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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 480x360, E4CDA945-9B8E-4FDC-8143-82E3A32904A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15569906 No.15569906 [Reply] [Original]

What are your experiences with trying meat that is outside the norm? I have tried gator. It was ok. I really want to try pic related or raccoon.

>> No.15569921

Went to a hunting expo about a decade ago and had probably 50 different samples of exotic game before I couldn't eat any more. Tried everything from camel to zebra. IMO, most mammals taste pretty similar and reptiles are pretty bad tasting unless deep fried which makes everything at least palatable.

>> No.15569936

I’ve never tried possum.
I’ve had smoked raccoon before though, made by someone who really knows how to hunt/dress it. It honestly tasted similar to smoked pork to me.

>> No.15570143

Wow that sounds amazing where was that

>> No.15570152


>> No.15570167

I had a raw antelope heart once. It was pretty good. Other than that I've had gator, kangaroo, snake.

>> No.15570171

>I really want to try pic related or raccoon.
You must REALLY want a parasite, huh OP?

>> No.15570179

>wanting to eat rat meat
enjoy your aids, I guess

>> No.15570182

Is that a big opossum pussy? What do you think it feels like

>> No.15570189

>I’ve had smoked raccoon before though, made by someone who really knows how to hunt/dress it. It honestly tasted similar to smoked pork to me.

>> No.15570197

It's a pouch. They're marsupials, like kangaroos.

>> No.15570253

Soooo does it feel good orrrrr

>> No.15570356


>> No.15570372

Actually it was some dudes with a banjo plus guitar & upright bass.
It honestly made the experience of trying raccoon more enjoyable; seemed like more of a local context.

>> No.15570606

They are marsupials you double nigger

>> No.15570644

>and reptiles are pretty bad tasting unless deep fried
Rattlesnake (specifically timber rattler) is pretty good just pan fried. I'd compare it to eel, but much oilier and a distinctly different aftertaste.

>> No.15570649
File: 954 KB, 1100x733, Yellow-footed_Antechinus_(Antechinus_flavipes)_(17067818099).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like many marsupials don't fill nearly the same niche as rodents, even down to appearance. Not sure how that affects the taste, though.

>> No.15571063

Possums aren't good eating. Racoon, armadillo, and some others are good tho especially in low cooked situations. Oklahoma fag here. Most reptiles are pretty good if handled and prepared properly. Snake, gator, turtle are all great with the right preparation.

>> No.15571109

Didn't know they hunt Zebras in Michigan.

>> No.15571114

What the fuck is going on in this picture? Is that it’s guts?

>> No.15571123

Camel and llama taste pretty great. I feel like that is not something I could share outside of /ck/.

>> No.15571137

It's a pouch with babies inside.

>> No.15571153
File: 57 KB, 1242x710, vwkqvx5gfrpye3ab_1579865825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had pic related on my last trip to China. I didn't like the way it squirmed and squeaked but since that time all other food just seems tasteless to me. I'd like to go back some time and have more after the quarantine is lifted

>> No.15571168

Gator is pretty good! Ostrich is decent, very dry and tough, like lean, gamey turkey.

>> No.15571795
File: 196 KB, 654x1202, 7a94436625998ce865c44bb59b40e739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it can be considered unusual but I regularly eat horse and it's absolutely delicious, very low fat and rich in iron, I much prefer it than beef or other red meats and it's even cheaper.
I also tried alpine ibex salame (pic related), and I loved it.

>> No.15571803

I was told it tastes like chicken but very dry, is it true?

>> No.15571810

Has anyone ever tried bugs?

>> No.15572712

No and never will

>> No.15572793

Can I fuck that when the babies leave?

>> No.15572800

Is deer outside the norm?

>> No.15572812

Not at all

>> No.15572818

Go for it bro

>> No.15572868
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, carpincho-adulto-tumbado-1280x720x80xX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I had carpincho (pic related) pickled a little too gamey to my taste but is good, taste mostly like a hare
Fried frogs are great
Tried croc was okay
I was offered armadillo once but didn't seem like something tasty so declined

>> No.15572907

shut up redditor

>> No.15572936
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>> No.15572941

they are its babies in a pouch i think

>> No.15572966

That is an American oppossum. The Aussie version is a different species, and is actually cute.

>> No.15572983
File: 1.68 MB, 2816x2112, oppossum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying opossums are not adorable.

>> No.15573087
File: 109 KB, 639x1159, 9AF1EF3D-63E2-49B4-84F0-9927D26848D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they’re babies, this clears it up

>> No.15573149
File: 991 KB, 2000x2000, 1580707902419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you.

>> No.15573156
File: 71 KB, 620x675, 1611823157967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shut up redditor

>> No.15573172


>> No.15573199

>While filming in China, Tarrantino mentioned a Chinese phrase he kept hearing, that apparently meant "very good, excellent!". When asked for a translation, locals told him it meant "cow vagina".
>Laughing, Tarrantino asked, "why do you call things "cow vagina?!?" The local grinned broadly and replied, "BECAUSE IT'S SO BIG!"

>> No.15573546

aside from game meat, Ive never had an exotic meat or unusual cut of meat that I found better than typical meat. Frog legs were cool, but basically just harder-to-eat chicken. Most cultures that eat shit like this are just trying to make do with what they have, and the most popular cuts of meat are the most popular for a reason.

Seafood is another story. Im usually impressed with trying new seafood.

>> No.15573551

dont forget the drunk dude blowing on the lip of an empty milk jug

>> No.15573554

Possums are bros and they eat ticks and other nuisances, you should let them be.

>> No.15573560

You can know how to hunt and dress a creature, still don't know shit about cooking.

>> No.15573724

I ate your moms roast beef

>> No.15573755

How well (or not) you dress wild game has a massive impact on how it tastes.

>> No.15573783
File: 205 KB, 1024x1325, 1024px-Sísig_Bábî.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had alligator sisig in the PI some years back. Pretty good, a little chewy but I think they overcooked it a little.

>> No.15574187
File: 56 KB, 550x413, cui-chactado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try cui

>> No.15574210

Moonshine jug*

>> No.15574223

their diet does, and I doubt the former fuck around in sewers and eat shit

>> No.15574224

did you ever had hare?

>> No.15574234


>> No.15574248

It's just niggers with vitiglio, Michigan is full of them.

>> No.15574276

not safe for work, just got fired for this thread. thanks for nothing amk

>> No.15574277

I was searching for that word for like 10 minutes before I settled on milk jug damnit

>> No.15574282

not for the average man, since its to small for a normal penis. you should be good though.

>> No.15574350


>> No.15574897

stop deleting photos its just meat

>> No.15574916

you're a faggot and a nigger