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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 300x171, mcdonalds-A-Toasted-Bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15368812 No.15368812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

favorite Jewish food? bonus points for no antisemticism
for me its the good old bagel

>> No.15368823


>> No.15368824

circumcised penis

>> No.15368872

what the fuck?

>> No.15368874

bagel is all there is anon.


>> No.15368905 [DELETED] 

My favorite jewish food... is... uh... fuck uh... what food do they have..? Uh... Shit dude... uh... Oh yeah... They have none BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCING KIKES MY FAVORITE JEWISH FOOD IS BAKED KIKE WHEN I PUT JEWS IN THE OVEN AT 420 DEGREES FOR 1337 MINUTES KILL ALL JEWS READ SEIGE KILL KIKES SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL

>> No.15368910
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>> No.15368915

This beat is hot.


>> No.15368921
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Well, at least you tried

>> No.15368926

It's all just stolen polish wedding and Arabic food.

>> No.15368928


>> No.15368952


>> No.15369053

Why did Poland get shafted so hard. Not only does every overlook the travesties that happened to polish people in ww2, but now the jews want to steal their food too?

>> No.15369096

epic xD

>> No.15369122

I mean the word "bagel" is yiddish. Is it such a stretch to assume a style of bread originating in poland with a yiddish name would come from jewish bakers?

>> No.15369124

Charoset is delicious

>> No.15369126

Despite pogroms to the contrary, there were in fact jews in poland

>> No.15369131


>> No.15369179

it's really too bad his face didn't move suddenly toward the screen in the end, would have been scary

>> No.15369729
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>hoo-hoo Robin I created round bread hoo-hoo

>> No.15369739

I have to tell you. The food is very bland in general. Not my thing. Cannot name a single food

>> No.15369773

The food itself was made by German bakers who emigrated to Poland. The base dough and cooking method is the pretzel and pretzel bread of Germany. Has nothing to do right Jewish except that in the US, Jewish emigres were huge in nyc and the bagel became synonymous with them.

>> No.15369779

I put pork salami on my bagels with cream cheese.

>> No.15369788

Kalergi plan sausages with lavon affair pudding, ample Bolshevik genocide for dessert.

>> No.15370110

Fuck off Opie

>> No.15370161


>> No.15370175
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Bagels hands down. You can make a great sandwich out of whatever with a bagel or just cream cheese....and margarine

>> No.15370183

By the way why do anglos call coarse salt "kosher salt" ?

>> No.15370193 [DELETED] 


>> No.15370204

because coarse salt is used for koshering meats and most delicatessens in the west are jewish diaspora.

>> No.15370210

This post made me an anti-semite

>> No.15370261

Jewish food doesn't exist

Its all stolen Latkis are just Draniki national food of Belarus
Hummus is obviously not Jewish i mean obvious to anyone who isnt a kike
And so on for every single so called jewish dish americans jews have passed off as their own to ignorant amerifats

and so on replacing pig fat with chicken fat does not make a cuisine

Fake country fake people fake food

>> No.15370264 [DELETED] 

corn beef?

>> No.15370266

don't take it personal jewbros but i would only buy jewish food from a non-jewish person because i'd feel like a jew would only rip me off. but i'd gladly try some kosher delicatessen

>> No.15370271

Pastrami is hungarian but Jews like it, so I guess pastrami is the answer

>> No.15370275 [DELETED] 

oi vey that is gross

>> No.15370276

omg so random xDDD

>> No.15370294
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The blood of Jesus Christ

>> No.15370296

No one says Jews invented hummus, retard. Take your meds

Nova lox and scallion cream cheese with capers, tomatoes, and onions on a pumpernickel bagel is a flawless meal

>> No.15370308


>> No.15370311
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Literal babies

>> No.15370318

Are you fucking kidding me ?

Not even a dish ... a preperation .

No retard jews did not invent or improve salting fucking cow meat u absolute brainlet.

You gotta stop reading the what is written on the packaging of commercial processed food and thinking it is an encyclopedia entry .....

>> No.15370339

Calling smoked fish a stupid jew word putting it on European bread with an American Processed cheese and garnishing with vegetables does not a cuisine make you thief .

I mean your whole cult is based on a lie of Egyptian enslavement why wouldnt your cuisine be ?

>> No.15370392

>American Processed cheese
So American Jews aren't Jews?

>> No.15370398

I didnt say it easier low iq kike

Jews dont say they invented something they just say Hummus is ours now an Israeli dish and Israel is jewish u can see in real time the theft of another cuisine thanks 21st century annexation and cultural genocide a jewish birthright

Either low iq or lying jew

>> No.15370411

There's this nice
Jewish deli in downtown Indianapolis out by the stadium. Good food, but jesus christ they want 15 bucks for a corned beef sandwhich. Talk about being a stereotype.

>> No.15370413

Its an american dish tard

>> No.15370414
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I like them shilling "their food" around the world so every one can enjoy a nice Lachsbrötchen. Let's be honest, jut top making this thread. Nobody likes jewish "food".

>> No.15370423

I never knew bagels were jewish until a couple years ago. It still feels weird that's the case because I spent like 30 years of my life not remotely associating bagels with jews.

>> No.15370431

Jewish American, tard.

>> No.15370440
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there's a jewish supermarket in my neighborhood and their google page is filled with complaints from other jews about being too expensive. fucking jews man.

>> No.15370439
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>> No.15370446

That's because their not. Jew just claim shit for themselves, as with palestine.

>> No.15370448

They arent jewish

Same way Palestine is Jewish land only in the minds of schizoid nation within a nation parasites

Also in the minds of good goy Americans I mean if you snip your dick so that jews dont feel weird why not pretend their lies are true it is less painful

>> No.15370450

No matter what I think of the jews, a bagel with lox, cream-cheese, and capers is fucking delicious.

>> No.15370458

I thought Jews were a nation unto themselves now im confused

>> No.15370462

Well this makes me feel better about things actually.

>> No.15370485

Y'know how doner kebab is simultaneously greek and turkish? because they're right next to eachother and eat basically the same shit?
same thing with jews. they're all over the place and they share food.

>> No.15370490

imagine if one day they all decided to live in just one country

>> No.15370535

Palestinians wouldn't like that too much.

>> No.15370544


American education y all

>Grilling a vertical spit of stacked meat slices and cutting it off as it cooks was developed in Bursa[3] in the 19th century Ottoman Empire, and called doner kebab (Turkish: döner kebap). Following World War II, doner kebab made with lamb was present in Athens,[4] introduced by immigrants from Anatolia and the Middle East.[2] A distinct Greek variation developed, often made with pork and served with tzatziki sauce, which later became known as gyros.[5]

Doner is same as pork Gyro doesnt know about Ottoman Empire or the greek turkish population exchange thinks jewish cuisine exists prob even thinks a jewish nation exists

I cant even

>> No.15370565

>Ottoman Empire or the greek turkish population exchange
You mean like how jews migrated all over too?

>> No.15370574

......go ahead try to make a point

>> No.15370584

So, people going into your home, coping shit, moving on and claiming that said shit is their inventions is just normal behaviour? Because bagels are just differntly baked german bretzels. It's not jewish and never will be.

>> No.15370611

Matzo Ball Soup idk if I spelled matzo right is it Matza? yeah whatever. It's good though

>> No.15370631

Less a break-and-enter and more like adoptive siblings growing up together.

>> No.15370706

>more like adoptive siblings growing up together
Yeah, more like the family was forced to deal with an uninvited squatter which stole, killed and poisoned wells for his own benefit, finally getting enought, throwing them out (a couple hundred times) just to be called anti-brotheristic.

You have a stolen piece of land already, at least be so kind to fuck back off.

>> No.15370724

we get it dude, you hate jews. so edgy.
keep your /pol/ out of my cornflakes, please.

>> No.15370765
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I don't hate anybody, I just wish, with all my heart, you people wouldn't force yourself into my country, my countries places of power and introduce laws which benefit your own kind to the expense of mine. That's parasitic behaviour which is despise. The moment jews stop living like pests, you'll be no worse than my other neightbors. But you guys just can't stop yourself.

>> No.15370900

reddit moment

>> No.15371189

Oy vey!

>> No.15371304

Veey nostalgic. Very fascinating

>> No.15371312

I like Jewish deli food, but I'm not sure how actually Jewish it is.

>> No.15371435

your head is rent free but not my apartment complex now pay up gentiles

>> No.15371454

Gifilte Fish is jewish and when I worked at Albertsons one of my managers told me he broke a jar once by accident. He told me the smell "reeked of hell".

>> No.15371476

>favorite Jewish food?
big mac without cheese

>> No.15371478


>> No.15371501
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>another jew thread
your food sucks, stop making threads.

>> No.15371548
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Halva. Get it the kosher section of your grocery store. They look like a regular candy bar. The stuff in the deli that looks like a cake is good too.

>> No.15371577

>Halva is Jewish
Like almost everything the Jews claim as 'theirs', this is not a Jewish invention.

>> No.15371584

stolen land, stolen food, stolen foreign aid

>> No.15371597

Bagel's were an Austrian invention. Originally it was bread shaped as the kings stirrup. Jews of course stole it.

>> No.15371741

I always love how racism is just racism; not anti-blackism, not anti-asianism, not anti-hispanicism... unless the victim is jewish, then it's such a whole other level of offense that it deserves and demands having its own special fucking name as if it's so much more harmful than any other type of racism. Really makes you think.

>> No.15371775

completely forgot about this autistic faggot. like this video

>> No.15371829
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A can of anything, so long as it has that little "U" on it, indicating the rabbinical taxes have been paid.

>> No.15371859
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*blocks your path*

>> No.15371862


>> No.15371863

>Falling for the /pol/ memes

>> No.15371971

this jeweler knows

>> No.15372020
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, white tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, imagine being this butthurt
jews are nasty, yes, but only because they're white

cows were domesticated in the mideast
chickens in SE Asia
goats in the mideast

the only thing native to europe is turnips and carp (the shitty kind, not the edible silver one)

your entire language, culture, cuisine, and half of your genetics come from outside of europe

you will never be a pure european

>> No.15372044
File: 397 KB, 1180x1390, shylock-hanna-he-is-bound-to-have-his-pound-of-flesh-marcus-a-hanna-E70HCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pound of flesh.

>> No.15372087

Where at fellow Indy co/ck/. Is Shapiro's on the north side any good? Wanted to try it but haven't gone over yet. >>15370411

>> No.15372099

>but, muh palestine!!1
"palestine" was just a name given by the brits to the arabs who happened to live there you fucking idiots

>> No.15372100

Sorry anon. I'm actually from Ohio. I often go to Indy on business however and always stop at Shapiro's for an expensive sandwhich.

>> No.15372111

That's fine, dude! Appreciate the opinion on Shapiro's though!

>> No.15372505
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I had a blintz the other day for the first time and they were fucking delicious

>> No.15372586

So cepes are jewish now too?

>> No.15372644


>> No.15372734

jews existed back when gauls were shaking their booties and living in mud huts, so yes

>> No.15372759
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Oven roasted Franks.

>> No.15372774

Challah bread, no question

>> No.15372827

>Look at me diss the anglos with a numb-nuts question without Googling the answer.

Jesus you cunts fuck me off.
Grow a pair.

>> No.15372876
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too long didn't read

>> No.15372889

Is it that time of the month for you?

>> No.15372981
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and then they laugh in your face as your forced to buy their bullshit.

>> No.15373055

bagels is from poland and not jewish at all
you can fuck off

>> No.15373072

>not knowing /pol/ is always right
It's like you don't want to make it. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.15373104

bagel is probably the worst bread

>> No.15373298

I like lox on a everything bagel with a smear of cream cheese and on top of the lox I enjoy squeezed lemon juice and cracked black pepper

Lox is unique actually it’s salted and cut from a different part of the fish then regular smoked salmon because the recipe predates refrigerators

>> No.15373306

I love you

>> No.15373318

Jewish food is just central/eastern european food. They don't really have a distinct "jewish" food culture outside of the us, because their food culture is just a rendition of central/eastern euro food culture

>> No.15373322

>motza ball soup

Look I already ruined your retarded argument

>> No.15373347

Matze is nothing else but Semmelknödel, a german dish. You take old bread (Matze) and cook it in water or brooth. Go away already. Your therad and culture is and will for always remain trash.

>> No.15373348
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>Alternate transliterations of the Yiddish term for matzah ball, in the singular, include: knaidl,[8] knaidel,[1] kneidl,[9] and kneidel.
Litrally even stealing the term KNÖDEL.

>> No.15373356
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>See Knödel for further information about the origin of the word and the food itself.
>German, Austrian, and Alsatian Jews were the first to prepare matzo balls for their soup

>> No.15373374

Matzo isn't old bread though, it's unleavened bread
dig hard enough into any cuisine and you'll find it's derivative
Being a secular Israeli Jew my interaction with Jewish food is mostly through holiday traditions, so I love the usual suspects like Matzo Ball soup, Charoset, Latkes, Sufganiyot.
Outside of holidays my favorites would be Jachnun (Yemenite Jewish pastry), Malawach, and Cholent (Shabbat stew).
Bagels are a diaspora thing.

>> No.15373386

>it's unleavened (old) bread
>it's unleavened bread
Lie and final cope.

>> No.15373394

I don't think that word means what you think it means
in any case you appear to be lost, here let me help you https://boards.4channel.org/pol

>> No.15373407

Leave it to a jew to ignore their blatant euro heritage so they can pretend to be israelis, all because they follow a religion some sand people brought over 2000 years ago.

>> No.15373451

Make the like potato pancakes but fry them in bacon grease because fuck them.

>> No.15373483


>> No.15373582
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