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File: 563 KB, 2000x1333, DSC00316_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15264748 No.15264748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is a turkey from an american factory farm. say something nice about her.

>> No.15264750

Looks like your mom

>> No.15264762

ugly bitch

>> No.15264763
File: 151 KB, 566x755, my_comfy_duckc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some ducks fron my farm, say something nice about them

>> No.15264767

Probably tastes better than she looks

>> No.15264769


>> No.15264786

I miss having ducks

>> No.15264793

cute quackers

>> No.15264803

Nice to meat ya!

>> No.15264807

hey I guess being a bird ain't all it's QUACKED up to be!!

>> No.15264812

Turkeys are ugly motherfucks in the first place.

As an aside, I got to wondering about why we don't see turkey eggs for sale despite all the turkey farms. The eggs are perfectly edible and about twice the size of a chicken egg. The problem being that turkeys simply don't shit out eggs nearly as fast or consistently as chickens do. It doesn't seem like anyone's looked into breeding turkeys to lay more eggs either, since the eggs really aren't that much different than chicken eggs besides the size.

>> No.15264820

Made to be QUACKED by BBC (big bird dick)

>> No.15264825


>> No.15264872

They look nice, do they have a duckhouse?

>> No.15264904
File: 349 KB, 1092x600, weird_chcikemc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah the thing u see in the background is their coop. Its a repurposed greenhouse. Its very comfy

>> No.15264936

Nice, they look very happy and healthy

>> No.15264962

Has a touch of fecal matter in her eye but it will wash out

>> No.15264965

>happy and healthy livestock
This angers the vegan

>> No.15264971

It’ll all be over soon

>> No.15264982

have you used it before? a coldframe without heating is still going to be/near freezing over winter

>> No.15264987


>> No.15265000

Factory farms are hell and local organic farming is the way of the future

>> No.15265008

Uhh... guys???

>> No.15265014

There is a structure inside to help retain heat and i have a heat lamp in case of any freak weather, but what is great about ducks is they are extremely cold tolerant. They can be outside just fine without any structure for as low as 20 degrees.
Another thing i do is in winter i use deep bedding to keep the ground nice and warm. I have had a few days close to 0 and the ducks are doing just fine. The real challenge is giving them acsess to water. We have a water heater but i have found that just changing the water regularly helps a lot. Ducks have an internal temp of 107. They are very cold hardy.

>> No.15265028
File: 531 KB, 1080x810, IMG_21122020_181229_(1080_x_810_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool but do you have weed defence turkeys?

>> No.15265029

yeah I googled it after I posted and it turns out ducks are not potted plants. it must help that they've got down coats too. gotta love their quacking murmurs too

>> No.15265045

Ducks migrate south for the winter for a reason. You're fucking killing them retard.

>> No.15265051

I plan on getting turkeys eventually. I worry because their babies arent super hardy but i do want free run heritage turkeys who are amazing foragers and delicious (though idk if they will be as tasty as ducks). Ill probably get geese first, they can eat 90% of their diet in grass, are more resiliant against predation, and goose meat.

>> No.15265055

Never had any issues with the hatchlings, but they do stay in the barn at night and we have a heat lamp in there during the winter.

>> No.15265059

Wild ducks migrate. These guys can barely fly. They are too fat. I mean, wolves travel in packs and hunt large game. But dogs dont.

>> No.15265064

based duckposter

>> No.15265066

They defend the weeds? Because your property looks like shit.

>> No.15265072

Go mow your lawn again boomer.

>> No.15265075

Yeah no fucking shit, otherwise they would have since they can't live in the cold you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15265095

You are kind of stupid, arent you?

>> No.15265148

Post twelve more
Really? I can't stand their poo

>> No.15265229

This makes me really sad.

>> No.15265313

yeah but that's the worst part

>> No.15265320

do they get cold??

>> No.15265353

No it’s not retard. It’s a diseased turkey, we don’t factory farm turkey in the US, only beef, pork, chicken and fish. We have a significant over abundance of wild turkeys here, and vast majority of turkey farms that do exist are small time operations that label their shit “organic” and “free range” and whatnot so they can trick retards into paying more money for the same fucking thing.

>> No.15265376

and John. Q. Public GOBBLES it up, typical...

>> No.15265386
File: 51 KB, 600x330, jp-BUTTERBALL-1-articleLarge-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying OP isn't a faggot, but companies like Butterball do run large-scale factory farms.

>> No.15265407

You just know all of those guys have fucked at least one turkey in their life

>> No.15265409

paddle of faggots

>> No.15265423

>t. seething brown person

>> No.15265426

No that's if they had goats.

>> No.15265524

Factory farmer faggots like those 3 should be charged with 1 count of animal cruelty for every turkey they force to live in those conditions. Judge should have sentences run concurrently so they live in a cage designed for 2 people with 5 others (Tyrone, Darius, Marcus, Paco and Juan) for the rest of their lives.

>> No.15265545

Blah, blah, blah. Those turkeys are being raised to fucking die for money. They can barely comprehend their situation on even a minute fraction of the level a human thinks of. A human life is worth $10.2mil; a turkey is worth around $25.

>> No.15265580

i think he's saying you should keep them warm, anon

>> No.15265583

>never raised backyard birds and seen the level of intelligence, love and emotion they express
Stay in your mommy's basement and tell us all about how other animals experience the world, kiddo. And by all means, stay edgy, 'cause that's so cooooollll!

>> No.15265589

animals dont have souls
yes, i do own a pet

>> No.15265595

yeah those hens pecking each other to death sure are a smart bunch of softies
no wait hold on... they're meat that ain't done yet

>> No.15265601

I own chickens, turkeys and ducks and I can confirm that they are a little bit retarded.

>> No.15265631

No im going to freeze them to death. Im gonna put an air conditioner in their coop.

>> No.15265639
File: 2.25 MB, 3456x2943, IMG_20201216_155031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some of my chickens. Say something nice about them.

>> No.15265641

Not any of the people in this thread, but i gotta say man. After i moved to a place that had birds i started to respect them a little more. Still complete retards but man, they are RUTHLESS when it comes to slugs. And they do have a certain level of personality, especially if you've been fortunate enough to raise them from birth. The rabbits we kept for meat on the other hand... FUCK ME they were stupid. "well gee it's 35-40C outside but I've got ample shade and food and cold water, and even an old stone building I can go in to cool down. guess I'll just stand out in the sun and die" stupid fucks

>> No.15265661

Put a thousand people in a confined space and have them live there all their lives, I would bet some would go crazy and start killing others.

>> No.15265674

sluts for cock

>> No.15265678

Oh they are fucking dumb as hell but do a great job of keeping the ticks and mosquito population down at my place.

>> No.15265679

They probably would, but humans have complex brains and psychology while turkeys think little more than "eat, shit, sleep". Morgan's canon: don't use human experience to explain things animals do by instinct.

>> No.15265681

>there are no factory turkey farms in the USA
you have to be kidding me; did you just pull this out of your ass on the spot?
>they're meat that ain't done yet
I can't imagine being so coddled and removed from where my food comes from that I can't conceptualize meat as the living, breathing animal it once was. You sound like a gigantic pussy.

>> No.15265693

I worked in a chicken processing plant for two years. How many of those backyard babies have you slaughtered again?

>> No.15265707

I'm pretty sure vegans are more pissed off about factory farming

>> No.15265712

wow, nice wrong anon, great job

>> No.15265715

Same... fucking wish we could get some possums to deal with the ticks. got a whole bunch last year. but well, in rural germany we have enough problems with the spread of american raccoons to introduce yet another foreign mammal.

>> No.15265771

Vegans are pissed about domesticated animals. Especially if you eat them.
In their eyes homesteading is just as bad.

>> No.15265784

We'll end your species' exploitation someday.

>> No.15265803

U wanna end people exploiting animals when we still exploit eachother.

>> No.15265838

Most of the times, causes are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.15265840

The hard problem of consciousness is still unsolved, according to David Chalmers. But according to Christof Koch, consciousness is universal. Lab grown meat would seem to be the ethical thing to do here.

It is at least possible that you will be re-born as this turkey after you die.

>> No.15265851

How is reincarnation scientifically possible? When you die, you die. Its hard to comprehend an absence of life but i for one welcome it and hope it is the fate of all mortals

>> No.15265859


>> No.15265865

>animals dont have souls
They are just as likely to have souls as homo sapiens, another animal.
>inb4 b-but muh stick worshipping book from ancient stuma s-says...

When they have enough space to live an enjoyable life, they don't peck each other. Roosters will fight each other, but that's equivalent to the homo sapiens male testosterone fits.

>> No.15265884

It isn't scientifically possible. Science has put blinders on our eyes. There are things that are not accessible to science. As Spinoza put it
>sub specie aeternitatis

>> No.15265886

Are you retarded?

>> No.15265890

My mother, as she lay dying, said "I don't want to come back here." I believe she anticipated being forced to come back, and did not want this. Sadly, this was not for her to decide.

>> No.15265891

They're not fully matured yet.

Why don't you have a seat?

>> No.15265892
File: 504 KB, 500x500, 1583762045902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15265895

When i say science i mean logic. Logically speaking we are not anything special, just bio machines who are motivated by chemical inputs. When we die, we die. No heaven, hell, reincarnation, just an eternal dreamless sleep.

>> No.15265897

Sleep implies you're alive

>> No.15265902

please do not point out logical fallacies to the fedora

>> No.15265903


>> No.15265910

that would be nice
but i don't think that's what happens
how unlikely was your birth
infinitely unlikely
yet you are here
the only conclusion you can draw from this is that you will be here again

>> No.15265912

that's not how statistics work

>> No.15265916
File: 80 KB, 245x153, I+like+yas+and+i+wants+ya+_9de5eceabb38b1cf3f4d6a713a0e9df4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15265923

Even if somehow we "come back" it really is out of control.

Also if we come back as a cafo turkey, doesnt that mean a cafo turkey can come back as a human?

>> No.15265933

Whatever do you mean by that? We are located on a tiny speck of a planet in a universe that is potentially infinite in scope for all we know (we still do not know this, one way or another, definitively). The stats are actually insanely skewed toward life existing on this insanely small speck of all that exists in reality. Your being here is impossible. And yet you are.

>> No.15265945

it does

>> No.15265957


>> No.15265963

oh I meant probability, not statistics
>we don't know we don't know we don't know
>aha we can't exist

>> No.15265990

And would it even matter what our past lives are if our memories of them are not available to us?

>> No.15266157

You got any proof of factory farmed turkeys in the US? Or you just gonna say “are you serious?” and hope that I don’t call you on being a fucking retard making shit up. Go ahead and post one factory turkey farm. Go ahead, I’ll wait. If you post anything that isn’t a factory farm you’re gonna get laughed at.

>> No.15266166

Yes. A few have died so far this winter but it happens.

>> No.15266170

Post one retard, please

>> No.15266266
File: 222 KB, 469x463, 1591248313196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15266326

I never would’ve thought recognizing a gmod face would give me a little dopamine hit

>> No.15266890

I am a vegan and this is not correct

>> No.15266905

Then how come vegans shit on me for homesteading so i dont support factory farming?

>> No.15266965

Didnt someone just post a photo of a butterball turkey cafo?

>> No.15266971

probably because the specific vegans you were talking to are assholes
they come in all kinds anon

>> No.15267000


>> No.15267040

I really hope this is true, factory farms shouldnt exist. Gross mean,horrible conditions, and new diseases all so people can get more cheap meat

>> No.15267052

I am not vegan and this is not correct

>> No.15267056

That's from Thankskilling

>> No.15267058

>animals dont have souls
Idiot take anon, you cant even prove you have a soul, if they exist why wouldnt an animal?

>> No.15267067

We dont understand enough about reality for this to be definitively true. Im cool with nothingness forever but you cant prove or disprove that thats what happens yet

>> No.15267078

do you know how much work farming is? how much time it takes? if you're feeding yourself maybe you can have an actual paying job to keep your lights on at the same time but even a family it's gonna take your whole day and not everyone has the property for that, then the people without the property want food, you're gonna need employees. I think the words you're looking for are "thank you"

>> No.15267079

>idiot they don't exist of course animals have them
OK now this is coping.

>> No.15267082

this next jurassic world movie is going to be absolutely fowl

>> No.15267107


>> No.15267305
File: 1.29 MB, 2016x1512, 20201208_084222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Muscovies

You are missing out on some wacky duck behavior, they are much smarter and more interesting than regular barnyard ducks.

>> No.15267403

That's a nice duck right there bud, going to have to do some duck posting tomorrow.

>> No.15267405

all ducks are rapists

>> No.15267408

based duck slayer

>> No.15267414
File: 1.85 MB, 3000x2250, IMG_22122020_025204_(3000_x_2250_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No duck pics on my phone so let's get some other birds up in here

>> No.15267421
File: 1.99 MB, 3000x2250, IMG_22122020_025341_(3000_x_2250_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267431
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x2250, IMG_22122020_025457_(3000_x_2250_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267550
File: 193 KB, 800x371, 948BF054-089C-49A1-9DCC-B6D1CBED49B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah waaaah it’s so much work OMG can you even imagine
It’s almost like setting up giant population centers is a retarded unsustainable idea and 99% of the people living in those population centers are whiny babies allergic to a hard days work. Pic related, it’s you.

>> No.15267563 [DELETED] 
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x1960, 20201108_170104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quackers, I used to have some ducks but a hawk got to them all. Unfortunately can't shoot the damn thing because it's tagged. But I did have this turkey roam onto my property the week of Thanksgiving and the hawk doesn't want to come around it, so I guess it can stay. I'm thinking once he saw we had chickens he decided to bunker down and lay low, and so far it hasn't wanted to leave. It's surprisingly friendly but still won't let me get close enough to see what sex it is. Absolutely loves grapes, and gets along great with all my other animals.

>> No.15267569


>> No.15267574
File: 2.64 MB, 1934x3997, 20201222_035220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quackers, I used to have some ducks but a hawk got to them all. Unfortunately can't shoot the damn thing because it's tagged. But I did have this turkey roam onto my property the week of Thanksgiving and the hawk doesn't want to come around it, so I guess it can stay. I'm thinking once he saw we had chickens he decided to bunker down and lay low, and so far it hasn't wanted to leave. It's surprisingly friendly but still won't let me get close enough to see what sex it is. Absolutely loves grapes, and gets along great with all my other animals.

>> No.15267710

>it's almost like
not it's not. you don't like industrial slaughter but it works just fine.

>> No.15267718

based duckman

>> No.15267737

It's strange that birds have been around, far longer than primates but haven't evolved into being smarter than Albert Einstein.