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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15308891 No.15308891 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best japanese food that's not meme shit like sushi?

>> No.15308898
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>> No.15308903
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>> No.15308906

OP said Japanese, not Chinese

>> No.15308912

no ingredients please, full dishes

>> No.15308916


>> No.15308918

Gyoza is Japanese you fucking retard.

>> No.15308923

Alcohol is a dish am i right?

>> No.15308925

fun fact, gyoza is uses the same chinese characters for jiaozi 餃子.
they're the same thing.

>> No.15308926

It's a Chinese dish the Japanese copied, just like almost all Japanese food.

>> No.15308937

This, "japanese food that's not meme shit" is a pretty baiting category but try some slices of raw fish with a little soy sauce, if the fish is high quality it's way better than you'd think

>> No.15308939


>> No.15308941

This looks like an airplane bathroom

>> No.15308958

Everything you think of as Japanese is Chinese in origin.

>> No.15308963
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Curry Udon.

>> No.15308966

yaki soba with beef
tonkotsu ramen

>> No.15308971

That's just Schnitzel

>> No.15308975
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Hamburger steak

>> No.15309002

Almost all Japanese food is memed into oblivion wether it's good or not because of anime.

>> No.15309012

>yaki soba with beef
that's just beef chow mein

>tonkotsu ramen
that's just la mian with pork

>hamburger steak
that's just a salisbury steak

>curry udon
that's just cu mian with indian spices

>> No.15309024

>that's just a salisbury steak
No, incel, it's hamburger steak

>> No.15309029

Alcohol by itself can be an ingredient. Bathroom transgender selfies don't contribute anything.

>> No.15309040

How else would you all know I love alcohol and constantly post about it?

>> No.15309059


>> No.15309082
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>> No.15309108

mad weeb detected
nothing about Japanese food or culture is original, it's all cheap ripoffs of China

>> No.15309141
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Or France

>> No.15309157
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This book is pretty based.

>> No.15309162
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>> No.15309165

shabu shabu

>> No.15309172

I really like okonomiyaki but I don't live in a city so I can only get it when i visit one.

>> No.15309181
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Oden, especially the extra good Shizuoka style of oden.
It isn't difficult to make, bro.

>> No.15309194
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>> No.15309199

Hahaha japanese """food"""

>> No.15309205
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>> No.15309206

What do the """ """ mean? I don't get it.

>> No.15309212
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>> No.15309217
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glazed sardines

>> No.15309232

I took a shot of sochu mixed with turtle blood on new years eve with some drunk-ass sushi chefs i worked with back in like 2006. Would not recommend.

>> No.15309237
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yakitori, not just meat too, at a yakitori izakaya you can find grilled liver, heart, chicken gizzard, grilled organ meats make better tsumami than sashimi IMO, I like grilled Japanese food, grilled Japanese fish is amazing

>> No.15309248

its pointing out that its jewish

>> No.15309268
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Spaghetti and ketchup

>> No.15309271
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>> No.15309289


>> No.15309299

That's why it's good

>> No.15309325
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>> No.15309400

proper sobe noodles
korean and chinese are unironically superior

>> No.15309405


>> No.15309460

So many stupid weebs in this thread posting street food and shit that isn't even exclusively japanese.

>> No.15309528

Basically anything good in japan that's not sushi is only good in so far as that it's close to chinese food.

>> No.15309539

Cheap shitty knock off dimsum

>> No.15309777
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Chinese Char Siu
>marinate pork in a combination of spices and sauces
>roast pork until perfection
>juicy, sweet and savory

Japanese Char Siu
>lmao just boil the pork in tons of soy sauce
>boring salty shit

>> No.15309844


>> No.15309854
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because anyone can easily recreate it with a syringe

>> No.15309857


>> No.15309879


>> No.15309893

It's putting emphasis on something that isn't what it seems like vegan """"mayonnaise""" is mayonnaise.

>> No.15309980

Honestly man, rice and miso soup. I eat it almost every day. When you get good rice and cook it properly, it's umai (that means delicious) as is. I usually just put some sesame seeds on top of this or maybe some gomashio. Misoshiru is great when you start with good dashi and use good miso. You can use all different kinds of ingredients in it, not just the tofu, wakame, and negi (green onion) that you see at Japanese restaurants. And different varieties of miso will create a very different soup as well.

I like to make Japanese meals with this foundation, add a fish dish, veggie, egg dish, or all of the above and something pickled and you've got a really excellent meal.

Umeboshi is a really delicious Japanese food.

Curry rice is good, I make that pretty often too. Eat it with fukujinzuke and a little drizzle of kewpie on top, delicious (not super healthy though).

Okonomiyaki is another one I make fairly often.

Udon is good, ramen is good, soba is good.

Tonkatsu is tasty and pretty easy to make.

As a cook I really like to learn about and prepare different dishes from around the world, but Japanese food is something I always fall back on, and it's uniquely delicious to me in a way that other cuisines aren't.

>> No.15310002
File: 2.93 MB, 450x252, Japan's Most Expensive Steak - Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Teppanyaki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310039

>a thick deep fried pork chop, on top of a bowl of rice with half-runny egg, mayo, spring onions, hot sauce and cheese on it
>anything like a plain, very thinly sliced and pan-fried piece of meat served by itself
you're one of those faggots that calls burgers "sandwiches" arent you?

>> No.15310163

tonkatsu, curry (get S&B), ramen, takoyaki, yakisoba (also yakisoba pan is great. using american hot dog buns are pretty great since they are kind of sweet)
jesus fucking christ kill yourself gaiin fuck.
post griddle RIGHT NOW

>> No.15310177

also japanese style croquettes are delish and ezpz to make (also cheap as fuck)
you can use normal potatoes or instant ones
Make the mashed potatoes
Throw some ground or diced meat (steak korokke is amazing) into the potatoes
roll them into balls and fry them in peanut oil.
Remember to dredge them in panko crumbs prior to frying or they will explode in the oil.

>> No.15310182

mayo has eggs in it, retard. Vegans don't eat eggs

>> No.15310191

Am I the only one triggered by him fucking up his knife on the girdle

>> No.15310200

this shit looks so nasty no cap

>> No.15310388

I was just kidding, anon

>post griddle RIGHT NOW
I just cook it in a pan. If I were making more than one at a time I would probably use a griddle, but I usually just make two of these, one for now and one for later, so I don't really need to cook it simultaneously.

>> No.15310416

That's Nepali/Tibetan cuisine

Based coomer can't even type properly.

Fucking this, delicious as fuck. I've only had it once but I loved it. I hated sushi, it just tasted like raw fish which was just starting to go bad but want there yet

>> No.15310530
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Half price sushi at supermarket It ’s the best

>> No.15310574

Theres an 'oil' noodle place somewhere near akiba that i will visit again one day. They have the best noodles ive ever eaten.
Kyoto gyoza
Hiroshima okonomiyaki
Nagano basashi
Hambagu at a family chain
Japanese curry
Basically any drink
That 10 yen big cheeto stick
Bukkake udon
Sushi train at a family restaurant
Chefs all you can eat is it nikuyaki or something

>> No.15310587

Oh and i forgot osaka train out

>> No.15310614
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>> No.15310655

I get tonkatsu ramen at least once a week, shit's delicious.

>> No.15310684
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>Based coomer can't even type properly.
That's the name of the dish. The picture I posted is from Tamahide, the restaurant that invented it in the Meiji Era. I wasn't making a sex joke.

>> No.15310699
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>> No.15310703
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>> No.15310727

>It isn't difficult to make, bro.
This. The Japanese ingredients are not even necessary.

>> No.15310748

Fucking YES I love that shit.

>> No.15310910


>> No.15310944
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>> No.15310995
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>> No.15311197

The non sushi nip food that is on my rotation:
Katsu curry
Hamachi teriyaki
Zaru soba

Also try fresh and simple sushi. A very underrated sushi fish is aji, i found a place over the summer where I can catch an almost identical species here in San Diego and between that and the yellowtail and tuna I caught I was feasting on top tier sashimi all season. I hate winter.

>> No.15311229

God Tier: Okonomiyaki, Yamasaki Whiskey
Tom Brady Tier: Tempura anything, gyoza
Billy Berne Tier: Ramen
Jeffrey Epstein Tier: Chicken innards on a skewer

>> No.15311257
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Puddi plus Snow Royal ice cream

>> No.15311286
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Soup curry, better than normal Japanese curry

>> No.15311288

Always wanted to try these.

Looks dank as hell, but probably costs way to much.

>> No.15311319

What is so special about it? It's just a steak on a piece of bread

>> No.15311336
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For anyone who gives a shit about wagyu beef, consider Nagoya Cochin chicken, pictured here as part of Toybox Ramen. It's considered, to some degree, the chicken equivalent.

>> No.15311337

look at the marbling

>> No.15311356
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Unagi Don

>> No.15311361

Spring - takoyaki
Summer - unagi
Fall - sanma shioyaki
Winter - wasabi soba

Unfortunately the god damn Chinese won't stop overfishing. So every fucking year the seasonal fish gets more and more expensive.

>> No.15311422

I make a bunch of ramen and udon, or rather, I have a nearby korean grocery store that sells all sorts of different asian things, and I can go there and get 'fresh' (or at least not the powdered flavors and dried noodles in your average "instant noodles") noodles and soup bases/pastes .

It's all pretty straightforward, quicker to cook than the true instant noodles, and you just add some frozen seafood or quickly brown up some sliced pork belly or beef in a pan, top it with some chopped green onions or a little dried seaweed and you're good to go. To reiterate; I don't make my own tempura, or tonkotsu paste, or noodles etc... I just buy that shit

before this whole coronavirus thing I used to go to this same Japanese restaurant every other/week and after I couldn't do that anymore decided to try it myself and have to say have been quite satisfied with the results.

honestly been really nice to add this to the 'things I can make at home' repertoire, have tried out some pretty weird things as a result, several of which were quite enjoyable, like the time I just make some tonkotsu soup/noodles and then tossed some old leftover burnt ends in instead of sliced port, and it was pretty good. or literally last night where I had some shoyu ramen with lobster tail

>> No.15311446
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Pinnacle food ingenuity. Maybe it's the reduced vision that opens up the mind's eye.

>> No.15311453

Shrimp tempura is the bees meyow

>> No.15311476

yeah, those knives are workhorses, are meant to be used and abused with some relative care like the kind your uncle had for you.

>> No.15312218

This shit is hella good

>> No.15312513

You forgot the second cooking where the pork is sliced then fried in a pan until a crust forms on both sides before serving.

>> No.15312555
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These shits are incredible. Shame they aren't more popular in the us

>> No.15312699

These meals look ridiculously small, how the fuck can this satisfy your hunger?

>> No.15312766

by not being morbidly obese

>> No.15312774
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europeans aren't obese and they eat larger portions than the japanese. also....


>> No.15312803

what the fuck does that have to do with anything

>> No.15312808

Japanese are eating more fatty fast food shit brought over from the United States of America. They fucking devour that Corn Syrup shit.

>> No.15312814


>> No.15312847
File: 177 KB, 690x1043, obesity-rates-by-country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans are obese compared to the Japanese. Japan and South Korea are in a league of their own among developed countries when it comes to this shit. The only other countries with obesity rates that low are third world shitholes where people are literally starving.

>> No.15312861

I know a hell of a lot of americans who eat whatever they want and they aren't obese. they just eat McSHIT fucking flyover food rarely and skip soft drinks.

Sorry /ck/ you are fat because you eat fast food and frozen food shit. make more money and shop and Trader Joes + Whole Foods /thread

>> No.15312901

Why are arab women so much fatter than their men?

>> No.15312917

Because they stay at home and don't do shit

>> No.15312918

Everything on this guy's channel. If you're at all used to cooking you won't even need to understand Japanese to follow the recipes. Just Google Translate the ingredient list, eyeball the amounts and do what he's doing.


>> No.15312967

Are you chinese or Korean?

>> No.15313034
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Doesn't pander to weeb or hipster shit and has regional versions of each recipe. A pdf of it shouldn't be to hard to find.

>> No.15313055

Thanks lad

>> No.15313276

yeah but no one cares because china isn't really an option for any sane tourist anymore. unironically the chinese ruined china

>> No.15313393

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15313400

teriyaki chicken/beef, that soup that sumo wrestlers eat, ramen (from a restaurant) of course, chicken katsu, curry and rice

>> No.15313427
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Hambāgu with curry sauce made with golden curry roux blocks.
most of the nihon stuff feels like some broke college weeb had to make a meal purely off of memory and with leftovers.

>> No.15313498

I wanna make a big bowl of that someday.

>> No.15313549

a lame copypasta is still a lame copypasta regardless of how many times you post it

>> No.15313554

riterary heresy gaijin. commit seppuku

>> No.15313570
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Get you some real hanbagu with onion sauce.

>> No.15313617

Korean dogs don't get opinions.

>> No.15313689

If you happen to have a bunch of wagyu fat on hand, sure.

>> No.15313769

Came to post this

>> No.15313813

When I was in Japan I had a big chunk of eel fried with some sweet thick soy sauce. That stuff was good.

>> No.15313825

I wish 4chan had a wordfilter for 'meme' to 'joke'
I'm sick of the overuse everywhere for everything

>> No.15313957

Takoyaki(the fried balls) are nice

>> No.15314488

I thought so too when I first moved to Japan, but your metabolism adapts.

>> No.15314502

Kinda like those crab ranpoons they got down there at China Best down the street. The rest kind of tastes like bugs and salt.

>> No.15314534

Sashimi is my favorite but you dont want the meme foods so:
>cold summer udon
>umeboshi on rice
>most yakitori, but specifically the chicken skin, chicken liver, and green onions
>most forms of cooked eel
>ochazuke(this one is more of a comfort food than a wow amazing style food, generally makes me feel good when I eat it)

>> No.15314560
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>> No.15314588
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mmm, how about oden?

>> No.15314599
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Sometimes people put sarcastic quotation marks around something to deride it, similar to the way people sometimes use air quotes. Quite a while ago some fag on tumblr took it to an extreme with a surplus of quotation marks and it got popular which indicates to a certain type of person that this needs to be done everywhere at any available opportunity. In short he's a low effort poster and you're new as fuck and need to lurk more.

>> No.15314666
File: 153 KB, 650x910, Wondering-why-natto-is-so-beneficial-for-your-health-Concerned-about-the-soy-in-natto-Find-out-my-natto-might-be-a-good-idea-for-your-food-regimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natto because of vitamin K2. I eat it with every meal. Truthfully I chug it down because it's healty not because it's all that delicious. But I would like to know how to prepare it so it's tasty AND healthy.

>> No.15314696
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>> No.15314738
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>> No.15314745
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>> No.15314781

>just like almost all Japanese food.
Wrong. Japan didn't start copying Chink food until after the Meji Restoration. The vast majority of their borrowed dishes are from the Qing.

>> No.15314786
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>> No.15314792

>not from the chinese
>from the chinese
Ok, retard.

>> No.15314794
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>> No.15314801

>vast majority of Japanese history has little cuisine from China
>during a brief period of radical xenophilia Japan imported a lot of then contemporary dishes
>ha gotem

>> No.15314817
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>Wrong. Japan didn't start copying Chink food until after the Meji Restoration. The vast majority of their borrowed dishes are from the Qing.

>> No.15314841

Mad chankoro can't handle his inferiority.

>> No.15314851

>posting on /ck/ is a status symbol to me and posting here makes me feel special
Kek. Okay, bud.

>> No.15314870
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>> No.15314876


>> No.15314887

Fucken A!

>> No.15314896

They eat that in serbija

>> No.15314909
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I barely come to 4chan anymore and I'm complaining about repetition ad nauseam, IDK what you're on about.

>> No.15315326
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>what's the best japanese food that's not meme shit like sushi?

don't care i LOVE sushi

>> No.15315344
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jepp, i looove sushi

>> No.15315347
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love it soooo much

>> No.15315354
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love love love sushi

>> No.15315358
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sushi is happiness, sushi is life

>> No.15315399

The only right answer

>> No.15315487
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Zen breakfast

>> No.15315511
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Toshikoshi soba (Nameko oroshi soba)

>> No.15315575

>Japan has shit from way back that doesn't exist anymore
>because I said so
Go watch your anigay, weeb.

>> No.15315653
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>> No.15315731

>imagine eating raw fish
Eat my lobster raw.

>> No.15315808
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>> No.15315863

My friend is a Japanese model, she makes a shitload of money and lives in one of the richest areas in Tokyo (Ginza). She doesn't eat anything like this at all, for dinner she goes to a 7-11 gets some microwaved rice and some weird fish soup they make. And for breakfast she eats "butter pan" literally buttered bread. Also she hates natto. Most of you guys think Japanese people eat this stuff every day, it's simply not true.

>> No.15315868

nice anecdotal evidence, sure showed us

>> No.15315903

Oh yeah shove it in my mouth daddy

>> No.15315909

Oh, guess I’ll stop enjoying anything and sit in the corner until I die

>> No.15316001

we're going to first need to see pics of the model before we can verify if your story is truth

>> No.15316064

>beef chow mein
thats just yaki soba with beef

>la mian with pork
thats just tonkotsu ramen

>salisbury steak
thats just a hamburger steak

>cu mian with indian spices
thats just curry udon

>> No.15316071

What is the point of your comment? Are you saying that we should eat butter pan and fish soup?

Idc how popular it is, rice and miso soup makes me hecka happy

>> No.15316073
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>> No.15316554
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>> No.15316569
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>> No.15316607
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All the best parts of Chinese culture has been rescued/improved by other countries that aren't fucked.

No reason to go there since other countries now do all of their food but better, while also not having Han in them.

>> No.15316614


>> No.15316615 [DELETED] 
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pretend-a-jap is better

>> No.15316623

Anime is American in origin if you want to reach.

>> No.15316665
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>> No.15316691
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Welcome back then fren

>> No.15316699
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>> No.15316703

it's so true, I don't even know if you can call modern mainlanders chinese anymore, the fucking commies destroyed all their history and cultural artifacts, they only survive outside of china, mostly whatever the British stole.

>> No.15316774
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>> No.15316808
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>> No.15316816

The only real difference is jap gyoza tends to have a lot more garlic by default

>> No.15316843
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It is a Japanese food that only Japanese can understand.
Tasteless. meaningless. That is the evaluation.
However, for Japanese people, it has a deep and emotional taste.
Real Japanese food. It is now an endangered species.
But now, at this time, such true Japanese food still exists.

>> No.15316854
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>> No.15316857

It doesn't look like Japanese food to the Japanese.
It looks like Vietnamese food.
It looks very delicious. Great!

>> No.15316874
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I've never seen a traveler who came to Japan praise it.
Japanese soba.
Cheap fast food in Japan.
Tentama from Tachigui_Soba.

>> No.15316891
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Tokyo. A small station along the private railway line. A small set meal restaurant that has been around for a long time.
A set meal restaurant that mixes Japanese and Western dishes.
Demi-glace cutlet set meal.

>> No.15316893
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Cheap fast food soba was the first meal I ever had in Japan. Discovering its easy availability in train stations was absolutely an object of my praise on my first trip there.
When I moved to Japan friends showed me high end soba restaurants. Those are obviously better, but fast food soba has a place in my heart.
My favorite soba, though, was made by my students.

>> No.15316934
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Thank you.
Today's Japanese food is a hot topic.
However, the Japanese food of the common people is the root of life.
Okonomiyaki was also a small meal for me.
Ramen was also cheap and simple.
The roots of Japanese food for the Japanese were simple.
High-class kaiseki cuisine also competed for a simple taste that made the best use of the taste of the ingredients.
Nowadays, high-class food is a hot topic.
However, I think that the simple taste when the Japanese were still poor is the root of the Japanese taste.
In Japan, it is customary to eat soba on December 31st. Toshikosi_soba.
Today's dinner at my home.

>> No.15316942
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>> No.15317007

Raw Pikachu

>> No.15317069
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Cheese Dakgalbi

>> No.15317078 [DELETED] 
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hiso good

>> No.15317104
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>the seething chink ITT
the inferiority complex you feel towards the Japanese is truly something to behold

>> No.15317148
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The whole point of Japanese food is to be quirky meme shit. Flavour is secondary by design.

>> No.15317178

>some slices of raw fish
I'm not gonna say it tastes bad but it is laughable calling raw meat the best food or cuisine of a culture. Caveman would be a master chef.

>> No.15317359

Fermented soy-beans

>> No.15317388
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Miso-grilled rice balls.

>> No.15317389

I could eat gomasio by the spoonful holy shit

>> No.15317402

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15317407
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>> No.15317416

The best jap food isn't even jap. It is just burgers.

>> No.15317435
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>> No.15317437

My korean wife said her grandfather who was a traditional buddhist herbal doctor used to carry rice balls stuffed with the gook version of miso, daenjang, on his long medicinal plant foraging trips into the mountains. Apparently, he lived on that and presumably edible plants, for weeks at a time. She said he also practised and acheived true astral projection, fwiw, although that's more /x/ than /ck/.

>> No.15317458

A stale copy. Incompetent.

>> No.15317914
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pickled plum and rice

>> No.15318155

I've added some Jap cooking to my normal recipe lineup.
Simple shit like gyudon for when I'm lazy, Kakuni for topping off soups/Ramen, Jap curry because I think it's better (and easier to make) than most indian curries. When the wife and I have kids you best bet Hotpot night will be like a once a week ordeal, I love hotpot.

>> No.15318269

This is cool as hell

>> No.15318276

Have you ever made sushi, anon?

First of all, sushi is rice. Sliced raw fish is called sashimi. Sashimi is pretty easy to make. Sushi is actually very difficult to make really good. It's not too hard to make decent sushi, but there is for sure a learning curve.

>> No.15318304
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I practically lived on tomago kake gohan my senior year of college, literally everything they do with raw egg is based

>> No.15318317

I'll have you know those curry cubes make for excellent sauces to put on grilled meats or veggies. I often grill up pork chops to serve topped with a nice vegetable curry sauce using curry cubes, a hit of soy sauce, a hit of bbq sauce, and a drizzle of coffee which gives it a nice flavor. Make sure to sear the mushrooms and onions in the pan first to extract all them delicious juices.

>> No.15318362

Eating rice with eggs isn't unique to Japan. It's done by people in Mexico, Spain, Egypt, India, among other places.
>inb4 it's unique because it's got foorikakay
Furikake can be substituted for generic mixed spice seasoning with MSG

>> No.15318373

Greatest posts in the entire thread.
Natto is the true embodinent of the Yamato damashii.

>> No.15318379

Pretty cool that it was so important to you but you can't spell it :)

>> No.15318383

FamilyMart fried chicken.

>> No.15318384

Please understand.

>> No.15318411

Does anyone else do it with raw egg, though?
The raw egg and soy sauce combo is what makes it taste different from just frying an egg and putting it on top of rice.

>> No.15318438

Don't Japanese people add soy sauce to everything?
Roasted pork? It's got soy sauce
Grilled fish? Has soy sauce
Okonomiyaki? has soy sauce
Senbei? Have soy sauce
etc. etc.
For them it's like what masala is for Indian people or what red and green salsa are to Mexicans

>> No.15318452
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He wasn't asking about the soy sauce, he was asking about the raw egg.

>> No.15318491

Raw eggs aren't safe to eat in many countries. It'd be stupid to risk getting salmonella just for the sake of eating raw egg yolks.
>inb4 it's fine to do it in this one first world country with extremely high food safety standards

>> No.15318536

This is like saying all steak should be cooked medium well because "it's not worth the risk", I haven't had any problems even with cheap eggs because the odds are around 1 in 20,000

>> No.15318537

>Raw eggs aren't safe to eat in many countries.
>it's fine to do it in this one first world country with extremely high food safety standards
If they aren't safe to eat in many countries, it follows that there are some countries where they are safe to eat. Perhaps a first world country with extremely high food safety standards would be one such place.
Either way, I never got sick eating sukiyaki.

>> No.15318592
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Okonomoykai or Takoyaki. I make both pretty frequently. Shit's good.

>> No.15318600

I actually have a takoyaki pan and I make them all the time, though I generally use aritficial crab instead of the octopus because 1. Octopus is hard to get where I live and 2. You can't even really taste it in takoyaki it sort of melts into the batter.

>> No.15318643

Why use wagyu fat if you're going to make a frankensteak?

Just use butter, add a bit of papain and salt.

>> No.15318742

that's just chinese with albinism

that's just south chinese

that's just spicy chinese

that's just chinese with a tan and your bike

>> No.15318762

Sadly, I've done this. Blend butter with salt, a dash of worcester, half a kiwi, and a sprig of parsley. Push through a strainer. Poke some holes most of the way through an alright roast. Pipe lightly seasoned, grassy, slightly sweet tenderizer-laced whipped butter into roast. It's not exact, but it's definitely an improvement over cheap beef, and close enough to impress.

>> No.15318809
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> grey meat

>> No.15318868

The Tonkatsu broth is the richest broth I've ever had when it's done right and not from a cheap takeout joint. Shame it's a bitch to make at home, even with a pressure cooker.

>> No.15318912
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>> No.15319055

Tonkotsu, not tonkatsu.

>> No.15319110

read the post he replied to dumbass

>> No.15319774
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>> No.15320519


>> No.15320598

Osaka style skewers.

>> No.15320858

Japanese New Year's Food (Osechi 2021)

>> No.15320875
