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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 1300x866, 82810083-portrait-of-restaurant-manager-with-his-kitchen-staff-in-the-commercial-kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15160963 No.15160963 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15160968

we wear regular hats or whatever we want really in the kitchen
t. outbackcel

>> No.15160969

you earn the right to do so

>> No.15160972

I need a woman’s touch bros

>> No.15160973
File: 31 KB, 750x573, AD89711A-7CF3-4AE3-A42A-0CC36ECA1C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall hats for those who hold positions of power. Short hats for peons and apathetic busboys.

>> No.15160975

it is a hygiene thing

stupidity has nothing to do with it

some chefs choose to wear funny looking ones, usually posh french ones

you just need to keep hair away from food and flames

>> No.15160976

Yes, you need to wear stupid fucking hats because it keeps your stupid fucking hair out of the stupid fucking dish, you stupid fuck. Now move, I got a stupid fucking hot plate behind you.

>> No.15160980

hairnets are for dishwashers and salad makers
only cooks and chefs get to wear the meme hats

>> No.15161018

hairnets are for lunch ladies

>> No.15161098

Working in a restaurant is for queers.

>> No.15161099

Wearing a hat keeps hair out of food and wearing white makes it easier to spot how clean your clothes or, to better keep shit out of your food.

Wear a beanie cap if it isn't the kind that sheds little fuzzy things.

>> No.15161118

I'm not a queer, but I have sucked a couple of dicks.

>> No.15161122

yeah. I've wore a hat similar to pic related but now I get to wear baseball caps it's pretty nice

>> No.15161134


>> No.15161162
File: 2.58 MB, 1355x2048, MV5BMjA1OTUzMjYwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTUxODAxNQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can wear bandanas if you want

>> No.15161214

You don't need a hairnet if you're a hairlet.
>t. bald master race

>> No.15162271

Shave your eyebrows too, for maximum aerodynamic performance in the kitchen.

>> No.15162287
File: 378 KB, 654x811, ideal-sous-chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, your entire kitchen staff (regardless of sex) should look like pic related.

>> No.15162363

Some places might make it mandatory as part of their uniform if it's strict but you generally don't have to wear one as a rule.

>> No.15162369

Ah yes, i forgot the hairs in a nostrils.

>> No.15162376

shave your beard babish

>> No.15162420

This. And it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.15162421

Because working on a kitchen gives you cancer

>> No.15164277

This. All that vaporized Teflon will, WILL take a toll on your health.

>> No.15164308

Just trip over in front of women. About a third of the time they will help you get back up. I do this a few times a year and it really scratches the itch.

>> No.15164378

I wear mine backwards and feel like a sexy degenerate despite being an ugly autist too scared to even talk to girls.

>> No.15164959

Excellent advice

>> No.15166225

>professional kitchen
In your dreams, we just burn the shit out of our pans

>> No.15166761

I worked for Jean Robert for years and no one wore these stupid hats, not even JR himself. We normally just wear baseball caps, headbands, buffs, etc.

>> No.15168471

>wanting to live into old age