority so it gets more time.

>> No.15662147

I stopped doing that because every foodfag in my family (everyone) screamed that I was drying out the fish. Turned out they were right.

>> No.15662157

You. A faggot posting.

>> No.15662169

thats a farm raised abomination of a once near perfect fish.

>> No.15662171

tastes awful

>> No.15662259

Yes, and? That's what searing does. Most cooking worth a damn involves removing some amount of moisture from the meat. Unless you mean it dries up the inside, but that has more to do with what temp you cook it to as far as I know.

>> No.15662290

Fuckin Americans always frying foods

>> No.15662298

it cost too much
>inb4 poorfag
yeah i know :(

>> No.15662304

using a lid for a saute. Cooklets every one of you.

>> No.15662305
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smell BASED you mean

>> No.15662318

Its not a saute fagman

>> No.15662321

you should saute salmon makes the skin crispy.
What are you doing? fricassee?

>> No.15662347

If you use a lid you're steaming, it's not a saute.

You can however put on a lid for like a minute to finish cooking the middle and it's fine, skin stays crispy in my experience. Oven would be ideal but it's a waste for like 1 minute worth and besides, I always forget not to grab the fucking handle at some point

>> No.15662354

I had a delicious filet just this evening. It barely needs anything, just a squeeze of lemon, maybe a dash of white wine and a clove of garlic depending on your tastes, and a little butter to cook in and it's great. It's a damn near perfect fish on its own.

Not long ago I made some maple glazed with nuts, and while good, salmon needs almost nothing to be delicious.

>> No.15662391

>You can however put on a lid for like a minute to finish cooking the middle
why would that be necessary if you knew how to cook?

>> No.15662397

Putting on a lid doesn't even out the physical thickness of a fish you twits.

>> No.15662399

marbling could be better but still 8.5-9/10

>> No.15662462

>why would cooking at lower temp from all sides cook the middle faster than high temp from below only

>> No.15662515

>The real based fish is mackerel
Only if absolutely fresh. Otherwise it's terrible.

>> No.15662518

>from all sides
Just roast it then dumbass.
enjoy your flabby skin. I prefer mine crispy.

>> No.15662569

>Fresh or its shit
Its like that for most fish tho.
oldish mackerel is to be grilled to get that nice smokey robe that goes well with the funky bitterness it develops. Gotta get that skin crispy. If you cant get it fresh then its smoked.
Yes it just makes it cook more evenly. Did your parents ever tell you you're "special" ?

>> No.15662580

Roasting produces much flabbier skin than a saute plus one minute of steaming. The best would be to finish in the oven but it's a waste to heat the whole oven for something so short when it barely makes any difference, I do avoid the cuts with really imbalanced thickness though.

>> No.15662600

>fish and chips

>> No.15662690

>Yes it just makes it cook more evenly.
Only if you do it from the beginning (ie steaming) the thin part would be cooked through before the skin even gets crispy.

Never fucking steam fish skin.

>> No.15662714

shit bait

>> No.15662827

If your brand's "boneless" still has bones then consider it forgotten.

>> No.15662872

rainbow trout is cheaper and better

>> No.15662881

Made me Kek 5/10

>> No.15663024

How do I finish a sockeye in the oven? Pan sear skin down, flip and put in oven with skin up? How long and what temp for a small piece

>> No.15663237

Get pan nice and hot, sear skin-side down for like 3 minutes or until it releases, then flip and put it in the oven.
Since it's already crisp I'd guess you could put it at a gentle temp like 300F and just check every so often until the internal temp is (just below) what you want. That assumes you have a thermometer otherwise you'll have to guess, how should I know how long it takes, am I some fish oracle?

>> No.15663247

don't put it in the oven. skin side down in a pan, never flip, baste until temp is hit.

>> No.15663254

I can't, I'm a sushi fag, so I love that shit exactly how it is in your pic.

>> No.15663265

The L is silent.

>> No.15663534

Da left side is smaller than the right :(

>> No.15663583

british "people"

>> No.15663591

Salmon is fucking expensive. Chicken breast is 3 times cheaper where I live.

>> No.15663615

>are you fucks all NEETs or something ?
this is one of those boards, like /v/, that claims alot of shit but nobody actually goes outside for anything other than what they're comfortable with

>> No.15663659

>Fish n chips
>Fish and chips is a vietnamese classic
Anon your staple food knowledge...

>> No.15663950

It's expensive

>> No.15663957

They’re free if you go catch them (it’s easy)

>> No.15664616

Nigger if you do it for the last minute you get the best of both worlds. Just try it next time.
I mean fuck me its one of the cheapest fish around wtf...

>> No.15664628

There's no delicious bellyfat on that piece

>> No.15664636


>> No.15664645

tastes too fishy

>> No.15664854

I was hoping you were. I realize length of time is dependent upon thickness - thanks though

>> No.15664867

I usually flip and cook the top for 1-2 min, and then 30s on each side if it looks like it needs it. Maybe I'll try this though. It'll cook evenly? I don't mind medium rare

>> No.15664883

There will always be at least 1 bone in your mouth

>> No.15664895

i cant get it fresh

>> No.15664928


>> No.15665048

Stfu u stupid piece of trash
That doesn't look remotely as marble, hence it's not marbling