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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 553 KB, 1536x2048, A089D45C-EC33-4AC9-B958-375036E4733E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15504866 No.15504866 [Reply] [Original]

tryin to ‘babe i made crab cakes’ my way into some dick

>> No.15504874

Damn that looks good, you're still going to hell

>> No.15504879

homosexuality becomes a problem for every society sooner or later.

>> No.15504884

I just hate how these faggots have to tell us they are faggots every 15 minutes.

>> No.15504889

>random walnuts on arugula
>them tators
>crab cake on a questionable condiment

You better be attractive, because I wouldn't fuck you after that meal.

>> No.15504908
File: 63 KB, 960x540, pride month all year long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rancid raw asshole, leaking bile and stinking of decomposing bottom dwelling sea crustaceans is part of the appeal for faggots.
Vanilla paste, or cuttlefish and asparagus?
You know the answer.

>> No.15504923

I just hate how they spread diseases like aids (among MANY others) and act like they should get a prize for it.

>> No.15504936

Well the trash takes itself out at least.

>> No.15504945

I'd argue the idiocy you spread is hurting the species more in the long run.

>> No.15504980

did this sound clever in your head?

>> No.15504986
File: 128 KB, 500x814, 1610966464159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'd rather spread idiocy than aids, pedophilia and other mental illnesses like you homosexuals do.

>> No.15505017

oh damn, time to get my neghole pozzed huh
wouldn't want to be a bigot

>> No.15505034
File: 339 KB, 1025x621, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought a woman made this post for a second

>> No.15505062
File: 53 KB, 600x600, eat-da-poo-poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bugchasing has to be one of the most vile practices in homosexuality these days.

Homosexuals that have aids or hiv should be castrated by law and put into re-education or harsh labor camps for the rest of their days so they can be a functioning useful part of society again

>> No.15505098

Even the salad looks like it is drenched in oil. 4/10

>> No.15505119

Bug chasing is a myth.

>> No.15505126

Op here, no it's not. Arugula is my coon hound in this hunt.

>> No.15505138


>> No.15505256

San Francisco would like a word with you.

>> No.15505373

yeah fuck gays, haha do i fit in yet guys

Those potatoes and fish cake looks good, not sure about planting it on a bed of sauce though.

>> No.15505391

How do you guys know its not a femanon with manly hands?

>> No.15505400

Trannies don't count as females

>> No.15505859

Hey guys what’s going on in this thread

>> No.15506029

Finger in the plate

>> No.15506061

>boring salad
>not allowing guest to add their own sauce
Eh, 4/10

>> No.15506113

No it isn’t lol. But whatever you do don’t try explaining bug chasers to normies. They’ll act like you’re a flat earth tier lunatic who’s also a self hating closeted gay man.

>> No.15506137
File: 5 KB, 299x168, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer tendies a la mode? I'm confident the chef can accommodate your request. What flavor of ice cream would you like to pair with that. Vanilla? Excellent choice, sir.

>> No.15506144

Your mom spreads aids and many other diseases to your whole neighborhood with her rotting pussy.

>> No.15506155

How do you act like you're talking to a self hating closeted gay man? I think you might just be one, mate.

>> No.15506156

ESL, correct?

>> No.15506157

Check'em you retards

>> No.15506167

Yeah not like you all talk about booba 24/7

>> No.15506171

Says the guy who can't stop complaining about being a manlet incel on /r9k/

>> No.15506189
File: 41 KB, 626x488, funny-young-chef-laughing-you_1459-1524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just quoting retards. It does kinda sound like another language, though...

>> No.15506426

I can't accept that you thought it was funny, you must be lying about the language thing.

>> No.15506436

good thing straight people never talk about dating relationships or sex!

>> No.15506459

It’s real simple, moron.
>the way you’re going on about this crazy bug chasing stuff makes you sound like one of those married anti-gay Republicans who always get caught with male prostitutes