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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15388516 No.15388516 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15388537

Imagine the smell

>> No.15388592

all of them, where do you think shit comes from?

>> No.15388597

coffee makes me poop

>> No.15388622
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Orange, milk and coconut water

>> No.15388632


>> No.15388677

worst gas of my life came from dumpster sauage. i then got the same sausage weeks later and it gave me the same gas.

we slept with the van open that night even though it was raining

>> No.15388679

Dumpster sausage

>> No.15388681

I haven't consumed anything but two cups of coffee today, I've taken a dump thrice already

>> No.15388686

Alcohol. I drink alan hale from gilligans island but you cant find food in parks.

>> No.15389056

steel reserve makes me puke and shit for days

>> No.15389067

Soy products, jalapenos and any other green pepper.

>> No.15389118


>> No.15389296

Dairy products

>> No.15389617

Burger King, always.

>> No.15389653
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>> No.15389657


>> No.15389662

Recently any time I eat any quantity of pistachios I get really greasy shits. I don't know why, and it wasn't always like this.

>> No.15389930

I want to fuck that broccoli

>> No.15390460

I find it so cute that girls have to poop and sometimes they even get diarrhea and they sit on the toilet with no penis lol

>> No.15390639


>> No.15390642

Ice cream for some reason.

>> No.15390643

>eating meat out of the dumpster

>> No.15390702


>> No.15390773

Umm bro?

>> No.15390805

Raw chicken

>> No.15390806

>ywn be a cute anime girl

>> No.15390916
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>dumpster sausage


fucking based anon, wanna tell more?

>> No.15391430


>> No.15391442
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>> No.15391491
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thos; beans

>> No.15391522

anything with meat. which is fucking bad, because I love meat. but I cannot eat it or I'm either gassing or shitting. fuck metabolism. fuck allergies.

>> No.15391526


>> No.15391530
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>dumpster sausage
this is what happens when you become antifatardie, kids!

>> No.15391551

It's not so much any specific foods, it's not eating when drinking alkyhol that gives me weird ass shits.

>> No.15391555
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I'll see that and raise you a godzooki

>> No.15391560

Ice cream. I can handle any other kind of dairy, no problem, but even a single scoop of ice cream, and I pay dearly for it. I'm on the toilet right now, shitting my guts out because I had a little ice cream last night.

>> No.15391583

I feel bad for you, truly, I just ate about half a pint of nice vanilla ice cream after eating some spicy chile. I really only bought it to try it out with fortune cookies, that works but not as well as I'd thought, the cookies break.

>> No.15391599

What else am I supposed to do with fortune cookies from chinese restaurants?

>> No.15391771
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I checked and witnessed, good sir.

>> No.15391811

>What foods give you the shits?

>> No.15391820

Anything with rape oil. If I pan fry something in rape oil I can just about set my clock to the inevitable diarrhea shitshow that occurs 3 hours later.

>> No.15391854
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>you will never be Satania's toilet while she takes a massive smelly brappy poo

Feels FUCKING terrible desu bros

>> No.15391865


>> No.15391882

i mixed whiskey milk and sweet tarts last night and the vomit and shit were unimaginable

>> No.15391889
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it hurts to live

>> No.15391894

That's pretty kinky!

>> No.15391896

6 liters of beer + 3/4 lbs on beanuts

>> No.15391910

No cute girl would ever admit to pooping, at best they'll admit to doing unicorn farts.

>> No.15391932


Coconut water is a natural diuretic.


I've had cabbage soup before but one I bought from a restaurant, I honestly felt and saw myself inflate like a balloon. My wife and I were just dying from it. Kept waking up in the middle of the night running to the toilet only to fart constantly for like 5 minutes.

>> No.15391998

Floor pizza
Me and the lads love to get hammered after work and eat dominos pizza off the pavement
I have a petplay kink so getting the shits is well worth after watching the lads act like animals too

>> No.15392161

>reddit spacing
>eating meat from dumpster
Do redditfags really?

>> No.15392174

Don't have a reddit account and I've been typing that way on 4chan since you were still in grade school, started doing it in text messages like 15 years ago, never understood the 'reddit spacing' meme

>> No.15392186

Honey nut cheerios. Not sure how, not sure why, but those things race through me like an F1 car on the autobahn.

>> No.15392193

zoomers think the internet is reddit, 4chan, and discord

>> No.15392200

Ok chud

>> No.15392462


>> No.15392479
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For some reason Stella artois.
Its even garnered a name. "Stella shits"

>> No.15392484

I'm switching to a diet of carrots and orange gatorade for the next week in the hopes that on the 21st I too can push out a fat orange shit.

>> No.15392499

Feed me any of that soft goat cheese stuff, and two hours later I will be violently shitting out the contents of my intestines in liquid form. If you inserted a rocket nozzle buttplug, I could probably hover on it.

>> No.15392602

coconut milk and binge drinking.

>> No.15392652

politics is a mental illness

>> No.15392761 [DELETED] 

Bowel movements are neither food, nor cooking.
Low quality off topic threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.15392812

>bowel movements
lol what a fag
it is cooking, it is entirely related to cooking

>> No.15392849

Believe it or not, it used to be food.

>> No.15392855

Reagan used to be politics, and you can talk about him on/pol/, so the way I see it, this bean burrito used to be food, so I can talk about my shit I just had on /ck/

>> No.15392863

i love Takis and spicy broth, but it always happens. white people enjoy capsaicin, our guts don't

>> No.15392867

There is something present in the powder for three cheese and rich n creamy flavors of boxed mac specifically that my body can't handle, I can eat regular or white cheddar boxed shit just fine, but if I have either of those I spend an hour on the toilet later that night

>> No.15392874

dude i seriously want to hang you from a lamp post, big belly hanging out and piss dripping

>> No.15392908

shellfish. not Allergic but shrimp, clams, etc are going to give me hellish gut cramps and shits

>> No.15393052

The double spicy Korean ramen. I love spicy foods, but that had me shitting red water within 15 minutes of finishing the bowl.

>> No.15393129
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>> No.15393169
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Hey fuck you pal, nyo

>> No.15393232
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>this shit was made for dudes to watch

>> No.15393238

Nothing. Sometimes I wish there were. I've tried Chocolate, Coffee, reduced fat Pringles, Taco Bell Tacos.

>> No.15393280
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Down a can of sauerkraut and you'll be pissing out of the ass

>> No.15393312

will try that next time.

>> No.15393339

Fuck you

>> No.15393415
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Eat your veggies, anon

>> No.15393417

Mongolian beef.

>> No.15393466

I've been grinding out adult life for 10 years and can't get a girlfriend. CGDCT is my only escape from the pain any more. Its this or heroin

>> No.15393493

the ass

>> No.15393581
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What is the problem?

>> No.15393620

Just straight milk. If I eat it with anything else like cereal or pb sandwich though, I'm fine.

>> No.15393974

The only food that consistently does this for me is raw chili pepper.
Like, if I make a salsa from habanero peppers and eat a bunch of that I'll wake up in the morning with indigestion.

>> No.15393978

Alcohol+hot sauce

>> No.15394065

moeniggers, everyone

>> No.15394080

Why do you add hot sauce to your alcohol?

>> No.15394099

fuck off to reddit

>> No.15394134
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>> No.15394138
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I love cooking it especially with pork but goddamn it makes me nearly shit my pants every fucking time

>> No.15394211
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I thought that was trump from the thumbnail

>> No.15394221

it's called a blooody mary

>> No.15394231

Are you blind

>> No.15394237

The toilet scenes in Fruit Tart were so hot.

The anthology comic where Ino has an accident while straddling Roko was especially hot.

>> No.15394293

he probably just has a bad case of TDS

>> No.15394299

Bloody Mary, michelada. I was actually referring to getting drunk and eating stuff with a bunch of hot sauce though

>> No.15395011

I have an eating disorder, so pretty much everything

>> No.15395357

I have IBS, so everything.
Especially anything with tomatoes.

>> No.15395418

I have AIDS, so pretty much everything

>> No.15395442

Follar store laxatives...it was sublime...

>> No.15395452

sauce on the img?

>> No.15396030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15396101

hey man why you gotta post that

>> No.15396160

Fuckin beer

>> No.15396203

but have you tried heroin, it's possibly a safer alternative

>> No.15396745

Dude epic!

>> No.15396880

horseradish works nicely in a bloody mary also

>> No.15397694

trying to find that comic, link pls

>> No.15397699

is alcohol food?

>> No.15397714

Fruit tart

>> No.15398078

bruh I went through the anthology comic and saw nothing like this

>> No.15398497

Hardly anything gives me the squirts, but salad with chives and lotsa cucumber-goddamn.

>> No.15398518

Psyllium husks for humongous poops.

>> No.15398878

Undercooked meat sometimes gives me cramps and shits but unless the food is expired I'm usually pretty good.

>> No.15398899

Coffee and alcohol usually, but I ate Indian yesterday and my asshole is on fire rn it’s a different degree.

>> No.15399141
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A little bit of both of these are amazing in a bloody mary

>> No.15399415


>> No.15400258
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>be constipated
>get Indian food
>figure instead of giving me diarrhea it will combine to give me normal poop
>now have firehole

>> No.15400273
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Could be worse, could be that space vampire queen.

>> No.15400289

I had that idea once. Ended up with a cork of constipated poop with champaign-poop behind it. The pressure release when the cork finally popped was life changing.

>> No.15400293

Did you use a saber?

>> No.15400522
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Storytimed here. Pic related.


Also features Roko sleeping on the toilet.

>> No.15400563

Two weekends ago I woke up super hungover and ordered 2 XL pizzas because I’m stupid. I was eating pizza every meal for an entire week. All that bread and cheese plugged up my intestines so the following weekend I went on a fiber cleanse. For 3 days I was eating like 8-12 of those fiber chews, they have like 3g of soluble fiber each. It worked because I got all of that pizza out of my system, but the downside is that a week later I’m getting super oily and loose stools within about an hour after I eat anything.

Maybe pizza would help.

>> No.15402524

Pickled Jalapenos give me nasty liquid burn shits, no other pickled chillies do this, only Jalapenos for some reason.

>> No.15402550

6+ pints of unfiltered wheat beer

>> No.15402567


>> No.15402809

People always joke that Taco Bell gives them the shits, but that has never been true for me. What does give me the shits is McDonalds.

>> No.15403097
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Don't forget to have a coconut cream pie with that.

>> No.15404368
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>raw garlic
>raw onions