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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.15241391 [DELETED] 

Smoking is for faggots and all these threads are is a giant circlejerk of cope about the fact that you'll all die of cancer you inflicted yourself with because you thought you were "cool". Saged, reported, off topic garbage

>> No.15241406

I don't smoke, but I love how the mere existence of these threads makes people seethe and feel the need to come in and shit them up. While proving them wrong when its there posts that get deleted and the thread survives to till it falls off the board.

So thanks for that tobacco fags, it brings a smile to my face to see all the butthurt these threads cultivate. Have fun smoking.

>> No.15241412

For me it's Kent White

>> No.15241441 [DELETED] 

>Ha ha it's funny that the mods allow off topic garbage while deleting other threads that are actually about food

>> No.15241459

Hope you have fun when the mods ban you for announcing the report and sage, or you know wrongfully reporting cause these threads ARE on topic according to them.

Make sure to pick up the Mchicken to fill the void it'll create in your day, after all it is the best fast food sandwich

>> No.15241868

Cancer? Maybe. At least I don't let men ejaculate into my rectum, like you. So I guess it could be worse!

Another excellent website for beginning pipe smokers is smokingpipes.com, a fuck huge selection of pipes and even tobacco, mailed right to your door. I got a pound of Lane Limited 1-Q for forty bucks including shipping. A pound is a lot of tobacco! Don't forget some canning jars to keep it fresh and start "cellaring" a collection of delicious aromatics and English blends.

>> No.15241894

Imagine crying on an imagine board. Typical incel behaviour

>> No.15242177
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My brother managed to snag a tin of frog morton's cellar off a guy who stockpiled a bunch of it. What am I in for boys?

>> No.15242659
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i have gingivitis and my gums get irritated when I smoke(ganja) from a pipe, but small cigars are no problem. What gives?

>> No.15243605

Previous thread: >>15196315

Previous thread: >>15196315

Previous thread: >>15196315

>> No.15243612

What's your favorite cigarette? Favorite snus? Let's talk about tobacco.

>> No.15243642

thanks buddy. feel the same about the fast food threads. it's like a family friendly version of gore or pornposting to work normals and concernfaggots

>> No.15243648
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Been a while since I was into cigars. This is the latest one I've tried.

>> No.15243653

I just unapologetically fucking love nicotine

>> No.15243850
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>> No.15244204
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Take the snuspill.

>> No.15244212
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>Favorite snus?

>> No.15244231

Hey bros i enjoy smoking but mostly just for the sensation
Is there anything i can grind up and put in a pipe that is dirt cheap, doesn’t have any mental effects, maybe tastes kinda nice?

>> No.15244466
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x2268, General Extra Strong Portion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to argue with the classic. I really like pic related rather than Original.

>> No.15245578 [DELETED] 

I still get a slight headrush from even budget regular strength snus with the first pouch of the day. Tried a strong one and while it's kind of enjoyable it still made me feel a bit sick, can't imagine what extra strong or shit like Siberia must feel like.

>> No.15245583

I still get a slight headrush from even budget regular strength snus with the first pouch of the day. Tried a strong one and while it's kind of enjoyable it still made me feel a bit sick, can't imagine what extra strong or shit like Siberia must feel like.

>> No.15245601

You can find mixed herbs that are meant to be smoked, just search for "herbal smoking blend". Supposed to be medicinal but I don't think they have any psychoactive effects. Heard of some people smoking tea and sage too.

>> No.15246335

Siberia hits hard the first time. It's basically devoid of any tobacco flavor and is used solely for the nicotine.

>> No.15246467

Thinking about picking up a corncob pipe to get into tobacco. Any good beginner tobacco you'd rec? Been looking at this nightcap stuff and it looks nice. But I also heard its strong? What do you rec?

>> No.15246512

Is this a decent website to buy imported from
I'm a nonsmoker, but pipes and cigars look really neat.

>> No.15246662

Sail Royal is my favorite. It's good for a beginner too.

>> No.15246727
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Night cap is a good choice, could be a little strong for a beginner. If you're worried about it you can try Early Morning Pipe instead, it's more mild, a little citrusy, and goes great with a cup of coffee.

>> No.15246937

Yeah that's what I'm wondering, I 've had exactly one draw on a pipe before and the guy who offered it said "Be careful, might throw up if its too much"

Is that what strong means, instead of as it's used by flavor, but rather by its effects. And that does sound nice, I do like citrus in basically everything else.

Thanks for the rec friend

>> No.15246972
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Yeah if it's too much nicotine you might throw up or fall over when you stand up. A lot of people say that happens to them with Haunted Bookshop. The "ghost" gets you. Strength refers to nic content usually and for flavor you can say it's full bodied, medium bodied, etc.

>> No.15247047

This year has been a tough one for me for personal reasons. Trying to strengthen myself and become a better man. I really appreciate the camaraderie in these threads. I hope you all have a great Christmas and spend time with the people close to you. That's what's important. Don't squander that. God, don't squander that.

>> No.15247075

Another pipe beginner here, bought myself a cob a couple of weeks ago and a tin of nightcap. I love it but I've almost ran out, so I bought a tin of sam gawith's navy flake and I found it decent, if a bit hard to smoke.
Any other recs for someone who really enjoyed nightcap or should I just get the same thing again?

>> No.15247117

If you like night cap I'd stick with it but feel free to try things like early morning pipe, briar fox.

>> No.15247126

Davidoff Classic cigarettes are my favourite.

>> No.15247135

I've smoked black tea, it's not bad but drinking it is nicer. I've smoked chamomile and it was alright. I've smoked pine needles and it's not so great, tastes like burnt toast.

>> No.15247137

what about something a little stronger than nightcap? I'm in the UK so we don't have as much variety as the yanks

>> No.15247170
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probably pic related but I like "Grov lös/loose(?)" as well and the cheaper ones like "Kronan" are real good as well I mean most snus are good

>> No.15247274

Try Peterson Royal Yacht

>> No.15248293

We're all frens here, please have a happy holiday, please.

>> No.15249581


>> No.15249698

had some snus today for the first time in a while and i still feel awful, cold sweat and got really nauseous. unfortunate because i bought a couple of cigars to share with my friends over the holidays so i hope i can pace better with that

>> No.15249834

I wish I had somewhere comfy to smoke my pipe. Can't smoke in my new apartment. Landlord put a letter through everyone's mailbox reminding us we're not allowed to smoke on our own God damn balconies anymore. Can't smoke on the street right next to my building either. Got a whole jar of squad leader that I can't do anything with

>> No.15249874

Too much cock sucking

>> No.15249894

I like Elizabethan Mixture it's a VaPer

>> No.15249907

I have a hammock in my backyard that's where I smoke it's maximum comfy, and it gets me outside because I wouldn't go outside otherwise.

>> No.15250097

I am poor and enjoy backwoods.

>> No.15250283

Nothing wrong with Backwoods. Black and sweet was my go-to when out fishing

>> No.15250318

I'm mostly just confused at how the hell tobacco qualifies as 'food and cooking', but, if you guys need somewhere to talk about stoogies then whatever.

>> No.15250335

I remember tobacco threads being in /out/ but jannies must have moved it here

>> No.15250339

Got a brand new pack of Lucky Strikes and a bottle of Woodford Reserve ready for Christmas. Home alone all day and ready to kick back and relax.

>> No.15250346
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If you want to go full retard with nicotine you can get brown twist from gawith and hoggarth in the lakedistrict.
As anon says above, royal yacht is a fantastic blend with a tad more nicotine.

If you're looking another high quality latakia/english blend germains 1820 flake (not mixture) is fantastic

>> No.15251346

going to a liquor and cigar shop tomorrow. what should I get that goes well with Scotch(I have sherry bombs, peat monsters and lighter/grassy ones alike) generally? Thinking of get a couple singles, budget is $5-10. I dont smoke much anymore, but I used to just have whatever leftover Cohiba Robustos a friend had laying around at the end of the month and they typically took me 2 sittings to finish.

>> No.15252187
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>> No.15252214
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let me get that for you jacko

>> No.15252252

Samuel Gawinth blends are infamous for the amount of moisture in their tobacco, and flakes are sort of difficult to smoke already. You want to rub the flakes out really well, try to rub it between your palms until it fluffs up real good. Then leave it alone for 20-30 minutes so it can dry up a bit.

>> No.15252338
File: 66 KB, 773x511, ntrnts123f01_lw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how long a snus pouch actually lasts before you aren't getting as much nicotine from it? I see most people saying 45-60 minutes but this study had people keep a pouch in for an hour and their nicotine level was still going up at the end of the hour.

>> No.15252362

Actually didn't realize the strong snus was the one that still had a big increase around the 60 minute mark while the lower strength one seemed to be levelling off at that point so I guess around 60 minutes is right for regular strength.

>> No.15252679
File: 80 KB, 846x1011, hrabsx170kn11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get that for you jacko

>> No.15253840
File: 16 KB, 450x300, 7aefcf972b9f48bcfe716abfb4ecbdd0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get that for you jacko

>> No.15254955

got these for a little over $10. how bad did i get ripped off?

>> No.15254964
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>> No.15254972
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Let me get that for you Jacko.

>> No.15255712

Let me get that for you jacko

>> No.15255732
File: 774 KB, 1024x572, 30738414_10211659741038156_4130970876109651968_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't bought a pack since the end of november i regret coming into this thread

let me get that for you jacko