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15138616 No.15138616 [Reply] [Original]

wtf do you even do with this shit?
bought some pesto but i have no idea what its meant to go with

>> No.15138663


>> No.15138679


>> No.15138684

Just eat it out of the jar.

>> No.15138700

If you bought it, you found it with the pasta sauces or fresh pastas.
Do that's a start, my guy.

>> No.15138707

>What do i use this labeled barilla pesto product i found right next to the Barilla pasta products?
Great thread op!

>> No.15138708

I have the same bottle are you from Croatia?
Was wondering the same, I don't eat pasta but I used it with meats and it was good

>> No.15138729

Smear it on a wheat bread and drizzle with balsamic. Pair with dark red wine for dinner or sangria for lunch

>> No.15138730

i just googled a picture of pesto, anon, i've never even heard of barilla
and i know it can go with pasta but literally anything goes with pasta
you could have fucking ketchup pasta and it would turn out alright

>> No.15138755

Understandable. I assumed you would post a picture of the same item you bought. Can i ask why you would blindly buy a jar of something that you didn't know it's intended use for?

Make some pasta, cook some onions and peppers, add some sundried tomatoes and toss it with some heated pesto.

Mix it with mayo and put it on a savory sandwich.
Good luck

>> No.15138817

Good on a sandwich with egg salad.

>> No.15138826

>you could have fucking ketchup pasta and it would turn out alright
That's fucking disgusting.
On the other hand, pesto on pasta is one of the best things on earth. Don't make the mistake to heat up the pesto, tho. It must remained uncooked.

>> No.15138886

I eat it straight out the jar. Seriously.

>> No.15138894

It's because of the basil, right? It turns bitter when cooked, if I remember right.

>> No.15138936

>Can i ask why you would blindly buy a jar of something that you didn't know it's intended use for?
ran out of basil and the shop i normally go to didnt have any; i understood basil was a major component of it so i figured i would try it out, only it smelled substantially different to what i was expecting

>> No.15138941

Or on a baguette with chicken, tomatoes and mozzarella

>> No.15138950

goes good with chicken and most white fish, slathered on and baked, can mix it with bread crumbs for some crunch too
sometimes i make a sort of caprese-ish sandwich with pesto, mozz and tomato
i'll eat pasta with pesto on it's own if im lazy but i also like it with mushrooms, cherry tomatos and spinach
some brands of pesto are total trash and all jarred stuff sucks compared to fresh but it's too much hassle for me to make at home since i don't have a food processor

>> No.15138956

>bread smeared with canned sauce and booze for lunch

do Americans really?

>> No.15138958

I think your supposed to throw that shit out

>> No.15139040

Imagine buying something so easy to make

>> No.15139042

This is the true way to enjoy pesto

>> No.15139064

You should put cyanide on your pasta. It will turn out alright.

>> No.15139198
File: 54 KB, 680x680, Napolitan_4974sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Japanese dish called Napolitan.

>> No.15139220

Throw it in the garbage, but some fresh herbs and cheese and olive oil and make a pesto that will get the girl you made it for to love your balls for dessert.

>> No.15139293


>> No.15139302

t. hasn't had to live on a student budget

>> No.15139451

Its just wine lil nigga.

>> No.15139777

Not OP, but I also bought a jar of pesto recently. Do I just pour it straight out of the jar onto freshly cooked pasta? What pasta shapes are best for it?

>> No.15139793

you don't buy pesto
you make your own
store-bought pesto is abhorrent

>> No.15139867

it's a pasta sauce, you don't use much.
White people sometimes make a sallad dressing with it or put it on pizza

It's really not worth buying because it always costs a stupid amount, and the only thing that makes is seem reasonably priced is the unbelievable price of basic in supermarkets.

>> No.15139873

Bread spread

>> No.15140044
File: 39 KB, 640x854, 636621601116017549-ucm607969[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to buy this shit from Aldi and just put it on pasta by itself or maybe with a bit of parmesan, it doesn't even need anything else to taste delicious, and I've tried buying more expensive brands of this kind of red pesto and they all taste worse than the Aldi stuff

>> No.15140071


>> No.15141288

barilla brand pesto is vile. too salty with a bullshit "green" flavour, not creamy but pasty.
i suggest trowing it in the trash.

>> No.15141296

I'm going to assume you're mentality retarded and break it down for you. Rub some on toasted bread, rub some on chicken breast, use it as a sauce for pasta, for fucks sake, grab a spoon and eat it out the jar.

>> No.15141317
File: 77 KB, 810x415, 1566499074833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alla Genovese is almost the worst.

Official pesto powerlevels:

ricotta e noci > alla calabrese > con pomodori secchi > rosso > genovese > basilico & rucola

>> No.15141357

Leave Jarred Pesto alone.

>> No.15141447
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, 1605796324703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do americans really?

>> No.15141453

put it on pasta or as sauce for a sandwich (for example with chicken, dried tomatoes and some greens)

>> No.15141522

Do you also think coca cola is Croatian, you retard?

>> No.15141525

This, but I also add roasted red pepper

>> No.15141529

Pesto goes great on good bread and sandwiches

>> No.15141532

>t. s*rb

>> No.15141821

Mix it with ground turkey thighs and a little breadcrumbs. Makes a great burger with leaf lettuce and red onions.

>> No.15141838

It's the most famous brand in Croatia, and usually most famous brands here don't coincide with American or global ones

>> No.15141842

shrimp marinade

>> No.15142282

hot dogs!

>> No.15142454

Barilla is Italian and global you dummy
give us some Croat pesto and/or pasta dish and all will be forgiven

>> No.15142461

anon you dumbass the label clearly says pesto

>> No.15142634

Is barillas pesto quality? I’ve only bought costcos before

>> No.15142856

Is pesto from the supermarket shelf comparable to homemade pesto?

Pesto is great but it's kind of a pain in the ass to make?

>> No.15142971

>you could have fucking ketchup pasta and it would turn out alright
My grandfather who came from Italy thought it was a fucking delicacy while his Irish wife looked at him as though he were calling the Pope a cocksucker. I used to eat it too but haven't in years.

>> No.15142987

I did this with some brats in a hot dog bun, it was pretty damned good

>> No.15143016

Pesto made with pistachios instead of pignolis is the shit

>> No.15143031

>500 calories per 100g
throw it away fatty

>> No.15143042
File: 83 KB, 500x422, Dalmatian-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know pesto isn't really commonly used in Croatia
And all Croatian pasta dishes are more or less Italian with a slavic touch
But I'm not sure because I'm not Dalmatian, I'm from Croatia Proper

>> No.15143061
File: 280 KB, 1920x1280, peka_octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peka is popular in Croatia that I know, I tasted octopus from it for the first time this year and it was amazing, at least the octopus meat itself

>> No.15143239

>heated pesto
I am amazed no italian cursed your family yet

>> No.15143278

just read the back of the label

>> No.15143426

I meant work the pesto in so it's warm. Please don't actually try to heat up the pesto on a stove.

>> No.15144104

Quessuedilla (? Bro idk I'm not a linguist) with pesto. In fact put anything in between.

>> No.15144133
File: 194 KB, 1024x730, pesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a piece of salmon (skin on(that means one side)) and spread pesto on the pink flesh, then place under the grill for 20-30 minutes. Serve with steamed asparagus and some couscous.

>> No.15144290
File: 105 KB, 800x1066, 146352D8-D50B-4F72-B3DC-CF7726183379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put that shiz in some scrambled eggs!
>a little spoonful is also decent on top of sunny side or packed eggs on toast.

>> No.15144324

It’s pesto, little bit goes a long way friend
>Also you called that anon fat but count your calories? Like a woman, or fat/formally fat person, I’m picking up on some projection.

>> No.15144687

Lot's of options but buy a decent pesto for the love of god. Shit pesto will cost a lot still, take more of it to get the same flavor into the dish, and waste space because it can easily pack twice the flavor as the cheap stuff like that Barilla sauce you started the thread with.

>> No.15144725

Toss it out and make fresh pesto. The jarred stuff is okay, but it doesn't hold a candle to fresh, which itself doesn't keep all that well. It's like using jarred minced garlic vs fresh minced.