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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15603244 No.15603244 [Reply] [Original]

Even during a crisis nobody wants the skim milk

>> No.15603253

Vegetarians are retards? What else is new?

>> No.15603258

I can make skim milk myself by buying regular milk then cutting it with water.

>> No.15603264

i would rather go without milk, evidentally others thinks so too

>> No.15603617

rent free

>> No.15603636

skim milk is ok.


>> No.15603661

had a childhood best friend who's house i slept over at frequently. they only had skim milk to eat with breakfast cereal, ate dinner at EXACTLY 7:00pm to watch the Simpsons during the week, and it was against house rules to have anything to drink during dinner. So anytime I slept over to play N64 and chill with my bro, it involved dinner without even a glass of water and then skim milk cereal for breakfast.

Not the worst thing in the world, but come to find out later his parents were pothead swingers. His mom was the first pair of tits I ever got to see. She had implants and they plopped out when she jumped in to the swimming pool one time. Went back to his house and played Starfox 64 and she made us sandwiches. Best day of my life.

>> No.15603737

What crisis? All grocery stores are fully stocked.

>> No.15603752
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yeah sure, thanks for the gas hike too Joe

>> No.15603765

txans started comfort eating to deal withthe snow. MAny grocery stores have had their stock decimated

>> No.15603783

eat the meat

>> No.15604224

amazing story anon!

>> No.15604567

skim milk used to be used to fatten hogs.

>> No.15604581

This. I don't get people who are fussy about having milk instead of cream in their coffee. Just use less cream and water your coffee down some.

>> No.15604611

Interesting read actually, neat

>> No.15604643
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Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.15604653

>Toughest state in the union
>Can't handle a little bit of snow
lol Noreasters dabbing on you tejas faggots.

>> No.15604661
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low fat dairy products are the work of the devil

>> No.15604770

>dies in mid 90s


>> No.15604779
File: 71 KB, 735x386, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__mnn__images__2017__01__cow-in-pasture-crop2-3b8cdbd62aee45f6ab8d49228fa85272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy skim milk
>add cream

>> No.15604785
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>14 people dead from trying to heat their homes with charcoal grills in texas

>> No.15604791
File: 71 KB, 750x900, dabbing-astronaut-funny-space-dance-universe-jonathan-golding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run a store
>don't buy a backup generator
I guess all that inbreeding wasn't so good for yalls decision making, huh

>> No.15605724

filthy cunts

>> No.15605744

But actually. It's been a few days and he hasn't even made a visit?

>> No.15605901
File: 2.51 MB, 2880x2160, 20210217_174310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro it ain't supposed to be like this in texas. We ain't used to this bro

>> No.15605932

alright, this is the one funny lefty meme

>> No.15605954

why would drinks not be allowed with dinner, that sounds retarded, any other anons experience anything similar?

>> No.15605961

Why don't the Texans just shoot the snow? You all have more guns than brain cells.

>> No.15605970

Wear shoes and a 2nd layer ,problem solved

>> No.15606002
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Pull yourselves by your bootstraps and use the second amendment to fix all of your problems, faggots.

>> No.15606080

Good story have a you

>> No.15606090

>but come to find out later his parents were pothead swingers
Why are boomers so degenerate?

>> No.15606197

>Commie electrical system shits itself


>> No.15606247

skim milk is just water with white food coloring

>> No.15606272
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>> No.15606278

>buy 10% cream
>cut it with 10x water
>sell it as skim

>> No.15606441

what's the difference between skim milk and lite milk?

>> No.15606489

You're thinking of 1%. 1%(light blue top) is like diet milk, but skim 0%(pink top) is like milk zero.

>> No.15606490

the 90s were magic

>> No.15606832

Water tastes better than such dumbed down milk. At least it's still milk unlike what they called as soy "milk".

>> No.15606917

Skim milk is a waste product.
What do vegetarians have to do with skim milk?

>> No.15606951

what's the funding for? federal projects like highways and infrastructure?

>> No.15606963

Much better if you freeze it. Then begin drinking it as soon as some of the milk has melted. Once you get down about 1/4 of the container, let the rest sit and melt completely.


>> No.15606971
File: 51 KB, 800x533, VYHX5NQBRFGPLHUI2CB5R4HZGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone mocks us flyovers, but we are ready for ALL weather. Anything from 110 degrees to -30+ windchill with over a foot of snow. We are ready.

10 years ago I remember a crazy blizzard that was so bad there was lighting in the snowstorm. Hundreds of cars had to be abandoned on the highway.

We got that shit cleaned up in less than a week.

>> No.15607732


>> No.15607749
File: 295 KB, 869x623, A_Japanese_Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are my goats milk chads at?

>> No.15608690

What the fuck?