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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 555 KB, 1578x780, 1bknsa63swq11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15630237 No.15630237 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of beer do you typically buy?

>> No.15630246

British ales or cheap larger.

>> No.15630252

IPAs are pretty gross, I mean it doesn’t even matter after the first sip who cares

>> No.15630254

Depends on the venue, the occasion, and the weather/location

>> No.15630264

Blue Ribbon and High Life

>> No.15630271


>> No.15630278
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>I just drink to get drunk lol!

>> No.15630294

Abbey ales or sometimes just a standard (British) ale. I'd love to get more stouts/porters but ofc the only thing anyone sells is fucking guinness.
IPAs are pretty bad man. I'll get 'em sometimes for variety but...

>> No.15630301
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Any local lagers/lite lagers lately.

>> No.15630305

thats really sad anon

>> No.15630308

Can't relate. If I wanted to drink to get drunk I wouldn't be drinking fucking beer. It takes forever and it just makes me sleepy. Drink to get drunk = knock off Gordon's gin from Aldi mixed with ribena.
Bruh I know covid's been bad but have you forgotten what a party is

>> No.15630335

IPAs suck because they taste like soap, but replacing them with sugary candy drinks isn't the answer either. But don't talk shit on 4loko. That's some get the party started shit right there.

I buy depending on what I need the booze for. Cheap party with beer pong where someone's going to tear through whatever I bring? Miller lite. Sitting at home and relaxing after work? Dos Equis. A nice holiday party or something? Some craft beers and fun things to try.

>> No.15630349

The gas station down the street sells 42 oz Steel Reserves for $1.59, meaning that I can get drunk for $4.77 plus tax. That equals 10.206 fluid ounces of 100% alcohol which is plenty enough to kill the pain for another night.

>> No.15630374
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>> No.15630375

Porters and stouts. IPAs are fucking disgusting, by the way.

>> No.15630383

nigga spittin

>> No.15630412

whatchu know bout that?

>> No.15630421
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this because i'm not white trash or gay

>> No.15630448

>tfw it's not sold in my state

>> No.15630554
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Anyone else tried saison ales? Mmm mm. If i wasn’t quitting drinking I’d buy one right now

>> No.15630562

White trash beer for the most parts and maybe a couple of hipster beers to enjoy.

>> No.15630564
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This, based and eaglepilled.

>> No.15630570

>How do we get beer to survive the trip to India from Britain inside a wooden barrel?
>No refrigeration and it takes a few months via sailing ship.
>IPA invented.
>Not as good as other beer, but hey, it survives the passage and you take what you can get.

Imagine anyone drinking a type of beer today that was invented more than two hundred years ago to overcome significant problems, even then not considered to be as good as other beers.

>> No.15630571

But that makes you white trash
I know this pain as well, when I was in Louisiana I drank 12 tall boys in one sitting because I wanted to get my fill.

>> No.15630581

Amber ales, red ales or lagers.

IPAs taste like soap swill. I don't understand the appeal of them.

>> No.15630588

Just buy a bottle of wine for £4 and drink it in one chug. It's about the speed, not just the quantity.

>> No.15630595

Stout or lager

>> No.15630597

I don't know what that is but it sure looks working class anon.
American style IPA doesn't really taste like og British IPA.

>> No.15630610
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>if it's not my crazy chocolate and mango IPA from flaming eagle brewing company then it must be piss lager or alcopop!
Fuck off gimp, pubs were comfy before they started catering to manchildren cunts like you

>> No.15630612

ice style tall boys
cold read me

>> No.15630616

I'm sure it's probably better. It almost has to be.

>> No.15630617

It's not like the ipa could've evolved or anything

>> No.15630624


>Drinking literal poison

>> No.15630626

If you put a skirt on a pig, it's still a pig.

>> No.15630628

No they weren't, shut the fuck up you actual LARPer. Pubs were so shit that they had to make a list of the few pubs which weren't shit.

>> No.15630629

95% of IPAs garbage though. Drinking phytoestrogen loaded swill that tastes like pinecones and cat piss to mask the shitty brewing isn't impressive.
There are some truly good ones as well, but they're hard to find now.

>> No.15630630
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For me, it's Pchlitg. The beer that made Milwaukee famous.

>> No.15630638

I've neither heard of the pchlitg nor of milwaukee.

>> No.15630662

It's Schlitz, goes good with Bangs root beer.
But how the fuck have you not heard of Milwaukee?

>> No.15630664

I mean, I've seen the word thrown around a couple of times, but I don't know if it's a city or a state or whatever.

>> No.15630665

I go through the three 42s of Steel in about a half hour.

>> No.15630671

I drink a bottle of wine in about five mins, but itd take me an hour to get through three whole pints of beer.

>> No.15630689

I drink anything and everything except absinthe, a few weird and disgusting liqueurs, and grappa. I've not met a beer I hated except bud light and bud light alikes.

>> No.15630700

I don't really drink beer much. Sours are definitely my favorite. Otherwise something generic like Coors Banquet (in the bottle, not the can) or Guinness if I'm feeling unusual vibes that night.

>> No.15630702

You sound like you're 18

>> No.15630707

I just drink liquor, typically rum or whiskey.

>> No.15630713

what d'you have against liquorice, mate
Oh I'm sorry, did you LIKE watney's and double diamond?

>> No.15630718
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what is with the red dit meme. Did you get too butt hurt in the last thread when you tried to defend IPAs and they used wojacks to portray you?

>> No.15630729
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>No they weren't
>shut the fuck up

>> No.15630766

lol go back to /pol/ grandpa...no one actually believes this

>> No.15630785
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I want to go back to New Orleans for my birthday in August and do some brewery hopping. Last time I went, I managed to go to NOLA (which is the shit), Courtyard and across the lake to Abita. Hopefully all this Covid Bullshit is calmed down by then.'

>> No.15630787

It's a country in Canada

>> No.15630815

Fair. I was gonna say I wasn't sure if it was in the US or Canada either.

>> No.15630816

You're missing out. I don't like licorice, but absinthe gets you extra fucked up.
Budweiser can go fuck itself though, it's a hangover potion. I swear it's the rice.

>> No.15630822

just like drink water

>> No.15630826

Not him, but duck right off, reddit.

>> No.15630831

not him but what does reddit have to do with this

>> No.15630836

I drink tons of water, and I'm not alone in this. I have a boomer friend that drank it for years before he switched and has massive regrets for not doing it sooner.
It's headache elixir.

>> No.15630841

You being here.

>> No.15630859

Porters and stouts.

Sometimes lager or berliner weisse if I have guests or want a change.

>> No.15630863

Well, I'll take your word for it. I've never had it and don't plan on changing that.

>> No.15630869

Not even joking, but are you asian? Genuinely curious if this is a trend. Maybe I should buy a case of Bud and invite my half phillipino friends over.

>> No.15630872

'Stone 'Ight
simple as

>> No.15630873

Not quite lol but interesting trend. Nah I'm afraid I'm only quarter Asian.

>> No.15630879
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>ree don't use red dit as a slur, but I will try to use part of your board as a slur

are the soi bois really this pathetic?

>> No.15630888
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>part of your board

>> No.15630891

I'm allergic to beer. I want to die.

It's really hard to find dry apple cider with very little sugar. I have to drive like 20 minutes, and it's pretty expensive.

>> No.15630900

What kind of soy boy made this? If an underage doesn't like beer it's probay a cheap one: ergo they snuck a sip of daddy's poors light and it was icky. Inexperienced drinkers don't understand differences in beer, the only people who have preferences in beer have experience and know what they like.
Objectively the "my beer is hoppier than thine" IPAs are absolutely grass water trash and belong down the drain. They are a waste of ingredients

>> No.15630918

Yeah, I love cider, but I avoid it because the sugar gives me hangovers.

>> No.15630926

Usually Dale's or Dogfish 60 min. I'll mix in some Natty Daddy when I'm going for a cheap, strong buzz.

>> No.15630931

how much fucking cider do you have to drink to get drunk
I don't understand you people, do you have stomachs the size of an actual cow

>> No.15630936

mah nigga

>> No.15630949

>nooooo dont insult muh trendy beers

>> No.15630955

>Have you forgotten what a party is?
Since covid Ive only been drinking more and alone now.

>> No.15630958

Homebrewer here. Adding a load of hops is how you disguise a detective brew.

>> No.15630964

Poor bastard. I managed to convince my flatmates to drink with me but then I fucked up with one of them so I'm drinking alone now too. I hope things go back to normal for both of us soon.

>> No.15630974
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More than half of my calories come from alcohol. Step it up, liverlet.

>> No.15630978

That doesn't make it a good ipa

>> No.15630980

It's not about insulting trendy brews, it's about praising pure shit like watney's red barrel and double diamond. There's a reason CAMRA had to be set up. Praising the state of pubs a few decades ago (literally the era when flatroofs were getting built) shows you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about and you're just some millennial LARPer who wants to look different.

>> No.15630984
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there's a local brewery that in my opinion is the best in the state, their flagship beers are IPAs but they release different stuff like lagers, pilsners, stouts and ESBs every so often and I tend to drink whatever they throw at me

i've been leaning more towards their uncommon releases, i'm a little pale ale'd out right now

>> No.15630985
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>> No.15630995

A good starting point is to use Galaxy hops, which is more flavoursome than the Citra hops often used in APAs

>> No.15630996

I like IPAs. Sure, there are lots of bad ones, and a bad pilsner is better than a bad IPA, but luckily I know which ones are good, so I buy those. Usually I only drink a beer or two in a night, so I'm not as distressed by actual flavor as your average pabst drinker.
Dont get me wrong, a lot of the trends with IPAs are fucking dumb, and most of the good ones go back to the beginning of the craft beer thing (Sierra, pliny) before stone fucking ruined IPAs for everyone.

>> No.15631001
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>> No.15631004

I was in Pottsville before the pandemic sent the world to hell and I have to say that the closer to the source, standard Yuengling is extremely passable. Any other time it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.15631007

I broke up with my girlfriend before all of this too. Im not sure if I regret it even under the circumstances but the crippling loneliness is pretty shit. I wish I didnt live in a third world country like the USA so I could fucking do normal shit

>> No.15631011

As someone that dislikes most IPAs, galaxy hops were in some of the best ones a I tried. None of that cat piss pinecone taste, just notes of citrus and DUDE marijuana.

>> No.15631023

I had to go LDR with my gf because of covid. We lasted nine months but by then it was just too much for me. I really do love her, even now, but I just can't do it any more. She absolutely helped me get through the worst of it, though.
I can't believe a year later her country STILL won't let me enter, lmao. I had plans to visit her in the summer last year wtf. Ofc her third world country literally isn't in lockdown because even though they started covid they still handled it better than my country.

>> No.15631027

Someone gave you the wrong talking point memo.
We're all dying because we're coughing on each other for fun because we totally didn't lock down like everyone else. The economic my floundering is just because of bad orange man.

>> No.15631037
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>> No.15631038

>believing the CCP and their puppet, the WHO
Dude, Chang, everyone knows at least a few million chinks died, even with them welding doors to apartments shut.

>> No.15631039
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Literally nobody says ipas are gross other than women and strawmaning soy boys who want to feel masculine for CONSOOMING bitter thing. I bet they have a soy sauce collection to because they are so masculine and special for liking spicy and bitter stuff

>> No.15631048

Bruh my ex is literally an anti-CCP protestor who's in all these secret wechat groups n shit where they spread rumours about all the shit the CCP doesn't allow people to say openly and even she says that covid's pretty alright in China right now. The simple fact is they did solve it better than western europe and america.

>> No.15631049
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Was really into microbrews and geuze for a long time but lately I just wanna get druk on the taste of my youth. WHAT A LIFE

>> No.15631051

>shaved the beard but not the neckbeard
Kinda based. I'd share a blunt with him if he kept politics out of the discussion.

>> No.15631057

You're gonna hear a two hour rant about kekistan and you're gonna like it.

>> No.15631059

The simple fact is your a guillable moron. Or a shill. Regardless, reconsider self elimination.

>> No.15631063

He looks more like the type to lecture about how trannies are women and god isn't real, but basically the same shit.

>> No.15631066

IPAs taste like soap. Sours are where it's at.

>> No.15631067

Is South Korea making up their numbers too? 'cause they also went from being the worst hit nation in the world other than China to suddenly doing really well.
I didn't say whether he'd be for or against kekistan lol.

>> No.15631071

>is the place literally ran by a feminist cult lying?
Probably, tbqh.

>> No.15631072

Nah, he just can't grow a beard, look at his pathetic pube moustache

>> No.15631074

Sours taste, well, sour. No thank you.

>> No.15631078

Sours are a practical joke being played by brewers on customers

>> No.15631185

It depends on the day but IPAs and tripels are usually at the top of my list

>> No.15631209

dark beer moslty
larger or pilsens too when i just want to drink because it's hot outside
i like IPAs if it's not the fruitty ones, not my first choice tho
despise citrics or fruit beers, it just taste bad

>> No.15631262

jfc this board is slow

>> No.15631274

this is the funniest cope image ive ever seen LOL

>> No.15631295
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>i-its cope!!!

>> No.15631333


>> No.15631357

So is the genetics in your family.

>> No.15631386

Does this apply to men?

>> No.15631392

Do you not like lemon, lime, grapefruit, and other tropical flavors?

>> No.15631393

Probably nuffin

>> No.15631863

I remember thinking xkcd was cool in college, looking back it was pretty cringey. Also his free speech comic is arguably the most destructive comic on the internet as far as discourse is concerned. (2nd place does to that retarded Karl Popper comic.)

>> No.15631898


I usually go for a Schneiser Weisse or a Hacker Pschorr, failing that - Pilsner Urquell is nice.

I was enjoying Schneider Weisse during a business trip to Munich. The atmosphere was great and didn't seem overly touristy in the area I was in, however my pleasant afternoon was brought to a speedy end when I shit myself.

it was terrible

>> No.15631905

Ginger ales or lagers, it's hot here and I want something refreshing.

>> No.15632415

Are you me?

>> No.15632437

typically... these days, IPA's because the boss drinks them. Stouts, porters, and some Hacker Golds for my time at home.

>> No.15632805

I'll pay a premium for a four or six pack of craft but I just can't stand the ibu oneuppance craze. There are good IPAs out there, but the predominant culture is about as dumb and gay as the too-hot-to-eat hot sauce culture.
>anus scorcher!!!
>satan's cum!!!
no different than
>lupulin rush!!!
>tropical haze 4 dayze!!!

In the end people on the ibu oneuppance craze have burned out their tastebuds drinking stuff that is too bitter and no longer appreciate nuance of flavor. They've given well-made IPAs a terrible fucking name. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.15632875

I've had enough dogshit IPAs to not want to try any new ones unless someone I trust recommends them. As for the IPA's I know are fine, they aren't good enough compared to the other beers I like, so I feel no need to buy em in the first place.
I'd rather be drinking wine, gin, or bourbon anyway

>> No.15632920

trannies will never be women and your god made trannies if he exists.

>> No.15632939

personally, I've been drinking since I was 18. 31 now and I can't do malt liquor or high gravity anymore, I get a whiff and I vomit. same with 4loko, jose, mad dragon, and md30/20.
been on 100ml bottles of 100 proof shit for 5 years now, 4 of those and a diet coke to chase, lost a lot of weight and my tolerance hasn't changed at all.

>> No.15632940

I enjoy cheap hefeweisse and pale lagers quite a bit lately, prefer lighter beers now.

>> No.15632945

Whatever Carlsberg is, love that shit. Tried an IPA, can't stand tropical fruit but still finished it. Wanna get back to Total Wine, Steam Anchor was fantastic.

>> No.15632957

Not any IPAs you've had that you really liked?
If you haven't tried them, I'd recommend a NEIPA from Heretic.
>Juicier Than Thou
>Make America Juicy Again
>EZ Juice
>You Can't Handle the Juice
etc etc they have gay names like this but generally no-nonsense white packaging and are extremely accessible and tasty beers. The only IPA I'd ever go out of my way to get. They're out of California but I can get them basically anywhere here in Indiana.

>> No.15632990

Beer drinking will never be classy. Beer is for getting fucking hammered with the boys. If you drink beer for the flavor you are GAY.

>> No.15632997

I usually like to have only a few beers at once. Usually something like a saison, NEIPA and something dark.

If I'm with friends I'll pull out some wild ale, barley wine or imperial stout.

>> No.15633017

Juice springsteen smells like cat piss, i think it's the guava, fucking disgusting.

Tiny Rebel beer is all super sweet and marketed at youngs who wanna look cool for drinking craft beer.

>> No.15633021

t. faggot

>> No.15633029

100% correct

100% soy faggot

>> No.15633030

oop u got me there chief

>> No.15633032

I buy liquor if I want to get drunk and just drink water if I don't.

>> No.15633048

Tiny Rebel is really lame. Who would possibly think they were cool for drinking it? Massive neeks?

>> No.15633066

I sure hope no one tells you about jerky or bacon.

>> No.15633076

All the zoomer townies in my old bar would sit sipping it and discussing the notes of strawberry syrup and pineapple.

>> No.15633085

with a bit of luck all of you retards will realize before you die that drinking beer and other fermented beverages is so fucking retarded when distilled liquor exists

>> No.15633101

I drink some unpasteurized pisswasser with a teaspoon of honey stirred in a tallboy

>> No.15633113

I don't really drink.

>> No.15633114
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>why yes that my IPA collection on the stairs.

>> No.15633374

t. underage retard, if you want to get hammered just drink a bottle cheap of rum.

>> No.15633385

spirits are for tryhard retards, fermented all the way.

>> No.15633395

Good to know you are a retard.

>> No.15633399

Tyskie, Lech, Heineken, Becks,
Wife beatah, 1664, fosters, guinness
Coors light, bud light

And I all love em beers

>> No.15633406

they both have their place depending on how poorfag or depressed you are. most of the time, liquor is quicker of course. but sometimes I'm not aiming to get thoroughly blasted with the least amount of ingestion. it can be fun to gradually get drunker with someone else, when my goal isn't to get sloppy so I sleep before work.

>> No.15633411

Last stuff I bought was Durham Evensong, Theakston's XB, North Yorkshire NYPA, Ram Tam,

>> No.15633435

So which do you think is the best??

>> No.15633500

IPAs are my favorite since they've got a lot of flavor, lots of variety, and are usually high alc, but I also like pilsners. I hate sours and I only get stouts when I see something high end, typically bourbon barrel aged.
I'm not a "session beer" guy so I go with quality over quantity, preferring to spend $12-14 on a good craft 4-pack. The rest of my needs are met by liquor and wine

>> No.15633717

Well the Evensong and NYPA are both bottled conditioned, they are real ales. Theakston's are the best in the buisness IMO in regards to their bottling in a non-real ale way, they don't pastureise and it's cold filtered and the XB is a lovely ruby ale. The Ram Tam is a great beer but much more mellow than the rest.

Evensong is the most intense, flavourful and yet subtle of them all. It's the best beer out of the 4, but the NYPA is delicious too. XB is a treat and so is Ram Tam but I can't really compare an English IPA to a ruby and say which is better taste wise, they're too different. But the NYPA is a real ale. Between the malty beers Evensong >>> XB > Ram Tam (aka Landlord Dark)

What was your last beer, anon?

>> No.15633737

>tfw normalfriends make fun of you for drinking "Chinese beers" (read: Japanese Beer)
>tfw they swear by Budweiser
I was just trying to help

>> No.15633786

Whatever pils is on sale.

>> No.15633820

I like wheat beers and juicy IPA's, but I've started getting into various whiskeys and I don't think I'd ever go back. Much more cost effective to drink a few oz of a good 50% abv bourbon than a whole 6 pack of beer for the same effect. juicy IPA's are fucking fire though I haven't had a bad one yet although you probably look like both a fag and a douche to most. Not that I give a fuck what anyone that would judge me in that manner thinks. Average IPA's are pretty bitter to me though not really a fan, I'd take a less-than-cold miller high life over one any day.

>> No.15633830
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Only faggots drink rum.

>> No.15633971

>I've started getting into various whiskeys and I don't think I'd ever go back
I thought the same thing until I remembered how nice it is to drink a cold, refreshing beer compared to whiskey which is a more savoring experience. If your goal is getting completely fucked up though, beer quickly goes from refreshing to bloating
>fucking fire
Fucking zoomer

>> No.15633994
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>this is your brain on XKCD

>> No.15633998

>fucking zoomer
cant you find a better outlet for your mid life crisis than hating me on a Singaporean McDonald's discussion forum just for being younger, you old faggot?

Thats a good point though, especially after a hard work day a cold one does hit the spot. I've realized its usually because I'm dehydrated though so these days I opt for some ice cold bottled water so I can shit on future generations like yours did, until I've relaxed and then I pour up something strong and kick back with a book or hang out with you retards

>> No.15634020

Usually hefeweizen. Sometimes I'll get Modela Negra or Guinness, but 9/10 I'm drinking hefe.

>> No.15634046

first time i laughed browsing /ck/ in months

>> No.15634094

nah that's whisky

>> No.15634148

Belgian trippel > IPA

>> No.15634153

Work for a brewery so I get free beer. But I don't drink beer, so I give it to friends. Rate my blog please.

>> No.15634226

>drinking anything but homebrew.

It's easy, cheap af and the more sugar you add the stronger it is.

>> No.15634233

I am so fucking glad I'm not an American

>> No.15634256

>'used to' means the 70s
>t. drooling spastic mong
Fuck off

>> No.15634265
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Germanfag here
daily driver: Pilsener (Jever)
weekends: Picrel in any variation, most important is the well audible plopp for voice chat drinking with frens
feeling fancy: 1-2 IPAs for the evening, the more IBU the better, drinking more than 2 seems like wasted money
having visitors over: wide variety of local specialties in different styles so everyone can taste around a bit and maybe find a new favorite

Jever, Störtebeker, anything bavarian usually does no wrong (the smaller the brewery the better) but notable are Hacker Pschorr, Augustiner, Weihenstephan.

style wise nearly everything, Pilsener, Export, recently found a liking for Kellerbier (reduced CO2-content for less of a blow up feeling and burping, not that anyone would care), Märzen, Helles, Hefeweisse. Anything that isn't sweet or malt-rich is nice.

>> No.15634270

that's how the Export style came to exists, slightly higher alcoholic content and some people like it. don't judge, faggot.

>> No.15634272

it's "Schlitz", burgerfriend.
meaning crease.

>> No.15634273
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>I'm a beer drinker. No, I don't mean that I chug six-packs of lager, I mean I ACTUALLY savour the taste of beer. I drink for the malt. The hop. The flavour. The experience. You can have your tasteless lagers but i'll stick to my ales, thanks. No, not actual bitters that racists and gammon drink, but my craft IPA fruit-flavoured, hoptastic, awesomerino microbrewed ale!

>> No.15634285
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Lagers do taste like mutts tho, get a good Pilsener going for god's sake. If that's too bitter for you, bavarian Helles or just straight up Weizen. Sweet Tooth? Go for malty stuff and blacks or porters.

Craft beers are cool but the faggots consooming them in most cases never did a good tasting beforehand or know what kind of flavor they look for in the first place. Resulting in picking by label. The absolute faggots.

>> No.15634380

Craft beer is pretty cancerous.

>> No.15634396

actual child. if i can get a cocktail or a peach lager from a sam smith's pub nowadays, then the tastelets are definitely being catered to. why talk out of your arse?

>> No.15634403

I only drink alcohol free beers because I geniunely enjoy the taste of beers but hate the feeling of getting drunk

>> No.15634413
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Czech pils or ESBs if I have the money, other than that whatever plastic bottle "malt liquor" is cheapest and will get me drunk

>> No.15634418

Neck yourself

>> No.15634420


>> No.15634421
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If bad times had a taste, it would be the last few gulps of a steelie.

>> No.15634423

>hate the feeling of getting drunk

>> No.15634431
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Who else likes this?

>> No.15634473
File: 118 KB, 778x1000, ein_maibock_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out the way

>> No.15634520


>> No.15634523

Da saufe ich lieber 5L Öttinger als 0,33L Jever.

>> No.15634524


>> No.15634549

Ganz schön buxig.

>> No.15634553

>not gay

sure thing buddy

>> No.15634554

Don't buy beer. Can't stand it. Tried it again this weekend and still couldn't stand it.
I just drink cider or vodka. I bought a lemon gin & tonic pre-mix today and didn't mind it.

>> No.15634556

the GOAT

>> No.15634568

I've tried beer but I can't bring myself to enjoy it. I drink cider mostly

>> No.15634637

7.2% minimum
the rest does not matter, except for price i guess

>> No.15634653

Based Yuengling poster

>> No.15634663

I'll continue to drink for the flavor AND to get drunk, while you continue to seethe

>> No.15634668

If you drink beer for the taste you have literal shit taste, if you want to be a fucking snob about alcohol you drink wine, if you want to be a man and enjoy the taste drink whisky or high quality spirits. faggot

>> No.15634681

>i just drink to get drunk lol
uh...yeah. if this wasn’t you too you’d be drinking nonalcoholic beer all day.

>> No.15634684

Oy vey

>> No.15634690
File: 28 KB, 540x600, B433B839-7F8D-443B-BAD7-CC18F387C87F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t know if you’ve ever seen the front of a can of budweiser, they make it very clear. “King of beers.” the debate is over.

>> No.15634693

I don't buy beer very often, but I probably drink more Guiness than anything. Yuengling is pretty good too, for a long time we couldn't get it where I live, but they have it in all the stores now. I haven't had their black and tan in a long time. I should try that tonight.

>> No.15634701

>butthurt libertarian detected

>> No.15634705

I only drink pilsner and everyone I know only drinks pilsner too. I've never even seen these ipa, stout and lager you're talking about
>t. german

>> No.15634728

APAs and Pilsners

>> No.15634742

lmao get fucked you LARPing zoomer, you got called out for what you are.

>> No.15634754

xkcd definitely reeks of "I am very smart".

>> No.15634781

The cheapest Pilsner in my store. Frydenlund, Aas, Hansa or Tuborg.

>> No.15634831

Absolutely based.

>> No.15635060
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IPA's are for people who want to seem cultured or manly. For me, it's Lagers.

>> No.15635622

Lowenbrau or PBR

>> No.15635683

Pilsners and helles are both lagers

>> No.15635686
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>> No.15635783

I like lemon flavours when they're sweet, like in lemon drizzle cake or on pancakes (with sugar). I love grapefruit because the bitterness drowns out the sourness, but even then grapefruit juice alone is a bit too much for me. I just fucking hate sour flavours so much.

>> No.15635998


>> No.15636046

>breathing literal poison

>> No.15636070

Based. Going to Chico amazing, because pints of this would be cheaper than macro lagers

>> No.15636074

idk much about beers but I like paulaner

>> No.15636098

I'm not religious, but atheists are generally cringe as fuck. Trannies are just pitiful and repulsive.

>> No.15636144
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>> No.15636157
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>> No.15636181

What kind of macro-piss cider are you acquainted with?
Where I live, cider typically has an ABV of 10-15%.

>> No.15636192

beer threads on /ck/ are the worst and make me sad.

>> No.15636212

Stuff like Gose is alright, but the new fad of fruit sours and slapping Brett into everything is 100% breweries milking the hipsters.
I have a couple of friends who run breweries and the beers they brew for cash are generally IPAs, pale ales, stouts and sours, because that's what the majority of brewery visitors want to drink. Also one brewery made a lemon-lavender radler that became insanely popular, but that one is actually pretty good in the summer.
The beer they seem to brew as a labour of love and not to make money is generally styles like Belgian Abbey Ales, British Ales, and Barleywines.
Personally, my favourite styles are saisons, table beers, and farmhouse ales but it's hit and miss finding a brewery that actually does them well.
I remember having a wild yeast american ale 3 years ago from a brewery in Regina of all places that absolutely blew my mind.

>> No.15636215

Most in the us are 5%

>> No.15636229

lmao what the actual fuck, in the UK cider is 4%

>> No.15636235

I've not seen this gif in many, many, many years. Thanks anon.

>> No.15636254

iirc, isn't that because the liquor laws in the US restrict you from selling cider and beer at higher ABV or force you to pay higher tax to sell it or something?
Which forces producers to water everything down to 5% to protect the profit margin.
We have something similar here, where beer producers are taxed by the ABV, but a lot of breweries just brew high alcohol beers anyways and charge an extra 25c a can or whatever.
Doesn't seem like it affects cider though, as the 15% ciders are the exact same price as the 7%.

>> No.15636260

It depends what you get. I looked at Morrisons store brand cider recently and it was 5%. And I know that cloudier, more rustic ciders can be higher, like 6 or 7 % I think. Possibly higher than that too.

>> No.15636364

there's no point in paying the premium price for alcohol taste and to not get the alcohol. NA beer should be 50% cheaper than it's counter part.

>> No.15636381

The issue with NA beer is it takes one extra process that's fairly spendy to get the alcohol out. At least I believe that's the case

>> No.15636395

Scrumpy is 6 -7% usually

>> No.15636425
File: 317 KB, 400x600, ci-deep-ellum-dallas-blonde-c29aa5b8ee938a7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Texanons at?

>> No.15636431

I haven't seen anybody drink Hpnotiq since 2007.

>> No.15636442

I like stouts. I also really like red ales, but I can't find any good ones around me.

>> No.15636441

oh my god that gif was my profile picture on anything i made when i was about 11 years old. good old times

>> No.15636448

No it's not, actual cider is like 6% +

Strongbow or whatever that shit is is not real cider.

>> No.15636462

This shit is bad decisions in a can. No other drink has fucked my brain up like Steel.

>> No.15636465
File: 22 KB, 236x379, southern-star-bombshell-blonde-ale-beer-texas-usa-10742902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer something that's good.

>> No.15636507

Absinthe is just overpowering, on top of being a pain in the ass to prepare. I'll drink it, but it's not something I would prefer over straight vodka.
I've blacked out on Stroh 160 and Everclear enough to know that 80 proof is good enough for me. Budweiser is acceptable, but not great. Bud light is just pisswater. Also, it probably gives you a hangover because you have to pound a 6 pack to get a buzz.

>> No.15636624

Rickards Red
St-Ambroise Apricot

>> No.15636630

*slaps stomach*

>> No.15636635

I don't understand people like him, I drink to get sober.

>> No.15636640

you can smell the soybreath through the screen that was eminated by whomever created OPs image

>> No.15636649

San Miguel, Staropramen, or Birra Moretti
sometimes I just go for Stella though

>> No.15636676
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>It's another angl*s bickering about their manchild Tier craftbiers vs. their abhorrent macros

Hey guess what cunts, your beer sucks all around! The only debate about BIER you can legitimately have is between Helles or Pilsner. Sieg Heil.

>> No.15636678
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I make my own.
If anyone is wanted to trying different yeasts for hefeweizen i suggest you use pic related. Shit is amazing.

>> No.15636719

>ice smirnoff
Okay, fuck you. I refuse to associate with this retarded meme list.

>> No.15636752

My go to will be a Kolsch, if partying then michelob or seltzers, a citrus ipa if I'm at a brewery or somewhere that doesnt have a kolsch. Also like Pilsners but not as much as my Kolsch

>> No.15636756

wine drinkers are laughing hard at this image rn

>> No.15636763

you drink fucking 126oz of steel?! thats like 18 normal beers how are you not dead from liver disease

>> No.15636770

I'm getting there.

>> No.15636799

Fun Fact: Kolsch in German means something like malted drink for homosexuals from the town of Cologne.

>> No.15636813

Oh also in the middle ages small cocked men where forced into being bottom bitches. To better identify them in public they where only allowed to drink beer from tiny gay cups. Hence the use of tiny beer glasses for Kolsch today.

>> No.15636934

Well, that's a nice ideal and all, but realistically it's fucking impossible to find anything which isn't strongbow. I basically agree with you which is why I never end up buying cider. I only like the poncy stuff too.

>> No.15636957


>> No.15636959

Spirits are also fermented drinks.

>> No.15636980

I like beer, but I'll be honest, I prefer cocktails.

>> No.15636981

based Belgian connoisseur

>adding sugar to a brew instead of just getting high gravity during mash and sparge

You don't even know what you're talking about. You literally don't understand the words you are using. Everything you've just said is straight up retarded.

>> No.15637005

>cider typically has an ABV of 10-15%
At that point it's just apple wine, no longer cider. 7% is the legal threshold in the US where "cider" starts being taxed and sold as wine.

>> No.15637008
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>> No.15637011

I get a different beer every time I go to the liquor store.
I figure that way, even if I don't end up liking everything I get every time, I'll end up with more beers that I know I'll enjoy in the long run.

So far, I like pretty much everything except for Coffee/Chocolate IPAs. It's kinda putting a hat on a hat, you know?

>> No.15637013

Maybe the gays were onto something

>> No.15637026

IPAs are the most "miss"-heavy hit-or-miss beer styles.
I have no idea why all of the world of brewing's collective retardation has been funneled into IPAs.

>> No.15637048

Good point. I think it's because they have a higher alcohol content on average? But I'm not sure.

Also, fuck Natty light. Tastes like watered-down piss but only half as palatable.

>> No.15637077

I don't think that's necessarily true or they would have latched onto Belgians.
I think it's just because the type of snowflake faggots who latch onto IPA like that do it because they can gloat that other people "don't get" their beer taste like some kind of contrived pseudocondescension thing. It just snowballed out of control...

>> No.15637099

it might be a sort of "coffee snob" effect, where your taste is invalid unless you drink it black/cold/whatever they tell you is the "proper" way.
>oh fuck yeah dude its so HOPPY

>> No.15637148

Hops literally fry your taste buds. That's why the beers keep getting more and more unpalatably bitter, the dumb fucks who brew them can't taste anything more subtle.

>> No.15637396

Now this, THIS is based

>> No.15637829

>tfw no friend to drink beer with

>> No.15637852
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 4338A5A2-20E5-4DBF-B7D1-ADBEA7BB78DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the only alcohol I buy, and I drink a lot. $11 for 9.5% of a decent beer you can down fast if needed

>> No.15637878
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Only the best

>> No.15637888
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Anyone ever try this?

>> No.15637928
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Yellow fizzy macro lagers

>> No.15637980


>> No.15638017
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D/FW anon here adding in that Bombshell is indeed better than Dallas Blonde.
I'd rather drink Lone Star than Dallas Blonde.

>> No.15638036

Old rasputin or two-hearted is my go to.

>> No.15638129

The beer is your friend anon

>> No.15638151

Depends on what the store has at the time. Unfortunately my area's becoming increasingly shitty so the beer aisle at my favorite store got gutted for piss water and my selections are increasingly thin.

>> No.15638158

10-20 Miller Lites a day. Lots of EJ Apple, Titos, Jack Daniel's, Jameson, Chivas Regal and Cutty Sark

>> No.15638199
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coors banquet is by far the best of the macros. miller high life comes second, not quite as good but cheaper and a little easier to find.

>> No.15638219

high life, modelo, coors or miller lite most days. if im feelin like spending more money then i like Stone's Buenaveza, Sol, Hangar 24's Orange Wheat, and Golden Road's Mango Cart. I'm more partial to mexican lagers, citrus, and wheat

>> No.15638282

IPAs are disgusting. Especially microbrew IPAs. They all taste like soap. My as well be drinking one of those awful "lite" beers.

I drink lagers and amber ales. Guinness extra stout is my tried and true, but Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is also good. Dogfish Head Pumpkin Ale in fall.

>> No.15638601

I'm 28 and I've never bought beer in my life.

>> No.15638796

The ole Colorado kool-aid

>> No.15638926

I've never had anything by Dogfish Head that wasn't a complete hop bomb. How would you describe their pumpkin?

>> No.15638976

IPAs are a hipster cashgrab scam.
Even by IPA standards, most of the IPAs are absolute shit. The process is barely more involved than traditional macrobrew beers, the product uses bitterness to mask how shit it tastes, and the hipster retards put retarded prices on them because they know other hipster retards will buy them.

>> No.15638990

Hops aren't cheap... but yeah, most of it's a Veblen cash grab.

>> No.15638998
File: 110 KB, 640x922, hungary based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only alcohol I drink is probably white or sparkling wine, and usually a glass here or there - maybe months inbetween.
I stopped drinking when I hit my 20s or so. Grew up, I guess.

>> No.15639011

Who cares if its not hard to make? I think a lot of them taste good and it seems like a huge amount of beer consumers agree.

I go for a Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams Boston lager, or Narraganset if I'm not drinking something local. I find a lot of the local sour stuff more cringe than anything else.

>> No.15639026

Hungary is the gayest country in Europe and you are the gayest poster on this site.

>> No.15639153

Quite the opposite, more adults drink than children.

>> No.15639170

An adult who drinks on the regular IS a child.

>> No.15639389

>this behaviour that children don't do makes you a child

>> No.15639653

I've never seen someone go from a Ron Paul fan to a Hilldawg, it seemed like a completely unnatural transition. You see the libertarian to alt-right pipeline on /pol/, but a libertarian to shitlib pipeline is absurd.

>> No.15639831

it's turkey

>> No.15639891

I went from alt-tard to unironic communist after I looked past the info graphics /pol/ throws around and read actual theory.

>> No.15639896

>Who cares if its not hard to make?
the fact that they're charging a 500% surplus in the most populated market I've ever seen. They all collude to keep the price high too (at least in my country).

>> No.15639920

Not surprising given your love for authoritarianism.

>> No.15639977
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For me, it's the humble Trappist beer

>> No.15639999

You guys are weird. Hipsters have moved past IPA and now IPA is just normie tier. For hipsters we quickly had the barrel aged everything, the kettle sour, the gose, the triple fruited sour, the dessert stout etc. Hipster is always moving forward. All of you retards talking about simple to make and price fixing etc don't have a fucking clue. They aren't easy to make trust me. On the price fixing the cost of ingredients and production is generally higher and at a similar plant size everybody has a similar overhead for a similar volume so they cost about the same. Yes the market is oversaturated, but irrespective of your Z grade economic theory and love for the perfect market nobody will sell at or below the cost of production because stupid decisions aside they won't produce more than they can readily sell of any one variety at a time. I hold 6 times the lager stock over DIPA because I sell 6 times the volume over the same time period. Doesn't mean I'm tied to producing DIPA round the clock despite a lower overall demand. Also the margins are exactly the same. Cost of production, same, taxes, same, cost of packaging and distribution, same, the difference is there is fuck all in a lager so my markup is on fuck all.

>> No.15640004

but what kind of communist are you now? do you get on well with the american style of tranny lgbtqi blm communist? or are you more of a chapo/tankie/nazbol commie? cause i can imagine the second one. always seemed more respectable to me than the pathetic tumblr/twitter style communist

>> No.15640011

guinness is 7 for a sixpack this month so this month i am drinking guinness

>> No.15640108

I'm not concerned with what people do in their free time, all the matters is that the workers of the world unite and we dismantle capitalism before it destroys us all. So, be who you want to be but we need to stand united.

American style "communism" isn't real communism, what I think you are referring to is the fake pandering corporations do to appease liberals (the one constant in my life is the hatred of liberals). Any efforts for gender, racial, and other social equality is exploited by the corporations of the the United State in order to keep the workers divided. Nazbol is a group of very confused nazis, I don't understand them. Tankies are easy to make fun of and might lack the ability to understand humor if it isn't clearly define for them.

I still don't know what Chapo is, means, or implies. I thought it was a meaningless buzzword /pol/ throws around to scare themselves.

>> No.15640234

What about hard seltzers?

>> No.15640243

>what I think you are referring to is the fake pandering corporations do to appease liberals
no, definitely wasn't that
>Any efforts for gender, racial, and other social equality is exploited by the corporations of the the United State in order to keep the workers divided
but i am curious what exactly you mean by this. what do they do that is divisive? how do exploit efforts for social equality to pit different groups of workers against each other? cause i would agree with your statement but i get the feeing your answer to this question would be very different from mine.
>I still don't know what Chapo is, means, or implies.
this i don't believe, unless your journey from alt-right to communism has been extremely short and drastic and was the result of reading like one book

>> No.15640434

Not the guy you are talking to, but I'm pretty socialist and agree we need to unite and dismantle capitalism to allow survival. I struggle with the fine details of BLM, LGBT and instead have a pragmatic view everything as class conflict.

Don't give a shit what people do in their free time. I've almost no interest in gender. How it impacts me is that amongst my friends I have to keep my mouth shut because some are absolutely rabid to the point of irrationality. I don't know why the fuck they are like that, but they focus almost exclusively on BLM, colonialism, trans rights, TERFS and all that jazz.

It has gotten so bad I don't think some of them are interested in any kind of society or forming anything of value. I think they just like arguing and shit posting, memes which confirm their values and booze.

Dismantle rather than destroy. Restructure and repurpose. Grow where possible, pragmatic. I keep quiet because I have no horse in that race. My opinion is neither wanted or required. I find it more constructive to engage with the world where I can add value and bring something so I'm just like ... ok great, now lets focus on the issue at hand which is related to something direct and practical.

Often I couldn't give a shit about how the space needs to be inclusive and non-exclusionary to all peoples while being aware of and respectful to the historic and current theft of native land. We are usually a gang of white dudes.

Shit I have heard and nope out of because it leads to pointless infighting and extremism ...

>having white babies is racist.
>so called canada, a stolen land to legitimise it using its white name is violence.
>hopefully the 3rd world will breed white people out of existence.
>your children will grow up trans and hating you and dreams for future generations ends as they dance on your grave.
>if somebody wants to break in and rob us they clearly needed it more. To deny them in light of their physical superiority would be violence.

>> No.15640451

The cheap 8% strong lager from Lidl.
If I'm drinking beer to actually enjoy the taste it's usually a homebrew. We've been talking about making a red ale with rosehip soon. We've tried that once already but went too light on the rosehip.

>> No.15640478

Cheap lager with half a lime. $10 for a 6 pack of craft beer feels like a rip-off now, the novelty wore off.

>> No.15640486

Everybody hates you IRL. Fix yourself.

>> No.15640490

Ah, the days of going out to drink a Knighthood in these instead of the regular Classics

>> No.15640530
File: 1.19 MB, 1944x2592, PXL_20210222_192227103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa la

>> No.15641114

>how do we get milk to last longer
>guess we'll make cheese and butter
>how do we make meats last longer?
>smoking them or salting them should do it

Welcome to cooking, you can eat raw ingredients if you want food that wasn't created out of necessity.

>> No.15641292 [DELETED] 

Most leftist "theory" is just gaslighting, as in "don't believe your lying eyes." I've watched Breadtube videos and have never seen any of them make a convincing argument about race, gender or the Jewish faith. This is the only "theory" I need.

>> No.15641302

You sound like an intellectual

>> No.15641305

>DUDE, is that a, a BOURBON BARREL AGED STOUT?!?!?!?! Like oh my GOD bro, that's heaven on this terrible EARTH.

>> No.15641308
File: 13 KB, 210x318, 210px-Evola-RAtMw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most leftist "theory" is just gaslighting, as in "don't believe your lying eyes." I've watched Breadtube videos and have never seen any of them make a convincing argument about race, gender or the Jewish faith. This is the only "theory" I need.

>> No.15641309


>> No.15641327

beer unironically contains extreme levels of phytoestrogens (of course this was "deboonked" but is now becoming mainstream as the same faggots realized oh yes, our food and environment are fucked with microplastics and industrial waste and many ingredients like hops are contaminated. now the heckin science is on the side of beer/many foods = bad, due to lowering sperm counts and s*y physiques everywhere) that will actually give you bitch tits and fuck your hormones up

drink liquor and quit being a little queer or norfman style fatass.

>> No.15641381
File: 10 KB, 226x223, nazbol pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not concerned with what people do in their free time

too bad for you, since capitalism is a result of what people do in their free time, economics do not exist in a vacuum. the sexual revolution and flamboyant faggotry have spelled a disaster for any kind of serious socialist movement because "liberated" harlots and sassy homos insist on being the little eichmanns of capitalist excess. they are the perfect golems for the neolib security state and when you ignore personal morality and propriety, you might as well just walk into jeff bezos's office, insert his cock into your mouth, and allow him to ejaculate down your throat as he laughs at your pathetic commie sensibilities. unchecked female hypergamy and racial diversity absolutely annihilate social trust so much that it was constantly shitposted about all the way back to ancient greeks, plus amazon recently had a leaked document where they praised diversity because it helps bust unions lol.

the wannabe trad conservacuck vs licentious leftist dichotomy is old and busted and you clown yourself daily when you attempt to materialize these stale memes. any effective change will need to be an entirely new paradigm: a fourth political theory, if you will.

>> No.15641624
File: 172 KB, 960x1706, halpaolut_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these "fancy" beers with slow brewing and smooth taste and who the fuck knows what kinda tricks
meanwhile I'm enjoying this beer from lidl which is called beer.

>> No.15641662

Blaming the jews, women, and non-whites is exactly what the capitalists want you to do.

Somehow you typed all that out and said nothing of worth. Fuck off.

I'm sorry I don't keep up with every single internet meme and know all your bullshit labels.

>> No.15641712

Racism is the biggest wedge driven to divided the classes. Rich slave owners needed to convince poor white farmers that they were somehow better off than the slaves. So they leaned into racism hard for that. They need poor whites to be racist so they will resist unionization efforts. The same thing is happening today but with all the social identity groups. Straight white men are being told they are better than everyone else and everyone within their group is told the same. Now that everyone thinks they are the special group, they get angry when other groups get publicly told they are special.

Blacks, women, LGBT people are not the problem. The elites are and /pol/ fell for the lie that minorities are the problem.

>> No.15641816

>Somehow you typed all that out and said nothing of worth. Fuck off.

ok cocksuckers, enjoy being party to a ineffectual meme ideology while the chinese dab on your corpses. thank god america is in decline so that the real humans who aren't fucking retarded can get back to common sense and actually do literally anything that isn't scabbing for magnates. your pluralistic fever dreams are an ideology of suicide that leads nowhere, and now we see the fruit of this not only genetically but ideologically. westoid countries infected with amerimuttism deserve their slow, humiliating death and spiral into irrelevance. with your declining birth rates also dies your beliefs, and that's a good thing.

>> No.15642524

yea it's overpriced and overrated

>> No.15642735


That hasn't been a thing for a long time. IPA now is all fruity and often with extra sugar and real fruit tossed in.

>> No.15642810
File: 106 KB, 1276x678, aging hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quads of wisdom, a lot of people stuck in stereotypes from like 10 years ago.

>> No.15642947

>often with extra sugar and real fruit tossed in
By often you mean less than 1% of the time