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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15316925 No.15316925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>buy Tillamook extra sharp cheddar (8 oz) (they started carrying it like a year ago - its new-ish here and gud)
>check label when I get home - halal certified
>no kosher certification whatsoever

I have seen tons of products that are kosher certified - seems pretty standard - but never a product before that was halal but NOT kosher (carefully checked label - not kosher)

Why would the market for cheese from Oregon be more Muslim than Jewish?

Is there a secret Muslim demand for decent quality aged cheddar I was unaware of?

>> No.15316929

was the cheese made using rennet?

>> No.15316930

Who the fuck cares

>> No.15316935


> pay some Jewish racket for Kosher certification

Miss me with that shit

>> No.15316938

They use vegetarian rennet in all cheeses except the extra aged reserve (I think - or at least they used to) - but this isn't that product

I'm Jewish (non obsevervant/cultural jew) and I don't want my money going to enabling Muslims

>> No.15316963
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, milk-braised-pork-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some pork braised in milk.

>> No.15316965

I don't keep kosher (non observant) I just don't like Muslims.

Also - why is the pork and garlic totally cooked but then it looks like they just dumped them into milk and threw on some herbs?

I thought the idea is to cook the pork in the milk so the milk reduces into a nice sauce.

>> No.15316989

desu I've seen more halal certified products, maybe the certification is cheaper
the rules are basically the same anyway, as much as Jews and Muslims will protest this statement just because they try to pretend they have nothing in common

>> No.15316993

>I have seen tons of products that are kosher certified - seems pretty standard - but never a product before that was halal but NOT kosher
Have you considered that making halal food is not as hard because the rules can be summed up as "no alcohol, no pork, and don't put animal fat where it doesn't belong", as opposed to Kosher's huge list of requirements? Especially considering that Cheddar cheese wouldn't need to be greased with blood or shit like that.

>> No.15316994

Food styling

>> No.15317000

>I'm Jewish
You aren't welcome

>> No.15317006

Is there any way to know what the relative costs of certification would be at all?

But it doesn't look tasty?

But I'm nice!

>> No.15317036

You're both scum. Eat the cheese and shut the fuck up.

>> No.15317049

I plan to eat it - I'm just a little miffed about the halal thing. I expect better from the nice people at Tillamook than pandering to Muslims.

>> No.15317054

>But I'm nice!
Then stop denying the sacrifice of Christ, the Messiah.

>> No.15317055

Jesus never existed.

Religion is a lie to enable fascists to oppress gays.

>> No.15317062

What a small minded view. I'll pray harder for your conversion and acceptance of Christ's love.

>> No.15317065

I'm not stupid enough to fall for your brainwashing scam.

>> No.15317070

>Rejecting hatred and materialism while embracing love, charity, and humility are a brainwashing scam.

>> No.15317073

People use religion all the time to justify their hatred and social exclusion of others.

>> No.15317076

imagine being so spiteful towards a whole religion that you would even deny them cheese lol

>> No.15317077

People use all kinds of things to justify sin, but it doesn't make Christ's message and law any less true today.

>> No.15317080

>I'm Jewish (non obsevervant/cultural jew) and I don't want my money going to enabling Muslims
you've already taken their land and permanently destabilized their whole region
might as well at least let them have the cheese lmao

>> No.15317082

Religions in general are spiteful towards gay people so frankly the feeling is mutual.

I would happily deny Muslims the world over any cheese whatsoever if it would convince them to stop systematically oppressing people on the basis of their sexual orientation.

It is easy to not care when you have not been on the receiving end of bigotry and discrimination.

>> No.15317086

I mean his message was literally just to pay taxes to Romans because it is literally fictional propaganda to convince the Jews to try to pay taxes.

Why should I care what a fictional book says?

What makes it their land?

>and permanently destabilized their whole region

good they deserve it they have destabilized the lives of countless gay people

>> No.15317087

Living a homosexual lifestyle is an abomination. You should repent and reject your wicked ways and understand the nature of your sin.

>> No.15317092 [DELETED] 

Gas yourself kike

>> No.15317098

Sin is a spook.

>> No.15317101

Sin, the devil, and hell are all real, buddy.

>> No.15317106

stop trying to manipulate me

>> No.15317113
File: 235 KB, 181x179, 1600587053649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to make Kosher cheese
copious amounts of cyanide

>> No.15317117

I'll never stop telling people the truth. No matter how much it upsets them to hear it.

>> No.15317120

truth is subjective

it upsets people because you are a terrorist and your actions are rooted in malice and ignorance

>> No.15317124

My words are rooted in love and forgiveness*.

*Forgiveness does not mean ignoring misdeeds.

>> No.15317128

>>im Jewish
>You aren't welcome
hell yeah he is. good work on the muzzies op!

>> No.15317130

you are a sociopath using religion to justify your abusive nature


>> No.15317152

You are not a victim of anything but your own tormented soul.

>> No.15317153

Certainly of your emotional abuse and gaslighting at this very moment.

>> No.15317164

Were you molested or something by a preacher? I'm really sorry you're so confrontational and defensive when meeting someone that truly believes in the message of Christ.

>> No.15317170

>I'm Jewish

>> No.15317175

No, never molested.

You are literally confronting me over my innate immutable sexual orientation because you are abusive and manipulative. Jesus didn't personally mention a word about gay people.

>> No.15317184

Jesus is co-eternal with the Father. The Father specifically admonishes homosexuality.

>> No.15317191

>literally coping to avoid admitting Jesus never mentioned being gay is bad

>Jesus is co-eternal with the Father

sounds like polytheism

>> No.15317196

The mystery of the Trinity is glorious and beyond mortal comprehension. Your pride is leading you to foolish conclusions, brother.

>> No.15317203

Yeah pride that I don't have to hide who I am because of ignorant bigots like you.