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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 1200x628, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15364540 No.15364540 [Reply] [Original]

I hate butter. I don't put it on anything. It doesn't taste good and leaves a gross feeling around your mouth. Sure, it's fine for baking but that's it. Why do people like butter so much? Oil is simply better. Is something wrong with me? People get concerned when they come over and ask for butter to put on their bread or whatever. 'I thought you loved cooking?' they say. I do and it's better without butter.

>> No.15364548

you have a very small penis.

>> No.15364558

Wanna bet? Come over to /b/ and I'll show you the long, delicious, butter-free schlong I'm packing below the belt.

>> No.15364562

try better butter.

I hate the slightly rancid taste of cheap butter.

>> No.15364567

OP here. Actually ghee is okay.

>> No.15364579

you aren't white are you

>> No.15364593

>It doesn't taste good
Get salted butter, it'll change your mind. Don't use it for baking, but if you're just going to melt or spread butter over something then salted tastes so much better.

>> No.15364597

I use margarine instead for sandwiches

>> No.15364603
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>> No.15364606

I don't really like salt either. Sure it's good on potatoes but I very often forget to put it in while cooking. My gf gets flustered and always will take a bite, furrow her brow, get up and silently grab the salt from the cabinet and dump it on her curry/chili/soup/whatever.
I am.

>> No.15364616

>I don't really like salt either.
Salted butter doesn't taste salty, the salt in it just enhances the flavor of the butter.

>> No.15364619

what do you like?

>> No.15364627

Please get out of my resturaunt

>> No.15364633

Are you sure you have tastebuds ?

>> No.15364642

you realize that salt doesn't generally add "salt" flavor, it enhances the flavors already there.

>> No.15364646

In terms of ingredients? Hard cheeses, garlic, onions, bone marrow, zucchini flowers, lamb, goat, chicken thighs, all kinds of spice, avocados, salmon, spinach, corn and emping to name a few.

>> No.15364660

Hey, margarine is fine.

>> No.15364668

It's fine as a substitute if you're out of butter, but sorry, it's not as good as butter so it'll never get used unless i have no other options.

>> No.15364672

> Is something wrong with me?
If you are an otherwise normal eater then you probably had a bad experience with it (or something similar) at a very young age. Garcia Taste Aversion is what it was called in psych intro. I have the same irrational hate soft creamy stuff like mashed potatoes (I was adopted so likely abused).

>> No.15364680

...well, alright then

>> No.15364690

Perhaps so. I used to have a very strong neurosis surrounding milk. I hated it. Not even the taste specifically. If there was a glass of milk on the table I would become uneasy. Once at summer camp I got all sweaty because someone spilled milk. On April Fools day my brothers once stashed a jug of milk in my bed and I went ballistic. They even tapped milk ads to the ceiling. I got over it around age 18 though. My mom has no idea where this came from. She says I was fine with breastfeeding. I have no memory of ever drinking milk.

I don't like margarine either. I also tend to vomit when I eat chicken breasts. Not vomit really. I just chew to much and end up with a wad of tasteless junk shifting around my mouth which eventually makes me gag so I have to expel it. I never buy chicken breast but sometimes I find it on my plate and have to make do. Dark meat is better.

>> No.15364692

Not him but animal margarine is better than butter imo

>> No.15364694

>It's fine as a substitute if you're out of butter
Not even. That's like saying canola oil is fine as a substitute for deep frying if you're out of lard.

>> No.15364699

Isn't animal margarine just butter? I'm not sure of the difference. I thought the whole point of margarine was to not be an animal product.

>> No.15364705

Nothing like some good animal margarine to go with my vegan cut of beef.

>> No.15364711

Animal margarine is made from rendered adipose tissue, usually beef tallow.

>> No.15364722

patrician taste (except bone marrow)

lightly fried zucchini flowers are the best food mankind has ever invented

>> No.15364730

I'm with you OP

butter is only useful for its form factor (solid at room temperature). This is useful for some things (mostly baking, like you mentioned, but also popcorn).

For things that you're going to eat warm anyway (past the point where butter would be liquid) oil is just better. It's more nutritious and if you salt whatever food you're eating (the make up for the salt that would have been in salted butter) it tastes just as good if not better.

>> No.15364736

>it tastes just as good if not better
what standard cooking oil tastes just as good or better than butter?

>> No.15364739

For me, literally any.

>> No.15364751

rice/bread with olive oil >>>> rice/bread with butter

avocado oil is also good if you find olive oil too strong

>> No.15364753

Then you're using the most dirt-cheap butter you can find, or you're a tastelet.

A good cooking oil doesn't taste bad by any means, but butter is simply better, especially if you've got a local farm that makes good butter, but even Kerrygold or similar decent brand butters will taste better than some vegetable oil or sunflower oil.

>> No.15364758

Meh, olive oil is pretty shit for cooking with due to it's low as fuck smoke point.

I still stock it and use it where it's flavor will help, but otherwise, I'm using an oil with a higher smoke point, or butter, or ghee.

>> No.15364759

You are retarded, butter is a dairy product made from the fat of milk, margarine is an emulsion of fat (not dairy fat)

>> No.15364770

yeah olive oil isn't great for high heat cooking, I usually use rapeseed for that but it replaces butter most places for me (since butter's smoke point is even more abysmal than olive oil)

yeah sunflower oil or generic "vegetable oil" aren't very good for flavour. only olive and avocado do it for me there.

>> No.15365929


>> No.15365951

Basically you're just a shitty cook, is what you came here to tell us