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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15483837 No.15483837 [Reply] [Original]

why are all the high production value chefs on youtube so fucking annoying????
please recommend some non faggot youtubers, i will do the same

>> No.15483841

>i will do the same
Go on then

>> No.15483886

I'll start.
All eyes.

>> No.15483896

Wow. If only we had centuries worth of cooking in written form.
They could put it together and call it a book.
Hot damn, imma go patent this idea.

>> No.15484010
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>cooking knowledge
>written down in a book
>cooking book
>cook book

>> No.15484142
File: 2.74 MB, 640x360, Sso 278.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out Ssoyoung
>high production value
>delicious food you don't see everyday
>beautiful woman

>> No.15484161


The drunk cook.


>> No.15484897

fuuuuck off

>> No.15485230

our boy Nate is the only decent one, based aussies

>> No.15485236


This is my favorite Italian's latest video. Lots of authentic and easy recipes.

>> No.15485273 [DELETED] 


>covers cooking, something average, and simple people who don't hate everything and aren't autistic will enjoy

just be less of a bitch about your free content you faggot zoomer lesbian

>> No.15485276

try not to get triggered by a voice or phrase and just look at the food
why does the host matter so much. they will only seem cringe if you have something to cringe about

>> No.15485282

loks like weird gimmicky bullshit
why the fuck is she on a roof?

>> No.15485300

This is great

>> No.15485312

Cooking in Russia is one of the best cooking channels I've seen. I actually found out about it from /ck/ several years ago. Thanks to the anon I bought his books too.


>> No.15485314

>add that to our guac a mole ee en joy

>> No.15486297
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Sorry. Here's a list of channels I'm subbed to:
^ her old videos are much better

Most of these channels are really small with less than 10,000 subs, so consider subbing and supporting them, because they aren't bad.
Thanks if you recommended anything, I'll check them out.

>> No.15486317
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Yeah see this shit sucks, the video is focused entirely on her and the visuals, like it's made to appeal to retards who don't actually cook. We don't need four different takes of her cutting the onion, placing the onion in, then cutting the pepper, etc. This video could've been like 50 seconds long. At least she wasn't being a cunt, although her faces were kind of annoying.

wish her team would show how the food is prepared

it absolutely does matter


not bad, wish his camera was a bit better.
thanks for the rec's

>> No.15486319

Alton Brown of course

Kent Rollins but it's not egg-zactly high production value

>> No.15487160

>https://www.youtube.com/user/CookinginRussia/nice try greg

>> No.15487219

I really like Hiroyuki Terada, the Japanese master sushi chef.

>> No.15487243

holy kill yourself yellow fever nigger

>> No.15487251

Chef John

Literally just the food and straight to the point.

>> No.15487271

I hate how he talks. He goes up a pitch at the end of every fucking sentence like he’s a 6 year old asking a million questions, except he’s making statements. Or it’s kinda like he’s telling a story and he’s about to reach the end but keeps telling the second to last lines, never quite getting there

>> No.15487286

You get used to it and I feel it's a pretty small price to pay to not have to deal with all the shitty social/narcissistic traits most youtuber chefs have

>> No.15487301

Why does he talk like that though? He has to know it sounds obnoxious and he doesn’t do it when he’s not in cooking videos. It feels like something you’d have to do intentionally and I’m sure a million people have brought it up to him. He doesn’t seem like the type who likes to troll.

>> No.15487316

He's been on youtube for a long time, he has like over a decade of videos uploaded. In his earlier videos he doesn't talk with the weird inflection. I'm unsure of when he decided to pick it up, but I definitely think it was something that was consciously introduced, possibly due to feedback from someone to lively up his voice because if you watch his earlier episodes the tone is very deadpan. That being said, you do get used to it but I won't lie and say it wasn't off-putting, it took me awhile to just accept the lesser of two evils relative to most other youtube chefs

>> No.15487321

That's a car.

>> No.15487464

does this gook actually expect people to believe that she cooked that food on burning matches?

>> No.15487481

French Cooking Academy

>> No.15487503

Cooking Wiss Dog
Kimagure Cook

>> No.15487752

I like Kenji's late night cooking series

>> No.15487755

She always looks like she can't fully articulate her face and ends up looking either bored or in pain. No thanks.

>> No.15488037

this guy is pretty good

>> No.15488056

Guga has high production value and is based.

>> No.15488388
File: 84 KB, 1151x768, 1600787879738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never see /ck/ talk about this guy even though he recently went viral.
i think he's pretty based being honest.
doesnt fuck around, doesnt act like a fag or a hipster, doesnt use hipster ingredients and he actually knows what he's doing.

>> No.15488392

Adam Ragusea is great, you should sub to him

>> No.15488528


I like Charlie Andrews. Food is kinda spicy, but it's all New Orleans based, so it's expected, but I enjoy his chill and pleasant attitude.

>> No.15488543

I think I read an article wanking him off and it annoyed me, it might have started off with something about orange man bad as well

>> No.15488547

That said, I wouldn't call his stuff 'high production value'; everything else still stands.

>> No.15488564

Paul Harrell is pretty good. He's mostly focussing on pistol shooting in his latest videos, but his early cooking stuff is very good.

>> No.15488625


>Wat up yall? Dis ya boy G Rich mane

This dude is comfy af, he'll do live cook alongs with his wife like steak and potatos for football afternoons and generally be positive and based


This guy is comfy af too, he tells comfy stories about cooking for the Queen, Princess Di, William and Harry

>> No.15488665

why dont you post his channel instead of me having you ask you, you motherfucking imbecile

>> No.15488679
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>> No.15488725

Jean-Pierre Brehier
Chef Jean Pierre on youtube
He is a great personality, and teacher.

>> No.15488739

Cookin' with Tee. She is a professional chef who makes pretty wild recipes on YouTube. I am amazed that she doesn't have more subscribers.

>> No.15488744

the aussie accent is misleading, this guy is a huge faggot

>> No.15488747


>> No.15488781

that guy only makes unaffordable shit and then he and his creepy camera guy are all over

>> No.15488866


>> No.15489231


>> No.15489242

I don’t really watch cooking YouTube unless it’s food wishes or cowboy kent Rollins and only cause they cook food that I find interesting. Munchies has a good blend of content

>> No.15489261


>> No.15490483


I hope you like hairy Italian men

>> No.15490502
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Because the roof is on fire

>> No.15490538

Damn, just came across this one- no more need for Mexican take out!

>> No.15490566
File: 321 KB, 515x491, Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 02.43.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this Chola really blend the tomato with its butthole? WTF.

>> No.15490567

You should know I've actively avoided this soulless insects videos because of your posts here. Every time I saw a video of hers pop up I would take every negative action possible against it. Dislike, report, leaving negative comments and clicking not interested. Eventually her videos stopped showing up. Feels good.

>> No.15490578

Interesting. It's like she took a lesson in enunciation, misunderstood the lesson, and practiced her misunderstanding nonstop until it was engrained in her brain.

>> No.15490586

>posting a criticism like that while having that webm saved
That's some weapons grade hypocrisy.

>> No.15490591

I loved his stuff 3-4 years ago, but I feel like the videos really suffered when he started hawking his online classes and pushing people in that direction.

Same, they were my first introduction to his stuff. His recipe videos during quarantine got a little long-winded at times, but they're some pretty quality (and accessible) content.

Some other chocies:

Bruno Albouze is fancy as fuck and you need to be technically sharp and have some gadgets to explore a lot of his stuff, but the recipes I've tried have all been solid. Internet Shaquille has great content but it's not always your traditional recipe channel, so YMMV. Ethan Chlebowski (sp?) is a newer discovery of mine and doesn't have quite the catalog of content the way some others do, but they've seemed decent. Weissman turns up the memeing to the point where it detracts from his content, but he does have some decent recipes.

>> No.15490845

Here you go. You're welcome.


>> No.15490894

post a fucking link you nard

>> No.15490984
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, Sso 337.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing out, her videos have only gotten better
you'll never find better mukbang

>> No.15491063

friendly reminder to avoid commenting on videos you dislike because the algorithm weighs comments higher than other metrics, it will just cause the video to perform better

>> No.15491072

You mean jewish? I don't know take a fucking guess.

I unironically like this one mexican lady called "Simply Mama Cooks" or something. There is also a black guy "Smokin and Grillin with AB" I think.

All I look for is someone who cooks food in a non-obnoxiously over the top manner. All the popular youtube cooks are a bunch of soyboy jews. Can't fucking stand them.

>> No.15491079

This is what I'm talking about. Fake over the top personality. How can people watch more than 10 seconds of this? It's basically acting at this point. Give me someone speaking in a normal tone over this any day.

>> No.15491083

This looks like someone redditors would enjoy

>> No.15491089

She looks like shes actually retarded.

>> No.15491099

I like kent rollins but his videos are twice as long as they should be. Too much talking.

>> No.15491101

Yeah sometimes he makes it all about him and the beag'

>> No.15491103

Omg I know who you are talking about. He talks like the biggest fucking faggot it absolutely enrages me. I didn't even know I could get so mad at someone's voice. He's unwatchable. It's a shame because video wise his stuff looks great. But I can't listen to that fucking faggot for more than 5 seconds. I am seething now.

>> No.15491109

For some reason this reminded me of America's Test Kitchen. They have some charming hosts. High quality presentation (I think they actually run a TV show)

>> No.15491112

Guga has too much production value

>> No.15491123

I discovered that british guy a few months back. I enjoy his videos but laugh at how he tries to tie everything back to him working for the royal family. Like yea dude we get it you were their personal chef at some point.

>> No.15491143

You're doing God's work, anon. Keep at it. Hopefully she'll kill herself in a painful way.

>> No.15491168

3 secs in before I closed it. Fuck that.
>Caring about the chink stuffing its face
Fuck off.
Looks interesting.
Mexicans have a bunch of dishes where they just chop some veggies and toss them raw with meat and tortillas. They don't care
Based and coompilled

>> No.15491210


this man

>> No.15491236

we don't wanna see any shitty mookbangs

>> No.15491270

For cooking it' s important to cook, not to see your faggot face.

>> No.15491298
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>replying to multiple posts

>> No.15491302


Based Gennaro.

>> No.15491748
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>> No.15491758

>Nat's What I Reckon
Try out google image search sometime, morons

>> No.15491869

was making a point on what i didnt want to see you fucking disgusting, unloved, low iq brown person.

>> No.15491899


>> No.15491912

He’s the absolute fucking worst. I’m so fucking tired of his elitist college professor condescension, masked with his faux normal guy schtick. In his last video, he’s checking if brownies are done, and he really says “you can do this with a knife too”

GEE, fucking thanks so much man, my tiny little retard brain would never have been able to figure that out, thank god for a smart genius like you to enlighten us retarded dirt brain mortals.