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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 711x900, image_9273 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15287373 No.15287373 [Reply] [Original]

I am very proud of how this turned out. The beans and almonds made this heavenly. My mother says I am very talented and I think this shows.

>> No.15287386

Your mother is lying to you. She secretly hates you.

>> No.15287393

This looks ugly and is probably a meme screenshot, but need a good cross section to really judge. Some beautiful roasts, especially with pastries or stuffing, come out looking hideous before cleaned up.

>> No.15287394

The crust is a little too dark. I am glad you liked it though, because those fucking things are labor intensive.

>> No.15287402

This has better be a tell thread because it really looks like one. That is a horrendous picture and the self-praise is definitely bait. This is low, even for /ck/'s shitty standards. Try harder next time faggot.

>> No.15287495

Just googled the guy. His twitter handle is "stealthygeek"

The post might be from a troll but this pat guys self praise is very real. Dude seems demented.

>> No.15287620
File: 797 KB, 2322x1772, drunkidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, just checked, it's this asshole. Hahahahhaahahahahaha.

>> No.15287812

...I thought that was a turtle at first.

>> No.15288017


That's the asshole that got the opie and anthony sub banned

>> No.15288028

That's infuriating.

>> No.15288029

This is the fat daughter abandoner, right?

>> No.15288112

Wow that wellington is COOKED

>> No.15288119

Why? Wearing a mask is a simple way to inhibit the spread. Sorry it stops you from sering cute girl lips, but sacrifices must be made.

>> No.15288133

>daughter abandoner

Smart guy, get rid of it before it stabs you in the back

>> No.15288135
File: 11 KB, 493x402, hi_five_icwydt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like beef WELL-DONEington amirite

>> No.15288138

Masks spread covid and not even a fatty like you can eat with a mask on

>> No.15289172
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>> No.15289262

Yeah you're a very talented charcoal manufacturer, I think you've got a real career ahead of you

>> No.15289264

i thought this was some kind of animal that burned to death at first

>> No.15289333
File: 421 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_20201225_204519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine turned out better

>> No.15289339
File: 445 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_20201225_204517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross section for proof. The lighting makes it look a little more done than it really was.

>> No.15289354

Little too rare man, needs a bit longer in at a low temp. Maybe like 310 for like half an hour

>> No.15289367

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.15289371

This is perfect, would inhale

>> No.15289390

Imagine being such a shitty cook that you cannot stand going a year without eating out.

You're calling people fat but you're the one who wants to go out to eat so much. Projecting a little heavily here.

>> No.15289537

I can also confirm that the bottom was VERY CRISPY! There was no soggy crust.

>> No.15289581

based and autist screenshot compiling pilled

>> No.15289739

>muh no mask mandate killed people
the false sense of security the mask gave killed people

>> No.15289756
File: 1.12 MB, 764x984, did he do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and talk trash, then Google "Bernell Tramell" and see what happened to the last person to piss off this actual tough guy.

>> No.15289763

>false sense of security

let me guess you are one of the retards who thinks people wear masks to protect themselves from the virus
Also i'm gonna go further and say you also think the lockdowns, quarantines and all that stuff are in place because of the lethality rate of covid19.
We got an unprecedented easiness of access to information but people still refuse to understand things when they don't like them

>> No.15289772
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>> No.15289782
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>> No.15289785

You are not this person, we know you had junk food for christmas.

>> No.15289791
File: 2.41 MB, 1511x845, savoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha you did better than gordon

>> No.15289804

t. dilate seething autist

>> No.15289961
File: 15 KB, 500x399, 1609013788418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your retardedness notwithstanding, the point is to illustrate the hypocrisy of self-appointed hall monitors who can't even follow their own rules

>> No.15290222

based retard

>> No.15290231

you have no idea how to even use the reddit memes you endlessly spew
kill yourself faggot retard

>> No.15290326

take your meds, schizo

>> No.15290371

It's real. He's restricted comments on his profile

>> No.15291168

instead of starting a new line, why not just use a period? is it that much harder?

>> No.15291176

i prefer my loins to be rarer than this but i've never made a beef wellington so i can't criticize. good post

>> No.15291181

Not bad anon, would eat.

>> No.15291227

Christ, look at the burned puff pastry.
I bet there's cheese inside of that.

>> No.15291301

Look at the screenshot again you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15291324 [DELETED] 

/ck/ just fell for being some faggots personal army
What a joke for a board, you’re all fucking redditors

>> No.15291353
File: 128 KB, 911x900, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hush, child. He is an amateur master chef and expert gourmand.

>> No.15291487

I don't think so. Looks like a popular lolcow. He has documentaries made against him if you search him on youtube.


>> No.15291795

That channel sounds like some alt right shit the way the narrator talks

>> No.15291872

that's the best goddamn Wellington I've ever seen in my life anon- if we were in the same room right now I'd drop to my knees and get to sucking. You are a credit to your race. God fucking damnit I love you and your goddamn beautiful Beefy Welly. Fuck

>> No.15292450

Shut up you cuck dweeb.

>> No.15292784


>> No.15293100

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15293129

I thought someone had tried to bake an armadillo when I first saw this.

>> No.15293144

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.15293289


>> No.15293299
File: 290 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20201226-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first wellington too this year. It was a mess... Does anyone know how to avoid a soggy crust at the bottom?

>> No.15293303

I've never cooked nor eaten a beef biscuit but I will say that still looks tasty af

>> No.15293305

put it on a rack or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZmGgx2WkNw&feature=emb_title

>> No.15293420

looks great anon we are very proud of you

fuck off retarded cunt

>> No.15293421
File: 11 KB, 402x383, 1605127125429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he killed a nigger.... but he also killed trump supporter

that makes this 75% based

>> No.15293429

cool vid but why the fuck does he talk like that. wtf

>> No.15293438

regional accent you get used to it, he's great for beginners.

>> No.15293497

Ah thanks anon i see what i did wrong, i didnt make a hole.

>> No.15293498

Good job

>> No.15293556

Damn good video. Did you see how much mushrooms that fucker started out with vs. how much water cooked out by the end? Those fuckers have a ton of water, were yours cooked like his? I'm a generally cheap fucker so thinking about making my own chicken liver pate but this shit has got me wanting to splurge on a couple filets

>> No.15293599

Checkd and heck that looks good

>> No.15293768

very nice!

>> No.15294014

Cook out water more from the mushrooms. Use an over rack if need be. Higher temp lower time.

>> No.15294085

How much does adding shit like prosciutto or crepes between the duxelle and beef actually matter? Chef John recommends against it.

>> No.15294086

Fuck off with your mask preaching. Nearly everyone sees it for what it is and what you are.

>> No.15294093

>It's okay to disrupt practice drills, it's the coach that's at fault for making us run laps.
>I don't care if Sarge is making us do extra push-ups, I stood up to him and that's what matters.

That's what your kind sounds like.

>> No.15294094

Haha you’re gay

>> No.15294101

No what I sound like is: fuck off with your mask preaching. No one gives a shit about your self obsessed paranoia, post your Christmas cookery or fuck off you insufferable cunt.

>> No.15294128

Crepes is super weird, but prosciutto is super common. Incidentally, it's between the duxelle and the puff pastry, not the duxelle and beef. The idea is that the meat juices will flow into your duxelle (that you've thoroughly dried out), but the prosciutto provides a layer of protection that helps prevent those juices from sogging up your pastry in addition to some flavor.

>> No.15294264

It's not Christmas anymore, anon.
Drop the Holiday shit like a normal person.

>> No.15295341

gotta have a vent hole for most things you wrap in dough

>> No.15296872

>It's not Christmas anymore, anon.
12 days of Christmas, Jew. Cope.

kys, dick trimmer

>> No.15297193

this makes me want to nut

>> No.15297201

Well done.

>> No.15297206

I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.15297259

go fuck yourself

>> No.15297265

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15297296

post chin

>> No.15297301

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.15297349

>not knowing chef john
You dont even belong here.

>> No.15297378

Man, you're brain damaged.

It's just cloth, moishe.

>> No.15297388

nice job anon.

>> No.15297430

>N-no you're the Jew...
Pathetic. Is this the best bantz that "God's Chosen People" can offer?

>> No.15297612


I'm just playing along, can't convince you I'm non-Hebrew so may as well act the part.

>> No.15297883

People wear mask because they are told to wear them. Anything else bellow ffpe3 doesn't do jack shit, the rest I don't care about as I don't care about people who die should they get infected from me.
If you don't want to get infected wear a proper mask and stop bothering everyone else.
Lockdowns are nothing but symptoms of corporate lobbyism to get rid of any concurrency from business which don't have trillions in reserve, because we know that covid can't spread in amazon warehouse or Tesco supermarket, it only spreads in Martys restaurant or Sunny's vegetable stand.

>> No.15297903

Jesus fucking Christ /pol/, I'm sorry you slept on Health class but covering your mouth is supposed to reduce the spread. That's why Japan does it every time it's flu season.

>> No.15297917

I don't care about reducing spread. I don't care about weaklings dying. If you want to protect yourself stop trying to put responsibility on everyone else and wear a mask that actually does a shit.
Back in the days you had 3/5 kids surviving so you got rid of dead ends in the begining.
Now you have 1 and even that is so retarded it keels from flu.
Thank God I work from home otherwise I could spread that no smell for 10 days to someone else.

>> No.15298003

Well done and nice trips

>> No.15298004

There's a lot to unload about you.
But I won't say it.

>> No.15299038
File: 81 KB, 892x1024, 1608938953006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15299048


>> No.15299055

People wearing masks don't cover their mouths. I see it all the time. They just cough and sneeze freely into their masks, letting the aerosolized spittle spray out the unsealed edges. I really don't think that's better than burying your face in your sleeve.

>> No.15299059

That’s a horror.

>> No.15299075

What a fucking loser, never has a more punchable face been presented to me

>> No.15299089

Looks great but I prefer rare. That’s basically medium.

>> No.15299100

Prosciutto between the crust and duxelle is fantastic. Extra bit of saltines, keeps everything together, makes it easier to get an even layer of duxelles on there.

>> No.15299209

At least you tried. I wouldn't because I know I could smoke or roast a beef tenderloin and it will turn out excellent. Too expensive to risk fucking up.