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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 751x532, plain-rice-recipe-main-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15452379 No.15452379 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something easy that you can put on plain rice to make it eatable.
Preferable without tons of sugar.
Like how you can put pesto on Pasta

>> No.15452382

Hot sauce

>> No.15452384

MSG and onsen tamago

>> No.15452395

The purpose of rice is to balance the dish, by providing a blank canvas to more flavourful dishes.

That being said, you can cook it with any kind of broth or stock you want, you can add any industrial seasoning mixes to the water, etc.

>> No.15452396

I just load mine up with cheese
All you gotta do is buy the mac and cheese packets and use em on the rice
Also adding extra butter to make it creamy

>> No.15452397

>what is shichimi togarashi

>> No.15452430

Asians pretend you're not supposed to use soy sauce on rice, but use soy sauce on rice.

>> No.15452453

I'm pretty sure plain rice is not meant to be used on its own
But if you want to try you should use MSG or maybe some sauces, probably with spice

>> No.15452455


>> No.15452465

egg yolk, bonito flakes, togarashi, sesame seeds, quality soy sauce

might sound like too many ingredients but it takes literally 30 seconds to mix together.
if you use shitty soy sauce it'll be bad

>> No.15452467


>> No.15452516

why wouldn't asian have a pesto and ketchup for their rice?

>> No.15452520

This is what people think before they get a good rice cooker. Properly cooked rice can be lovely plain with just a little seasoning.

>> No.15452528

i got a rice cooker faggot
>ummm. this plain rice is delicious
kill yourself

>> No.15452529

How can something so bland be lovely

>> No.15452530

I usually like it plain but sometimes some hoisin and/or 'cha mayo is pretty good

>> No.15452535

soy sauce and a fried egg

>> No.15452546

They do. It's soy sauce. But they all pretend not to do that because eating rice and soy sauce is a shameful act of poverty living that makes orientals lose face.

>> No.15452548

Good quality rice prepared properly is anything but bland. It's nutty, fragrant and savoury. Balance it out with a little salt and butter, but otherwise it stands on its own very well.

>> No.15452563

filtered cooklets lmao

>> No.15452564

What rice cooker could you recommend

>> No.15452578

chili sauce or basically any of those semi solid asian sauces

>> No.15452618

Salsa verde and cheese. Make sure to melt the cheese. Then top with fried eggs.

>> No.15452638
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The best dish you can make out of rice is Kheer. And don't be a tool, of course it is sweet.
The second best dish you could make out of rice is Biryani.

>> No.15452651


Hot butter

Fried fish, esp. fatty salmon, even breaded fish will be great

Soy sauce


The list goes on.

>> No.15452704
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Put a few chinese sausages in the rice cooker to steam once most of the water is gone. Dice up some green onions to put ont he rice when you serve it. With no additional prep time or dishes, you can make a pot of rice far more edible.

>> No.15452718
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This also goes surprisingly well with plain steamed rice.

>> No.15452721

lao ga ma
fried egg

>> No.15452728

boullion cube

>> No.15452742

favorite way to eat rice is to cook it a little dry and make a nice steak. then use the steak drippings and butter and garlic used to baste the steak to cook the rice. just throw the cooked rice into the same pan and cook it until it’s all evenly coated. steak garlic butter rice is goat

>> No.15452750


>> No.15452753

Fried egg
Campbell's Chunky soup

>> No.15452754

everything this anon says is true. a drizz or soya is amazing on rice

>> No.15452757

Look up furikake.
Japan literally makes 6 gorillion varieties of it, and the entire point is to put on plain rice.

>> No.15452818

but WHAT "little seasoning"???

>> No.15452826

Rice is used to pad out dishes for cheap and also to absorb sauces and juices.
Make stew, curry, stir fry etc.

>> No.15452872

Corn syrup

>> No.15452907

Woosher Sauce
Furry cock hey if you're a weeb
Butter and soy sauce (plenty of both. Makes it taste like Benihana because they use a fuckload of butter)

>> No.15452951

Add some butter or oil to the pan, put some garlic fry it abit, then add the rice and water, once it's done add salt and pepper
You are welcome

>> No.15453304

I've never heard an asian person saying this. Only non asian people saying asian people say this.

>> No.15453335

Lao Gan Ma, butter pepper and salt, boil it in some stock instead of water, some soy + sugar, ketcap manis... The list goes on, honestly

Personally I'm a big fan of boiling it in stock, adding some sambal and butter while boiling it. Bonus points if you fry a little onion and garlic first, then fruit the rice in it before boiling. This will make rice so fucking good you will almost want to eat it without anything else added to it.

>> No.15453344


>> No.15453350


fancier version if you have more stuff.

>> No.15453364

dont tell them the secret

>> No.15453429

Salt your rice water like you do with pasta, obviously not the same amount but calculate and use common sense since you're gonna be eating all that salt. It tastes pretty decent by itself without being overbearing so you can just keep shuffling it.

>> No.15453481
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pizza sauce
about 1 teaspoon of sugar per 100 grams, not bad

>> No.15453486

What your problem is, is the type of rice you are making. One of my all time favorite rices is Basmati rice. I could eat just that on a plate. What kind of rice are you using?

>> No.15453496

>rice tastes like almonds
You're not a very smart person, are you?

>> No.15453512

Curry, meat, peas, butter, stock, cheese, red sauce with or without meat (sausage, beef, chicken), fish with lemon, shallot and parsley... lots of things. Rice is edible as is, but it's bland. Add flavour.

>> No.15453680
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Garlic and butter
Pic related
Toss in fry pan with some frozen veg.
Basic nasi goreng with fried egg.

Are you retarded?

>> No.15454199

When making rice, put in some bullion of your choice. I opt for low sodium chicken.

>> No.15454214

Lime juice and cilantro. salt and pepper to taste.

Or just lay whatever your main course is over it. I mean, you aren't JUST eating rice, right?

>> No.15454215

I cook the rice in double stock, i.e. instant stock but I use twice the volume of chicken dust, and the rice comes out pretty good.

Of course this means that my rice now has like 50% of my daily intake of sodium.

>> No.15454277

Cilantro lime rice is amazing. It was a shame I couldn't make it at home as often as I wanted, since my gf at the time was one of those people who thinks cilantro tastes like soap.

>> No.15454279

Sriracha and white rice makes a gourmet meal

>> No.15454368

am*rican detected
fucking disgusting

>> No.15454385
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>> No.15455094
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>nasi goreng

>> No.15455442

>How to solve Rice?
You dont

>> No.15455639

Soya sauce.

>> No.15455645

brown rice
braise it
add vegetables
add fucking anything

>> No.15455678

Hmm.. how about pesto you retard. Anything that works with pasta will work with rice.

>> No.15456250


>> No.15456336

>chinese sausages
You mean hot dogs?

>> No.15456398
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>> No.15456602

this is what I do op
1cup rice, rinse
add a splash of mirin and rice wine vinegar. loads of granulated garlic and onion, generous salt.
1.5cups water, bring to a boil then simmer covered for 30mins

>> No.15456605

Soy sauce

>> No.15456608


>> No.15456612

rice is so lean it would benefit from adding any kind of fat to it

>> No.15456654
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>> No.15456656

Maggi sauce and an egg. A thai woman told me this and she was right.

>> No.15456678
File: 103 KB, 680x952, Katsu_Curry_0858-e1586162586705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google japanese curry pack

>> No.15456715

soft boiled eggs and soy sauce. simple as

>> No.15456748

Make egg fried rice, easiest shit ever.

>> No.15456974

I like it with a bit of butter, tastes great once it melts

>> No.15456985

Just eat it, you fat faggot. Rice has a flavour, like everything else.

>> No.15457010

Small piece of butter in the water when cooking and butter + sumac when serving.
At least för long grain rice.

>> No.15457020

Turmeric, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, cayenne pepper and a little bit of smoked paprika

>> No.15457026

Chili crisp (lao gan ma)

>> No.15457029
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>simmer in bisque and some chopped tomatoes
>poor man's risotto but better

>> No.15457031

too oily †bh

>> No.15457040

I thought it was to cool your mouth off with spicier dishes. Not memeing here but I genuinely thought that was one of the purposes of plain white rice was if something was particularly spicy, it helps absorb some of the spice off your taste buds.

>> No.15457041

Its plain rice.. it can use the fat. to each their own

>> No.15457043

don't eat rice.
eat bread.

>> No.15457128

another reason why rice & beans are a winning combination

>> No.15457218


>> No.15457260

bacon or ground beef. or whatever fatty protein you got.

>> No.15457377

>food and cooking board
>how do I use rice???

>> No.15457586

Yes that's how it works

>> No.15457605

I add cum to mine.

>> No.15457623
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>> No.15457624


>> No.15457876

Curry powder, butter, italian seasoning, and a bit of soy sauce, and fry it in a pan a little bita). I do that with all the leftover white rice we usually have from Chinese takeout, and throw a few fried eggs on top (or cook em and toss em in a pan eith the rice) to make it more of a meal. My wife is pretty picky, but she loves it

>> No.15457900
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the classic, pic related, "arroz a la cubana" in case you're wondering

>> No.15457903

butter :)

>> No.15457916
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this stuff and also >>15457623

>> No.15457954

Fried onions.

>> No.15457957

Chinese 5 spice

>> No.15457968

Coarse chop some bacon into it and it's literally flawless
Cook bacon in 400 degree oven on a rack for like 16 minutes and it's perfect

>> No.15457978

Ching Chong sludge dogs

>> No.15458008

a scrambled egg yolk

>> No.15458031

Nah, use fish sauce

>> No.15458032

https://youtu.. be/sPNtJYvC8Cw?t=43

This video has 2.4 million views you lying fuck.

>> No.15458055

bake it in a lot of butter for a few minutes before adding water. still bland and requires a topping but better

I like adding green peas

>> No.15458097

salt and cardamon

>> No.15458106

put some jew gassed or nigger hanged in your rice to add flavor

>> No.15458122

Is this what counts as humor for election tourists

>> No.15458187

Just dogs

>> No.15458225
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tabasco, soy sauce, chopped raw onion and thos beans

>> No.15458245

Try pesto

>> No.15458420

Risotto? Like you can make basic bitch risotto with butter broth and rice.
Chili oil + soy sauce + some veggies / peanuts / crispy pork belly / whatever else is also an easy way.

>> No.15458466

You can bake with cambell's mushroom soup. For a more pimped out version add frozen veggies, ham and bake with cheese ontop.

>> No.15458523
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You guys make it sound so difficult

>> No.15458577
File: 139 KB, 1004x272, soysauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never heard an asian person saying this.
They're just being polite if you mean you poured soy sauce on rice in front of Chinese or Japanese people and they didn't say anything about it.
Asians during times of extreme poverty in the past didn't have enough (or any) meat and had to settle for soy sauce on rice to make a poor mockery of an actual meal.
Pic related shows a couple such comments, one from Malaysia and the other from China.
Also have this link to an almanac covering the topic of Guangzhou cuisine where it explicitly mentions rice with soy sauce as not only something eaten by Chinese but something eaten as a ubiquitous staple meal by the poor, which further corroborates what those other two comments were getting at.
>Food is almost unthinkable without soy sauce. Rice by itself is not a meal, but rice with soy sauce is, and for the poor in earlier times it was, often the only meal of the day.

>> No.15458606

Is it soy sauce in general that shouldn't be put on rice or is it fine so long as it's not just soy sauce?

>> No.15458622

Knowing the japs it's probably in general.
You could put gold leaf on it and they'd still tug their collars at the soy sauce

>> No.15458632

Weird. I see a lot of authentic looking recipes that use soy sauce in stir frys

>> No.15458857
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de fucking licious, specially with a saucy side of chicken

>> No.15458859

That is probably the saddest rice I've ever seen.

>> No.15458862

well, it is delicious

>> No.15458863

all this stuff in it and I can still feel the blandness through my screen

>> No.15458865

Acquire tastebuds, faggot.

>> No.15458866


>> No.15458870


>> No.15458893

skilleted veggies of your choice, asian sauces of choice for msg, dash of sesame oil. then add rice to the frying pan and add one beaten egg. mix while heating until the egg has a texture you like best

>> No.15458900

lmao triggered as fuck, it's ok tastelet

>> No.15458909

it's delicious

>> No.15458919

That doesn't make sense when you look at the dishes of Brazilian cuisine which aren't spicy at all, most are very herbal.

>> No.15458928

I'm sure it is, buddy

>> No.15458959

Fried chicken seasoning.

>> No.15459005
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oh no anon thinks he can taste images and is really mad about a really popular dish in my country, he is super mad, what can I do?

>> No.15459028

The only one who's mad here is the guy screeching because some people see that this clearly flyover mom-tier dish from his irrelevant shithole doesn't look "delicions"

>> No.15459040

there are other ways to cook rice other than plain

>> No.15459070

>b-but I have tastebuds in my eyes
lulz, later retard, just be a bit more mad, it will really help you

>> No.15459081

molten butter

>> No.15459088
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Yeah because guessing shit like this doesn't taste like much is totally impossible

>> No.15459252

Gochujang, rice vinegar, miso paste, soy sauce sesame oil whisk together. Fry two eggs place on rice and sauce. Cilantro and lime juice once it is done cooking mix in can of black beans add smoked paprika. Wait till done cooking mix in a bit of oil. Leave on stove for low for about 7 minutes you'll get a nice crispy bottom. Mix in some caramelized onions and some bharat. Learn to make biryani.

>> No.15459257

I dress in it up like a baked potato.

>sour cream
>green onions
>s&p heavy on the pepper
>possibly a drop of woorsturcher sauce

>> No.15459598

Soy sauce.

>> No.15459675

Cinnamon and sugar

>> No.15459693

Plain white rice is for dishes that have tasty liquid left over, like roasts, pan-fried meats, braises, etc. It goes from boring to amazing with a pan sauce or pan drippings added in.
If you don't have those, just make seasoned rice, at a minimum you can add bouillon powder, garlic&onion powder, paprika, etc. Add butter as well.
If you have it, adding real chicken stock before cooking makes it amazing especially if you leave the fat in. In fact rice is great for making use of fatty liquids

>> No.15460409
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Your first mistake would be listening to plebs ITT who think rice = Japan.

Look at Iran.

>> No.15460649

Literally any saucy asian dish (Indian, Chinese, Thai...)
Literally any of them.

>> No.15460928
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>> No.15460979

Brown sauce and lingonberry jam

>> No.15461002

A) Olive oil + Parmesan
B) Canned tuna
C) ragu (heated for 3 min)
D) Canned tuna + beans

>> No.15461030

Angry Grandma Sauce or Bulldog Sauce

>> No.15461123

How did it take this long for someone to mention rice vinegar? Who the fuck are you people.

>> No.15461140 [DELETED] 


>> No.15461194


>> No.15461195

2 parts natural peanut butter
1 part rice vinegar
1 part soy sauce
hot sauce/cayenne to taste

simple as

>> No.15461200

soy sauce?

>> No.15461203

if you're eating plain rice, i've found the 3 best ways i know of to make rice taste better are to make either coconut rice (instead of water, use canned coconut milk), or season it with furikake and a bit of salt (japanese rice seasoning) or just put a little bit of butter on it and some salt and pepper and stir it to evenly distribute through it. there's other stuff you can make like rice pudding or various kinds of fried rice but i don't know how to make that.

>> No.15461207

I'm whiter than you, Alejandro

>> No.15461208

what is this dish called?

>> No.15461212


>> No.15461217

Butter, salt, and pepper.

>> No.15461266


>> No.15461289


>> No.15461298

>>>15452379 (OP)
>Your first mistake would be listening to plebs ITT who think rice = Japan.
>Look at Iran.
Well Japanese put furikake and bonito flake kind of seasoning blends on plain rice. It's like the Mrs. Dash style rice condiment on the table. Shichimi togarashi, I think? McCormick has an easily found version called Japanese "7 spice" powder. It's got a secret recipe, but it will have bits of kelp, orangel peel and chilies and sichuan pepper kind of bite. There are other blends for onigiri, but they shake flavor on their rice bowl as well.

Think chili paste condiments:
I think laoganma is pretty nice on rice. A crunchy chili oil topping. Many years ago, my boss was from Libya and was Italian jew descent, and his harissa was mostly just garlic, blended fresh chilies and olive oil and pretty good, minus all the aromatics of a typical recipe ingredient harissa. Isreali green zhug/schug is good on everything as well.

I agree you should look to cultures that season their rice in the pot. I've had delicious pilafs, tahdig butter crusted rice, and lentil, bay, cinnamon and nutty indian rices too. Indians will also brown onions, nuts, and aromatic spices in oil, and use the browned onions or shallots as the condiment. A cheap workaround is French's seasoned onions and nuts in the salad toppings aisle.

Cubans make an insanely good leftovers yellow rice casserole called Arroz Imperial, and it moist, cheesy, smoky and filled with chicken. Key idea is their use of sofrito or sazon goya before staring their rice.

>> No.15461300


>> No.15461319

during cooking add fresh lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves
smells like fruity pebbles cereal and make it have a bright nutty taste

>> No.15462086

Tahdig (Persian Rice)

>> No.15462215
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Try putting butter on your rice. It may be better than you imagine. Soy sauce is not bad either.

>> No.15462254
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For me, it's Yukari

>> No.15462431

make spanish rice. refrigerate it. microwave it with a can of refried beans. use knorr tomato bouillon and mexican oregano if you can find it.

>> No.15462444

riddle me this, batman. how do you refrigerate rice overnight without it turning into a disgusting gritty pile of shit

>> No.15462489

You just bring it back by sprinkling in some water and covering it when you microwave. It's not a secret.

>> No.15463241

salt, pepper, and butter. I read the whole thread, of course, before adding my enlightening addition.

>> No.15463489

As the other anon said, tahdig. The most basic one is just taking parboiled rice and putting it on top of some oil on low heat. It depends a bit on your basmati but for me it's
>rinse rice until you can't make a ball with it (take some rice in your hand in the water and clench your fist, if it doesn't stick after you let go, it's good to go), usually 2-3 rinses
>soak rice in warm water for 2-3h
>dump rice into boiling salted water for 6-7 minutes
>strain rice, put some oil at the bottom of your cooking vessel, drop rice on top, put back on low heat with the lid on for 10 minutes
This makes the most basic tahdig, it's really just browned crunchy rice at the bottom so while it's great to enhance the dish as a side, not really something to eat on its own (also you can use seasoned oils here). More appropriate for OP's question would probably be when you put some yoghurt, saffron, and oil blend at the bottom with part of your rice which makes something more like that image up there.
Japs have plenty of good rice stuff yeah, but a lot of people miss out on everything else due to it. Personally I actually like rice with a raw egg dumped on it, but most people don't enjoy the texture and I assume Americans are gonna freak at the raw egg part. However, if we're talking simple and easy rice dishes, you can't really go simpler and easier than cracking an egg onto your rice.
>Indians will also...
Yeah I was gonna say a vegetable biryani is also a good way to eat rice. Dump in some vegetables and spices (be sure to have browned onions, those really elevate it) and it's good to go.

Also most important of all: don't buy the boil in bag Uncle Ben shit, go to a proper store and get yourself a 5-10kg bag of the good stuff, lasts a long time and it's ten times better.
Rice cakes are always an option, easiest would be something along the lines of a tahdig.

>> No.15463505

If it's already cooked, stir fry it with an egg, soy sauce, sambal (or any hot sauce) some diced pork or chicken and some shallots to make nasi goreng

If it isn't cooked, cook with chicken stock, two pierced cardamom pods and a star aniseed

>> No.15463512


>> No.15463523

Parmesan goes great with white rice.

>> No.15463532

mix an egg soy sauce and oyster sauce into it hot.

>> No.15463538

of course it does by why in dick's dick would you add parm and then turn it into an asian fried rice

>> No.15463586


>> No.15463647

I think he's listing things you can add separately to rice, but then again, this board never fails to make bullshit out of simple dishes.

>> No.15463655

oh yeah I think you're right

i think i just read lists as recipes now and that threw me off

>> No.15463659

Curry, you dipshit.

>> No.15463660


>> No.15463685

Ain't that nice
It's a meal with no price
Das rite
It's deenz n rice

>> No.15463690
File: 456 KB, 1200x800, F8C1CCF4-211C-4760-B94F-95BA23913BE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwanese people were poor as fuck for a long time and a lot of their recipes are ways to get something for nothing. Here, rice and a bit of meat. Pic related is meat rice, which by default is pork and by default default is belly, but it works with literally anything, ground beef (fatty is best), chicken thighs, etc.

Basically the idea is to cook the meat, rendering the fat, then aromatics, then creating a sauce, then simmering it all a while to get a kind of meat chili thing going on.


1. Brown meat, remove, leave fat
2. Saute 1/3 by volume of meat finely diced aromatics like onion and garlic
3. Add soy sauce, alcohol/wine, vinegar, pinch sugar or honey, pinch chili, ginger/galangal if you have it, and then a few tbs water to get something nice simmering. You know a good sauce when you see one. You want it not too tight, not too loose, keep an eye on the water ccontent.
4. Add the meat back, let it simmer until you like it, maybe 20 min. Add pepper, salt, herbs, whatever.
5. Dump it on top of a bowl of rice. Eat.

>> No.15463699
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>ctrl+f Hummus
>0 results

if theres one thing you can spoon out of a jar onto rice like you can spoon pesto onto pasta, it's hummus

>> No.15463704

i wanted to read that as a charming children's poem but it definitely reads like mumble rap.

0/10 do it again

>> No.15463713

what is it with asians and hardbioled eggs ont he side of nice things
i make stuff like that all the time and i put a fried egg on it, soft yolk + rice is kino and hard yolk is just always cringe fucking retarded taiwanese

>> No.15463716

Yeah, I know, they like to mix it in. Honestly, though, it’s possibly the cheapest protein, and it’s not bad when you finally get used to the chalky shit.

>> No.15463744

just fucking poach it or fry it or hell even soft boil it

>> No.15464010

Yeah I agree but good luck trying to change Asians, especially with shit like this.

>> No.15464553

When on a budget? Ketchup and some canned veggies, add a fried egg or omelette if you're feeling adventurous

>> No.15465188

Try this
>saute onions
>cover with 1-1-2 ratio of rice vinegar/vodka, mirin or white sweet wine and soy sauce. Add a little sugar.
>add some daishi powder or fish sauce
>add small chunks of chicken/pork/beef (or pre fry them and add them at the very end), ginger and garlic and chilli.
>steam them for a bit, but make sure they're ready when sauce is coat back of spoon.
>add a beaten egg on top and steam until egg is done
>pour over rice
there you go, a rice bowl made in 1 pan.

>> No.15465225

Isn't that nice?
The meal with no price
That's right!
It's deenz and rice!

>> No.15465665

>a little oil or butter in a pan
>bring to temp
>add dry rice
>toast to golden brown
>move rice to boiling water(slowly, or youll probably boil over the water)
>add Herdez mild salsa(I've tried using other salsas and it never turns out as good), roughly 1 part salsa to 1 part water, for a total liquid volume of what you would normally cook rice in
>you can add some additional salsa later to taste as it cooks

>> No.15465735

oh yeah, I've added hot italian sausage to this in the past as well to good result if you;re trying to make a meal out of it rather than using it as a side dish

>> No.15465900

soy sauce, egg, sate/chili oil/sriracha

desu rice is more like bread, it is meant to be a vessel. put curry on it or stirfry or something cmon man

>> No.15466151

>chinese sausages
Let's turn a 10 cent meal into a five dollar meal. A pack of ching chong sausages is like 10 bucks

>> No.15467552

furikake, pork floss, tuna floss.

>> No.15467564

Butter and salt

>> No.15467592

when i was a starving musician i ate rice all the time with hot sauce

>> No.15467600

use orange juice when making it instead of water.

>> No.15467939

mha nigga