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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15535684 No.15535684 [Reply] [Original]

is it true covid can cause a permanent loss of taste and/or smell? what would you do if you couldn't smell or taste your favorite foods anymore? how would you cum if you couldn't smell your gf's farts anymore? bros I'm scared

>> No.15535695

Probably kill myself.

>> No.15535706

I really hope you step out in traffic today and get hit.

>> No.15535754

I did that yesterday

>> No.15536629

It's not permanent but will come back in a couple weeks. I was suck for 3 weeks and everything tasted like salt or sugar. Like taking a spoon of either and swallowing it. But it eventually came back.

>> No.15536635

>is it true covid can cause a permanent loss of taste and/or smell?
If the infection went through your nose and causes a loss of smell/taste you have ~80% chance of recovery.

>> No.15536988


Got the 'Rona at the end of November
Lost ability to taste and smell
Currently I have regained about 10% of those sense's, doctor said it's now probably as good as it will get
Can taste a little bit of sweet, salt & bitter
Can't smell anything, nothing, zip
I can smell cold, it's really weird
Foods that I loved, I now hate, texture has replaced taste
I also eat for cold and hot
Cheese has a texture I can no longer eat
Milk is like salty water
I found that I love carbonated drinks, Schweppes has a lemon/lime seltzer water that is massively carbonated, kore than anything else canned, I have purchased a pallet of the stuff, arrives on Tuesday
Doctor told me another patient is 100% impotent, pills and shots fo nothing, told me the mans wife has left him, not sure if I got the better deal.

>> No.15537686

damn that really happens?

>> No.15537823

I can't trust someone who says they can "smell cold", you sound like a gullible hypochondriac.

>> No.15539157

not him but can't everyone "smell cold" when there's been snow? there's a scent to that.

>> No.15539176

For some people, it IS permanent... or rather has already lasted a full year and seems so.

>> No.15539182

I’d probably start eating healthy

>> No.15539189

I've had the coof for about 2.5 weeks now, just starting to get my smell and taste back. Made a lot of spicy and vinegary things since I could still taste them

>> No.15539193

Have an old friend who is living in new orleans. She got covid early in late march. Still has 0% smell and taste. Was working as a chef, had to quit, cause well she cant smell shit. Everything tastes like paste.

>> No.15539197

I used to have a really good sense of smell. After having covid in May, I've recovered some but it isn't as good as it used to be. I'd say maybe 75% of my previous sense of smell

>> No.15539198

it fucks with the nerves in your nose and the braincell circuit in charge of them
when nervous tissue dies there's no way to replace it, at most you can retrain other nerves in the area to perform that function but it's never the same again
so, yeah
kind of fucked up if it happens to you

>> No.15539199

Is this a joke? What the fuck bros?!? I thought coved was a meme, fuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!

>> No.15539209


>> No.15539221
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So why are you on this board if you can rarely taste food?

>> No.15539224

>when nervous tissue dies there's no way to replace it
Olfactory neurons are one of the only exception in CNS in adults

>> No.15539225

>he can't smell cold

>> No.15539238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15539249

It's just a flu bro, except it can make you lose your sense of smell and taste, can give you liver failure and kidney failure, can wreck the GI tract and can leave you with long term chronic fatigue.

>> No.15539251

Its not a meme, even if it wont kill you unless you are old or sick, it fucks up 10-25% of the people who get it long term in a myriad of ways of which this is one. I had a friend in his 20s who had a mild case, but ended up with inflammation to his heart, which aint fun.

>> No.15539307

It's bullshit, i know like 10 people that got it including people in their 70s that didn't die or even go to the hospital. One didn't even take any prescriptions just Tylenol and musinex. All the faggots on here talking about i can't smell anything must be some unhealthy diabetic fat fucks and overall sorry ass sacks of shit with shit coloured skin.

>> No.15539335

I know at least 5 people who died and none were very old or had chronic conditions. Anecdotes are not very useful

>> No.15539344

This post convinced me to double mask

>> No.15539373

I know a couple people who died, and one guy who got vasculitis that necessitated the amputation of his big toe. Even if it doesn't kill you it can fuck you up in other ways

>> No.15539385 [DELETED] 
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>anecdote aren't useful
>posts anecdote
the irony

>> No.15539409

that was the point of the whole post you mouthbreating retard

>> No.15539411

That was the point retard

>> No.15539487

>the amputation of his big toe

A fat fuck diabetic piece of shit

>> No.15539510

My mom had it and now she claims that the smell and taste of stuff like garlic or tomato is overwhelming. She was already bad about spicy food but now she is 120% stereotypical white person that only uses mayo and water as seasoning.

>> No.15539540

her palate was so bland that it went full circle

>> No.15539546 [DELETED] 
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T'was the point, slow one.

>> No.15539558

Bet she's keeping her pussy washed good what's your mom's number?

>> No.15539704

It seems to depend on the severity. I've heard accounts ranging across the board from:

-Lost sense of smell/taste a little, but to got it back once I got over covid


-as others have mentioned in this thread, lost sense of smell and taste and lost it permanently.

We're still figuring shit out about the long term effects of this disease. Hell I'm still hearing reports of folks coming out of covid with scar tissue in their lungs like they were 30 year smokers. Shit is fucked but we can't seem to find a pattern between those that get it bad versus those that don't aside from existing conditions and apparent viral load. Vitamin D intake also seems to play a part as well, but that's still up in the air and hasn't been fully explored yet.

>> No.15539845

Hot sauce op, hot sauce on the vag, that's flavor town.

>> No.15539956

no but thanks for the You anyways

>> No.15540496

do you think stem cells can help?
if you catch covid then you are fucking stupid.

>> No.15540505

there is no substitute for the sexy aroma of girlfarts. if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of loss of smell, just get her to fart on your balls instead

>> No.15540537

no because it isn't real, however the non-vaccine vaccine experimental injections will fuck you up

>> No.15540608

>loss of taste and smell
I invest in gruel

>> No.15540617

Post nose

>> No.15540628
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>> No.15540655

I was about to ask why on earth the man's wife would leave him, but then I remembered some people don't have to cook for themselves.

Anyway, sorry about that anon and I hope things do work out for you. I'd keep up just a tiny bit of hope at least. We don't know enough about covid to say this is it for you. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I've been double masking and wearing a face shield the whole time and putting clothes I wear out in the laundry and taking a quick hot shower once I get home. I am in Texas so life has been pretty normal since late May/early June for us. I feel pretty safe and haven't had any scares, but I also haven't been doing anything like eating in restaurants and skipping out on the sanitizer/hand washing.

You can still enjoy life as long as you play it safe. I do miss eating at restaurants, though, but not enough to potentially ruin food for weeks/months. It's been interesting to learn which restaurants I loved because of the food and which restaurants I really just liked the atmosphere/experience of.

>> No.15540748

>it fucks up 10-25% of the people who get it long term in a myriad of ways of which this is one.
Citation needed

>> No.15540792

>Hell I'm still hearing reports of folks coming out of covid with scar tissue in their lungs like they were 30 year smokers.

>> No.15540935

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/01/26/fact-check-covid-19-can-cause-worse-lung-damage-than-smoking/4237874001/ overview with further links

>> No.15540943


>> No.15540959

It's not a meme, but if you catch it that counts as losing your virginity so that's pretty cool. I still haven't caught it yet.

>> No.15540981 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15542401

my mom hasn't recovered her sense of smell and taste since her infection in november, though she does all her dishes by muscle memory so it's as tasty as always

>> No.15542921

I talked to a guy whose wife lost smellz and taste from covid. He said she lost it for like 3 months but it came back

>> No.15543028


>> No.15543065

Just got over it and yeah, I can barely smell or taste anything and for the record I'm 5'11", 185lbs and work out 5 or 6 days a week. I can taste sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, etc but that's really it. I could probably eat a spoonful of ground cardomom or drink a glass of Rumplmintz and not taste it. Sucks badly since I love cooking and baking.

>> No.15543103

next you tell me you cant smell rain

>> No.15543115 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15543143

people are not angry about the mask
people are angry about incompetent politicians restricting everyone's freedom without exit strategy
i pity the fuckers with their own buiseness being shutdown basically TWO MORE WEEKS
>t. leeching off the pharma jew, covid has been mad buiseness for us

>> No.15543166

Stepdad claims he's never recovered his sense of smell after Covid.

>> No.15543202
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>I prefer anecdotal evidence and hearsay to facts

>> No.15543203

I will never understand the self-hating jew wojak

>> No.15543209

>self-hating jew
It's a chud

>> No.15543212

Pretty sure that's what I said retard.

>> No.15543213

>chronic fatigue
Not real, just an excuse for lazy retards

>> No.15543227

>what would you do if you couldn't smell or taste your favorite foods anymore
I would probably start trying the healthy things I wouldn't have eaten before, like natto.
I'd keep or lose favorite foods based on texture alone.
I'd still probably hate natto because of the texture.

>> No.15544025

Same thing happened to me
Got rona early December
Lost taste and smell for like a week.
My left nostril still can't smell anything.
I don't know if food tastes the same or not because of it. I feel like I'm missing out on half the flavor

>> No.15544033

It suppressed my appetite and my taste for a little bit. Caught it again because I smoke weed and that attracts hypocritical leftoids.
I'm more worried that it damaged my heart or digestion.

>> No.15544058

Smart. If everything tastes the same, just plow through health foods.
No wonder the "great reset" crowd is thrilled. They can keep jetsetting while you eat cricket flour cookies.

>> No.15544065

>/Ck/ food & cooking
But yeah wouldn't be the same if I couldn't smell that sweet sweat

>> No.15544076

You're ignoring that Biden sniffs little girl hair like it gets him higher than heroin.
Plus, they fucking HATE statistics because it destroys the narrative.

>> No.15544091

There was an NPR recently of a food writer/critique that lost her sense of taste. It's coming back to her though.

She said garlic was the flavor she missed the most.

>> No.15544101

You're basically proving the point, Cletus.


Oh you mean like these?


>> No.15544121

I was referring more to the fact that whites that kill blacks are less than half as many as blacks that kill whites. And that black on black homicide dwarfs both of those numbers.
But whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.15544125
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>b-b-but Biden!
You sound like a Clinton voter from 2017, stop being a nigger.

>> No.15544132
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>> No.15544134

This shit is why I'm getting the vaccine ASAP. Who cares if it turns me infertile or some shit, it's better than losing the ability to taste garlic.

>> No.15544138


>> No.15544139

>what would you do if you couldn't smell or taste your favorite foods anymore
i'd start eating healthy and stop smoking cigarettes since there'd be no point in doing the opposite

>> No.15544153

Yes, the loss of taste can be drastic and long term. A friend of mine, and his wife, both had corona. He regained most of his taste, she says she can't taste most things after 4 months or so.

>> No.15545599

Would you rather be blind, deaf, or tasteless?

>> No.15545619

Snip snip.

>> No.15546701

It would be hilariously ironic if high vitamin D proved to be a great help when fighting the virus after a year of forcing people to stay indoors and fucking up their natural vitamin D intake in the process.

>> No.15546708

Health would improve as I wouldn't be drawn towards eating enjoyable, fine tasting foods.
I could eat all the healthy bullshit that tastes like ass.

>> No.15546714

>can give you liver failure and kidney failure, can wreck the GI tract and can leave you with long term chronic fatigue.
lol, my diet and lifestyle did that already.

>> No.15546871

Ah the good ol' whataboutism, staple argument for the right wingers

>> No.15548533

Covid isn't real.

>> No.15549937

If healthy bullshit like vegetables tastes bad to you, then you need to step your cooking game up.

>> No.15549956
