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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15600362 No.15600362 [Reply] [Original]

>people bitching and fighting over Adam Raguesa, Babish and Joshua Weissman
>be me
>enjoying the based gay (I'm assuming he's gay what with that faggy accent) historical cooking guy
Who else?

>> No.15600368


>> No.15600393


This literal clock sucker put on 20 kilos since he’s started lmao

>> No.15600416

Guys a legend, hope he and his bf or husband or fiance or whatever are doing well

Ye my man has gained some weight, quarantine hasn't done him too well

>> No.15600436

>>enjoying the based gay (I'm assuming he's gay what with that faggy accent) historical cooking guy
yeah he's extremely gay and apparently uncomfortable with the roastie thirst he's gotten since he started

>> No.15600442
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>> No.15600449

Max (the cool faggot), Townsends (the orange fool), Steve (nice)
The holy trinity of historical foodposting.

>> No.15600457

Shill harder faggot

>> No.15600528

He’s too Eurocentric.

>> No.15600651

so we're going to have another thread just calling him a faggot again?
even though the other just expired we're going to start it right back up? he's a faggot alright

>> No.15600672
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, townsend frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that he memed on that faggot Townsend in his George Washington video.

>> No.15600684

>is he gay or not?
Well he likes pokemon so that should answer your question right there.

>> No.15600724

Homosexuals seemed much more respectful in ancient times, when they were just poofs and dandys

>> No.15600737

idk how he does it but he 100% signals being gay with 0 effort
it's impressive really

>> No.15600752

more gay than steve1989mreinfo, but less gay then chris morocco.

>> No.15600757
File: 213 KB, 636x346, key and peele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not really gay.
True gays find a way to mention sucking dick in every conversation. This guy is an impostor. He's too polite.

>> No.15600815

His channel is neat but you can see whisps of penis-reek on his breath when he speaks, which doesn't seem like good food hygiene practice imo.

>> No.15600846

Ancient homosexuality was bros-before-hoes taken to its natural extreme, or a way of using your patrician old wealth to t-pose on slaves. The kind of faggots that are fashionable now were despised in antiquity (Elagabalus)

>> No.15600857

>you can see whisps of penis-reek on his breath
That's just the garum.

>> No.15600865

Genuine history without shilling overpriced merch like Townsends.

>> No.15600905

Give it time.
He quit his job as a waiter on a Disney cruise ship, so eventually he's need to start making more money

>> No.15600910


>> No.15600935

Who is steve

>> No.15600941
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Steve1989mreinfo, he's a nice guy

>> No.15600944

He has a patreon and unlike townsend he doesn't have 300 pound lardasses to feed.

>> No.15600945
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I'd rather watch Mrs. Crocombe

>tfw I'll never be an apple picker at Lord and Lady Braebrooke's estate and get scolded by the matronly Mrs. Crocombe for taking too long and not bringing her apples that please her


>> No.15600949

I'd rather buy merchandise and get something tangible than donate to a Patreon

>> No.15600956

>he's a nice guy

>> No.15600973

I have such mixed feelings for her.
She has such fucked up mannish facial features, but her milk bags are ginormous.

I'd definitely make her extinguish all the candles before giving her a shag

>> No.15600983

I agree on principle but you really care if he sends you a dimebag of branded asafetida or a mug? All these ancient roman recipes just sound like curry rubs you could find in any ethnic foods aisle so it's not even that hard to get. I had everything for Parthian chicken aside from the hing just lying around.

>> No.15600994

>its an english recipe episode

holy shit where am i going to find these things?

>> No.15601021

Average bong

What's wrong with babish and townsend? I haven't caught up with those 2 in a while.

>> No.15601023

In the tamales episode he mentions his hispanic G/F.

>> No.15601040

Basically turned into a sellout.
Nothing, he's based.

>> No.15601054

he's still most likely a faggot given how gay he talks. he's just a bisexual faggot.

I'm a bisexual faggot too and people can tell from my voice. it annoys me because I don't want people to know that I'm a faggot but oh well, what can you do.

>> No.15601075
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Do you really need to constantly make threads about how some random youtuber is gay? Just don't watch it if it bothers you, Jesus Christ...

>> No.15601076
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Not surprised that babish turned out like that. Thank you for the response tho anon :)

>> No.15601085

I only ever see Weissman videos on Facebook where they've clearly been cut and edited to essentially just be food porn montages and they drive me nuts.
What the fuck happened to that dude? Did he get replaced by a sterotypical clone with facial hair? In his older videos he's passionate but reserved, informative and sensual.
I'd let pre-stache Weissman fuck me into the dirt.

But NOW he talks kinda calmly aAND THEN QUIRKILY EXPLODES to show he's been watching his RIVALS'S VIDEOS LIKE THAT LITTLE TWINK EITAN, (holy fuck why do people think this makes their videos more ENGAGING?!) and he slaps his ass thirty times a fucking video.

Babish can be pretentious and his jokes are genuinely painful at times but his soothing monotone is one of the strong points of his show.

Seriously did he have a stroke or something?

>> No.15601087

In the newest episode he mentions "his husband" but I might have heard wrong

>> No.15601097

he has a boyfriend who is the same boyfriend he's had for 7 years

he talks constantly about how they were supposed to get married in November 2020 but had to delay it because of COVID

>> No.15601120

Based monogamybros

>> No.15601137

I mean they literally did a 3 hour livestream together a few weeks back...

>> No.15601150

This guy is the /ck/ version of the based /v/idya fag


One of the good ones

>> No.15601180

once you catch that bug you don't ever let it go

>> No.15601240

Don't insult my husbando

>> No.15601321

he looks fucking blazed lmao weed

>> No.15601339

>implying you could order her to do anything

>> No.15602037

If you want more third world shit then find someone cooking with human flesh you dumb animal

>> No.15602044

>Genuine history
from a liberal faggot
>oh noo the dark history of sugar muh slavery!!
>oh noo the crusades were evil

>> No.15602068

I don't like how he makes recipes wrong and then assumes they were supposed to taste bad.

>> No.15602094

He literally has a dude fiance.
But yeah, based gay, not a faggot. Does what he loves.

>> No.15602109

>Does what he loves
getting fucked in his ass and eating cum afterwards?

>> No.15602116

yeah he knows nothing about gastronomy and even though he does a good amount of research he still refuses to learn basic techniques

>> No.15602123

He's west hollywood at 1 in the afternoon on a tuesday the day gay not night club gay, and I know this because he's in L.A.

>> No.15602148

To be fair neither do I. It just occurred to me in the kykeon video for example that there's no way such a famous recipe with such well known ingredients should be that unpleasant. Even regardless of cultural differences, he must have either did it wrong or the recipe instructions are missing some important details.

>> No.15602227

Ah yes, make two episodes about sugar and then not mentioning how it was one of the driving forces behind the slave trade is clearly the based and red pilled way to go about things.

>> No.15602271

>numerous episodes about food in ancient rome yet no mention of slavery or genocide
>videos about meso american food yet no mention of human sacrifice, slavery or genocide
I wonder why

>> No.15602293

Ah yes making a 20 miute episode about the aztec tamales and then not mentioning how it goes well with human heart and other organs the aztecs consumed on a regular basis is clearly an objective view of history

>> No.15602305

So your idea of genuine history means ignoring the entire cause/effect relationship between the demand for sugar and slave labor, in favor of one that suits your preferred narrative? idk bro sounds p liberal to me

>> No.15602326

They didn't eat people as part of their diet dumb nigga. They ate bugs and dogs for protein.

>> No.15602338

why don't you set the record straight by telling us how slavery and genocide factored specifically into the roman foods he's covered, or how human sacrifice, slavery and genocide factored into the mesoamerican foods

>> No.15602341

We are going through a new wave of the Noble Savage idea, were people romanticise any half-naked tribesmen who’s never done anything positive for humanity.

We’ve also seen a revival of Orientalism that manifests itself in the infatuation a lot of people have with Asian foods and practices. All of what was considered uncouth, primitive and superstitious is now trendy. Think yoga and so forth.

>> No.15602342

God dammit. Lmao.

>> No.15602348

>pulling this kind of mental gymnastics
My argument was, my functionally illiterate friend, the selective depiciton of history
Preaching from the moral high ground when dealing with X but not with Y
If objectivity is not your cup of tea then say so dont pretend to be retarded

>> No.15602352

A man cannot marry another man.

All they do is pretend and engage in pointless theatrics.

>> No.15602365

And mine, you delusionally condescending retard, was that the relevance of those things to the subject matter is why it was mentioned. It's not preaching from the moral high ground, it's covering a subject matter and including the relevant aspects of its history. Garum, silphium, tamales; none of these things have the integral ties to Roman or Aztec slavery, genocide or sacrificial practices as the sugar trade did to the slave trade.

>> No.15602367



Here you go you dumb fucking retard

>> No.15602369

i don't like his videos but he's a cutie

>> No.15602372

Aztecs stole food productive lands from other "shittecs" as i like to call them, they also raped each other (probably) and definitely genocided them assuredly and dont forget the sacrificing most likely. all of this and more was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.15602374

The problem is not that he's gay (that's totally fine) it is that he dates a hispanic man and that's super yucky and degrading and sets a bad example for other white gays to settle for less.

>> No.15602378

>now back to moving the goal posts
no wars have been waged over the control of trade routes (food, spices)
no people were conquered and ensalved for the control of a territory and its resources (food, spices)
no sacrifical practices involved offerings (fruits spices, food) to the gods
yup nothing to see here, none of this is relevant

>> No.15602384

Nothing wrong with homosexuals. Max is cool and his videos are interesting.

>> No.15602401

if you had a primary school level knowledge of the roman empire or history in general you would know that spices, access to food was one of the primaryfactors behind conquest
If you conquer/control territory you control trade you have access to stuff
the roman empire had slavery who were brought from conquered territories in many cases they were cooks who prepared the exotic food for their roman masters

As for the aztecs they practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism
They didint live off corn and potatoes it was apart of their culture
They sacrificed slaves, conquered people who were often genocided by this practice or driven to the brink of extinction

I hope this helped

>> No.15602403
File: 128 KB, 500x814, 1610966464159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with homosexuals.
homosexuality sooner or later always becomes a problem for every society where it is tolerated. It's a seedy lifestyle that includes contracting and spreading diseases for fun, so no, it's NOT ok to be gay.
I'm not muslim, but Ilsam has it right with homosexuality.

>> No.15602407

>straight people don't eat ass
have sex.

>> No.15602410

some good simple content in a world of toadshit

>> No.15602414
File: 53 KB, 600x600, eat-da-poo-poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we do, but unlike homosexuals and other deviants we don't have worms, and also, we don't eat feces which is really widespread among gay guys

>> No.15602415

>food Youtuber
Is he going to be the next Nikocado?

>> No.15602509

>It's not preaching from the moral high ground
The faggot in queation condemnned slavery and the crusades when it came to sugar but did not when it came to romans or cannibalistic meso americans

>> No.15602543

FUCK YOU. My day was going fine before you had to bring up the coin slot.

>> No.15602568

You can watch the 'Historical Italian Cooking' channel of you're not a homosexual. https://youtube.com/channel/UCsDUyQI88LLvpu9RCevwQEA

>> No.15602572
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>gay men
>Clean house
Fake news

>> No.15602581

Eating a piece of a nigga during a ritual isn't the same thing as eating them for sustenance dumb nigga. The point of a sacrifice is to give something to the gods you stupid ass nigga, it's not their source of nutrition.

>> No.15602597

It only affects their community. You don't get gay extremists, either. Apart from the degenerate pride types, they keep to themselves for the most part. The problem is that the modest kinds who don't always go around talking about where they stick their dick and pulling out their gay card don't get noticed. You only need to meet one of those to gain a respect for how much bullshit they have to put up with from their louder peers who try to embarrass them.

>> No.15602611

Cannibalism was widespread through pre-history and occured for over 100,000 years. Eating your enemy tribe was normal. Nigs and jungle americans only just left this phase recently.

>> No.15602638

he comes across as painfully tryhard. ive only seen a couple videos and they seemed relatively well-researched, but him rolling his Rs and putting on a hispanic affect when he is speaking spanish is eye-rollingly obnoxious at best.

which one videos are that?

silence, coomer

>> No.15602657

>Eating a piece of meat during a ritual isn't the same thing as eating them for sustenance
Lol you dumb nigger
These rituals werent a once in a year occurence and they didint sacrifice 1 guy
They sacrificed and ate thousands on a regular basis
Did they eat people every day? No
I eat fish once a month but by your logic I do it for fun and not because Im hungry
You dumb fuckin nigger

>> No.15602746

he has a wife and a daughter, you're the tremendous faggot.

>> No.15602765

>he has a wife(male) and a daughter(cat)

>> No.15602837

Lol this nigga. You say my logic when it's your dumb nigga words you're trying to fit into my mouth and they don't fit cause they came out of your banana lipped dumb ass nigga mouth. Aztecs hunted deer and bred dogs for meat and ate bugs like normal people they weren't eating niggas for food. Why would they eat the gods' food like grow a fucking brain nigga.

>> No.15602922

Holy shit you must be inbred with this level of reading comprehension.
Ignoring established facts i.e: aztecs sacrificed people and ate their parts
And you are screeching that doesnt count as cannibalism.
Why would they eat the food they sacrifice for the gods? You must be retarded if you cant think of at least one reason you dumb nigger.
When people sacrifice something they eat it afterwards just like muslims do with their fucking sheep even today the 21st fucking century.
Why? Because you are sacrificing the life not the flesh you inbred mong.
Nobody wastes food, eapecially not bronze age level people.
And if none of this convinced your subhuman mind then think of what are they supposed to do with the decaying bodies?
Cremate them? That takes a fucking huge amount of fuel you dumb fucking retard

>> No.15602986

i like his channel for the historical anecdotes. the cooking itself is just ok.

like in his latest video when he was talking about the swedish king, after i finished it i immediately went to /int/ and made a thread about swedes being fat and got several (You)s.

>> No.15603023

Imagine tonguing his noodle-shit-stained fartbox clean

>> No.15603034

>homosexuality sooner or later always becomes a problem for every society where it is tolerated
it really looks at a glance like all the countries in the world that are tolerant are good places to live on every facet and countries that are repressive are impoverished shitholes

I would rather live in a pozzed up western country than some shithole like Saudi Arabia

>> No.15603040

he is from Phoenix so he surely grew up around lots of native/mestizo guys. Usually that impacts what somebody's "type" is

>> No.15603046

Max is based. And somehow knowing that he is gay makes his constant flamboyancy in his videos seem genuine and endearing. Also I like his pokemon plushies he puts in the background of his videos.

>> No.15603048

to be fair its more of a mail slot

>> No.15603050
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>A man cannot marry another man
in the USA they literally can

>> No.15603216

Did you happen to miss the subsequent phrase that I wrote, bud? Sleepy weepy, already?

>> No.15603233
File: 10 KB, 221x228, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's just no rhyme or reason to anything you're writing, it's just words

>> No.15603249

Yes, writing is just words. Good job, champ! You get an extra cookie today :3

>> No.15603259

I like history-gay because his faggot fans don’t turn /ck/ into a general RSS feed for him, like all the guys who suck off babish do.

>> No.15603468

All the sources for his mead video are from fucking larpers and non-historians. Same with most of his videos. He's a hack but at least he's not as insufferable as babish or fagusea.

>> No.15603479

you need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.15603497

I enjoy it overall and the viewing has got infinitely better with sponserblock skipping the channel shilling he frontloads videos with. However I dropped the chinese cake video as soon as he said something in mandarin. What a revolting language.

>> No.15603504

>He's a hack but at least he's not as insufferable as babish or fagusea.
imagine that a fag who is married to an other fag is still less of a faggot than fagusea

>> No.15603514

it made me laugh my ass off how he just dubbed in the name Wu Zixu every single time he said it

>> No.15603527

I can't find it but I remember one of his videos only a minute or so in he showed a photograph of him visiting somewhere and he was making the soy face. if anyone know what video that was, or has the patience to sit through the first few minutes of all of his videos to find it, please post it

>> No.15603551

Explosive ostentatiousness does get engagement, but to 10-14 year olds and normalfags

>> No.15603596

>I'm assuming he's gay
him bringing up his mexican boyfriend every other video didn't make that clear enough?

>> No.15603712

might be this one
coincidentally this was his first video that I watched and within rougly 30 seconds I thought or rather actually said out loud "This is gay"

>> No.15603750

Does he do that in every video?

And by “that” I mean sit down and narrate like an old woman telling a story? It’s so weird. This guy is, for sure, a narcissist.

>> No.15603759

>based gay (I'm assuming he's gay what with that faggy accent)
Thank God I'm not the only one with that impression, his mannerisms immediately set off my fagdar.

He's great though, good channel.

>> No.15603788

Yeah pretty much, thats his style
>A narcissist fag, can you imagine something like that?

>> No.15603804

What do you want anon, for him to just scroll text on screen in silence? Hire someone to narrate for him?

>> No.15603836

No they didn't

>> No.15604057

>ctrl-f Jose
>0 results
He has mentioned he has a separate channel, "Ketchup with Max Miller", where his fiancé Jose interviews him. And there's always pictures of them in the background, I think he's Filipino. Am I the only poster who's actually watched Tasting History?

>> No.15604063




>> No.15604069

>Am I the only poster who's actually watched Tasting History?
You might be the only one who is focusing on the faggotry

>> No.15604088

>(((Adam Raguesa))), (((Babish))) and (((Joshua Weissman)))

I wonder how the new guy fits in.
*sees hawk nose*

>> No.15604094

He could do an off screen narration like Chef John of even Faggish

>> No.15604095

Nope, just nice. Nice guy, nice food, nice tray

>> No.15604250

Those are white propaganda articles based on Spanish lies

>> No.15604265

2/10 bait

>> No.15604277

Reality isn't bait.

>> No.15604291

>foreign propaganda is accurate and reliable
Of course the most judaified and negrified nationality would think in that manner.

>> No.15604329

Who is this?

>> No.15604332

you are trying too hard anon

>> No.15604360

> drinks instant coffee that expired 30 years ago - is fine
> eats ration that is still within date - severe poisoning
Food packaging standards have gone into the toilet.

>> No.15604372

Just go to the Indian neighborhood. You'll find grocers selling that everywhere.

>> No.15604405


>> No.15604456

if you read any of the papers linked you would have seen that one author completely ignores the spanish accounts and only focuses on archeological finds and logic even though he is a beaner himself
and even with all this generosity he estimates that 10s of thousands were sacrificed and eaten by the aztecs
so stop baiting this is just sad

>> No.15604473
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>not watching based moustache man make perfect portions of healthy food.

>> No.15604514

Beaners are Spaniards too. Nothing is sadder than being brainless like you.

Also archeology is almost as pathetic as paleontology.

>> No.15604539
File: 4 KB, 128x128, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hope you have a hobby other than baiting on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.15604545


>> No.15604720

>grasping at straws this furiously
just admit youre wrong, anon. theres no shame in learning new things that happen to contradict previously-held beliefs.

>> No.15604813
File: 81 KB, 726x794, Screenshot_20210214-135310-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love based gays, you'll love this guys channel

>> No.15604852

I went to Audley End once and she was there in the kitchen, making some kind of cake. She was in character, chiding the other, lowly help.
Only time in my life I ever got starstruck.

>> No.15604868

You need to take your own advicr

>> No.15605136

Election retards destroyed this site

>> No.15605168
File: 871 KB, 2000x943, 1511324928986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That smile is contagious. He's the most comfy youtuber I have ever come across. So relaxed and happy for those small things, like a cig or coffee powder. I hope he has a wife and like 37 kids by now. That would be real NICE.

>> No.15605216

Slaves were the main workforce for all large-scale agriculture from antiquity until the modern period.
Any civilization that had farms of a larger scale than yeoman smallholdings engaged in chattel slavery.
The famous Roman legions only came into existence because the small landowning farmers that had been the group that made up the Roman millitary were driven out of business by the slave latifundia. So they reformed recruiting standards to recruit non-landholders. The Roman state by the mid-Repulbic was driven by slavery.

>> No.15605289

Well I hope him and José have a very nice wedding.

>> No.15605345

>we don't have worms
top jej

>> No.15605370

I love the paintings in the intro. Especially the one of the fat man having his pulse checked by the doctor while the little servant boy grins smugly at you. I wonder what he slipped into his food?

>> No.15605663
File: 48 KB, 576x561, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15605951

Seriously though, why doesn't Reviewbrah just get a tailor

>> No.15605957

Based Jose.

>> No.15605971

Max is pretty entertaining to watch. He could put a bit more effort in his research because it all sounds copy pasted from wikipedia, but apart from that i enjoy his videos

>> No.15605972

love his channel desu

>> No.15606138

hands down best food tuber of the moment.

>> No.15606152

it largely is, rent a couple books about history
he shares written history, he doesnt investigate
chances are he gotten a few things wrong and never questioned it

>> No.15606155

whoa. whos the faggot now.

>> No.15606164

i just started this guy, seems okay. likes name dropping Harold McGee a lot

>> No.15606179

he is locked inside with a mexican and does nothing but read and cook old food, wouldnt you be?

>> No.15606429

He's poor

>> No.15606521

>tfw no swishy food and history husbando

why live

>> No.15606556

Does anyone else think he grew out the beard to make him look less gay

>> No.15606619

Extremely based

>> No.15606631

>ever watching female content

>> No.15606635


>> No.15606667

Judging from his Mae West impersonation in the most recent episode, he probably doesn't give two fucks about looking or acting gay. He probably did it to make him look less fat instead. Compare his face from when he started to now and see where all that baking and on-screen alcoholism went to.

>> No.15607053

> based plump gei

>> No.15607084

So? Tailors aren't that expensive.

>> No.15607196

He's happy man. What's the problem?

>> No.15607199

I made his Roman chicken and it was legit amazing. Roman is its whole own thing.

>> No.15607242

Jesus Christ that's gay, and I mean that as a man who greatly appreciates this man's work.

>> No.15607244

he said in an episode of his show that he thinks fitted suits look dumb and he romanticizes the 40s look

that's why he wears baggy ass suits but also why he slicks back his hair and tries to talk like james stewart

>> No.15607301

I've watched a couple of his episodes and he seems alright.

>> No.15607343


>> No.15607418

>> eats ration that is still within date - severe poisoning

Which one was that? I wanna see it

>> No.15607885

Yeah alright but not straight

>> No.15607889

I know right? Genuinely dont understand people who still havent figured it out

>> No.15607978

The things I would do to her
She would have to change her name to Cockombe

>> No.15608156

I like this fag.

He's from LA and isn't a immigrant...so yeah, he's a fag...but you know what, he's clean and respectable.

Even with strait people...get a room, sex is for the bedroom.

>> No.15608158

>enjoying the based gay (I'm assuming he's gay what with that faggy accent)
Kek, I thought the same shit when I first heard him. He's awesome.

>> No.15608165

I don't remember severe poisoning but a recent MRE gave him fuzzy tongue and metal mouth taste

>> No.15608169

>still seething about Townsend
give it a fucking rest

>> No.15608237

>This guy is an impostor. He's too polite.
Literally an ex-Disney employee. Eerily polite was drilled into him at gunpoint.

>> No.15608252

His videos are so slow and boring

>> No.15608336

Racists gays are cringe

>> No.15608356

>tfw bisexual but I sound and act like any old straight guy

>> No.15608361

He did though

>> No.15608390
File: 23 KB, 417x344, 1613531085851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone assume every single gay person is a bottom?

Ragusea is Italian, Babish is Polish, Italian, and Welsh, and I can't find anything about Weissman being Jewish. Why the fuck are you people so obsessed with Jews, to the point of seeing them when they aren't even around? I can't stand you faggots.

>> No.15608396

I showed my mom a video of his about the poblanos con queso, and she immediately said "he's cute".

>> No.15608409

Lads, I'm bisexual. I legitimately didn't know Max Miller was gay until about 5-6 episodes in, and I felt like a retard.

>> No.15608421

post source

>> No.15608425

>Why does everyone assume every single gay person is a bottom?
I dont assume every fag is a bottom but when you look at him its kind of obvious

>> No.15608428

>I felt like a retard

>> No.15608639

I don't know which episode it was, however he ended up hospitalized after eating a specific MRE.

>> No.15608667

>Babish is Polish, Italian, and Welsh
He's American, you cunt

>> No.15608823

You know what I fucking meant you twat, he's not Jewish

>> No.15609193

how can he be poor?
he should be a youtube millionaire by now

>> No.15609203
File: 48 KB, 745x444, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sometimes posts picures of himself reading books but i doubt he is doing any kind of genuine research

>> No.15609653

He'll grow into it

>> No.15609656

Wonder if he will ever do an episode on the humble british faggots?

>> No.15609864

that would be great

>> No.15609908

How does he create his content? You place an order and pay him through patreon and he will do it?
If yes someone should defintetly try and sponsor a faggot episode

>> No.15609958

I like him a lot. His videos are really interesting.

>> No.15609986

>(I'm assuming he's gay what with that faggy accent)

He's gay but doesn't make a big deal about it. Also willing to bet he was a theater kid in high school/college

>> No.15609991
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>shocked that people are gaining weight while being heavily encouraged or even legally obligated to be shut-ins for a whole year

>> No.15611019

I lost 9kg since lockdown started
No excuse to be a fatty

>> No.15611035

>He's gay but doesn't make a big deal about it.
Hes comically gay
Like straight out of a gay erotica comedy gay

>> No.15611553

Too straight for me, I'll stick with the BBQ pit boys, thanks.

>> No.15611633

He is based in CA.

>> No.15611669

>he thinks fitted suits look dumb
As opposed to an unfitting suit? Clothes are meant to fit. Even people in the 40s knew that. What an idiot.

>> No.15611796

Guy is clearly an autist that is obsessed with old aesthetics and buys thrift shop suits to wear everyday
Just leave him be

>> No.15612159
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Soft Yank poof detected.

>> No.15612609

No, because if you did watch you'd know Jose is Mexican, since Max mentioned how his fiancé's grandma served him tamales.

>> No.15613279

hyperbolic as fuck

I didn't guess he was gay until watching several episodes and I have a gay brother

>> No.15613366

>not having a home gym
lel sucks to be u

>> No.15613523
File: 47 KB, 720x699, 1609941209472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw both Max and Townsends have both posted new vids while i was working
life is great when you don't actively look for things to seethe at

i didn't know he was actually gay tho, thought the voice was something he picked up from living in Cali

>> No.15613640

Well it probably took you years to realize your brother is gay
So dont be too hard on yourself

>> No.15613655

He made an episode on tamales

>> No.15613657

>i didn't know he was actually gay tho
Oh come on if his voice is not enough then those mannerisms and pop culture references should be a strong hint that he is a bottom boy

>> No.15613756

"she seems like she'd crush cock and balls" - my boyfriend

>> No.15613796

Oh look a faggot in a thread about a faggot

>> No.15614431

He's not a historian or even a history buff necessarily. He started getting into food history specifically only a short while before quarantine then started the channel out of boredom and it blew up.

>> No.15614854

its not even history. its the barest bones, shallowest "research" possible - hes just reading wikipedia. normies make me sick

>> No.15615187

Not that I disagree
But to normies who think people used to eat dirt and chairs for the most part of civilization this is actual informative history education

>> No.15615276

So was the history channel before it went to shit but you didnt complain becuse the history channel wasn't gay

>> No.15615468

which history channel? and im complaining because its instagram/twitterfag normie-tier trash. if was going to complain about him being a degenerate faggot, id call him a degenerate faggot, but thats not my point of contention here.

>> No.15615481

I used to follow Townsends, but never really watched his videos, so I unfollowed. Something about his content puts me off, like I sense it's not genuine.

This guy I don't follow because I don't like the overt gayness that it has.

I do follow that Italian guy with a thick accent who does Roman recipes, though. But his videos could be shorter.

>> No.15615645

>his fiancé's grandma served him tamales.

based abuelita

>> No.15615652

>assuming everyone you talk to is a man on the internet
>on an anonymous website

Not the person you responded to by the way

>> No.15615660

learn the rules of the internet and lurk more newfag

>> No.15615843

He does that when showing details on screen, such as the text or images of the subject

>> No.15616406

Hello new friend

Here are some of the rules
>stop breaking the first rule
>there are no women on the internet
>tits or gtfo
>if you are going to commit sudoku then livestream it

>> No.15616583

>Defend any shit content at all costs if its gay
>nooo you cant just criticise someone who is different than you he has special privileges that you dont bigot

Do you realize that people hate fags because of faggots like you?

>> No.15616648
File: 40 KB, 550x309, jas-cobkitchen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l'idiot de l'orange

>> No.15616659


>> No.15616885

Rent free

>> No.15616897

Or aids ridden cum

>> No.15616922
File: 710 KB, 969x1045, maxmillertastingsoystory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5:37, thank you anon

>> No.15616937

there are precisely ZERO women on 4chan. if a biologically female cisgender woman ever somehow makes a post on 4chan, her vagina spontaneously closes up and "her' clitoris immediately extends out to become a penis

>> No.15617329


>> No.15617346

oh my god its total soy
saved to reaction images

>> No.15617371

you will never be a woman

>> No.15617392

racist gays are plentiful, too. feels bad

>> No.15617710
File: 76 KB, 640x800, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Anon on 4chan is a cute anime girl unless proven otherwise.