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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15443856 No.15443856 [Reply] [Original]

COVID-19 is crushing Mexico City’s food scene and the culinary energy that has made it so thrilling


>At least 13,000 of the 90,000 restaurants in and around Mexico City have closed in the last 10 months, according to a local trade group, pushed out by prolonged pandemic lockdowns and a conspicuous lack of government support.
>The die-off has swallowed restaurants large and small, from mom-and-pop joints that prepared three-course “comida corridas” for lunchtime crowds to hipster eateries that topped best-of lists.

>“We’re bleeding jobs, yes, but we’re also losing culture,” said chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo, who in November was forced to close Fonda Mayora, which served heavenly chile rellenos and other classic Mexican comfort food in a pretty Art Deco diner in the Condesa neighborhood. His other restaurant, Nicos, a venerated establishment opened by his parents in 1957 in a working-class neighborhood on the city’s north side, is hanging on — barely.

What do you think /ck/? As covid hits harder more food hotspots get whacked which means no more yummy tacos or cool places to eat.

This is really unnerving in my opinion. It would suck.

>> No.15443863

who asked?

>> No.15443879

Half this board a cult that cheers when anything not hand raised, hand grown and hand cooked dies. The other half worship fast food. Neither them or the fast food fanatics care, so long as "not our shit" gets hurts.

>> No.15444016

Yeah everywhere is hurting. Why should I care about this place specifically

>> No.15444035

Blame China dumb faggot

>> No.15444171

This. Restaurants and bars are really suffering. The place I work went from $6k revenue (small town of 5000 people btw) everyday of the week to only Fridays and Saturdays. Now we get like $3k on weekdays unless it's a special that day that works out very well.

The real tragedy is that I can't got get loaded at the bar til 2 am doing coke in the bathroom and then bringing home trash I meet there or on the way home to fuck. Biden better make shit go back to normal.

>> No.15444195

I don't have a lot of sympathy for them, because at some point you need to ask yourself: what's more important to you? Protecting your business and culture, or protecting yourself from a cold?

Mexicans are pretty resilient when it comes to street food and such. I think those kinds of food service models will be fine in a few years. A lot of sit-down restaurants will probably have to close down though.

>> No.15444312

A real big fear is that it means further centralization towards chains and food supply conglomerates.

>> No.15444784

You know what? I don't really care. We have enough problems at home. Let them worry about it themselves.

>> No.15444792

That's a lot of unemployed Mexicans.
I wonder where they will go.

Friendly reminder that the virus did not ruin these jobs; the Government did. That goes for your country as well.

>> No.15444944

>protecting yourself from a cold
+ permanent lung damage and heart markers lul. Most mexicans aren't even doing any of the social distance stuff anyway. My girlfriend's family all got it because they didn't give a fuck and now her grandma has fucked up breathing.

>> No.15444949

>Friendly reminder that the virus did not ruin these jobs; the Government did
Right, by having a fucking retarded response to the virus unlike South Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, almost all of fucking Africa, Japan...

>> No.15444968

Her great grandmother died 20 years before her grandmother's current age. We've gotten so stupidly scared of the inevitable.

>> No.15445024

Do you know how rare lung scarring from covid is?

>> No.15445072

That's been the whole point of COVID. It's been manufactured to allow large multinational monopolies to take a greater stranglehold across a number of industries. COVID has enabled a more rapid and comprehensive move towards centralisation, to such an extent that it's very difficult to believe this wasn't planned.

>> No.15445154

>+ permanent lung damage and heart markers lul.
[citation needed]

>> No.15445179

Less rare than getting autism because of a vaccine.

>> No.15445360

But it's ok because orange man bad

>> No.15445447

is eating all you ever think about?
Gosh darn it you must be fat

>> No.15445664

>Gosh darn
Why is this board so reddit?

>> No.15445677

Probably because of the female to male ratio. Women are reddit: the gender.

>> No.15445951
File: 362 KB, 1234x974, D501B462-6A61-4955-A18E-0FD7E220E4A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s almost like people do things on the internet to be ironic.

Caring about politics is the most reddit thing about this site, and we all know what board that shit comes from.

>> No.15445960

What a real pandemic is like

>> No.15445987

for real though, there's one poster who's been here lately who juts posts fucking wojaks and ironically reddit posts and, to his credit, it's driving me insane
imagine being that big of a faggot

>> No.15445991

>“We’re bleeding jobs, yes, but we’re also losing culture,”
stopped reading there

>> No.15446008

yeah, fuck those hipster gaybois

>> No.15446012


>> No.15446066

Mexico actually has a culture other than capeshit and McDonald’s

>> No.15446083
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>COVID-19 is crushing Mexico City’s food scene and the culinary energy that has made it so thrilling

>> No.15446261

Yeah? Great so stay down there then Paco and quit jumping our border you fucking wetback

>> No.15446312

>that pic
>that file name
Et tu, retard?

>> No.15446313

You don't know whether that poster is Mexican, mutt freak.

>> No.15446478

Good, more space for mcdonalds and burger king. keep the lockdown going so that more privately owned business can fall

>> No.15446507

Only one out of all of the items listed says “phone poster” and the only reason I’m phone posting is cause I’m at work and I can’t carry my desktop PC with me every day.

>> No.15446536
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>want to risk death to go get shot at by towlheads in Afghanistan
right this way, sir!
>want to risk death to go eat a steak dinner

>> No.15446617
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I lost my favorite pizzeria which was probably older than me, a nice Korean restaurant which was a bit expensive but had great desserts and curry, as several other joints.

It's sad, but many people have taken a blow in their pockets, and ordering takeaway is the least priority of many, especially when the food is overpriced and relied more on selling the experience and presentation.
After removing that, many restaurants are only left with small, overpriced meals tucked in a styrofoam container.

>> No.15447116

Shouldn't have relied on tourists in the first place
Fuck them

>> No.15447145

>heavenly chile rellenos
Woo, stuffed peppers. Big fucking whoop, you can get them anywhere.

>> No.15447151

>My girlfriend's family all got it because they didn't give a fuck
Yeah, Mexicans are what's making California and Texas have surging cases. The Latin 'cheek kiss' greeting doesn't help either.

>> No.15447172

yeah, the trump virus is really fucking us over :(

>> No.15447218

Eryday I'm hustlin....

>> No.15447221

Cope, bitching over wearing a mask is like a badge of honor for the average magatard.

>> No.15447254

How is that a cope and what does it have to do with masks? The air kiss is much more likely to spread Covid than a handshake.
Unfortunately the health authorities are generally WASPs or Jews, and don't know Latin culture, which is why there's so much handwringing about caseloads in California and Texas. If they knew something about something, they'd put ads on Telemundo discouraging people from doing it.

>> No.15447376

>restaurants still open
I'm from Belfast and that shits been shut for months. Some places did thousands of dollars of renovations to be able to safely operate for COVID and then just had to stay shut. It's fucked.

>> No.15447390

Its common sense.

>> No.15447399

March 2020
2 weeks to flatten the curve

>> No.15447461

>Its common sense.
You don't seem to be making a point...

>> No.15447722

>Covid is causing small shops to shutdown, allowing large corporations to move in and further push out small business
yeah no shit, are you really only finding this out now?

>> No.15447730

weren't we warning you pro-lockdown faggots about the consequences of a lockdown?

>> No.15447736

God forbid we have small business afloat

>> No.15447768

Not covid, lockdowns.

>> No.15447812

why are readers of this forum apologizing OP? Seems to me that China should be the one that should be apologizing.

>What do you think /ck/? As covid hits harder more food hotspots get whacked which means no more yummy tacos or cool places to eat.
Duh. Why are you eating out right now, fool?

Street food will eventually come back. The only loss of culture would be if everyone literally died and forgot how to make the things they liked. It's pretty unlikely that culture will be lost forever.
Certain restaurants of international acclaim, or long standing history, could close and never reopen if their owners had zero savings. The older the establishment, the better financially you'd think they could do when they own their building, and have had loyal employees that were paid well for decades.
Actual street food comes and goes since they have little overhead. I'm not sure WTF any "suspicious government lack of help" you think should be handed out. Restaurants will suffer from business as long as vaccines are still rolling out. Give it another 9-12mo. If mexico's govt doesn't have actual vaccines whatsoever in that time, you can bitch at them.
>Do you know how rare lung scarring from covid is?
you sound stupid and ill-informed and/or no friends and family
>>+ permanent lung damage and heart markers lul.
>[citation needed]
He doesn't need to provide you with anything. Get off your ass and find a citation yourself. The whole reason got amputated legs and massive bodywide bloodclots isn't because covid is cardioprotective, dummy. You can assume there will be tissue and cell injury bodywide, not just cardiac muscle injury.
It goes from the sinuses straight to the hippocampus too, which is why you have a loss of sense of taste/smell, but everyone else just gets insomnia and sucky sleep ever since so-called recovery https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/12/covid-19-sleep-pandemic-zzzz/617454/

>> No.15447844

The burden of proof lies on the one making the claim.

>> No.15447867
File: 70 KB, 598x711, ff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are readers of this forum apologizing OP? Seems to me that China should be the one that should be apologizing.
>>>15443856 (OP) #
>>What do you think /ck/? As covid hits harder more food hotspots get whacked which means no more yummy tacos or cool places to eat.
>Duh. Why are you eating out right now, fool?
>Street food will eventually come back. The only loss of culture would be if everyone literally died and forgot how to make the things they liked. It's pretty unlikely that culture will be lost forever.
>Certain restaurants of international acclaim, or long standing history, could close and never reopen if their owners had zero savings. The older the establishment, the better financially you'd think they could do when they own their building, and have had loyal employees that were paid well for decades.
>Actual street food comes and goes since they have little overhead. I'm not sure WTF any "suspicious government lack of help" you think should be handed out. Restaurants will suffer from business as long as vaccines are still rolling out. Give it another 9-12mo. If mexico's govt doesn't have actual vaccines whatsoever in that time, you can bitch at them.
>>>15445024 #
>>Do you know how rare lung scarring from covid is?
>you sound stupid and ill-informed and/or no friends and family
>>>15445154 #
>>>>15444944 #
>>>+ permanent lung damage and heart markers lul.
>>[citation needed]
>He doesn't need to provide you with anything. Get off your ass and find a citation yourself. The whole reason got amputated legs and massive bodywide bloodclots isn't because covid is cardioprotective, dummy. You can assume there will be tissue and cell injury bodywide, not just cardiac muscle injury.
>It goes from the sinuses straight to the hippocampus too, which is why you have a loss of sense of taste/smell, but everyone else just gets insomnia and sucky sleep ever since so-called recovery https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/12/covid-19-sleep-pandemic-zzzz/617454/

>> No.15447897

Why should I apologize for something i didn’t cause? This is depressing but I have done nothing to cause this pandemic

>> No.15447918

Could draconian global lockdowns not have been worth a very slight reduction in 90 yo deaths? Dare it be considered?

>> No.15448200


They're all for corporate globalism and the CCP is the thing. The virus has no relevance in the lockdowns at this point, as even with "the vaccines" they're talking of making it last several more months.

inb4 the take your meds discord trannies try to gaslight because they don't have an argument.

>> No.15448216

>The burden of proof lies on the one making the claim.
Not when it's common knowledge.

>> No.15448228

common sense fallacy.

>> No.15448230

literally no one

>> No.15448305

Looks like someone’s not essential! Shut down your business and wear a mask!!!

>> No.15448936

Are restaurants in Mexico staffed mostly by Guatemalans?

>> No.15448972
File: 175 KB, 1800x1201, Claudia Sheinbaum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


funny, I thought it was the mayor forcing restaurants to close