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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15465751 No.15465751 [Reply] [Original]

>Would you like to make a one dollar donation to hungry kids?

>> No.15465754

no i like hungry kids

>> No.15465758

What do you like about them the most?

>> No.15465760

well its either hungry them or hungry me, and i sure as hell aint gonna be hungry

>> No.15465763

The hunger

>> No.15465764

their... hands

>> No.15465770

mostly their misery

>> No.15465772

silly bitch, you can't eat money

>> No.15465773

It sucked working as a cashier at a grocery store and having people get defensive in various ways after being asked if they'd like to make a donation. Just say no you retard.

>> No.15465774

And what will you then make the little girl to do with me in return?

>> No.15465786

Did people actually do this? Like damn nigga just politely decline.

>> No.15465790
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sir, im calling the police

>> No.15465794
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>> No.15465799

good. you owe me one hungry child

>> No.15465818

I can give her two protein packed injections in the mouth a day.

And one in her honeysweet bald cunny.

>> No.15465831

> honeysweet

more like sweaty and vingegary and half hanging with a turd cause shes poor and doesnt know personal hygene

>> No.15465834

I once really blatantly snorted NO at her, like it was the cashiers fault she had to ask me that shit and i wanted to make a statement or something
And only years later realized how much of a dick i was for doing it like that

>> No.15465902

thats a gross description anon

>> No.15465962 [DELETED] 

Actually when your eating out a prepubescent girl its more like a very mild sweetness with no fishy smell at all. Only after pubescence do things go to shit.

>> No.15465972

This this really cute cashier at my local publix who always asks me to donate a dollar to March of dimes. I don’t want to seem like a beta white knight faggot in front of her so I ALWAYS say no. Yet that broad still pushes me for it. I feel like it’s a shit test.

So whenever my crush isn’t there, I go to really sweet old Hispanic lady named Marta. I always donate and dollar when she asks. She thinks I’m the sweetest young man ever.

You gotta play your cards right with different broads.

>> No.15465992 [DELETED] 

Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....

>> No.15466000 [DELETED] 

little girls dont eat curry you sick fuck

>> No.15466004 [DELETED] 


>> No.15466008 [DELETED] 

The girls like my curry.

>> No.15466028 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15466057

Yes I would, I'm not a gigantic piece of shit.
>some fat retard behind me mumbles something about jews and rich people
Oh what's that my friend? You're too poor to give a dollar to charity? Damn shame, damn shame...

>> No.15466069 [DELETED] 

Charity is a ripoff. Just like leaving tips.

Donating to charity especially like that is asibine because they only actually get a tiny bit of that dollar you donate. Fuck em. Poison all hobos and castrate/tube tie those fucking subhumans.

>> No.15466071

I don't even give the 5c donation at Domino's

>> No.15466078

Oh what's that my friend? You're too poor to give a dollar to charity? Damn shame, damn shame...

>> No.15466093


>> No.15466101

at kroger they maximize the cuckening by having the cashier get on the loudspeaker and go "WOO HOO! a one dollar donation!"

>> No.15466108

Ok chud

>> No.15466159 [DELETED] 

But I don't understand because the kids never give you anything in return. You give your money to someone else. If a hungry little girl was outside and was ready and willing, I wouldn't just give her a dollar, I'd go out and get the food for her.

>> No.15466267

you are still a whiny cunt

>> No.15466293

are you serious lol

>> No.15466302

I love the eyes. A child doesn't become a sentient human until they suffer the pain of starvation. I love seeing the gnawing feeling spur their brain into action and the pain set a fire in their eyes.

>> No.15466311


fuck me

>> No.15466316 [DELETED] 

He was simply recalling his first sexual encounter, when he was also prepubescent. Surely he's 30 by now and hangs onto that memory as if his life depended on it.

>> No.15466323 [DELETED] 

No, that was my niece during the quarrantine back in April when that cornonavirus thing was making people stay home for two weeks.

>> No.15466333 [DELETED] 

Oh, well good thing you're still around the same age as her. Otherwise you'll get a slightly stronger punishment than "underage b&"

>> No.15466344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15466362

Lol they're insecure and obsessed with other peoples perception so have to justify it. Turns them into pathetic assholes.

>> No.15466364

Its gonna get back to Stacy about how you actually donate money and she's going to think you're a weak beta faggot with a tiny dick. Good job

>> No.15466395
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>> No.15466408

Oh yeah sure. I've got a good education that ensured I got a fun, well-paying job. Even if your corporation takes a part of the dollar for themselves, I'll still be happy to help someone in need. Have a great day!

>> No.15466414

I always donate without fail, and if they ever did this to me I would stop the practice immediately.

>> No.15466429

no, I take time to plan out my donations so they actually go to those in need instead of a kike’s pocket. But keep thinking you’re superior to everyone else because you spuriously enable browbeating practices that prey on impulsive bleeding hearts like yourself.

>> No.15466450

I always just say, "not today". Makes 'em think that you will donate some other day but you don't.

>> No.15466457

No but I'm a hungry kid can you give me a dollar

>> No.15466462


>> No.15466463

I make jack shit an hour and can barely feed myself, plus I also volunteer at a food bank, so I will pass on your tax write off.

>> No.15466480
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I would donate just to fuck with everyone shopping, hell if I was bored just go in buy a stick of gum and donate and repeat 10 times in a row

>> No.15466482
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>what race are they?

>> No.15466496

And then everyone clapped

>> No.15466499

lol I used to work as a cashier and if I was forced to ask for donations and you said "not today", I never for a second thought you were planning to donate tomorrow, the only one you're fooling is yourself

I just politely say "no thank you", not sure why this is hard for people

>> No.15466503

No, why are your children starving? You work in a good store do you not get discount?

>> No.15466504

>yea, that'll be fine! Y'all have a good day, thanks!
this is how a non-autist who isn't a poorfag would handle this scenario

>> No.15466526

surely you can give a dollar to the homeless man waiting outside then too?

>> No.15466539

I only say yes when it’s the brap hog cashier. If she would let me sniff and taste her braps I’d give an extra 10

>> No.15466540

>"what country do the children live in"
>"No thanks"
It's that simple

>> No.15466542

I usually do...one time I bought a big thing of beer at a gas station and a homeless guy asked me for 3 and I just gave them to him and told him to have a good day

it doesn't take alot of effort to not be a complete asshole to people you sorry little incel...you never know how much it could mean to someone by just giving a small amount of your time/goods

>> No.15466550
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>> No.15466552

This guy has the right idea.
>donate a dollar so kids in brown third world countries can get a computer to better their lives
Fuck off, I'm not paying to get more Indian scammers and Africans can't eat computers to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.15466562
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>> No.15466563

> one time I bought a big thing of beer at a gas station and a homeless guy asked me for 3 and I just gave them to him and told him to have a good day
Sure you were generous, but giving a homeless man his fix is not helping him.

>> No.15466571

>asked me for 3
how very humble of him

>> No.15466585

>what country do they live in
>"uhhhh idk dude im only asking because ill get written up if I dont"

>> No.15467513
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>> No.15467530

As soon as they say the word donation I say no

>> No.15467537

Just be a man and say no

>> No.15467543

Only if the hungry kids are poc. I will not be feeding the spawn of any wh*te devils

>> No.15467546

>Comply to every request

Beta behavior

>> No.15468270

Don't they use those to effectively subsidize their tax write-offs?

>> No.15468282

Wow. I just say, "no thanks, I'm good" and pay for my shit. I don't get why people have to be assholes for no reason

>> No.15468286

My local grocer rounds up to the nearest dollar. If 37 cents is going to be detrimental I've got some massive goddamn problems.

>> No.15468298

Lol when I worked as a cashier I would always judge the cheap fucks that declined. One time I saw one guy coming into the store that ALWAYS said no, right as I was heading out for my lunch break. Saw him turn around and put the alarm on a brand new Audi. I keyed the fuck out of it, went to 7/11 and got a coffee, then just sat outside and watched his dumb cheapskate mouth drop when he came back out and discovered the thousands of dollars of damage to his precious little car. I nearly wet myself laughing!

>> No.15468331

I usually just say "I donated last time" and that's the end of it

which isn't untrue, I did donate years ago, so I'll coast off that until I'm rich enough that I don't have to shop at grocery stores that treat customers like animals

>> No.15468360

because boomers

>> No.15468368
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>yes goyim please spend your labor surplus on what we will count as a charitable donation we can count against our measely hundreds millions cash net gain this year to give to a shell corporation that will allow 5% of donations to work towards an even more inefficient "chairty" effort, OR ARE YOU POOR?
better off throwing pennies on the fucking street

>> No.15468374

and then everybody clapped

>> No.15468376

Kids in America need to be hungry more often how else are going to become a normal weight?

>> No.15468389

oh also having said this if your response is more aggressive than a simple no or no thanks you're a hypersperg and should consume bleach

>> No.15468425
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I pay 70% of tax ...

>> No.15468435

you need to be under 60 to post here

>> No.15468441
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>> No.15468527

Sir this is a Gamestop

>> No.15468598

t. hungry negro child

>> No.15468603

I think now the option is on the debit card reader... so cashiers don't even ask

>> No.15468611
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Yes. I always want to help my community. It’s my moral duty to help the most vulnerable in society when I have the means to.

>> No.15468612

"No, for me it's the McChicken"

>> No.15468634

>to each according to his needs
sounds like socialist bullcrap.

>> No.15468646
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>> No.15468647
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Does anyone else use Gamestop as a bank?

I got really pissed off with US Bank because I kept overdrafting my account even though I opted out, and the same thing happened with my credit union when I got my debit card.

Now whenever I get paid I go preorder a whole shitload of games. Whenever I need money, I go to the nearest Gamestop and ask for my money back on a game I don't want to make a withdrawal. The lines are shorter at Gamestop than at the bank and I can trade in old games and have money go straight into my savings accoung. Gamestops are just as prevalent as banks in my town and I work at a mall so it's even more convenient than running and errand to the bank or using an ATM and getting charged.

The Gamestop people are starting to catch on that I'm just moving money around and only buying one pre-ordered game a year if that, but there isn't shit they can do about it. The best part is since I always preorder every game coming out I'm still guaranteed to get all the exclusive content whether or not I'm sure I want a certain game. It's like they're rewarding me for banking with them.

>> No.15468648

LMAO could you imagine if a dumb roastie wagie asked you this? I would spit on her. Keep begging—maybe management will drop $50 on a little caesar’s pizza party for the team at the end of the month if you shame enough betas into padding your corporate tax break.

>> No.15468654
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Yes, I am a socialist. What gave it away?

>> No.15468662
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Damn I haven’t seen that pasta in a while.

>> No.15468663

Finally some fresh pasta

>> No.15468682

Are you TRYING to go your whole life without getting laid?

>> No.15468702

No always no
I never donate to a charity I don't research first also I don't like being blind sided about being asked for money when I'm not expecting it so even if I knew the charity and wanted to support them I wouldn't because of the tactics they are using.

Same thing with places that when you sign at check out they ask you for a tip.
My girlfriend always falls for it and tips these fucking people
1 I would never tip a cashier unless they went above and beyond
2 I definitely will not tip if they blindside me like this and stare at me expecting me as I sign.

>> No.15468709

>Uhh, no.

Literally me

>> No.15468723
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Oh, I wouldn't have to say they've been TRYING, anon

>> No.15468729


>> No.15468773

It just seemed fitting the way this thread was going. I had to retype the whole thing out since I could only find a screepcap.

>> No.15468794
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>> No.15468875

More people need to be made aware of this shit. You aren't donating to a charity, you're paying the grocery store extra money so THEY can donate to a charity. The more people do this, the more of their income they can claim went to charity. It also makes the company look good and it basically costs them nothing.

>> No.15468937


>> No.15468949

>Would you like to make a one dollar donation to hungry kids?
kill yourself
>Would you like to round up to the nearest dollar for literacy?
Every single time, yes.

>> No.15468951

charity is definitely capitalist lol

>> No.15469068

There's no room in my car for a child sorry

>> No.15469116 [DELETED] 


Bitch, my kids are hungry.

>> No.15469122

How's it been going lately Mr Spacey?

>> No.15469131 [DELETED] 


I got an ass-chewing in graduate school for suggesting that African Americans did not suffer that much compared to slavery outside the United States. Professor nit-picked me down to a B because he knew deep down the horrors of the Congo were worse.

>> No.15469153

if ot went to hungry kids, instead of hungry kids plc, then sure. charity is big fucking business nowadays

>> No.15469181

people are that retarded in america?

>> No.15469244
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Nah, the opposite. Women are paranoid about that sort of thing. Eventually, she'd ask him what was up, he'd tell her, they get married and have 4 kids, bada bing bada boom grow old and die together. Anon's playing it cool, no doubt about it

>> No.15469279
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A true hero of the people

>> No.15469325 [DELETED] 
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>being guiltcucked this hard like the pathetic goys you really are
Like pottery.
>Just say no you retard
How about: Fuck you and go get another menial, soon to be replaced by AI job (thank god) and stop harassing people to collect shekels for your zionist overlords,I mean hungry, homeless, and starving Congolese children. Trading in any semblance of dignity and self-respect you have left, for what? Minimum wage? If your gonna beg for change at least keep it ffs. Even bums get more respect from me.
>It sucked
at least you're honest

>> No.15469336
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>being guiltcucked this hard like the pathetic goys you really are
Like pottery.
>Just say no you retard
How about: Fuck you and go get another menial, soon to be replaced by AI job (thank god) and stop harassing people to collect shekels for your zionist overlords,I mean hungry, homeless, and starving Congolese children. Trading in any semblance of dignity and self-respect you have left, for what? Minimum wage? If you're gonna beg for change at least keep it ffs. Even bums get more respect from me.
>It sucked
at least you're honest

>> No.15469356

You have my upvote!

>> No.15469359

you're so beautiful

>> No.15469366

If you donate (((they))) know it's okay to raise the prices. Never donate.

>> No.15469371

Then don't let a corporation be the middle man.

>> No.15469376

the lack of excess fat on your body, and your tiny cock

>> No.15469911

They don't complain about how bad my food is. Great to practise cooking with.

>> No.15470005

Why would you thank them while refusing their request?

>> No.15470025

>be me years ago
>college job as cashier
>holidays come around
>hey anon, don't forget to beg every fucking person who comes through your grocery line for a donation
>gotta hit those donation numbers so our managers all get kickbacks for pushing this scam for united way
>refuse to ask random shoppers if they will donate money to a charity
>every 30 minutes some manager comes up to me and reminds me I'm supposed to be asking for donations
>still won't do it
>too quick of a cashier for them working too many shifts to do anything about it
>get called into the front end office by front end manager and two other department managers
>they attempt to pressure me into "doing the right thing" and asking for donations, as well as to give part of my hourly wage to united way to "help the less fortunate"
>tell them frankly that if they think I'm going to donate a single penny of my measly wage to some billion dollar charity organization they're out of their minds, and that I didn't believe in soliciting strangers for charity so I won't do it
>they get frustrated and give up
>randomly, run into customers who get to the end of their order and I don't ask them to donate
>ask me "aren't you going to ask me to donate to charity or whatever?"
>ask them "did you want me to?"
>99% of the time get "no, not really..."

>> No.15470039

My pastor requested this as the final song we sang when he retired and shut the church down. Good stuff.

>> No.15470187

I wish every redditor got put on a fucking machine until they prolapsed

>> No.15470195

>some fat retard behind me mumbles something about jews and rich people
That “retard” is a man much more intelligent than you.

>> No.15470200

Based colonizer

>> No.15470216

I didn’t know there was so much anti semitism on a Chinese cooking board. Yikes

>> No.15470259

Only if I've had a coupon worth a dollar or more in savings that trip

>> No.15470262

This is the best post I have read in months. Thank you, anon, from the bottom of my cold heart.

>> No.15470277

No I would the slam that scam jar right back in there face hoping I break their nose and say , sorry all I could spare are fuck yous.

>> No.15470314

as a non-american, these always seemed weird to me, are they a scam?
do the chains get paid for putting somehow for helping them raise funds?

>> No.15470537
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When I worked as a wagie at Publix years ago my store gave a $25 gift card at the end of the month to the cashier who made the most donations. 2nd place got a full sized publix sub. 3rd place got half a pub sub.

>> No.15470552

No, fuck the kids

>> No.15470584

I will only donate if kitties are in need.

>> No.15470887


>> No.15471344

>You know they donate this cash to war criminals right? (lie)

>> No.15471365

I'm sick and tired of CORPORATIONS trying to shake me down for more money for "charities."

>> No.15471452

This is a Reddit larp and it’s funny he thought it would pass.

>> No.15472604

Once mentioned that only 10% goes towards the charity, and boom had 3 cashiers upset at me, so I just say sorry I can't and then tey feel bad 4 me

>> No.15472723
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I knew that the managers made you say it, did you noticed the change in people when asked