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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, black-nuwave-air-fryers-37001-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15614562 No.15614562 [Reply] [Original]

*revolutionizes cooking*

>> No.15614597

I bake my breakfast rolls in it, very comfy and quick.

>> No.15614600

They pay for themselves with how little oil you have to use.

>> No.15614866

>take a convection oven
>Make it smaller
Wow, I really revolutionised cooking

>> No.15614873

How is this different from an oven?

>> No.15614874

It's the same thing but you can fit a pizza in an oven

>> No.15614971


>> No.15615004

an oven takes longer to preheat than this takes to cook the meal

>> No.15615017

Shh, the retards want to spend 3+ hours making their meal while it takes us 20 minutes.

>> No.15615022


>> No.15615058

>3 hours
It takes like 10 minutes to heat up an oven

>> No.15615075

And that's how long it takes to cook something in an air fryer. Thanks.

>> No.15615104


you can't lift an oven with one hand

>> No.15615137

More like revolutionises turkey frying, heh

>> No.15615162

Right, with the taste and texture being way shittier. If I only cared about time I'd just microwave everything

>> No.15615170

Ah yes the conduction oven, thought it was already invented tho

>> No.15615206

Frying air is based indeed

>> No.15615224

Sounds like a solid idea

>> No.15615236

t. Only ever seen an airfryer on Youtube

>> No.15615246

Stop eating PUFA

>> No.15615348

Only if you're a poorfag

>> No.15615367

I was at my parents the other day and came across this microwave oven cookbook from 1982. In this book were recipies for things that nobody today would dare make in a microwave, such as making soup from scratch, roasting meats, browning beef, making desserts. All of this got me thinking that really the only use of the microwave for the average person in today's world is either reheating leftovers, or making a pre-packaged instant meal. I see in the next 10-20 years air fryers becoming a standard thing that the average kitchen owns, but its use become delegated to simply reheating food or cooking frozen pre-fried food like fries or chicken (which honestly is the only thing I would use it over an oven for)

>> No.15615433

I got one and it's definitely convenient. I'm not up-to-date on cooking tech at all but it's electric, needs almost no oil and you can just set it up and leave, maybe check on it a couple of times throughout.
I wouldn't call it revolutionary but it's a great gadget convenient for the modern man who has like less than 5 free hours and doesn't want to spend any of it on silent work at home.
You gotta be fuckin' careful with fish though.

>> No.15615552

The smaller space allows the heat and convection to cook your food faster and more crisp.
It’s by no means an essential kitchen gadget but it is nice for making nuggies and bacon and other shit.
It also cleans really easy which is a plus.
Mine has a rotisserie on it so I like to make cornish hens and stuff which taste fantastic

>> No.15616407

It's just a small convection oven. Heats up way faster to 400F than a full-size conventional oven, but the tradeoff is that you can't fit big things in it. Hands down my air fryer is my favorite way to roast vegetables, make oven fries, cook breaded items, reheat frozen food, reheat leftovers, cook sausage links, and more.

>> No.15617546

It takes a ton of oil to fry things

>> No.15617887

Does anyone know if you can fit frozen pizza in it? If so, it might be worth a buy

>> No.15617933

do you know what an air fryer is?

it's a tiny retarded convection oven that jews have sold to you at an inflated price because you're such a cooklet that you are both unaware and impressed with how a convection oven cooks food

>> No.15617944

>60 dollars
>inflated price

>> No.15617958

yep thats inflated by about 175%

>> No.15618016

The air goes faster in an air fryer so the heat transfer is more efficient, thus making your food heat up superficially must faster than in a traditional oven. The result is more crispiness, faster

>> No.15618026

I hope you're this against people who own microwaves too, seeing as how they're 4-6x the price and even less functionality.

>> No.15618028

Turkey, heh

>> No.15618033

well, not only do I not own a microwave, but I am also fully aware that you can buy a microwave for 25 bucks.

>> No.15618045

It's significantly faster and crispd the food well, but sucks shit as internal heating temperatures

>> No.15618047

Can you cook raw chicken or steak in it?

>> No.15618055

I own both a standard convection toaster oven and an air fryer, and I use the air fryer a lot more. The fryer is incredibly convenient for shit like fries that are a nightmare to cook in a normal oven.

>> No.15618057

can I cook stuff in a microwave I don't own? i don't think so, sorry.

>> No.15618062

Not him but I cook raw fish in my microwave frequently; microwaved fish is actually incredibly good.

>> No.15618063

You're replying to someone who can't afford a microwave. Just letting you know.

>> No.15618065

>shit like fries that are a nightmare to cook in a normal oven.
literally just cook them in convection mode.

>> No.15618084

I love this thing but I don't really get why people act like it's some invention-of-the-century

>> No.15618087
File: 221 KB, 447x423, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a phase where i tried cooking anything in this machine that isn't too wet or would make a mess - Eggplant worked very well

>> No.15618117

I also own a convection oven and an air fryer and guess what...

there isn't a fucking difference you fucking mongoloid just what the fuck do you think is happening inside your meme shelf oven that isn't happening in a convection oven? the answer: nothing.

>> No.15618230

So if I take a conventional oven and make it smaller and portable that doesn't revolutionize cooking at all?

>> No.15618245

Have you ever used an air fryer? Its perfectly fine. The only reason you get upset is because you have a knee jerk reaction to anything that seems like a normie trend

>> No.15618250
File: 123 KB, 600x600, 5ea668b9fc838529781205c6-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes your airfryer 5x better

>> No.15618259

I actually don't get why
>1) Air fryers suddenly surged in popularity for no reason?
>2) They weren't popular before when I've heard about them for actually decades already
What the fuck happened? I mean it works, why did no one use them? Am I becoming a normie or something? Am I going to end up reading People magazine and watching home makeover tip videos?

>> No.15618281

I'll eat if I want to and don't call me a PUFTA!

>> No.15618294

sounds pretty based to me. an airfryer is all you need for some tendies and fries. no need for a big useless oven

>> No.15618343

there is no way a pizza made in an airfryer is gonna be as good as a pizza made in an oven. same goes for lasagne, or a Sunday roast.

>> No.15618374

Pizza comes out way better because of the small chamber and the air being blown at the pizza HARD. In effect you get a much better heat transfer than your normal oven. Lasagna cooks excellently, because again the air is blowing around the whole dish, and most of that hits from the top, making an excellent crust. A roast comes out well too, though you can probably improve it with a cast iron pan.

>> No.15618389


>> No.15618801

I cook some AMAZING pork tenderloins or chops in my air fryer. I can cook two 1 inch (2.5cm) pork chops in 11 minutes.

>> No.15618819

youre just weak

>> No.15619275

What should I buy to make french fries and hash browns?

>> No.15619298

*revolutionizes turkey heh-ing*

>> No.15619306

Thanks for proving my point.
Back to YouTube buddy

>> No.15619324

An air fryer.

>> No.15619532

Toaster ovens aren't even close to new technology, and convection toaster ovens aren't either. "Air Fryers" are just marketing spin for (an admittedly useful) a product that is most likely older than you are.

>> No.15619543

Any of you have a suggestion for an air fryer? My mom's asked about getting one a couple of times over the past few months.

>> No.15620457

wow we can really bake fries now?

>> No.15620473

My Polish whore does this too. I call it Polish cooking.

>> No.15620483

>what is a supply chain

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.15620599

nu-wave for nu-males

>> No.15620644

not really unless you eat frozen fries every day I guess

>> No.15620686
File: 667 KB, 1500x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys I just bought a new oven with convection and induction plates, but everyone is shilling airfryers. Should I get one as well?

>> No.15620752

I cook steak in this. 6 on one side and 5 on the other at 380. Easy peasy.

>> No.15621041


>> No.15622175

i dont get it.

>> No.15622233

>"Air Fryers" are just marketing spin for (an admittedly useful) a product that is most likely older than you are.

you're so annoying honestly. the food out of the air fryer will always taste superior to a microwave or toaster oven, and it uses less electricity and space compared to a big oven.

>> No.15622604

This is like the fidget spinner from the 2016s if I'm not mistaken.
Garbage that received mediatic attention, it only lasted one year though.

>> No.15622715
File: 74 KB, 1436x1452, roosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a smol oven that uses less energy and takes less time. idk, do you want to make small oven-baked meals regularly?

air fryers and rice cookers trigger this board so hard and it will never not be funny.

t. zojchad

>> No.15622970

I love my rice cooker, it's been a game changer for me in how to cook rice.

>> No.15623233
File: 63 KB, 600x600, Ez0xGYj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use coconut oil.

>> No.15623668

fryer chads unite

>> No.15624066
File: 557 KB, 1000x562, 20DA4E88-63FE-4927-8BEE-94976DB60D81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The morons have bought the tiny convection oven

>> No.15624078

A rice cooker gets results you can't get otherwise
An airfryer just cooks stuff badly without needing to wait ten minutes

>> No.15625487

>he didn't replace his microwave with a chad air fryer

>> No.15625495

Certain oils are extremely low pufa

>> No.15625505

lowest price for quality airfryers are usually $70

>> No.15625709

>1 new ps5 game
That's cheap.

>> No.15627255

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.15627257

>70 dollars is expensive
Take your own advice.

>> No.15627496

that sounds disgusting you fucking troglodyte

>> No.15627514

where the fuck are you taking it?

>> No.15627525

to your mums house

>> No.15627549

>noooo! I can't wait extra 10 minutes for the oven to heat up
>BeCaUsE i LeAd A """"""""BuZy"""""""" lIfEsTyLe!!!!
>proceeds to binge watch 2 seasons of a tv show
ah yes, the zoomer and his first kitchen experience
the fact that you don't experience immediate buyers remorse, doesn't mean you made a good purchase

>> No.15627566


>> No.15627588

the projection is strong

>> No.15627589

lmao what

>> No.15627594

You can get mini benchtop ovens, I used to own one. I agree that conventional ovens are too big and waste too much power for day to day cooking

>> No.15627610

you are just using this term without knowing what it means
I would be projecting if I made the claim that I can't wait for 10 minutes while making fun of others that can't wait 10 minutes
I can wait the 10 minutes
I'm not buzy in the slightest
Learn the terminology before embarrasing yourself, it would be best for you to delete this post you made to avoid further humiliation

>> No.15627627

obviously im implying your the one who spends bis day watching 2 seasons of tv, which is why you presume others do so as well.
That out of the way, you are a an absolute retard.
Even if i was wrong in saying you are projecting (which im not), that would not mean I dont know the meaning of the term projecting.
take your meds and go back to plebbit.

>> No.15627642

I'm not the guy you were speaking to before spastic, just saying you can get a mini benchtop oven to save on power and space that isn't this meme shit

>> No.15627663

what the fuck are you talking about? are you actually mentally ill?
>>15627588 this is my first post in this thread.
this is the response, clearly stating that its the user I responded to.
my second post >>15627627 is exclusively about these two posts:
I dont know which person you claim not to be, but you are definitely retarded.

>> No.15627668

you have made something here that will take 10 nasa scientists to figure out
great fucking job

>> No.15627673

>how little oil
Wait... What? Do you have to use oil?

>> No.15627675

take your meds

>> No.15627703

Only if you want to make it crispier or ensure it won't stick

>> No.15627723


>> No.15627725

Remember when anon tried to argue that the function of this machine is so fundamentally different that it's in fact the AIR and NOT OIL that does the frying in these things?
good times

>> No.15627733

Okay retard.

>> No.15628177

thanks for conceding retard

>> No.15628234

after half an hour of researching your autistic post i have come to the conclusion that you are right, the other anon is a retard. dont take those meds, based schizo.

>> No.15628267

what mongoloid shopped the fries inside upside down?

>> No.15628280

holy shit you're right haha

>> No.15628334
File: 105 KB, 937x937, airfryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly retarded question, but bear with me.

If I have one of those old meme fishbowl halogens, can I reliably replicate what an airfryer does by buying a fryer grate?

>> No.15628351
File: 85 KB, 519x467, 416346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15628490

110 posts of "no you"
anybody actually have a properly backed argument that's not some crispness-chart straight from the fryer marketing materials to shill this?
I need to buy an oven anyway because most fun things just wouldn't fit into one of these, or end up being squeezed which can't be great for airflow.

>> No.15628507

wtf a bottle of sunflower oil takes weeks for me to empty, the hell kind of expensive brand ass oil are you buying that an air fryer saves you money in the long run

>> No.15628528

Another benefit over a convection oven is your food isnt sitting on a hot surface so it wont dry out or burn on one side.

>> No.15628536

Oddly enough, pizza is one thing it doesnt do that well.

>> No.15628541

You deep fry chicken wings and French fries in sunflower oil?

>> No.15628588

marginal benefits over oven fries

>> No.15628619

Some while ago I was gifted one of those old meme glass halogen ovens that telemarketers used to shill the fuck out of during the early-00s.
I was asking if the fryer attachment (from my previous post) can reliably reproduce what a current-day airfryer does.

>> No.15628744

I think heating by radiation is quite a bit different from heating by high speed circulating hot air.
Do those light furnace things have fans or something? do they rely solely on convection?

>> No.15628841

Oven is bigger and uses more time/energy for preheat I guess. It's just a more compact oven.

>> No.15628903

It’s not, theyre the same as any other small oven they just look different

>> No.15629222

They have a fan inside, the operating principle is almost identical. Bulb produces heat, fan pushes it around the glass bowl.

>> No.15629247

try it out I guess
I don't see why it wouldn't work unless they have a different sort of vapor management or some shit
don't they come with a rack in the first place though?

>> No.15629250

Why did they shoop the chips upside down?

>> No.15630153

>t. never actually deep fried

>> No.15631062
File: 18 KB, 460x595, 1607817106000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durr why u buy electric kettle when u can just boil water on stove for 10 extra minutes

>> No.15631079

They're just tiny convection ovens. I don't see why people don't just get a real oven.

>> No.15631083


>> No.15631123

For me, it's the fact there's no preheating step and it automatically turns itself off. The fact it's smaller is also fantastic for heating up small quantities of food.

Between my instant pot and my air fryer, I can cook almost anything.

>> No.15631132
File: 86 KB, 690x690, toaster oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of Microwaves and toaster ovens have air fryer options now, buying a dedicated one is retarded

>> No.15631413

Yeah I do this at work all the time

>> No.15631426


its cool

>> No.15631777
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 1613064748966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that air fryer

>> No.15633103

exept that boiling water on the stove isn't even remotely slower than having a kettle

>> No.15633121

Took me 30 minutes including preheating.

>> No.15633196

fucking hate air fryers

>> No.15633283

oil is optional but it helps get that fried-food-esque crisp on the surfaces that are blasted by the hot air.

>> No.15633288

Why's that anon? They're fast and better than a microwave for reheating.

>> No.15633327

Air Fryer:
+energy efficient
-not good for larger meals
-awkward shape means some meals are impossible to make

+Lots of room for multiple dishes
+almost guaranteed to have one in your home already
-must be preheated
-wastes a lot of fuel heating nearly empty oven

+instructions on packages are catered around it
+great for reheating 'wet' foods
-crispy foods get soggy
-bready foods get tough and chewy
-even if your microwave does support it, setting the power settings is a pain

Deep Fryer:
+Deep Fried Taste
+Faster than you'd think
-Messy splatter even if you cover it well
-Must use a huge amount of oil compared to other methods
-must either dispose of oil after one use (wasteful)
-or store used oil for an indeterminate time (messy)
-Everything is greasy af
-will kill you eventually
-might burn your house down

>> No.15633360

Honeslty I think its because if I have the time to wait for it in the air fryer, I have the time to wait for it in the oven, if I dont have time to put it in the oven, then I'll just do the microwave

It's also cause my family never shuts up about air fryers so it just feels constantly forced

They've been good for mozzarella sticks so far though

>> No.15633670

it's a bitch to clean though

>> No.15633734

where does the toaster oven fit in that????

>> No.15633966

you do know how deep frying works, do you?

>> No.15634129

Toaster Oven:
+Perfect for toasting bread, better than an actual toaster because of the level of temperature control
+Sandwich Making King
+No preheating needed
+Energy efficient compared to oven
+Surprisingly good for roasting veggies
-Too small to make a full meal in
-not great for reheating food: takes a long time compared to the microwave, and many types of takeout meals don't fit or require other logistical concerns(such as the packaging they are in.)

I think at this point the ideal food prep device would be the general idea of an air fryer in the form factor of an extra-tall toaster oven. But even that wouldn't completely obviate the need for the other cooking appliances.

>> No.15634592

I know this is bait but I'm so mad rn

>> No.15634695
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1278255391709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we live in a hell, where you can't efficiently and cleanly fry things at home
truly a cursed existance

>> No.15636331

I just spray it in oven cleaner (the foam stuff), let it sit and just use a brush. Everything comes right off.

>> No.15636685

Because they were marketed more effectively. Before the only well known air fryer was shit like the Nuwave Oven.

>> No.15636766
File: 206 KB, 1484x1243, 71c3OGGUhSL._AC_SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga please.

>> No.15636917

My nuwave is dying, and by dying I mean the plastic dome is cracking like crazy. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep it together, because it still heats things fine, but yeah. I know it's just a convection oven, but Im not seeing what would make a good replacement instead of getting another used one off craigslist/fb marketplace.

I use the fucker every day.

>> No.15637840

cringe retard
based autist

>> No.15639161
File: 44 KB, 800x800, 1607318405728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's cool
must not be very effective at cooking then eh?

>> No.15639242

>he didn't fall for the cosori meme

>> No.15639581

What's a good air fryer model? my mom's birthday is soon and I think this would make her a bit happy

>> No.15639638

Microwaves have a secret use: dessert. Seriously, mug cakes are faddish right now but I defy anyone to make a better warm dessert in a minute. Instant souffle.

>> No.15639650

the 2018 model cosori

Don't get the newer one they added a design flaw silicon nipple below the basket that can come out and leak

>> No.15639723

Toaster ovens, he is talking about frigging toaster ovens

>> No.15639728

Toaster ovens, he is talking about frigging toaster ovens.

>> No.15640388

I have a airfryer very similar to that one
Spray some canola oil and it makes the best fries and toasted buns.
Is it worth to buy a bigger one?

>> No.15640410
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>> No.15641307

Demotivators are back? Emo revival when

>> No.15641383

My air fryer is also my toaster oven is also my convection oven, so I don't really get all the anger towards air fryers.

>> No.15641636

>toaster oven already exists
>for some reason I need an air "fryer"

Fuck this gimmick device.

>> No.15642385

Seething redditors mainly.

>> No.15643472

Based and checked

>> No.15643514
File: 570 KB, 555x556, adam ragusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you mean the tabletop convection oven?

>> No.15644851


>> No.15645064

How many times do I run it to get the new smell out?

>> No.15645222

>Barely big enough for 2-3 thighs

might work if you're a twink

>> No.15646002
File: 98 KB, 1200x1060, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say tabletop convection oven, many people think about picrel.

>> No.15646066

Only thing I find it couldn't fry are eggs.

>> No.15646086


>> No.15646103
File: 189 KB, 1500x1318, 81xgKWoWhRL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>countertop ovens have been around for a long time
>nobody gives a shit
>someone calls it an air fryer
>everyone loses their shit
>suddenly its the hottest thing and everyone must have one

What are some other examples where renaming a product made it massively successful?

>> No.15646392

pressure cooker time?

>> No.15646404

Have you tried cooking a whole turkey, heh

>> No.15646674


>> No.15647565

I have a breville toaster oven w/ convection, does all this shit but is slightly larger. Enough to fit a small pizza or baking dish. Far more versatile and I can also use it for toast/broiling. Most used oven in my kitchen.

>> No.15647586

You're onto something, I'll try to keep that in mind.

>> No.15647741

this is popular literally only because of the deliberately confusing naming of these machines
people think this thing is a replacement for a deepfryer and that it's somehow different from a convection oven

>> No.15647811

No. In fact, using oil in them is a good way to ruin them.

>> No.15647817
File: 154 KB, 1500x1125, foodi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can cook a whole chicken in mine, heh

>> No.15647822

using a bit of oil isnt a problem if you keep it clean

>> No.15648064

Heh heh gobble gobble

>> No.15648524

Retard detected, you're supposed to still use a spray or two on stuff you want crispier

>> No.15648544


>> No.15648559

>*revolutionizes cooking*
The fries made in it are acceptable, not revolutionary or even great...

>> No.15648738

>takes 11 minutes total instead of 35
It's revolutionary

>> No.15649126

oh. guess this means im kindo of a dumbass, heh

>> No.15649133
File: 109 KB, 1300x936, 30783053-masked-robber-with-gun-aiming-into-the-camera-against-a-black-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*I'm about to end this man's whole career*

>> No.15649610

It does not take me 35 minutes to fry my fries in oil, your shitty air fryer makes them less crispy and less tasty!

A microwave is revolutionary, not your shitty convenction oven with an air recirculator.

>> No.15649651

>in oil
Enjoy the cleanup and buying oil.

>> No.15649962

what can a microwave do that an airfryer cant?

>> No.15649965

It's just a convection oven.

>> No.15650005

ragusea told me not to

>> No.15650320

wtf ive seen them do this a few times before. is this like a trade secret or something?

>> No.15650331

we all know this

that is not a bad thing

what is your point?

it is a counter top converction oven. that is great.

>> No.15650430

>reddit spacing
The point is my toaster oven does the exact same think and more. Buying one of these is like buying a scanner and an all-in-one printer. Makes no sense.

>> No.15651129

turn good food into wet soppy messes