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15129274 No.15129274 [Reply] [Original]

Italians are best at grilling steak:


>> No.15129285

>being the best at anything other than being the rest of the world's bane

>> No.15129291
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Italians are the best at everything


>> No.15129298

I think I will learn italian

>> No.15129313
File: 285 KB, 2500x1406, marbling-2500-56a20fc43df78cf7727186fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lean steak is such a meme for plebs. If you eat lean steak you might as well be eating boiled chicken. Fat is flavor and it's not even bad for you.

>> No.15129318


>> No.15129393
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It's a really nice grill fired with wood from olive trees. I'm sure the smoke from the olive tree wood gives really nice taste to the meat.

>> No.15129405

its impressive that he managed to burn the steak while also leaving the center raw. I bet that didnt even come up to 115 degrees

>> No.15129414

It's supposed to be like that. He deliberately did it like that.

>> No.15129461

Ultra based

>> No.15129464

i too put meat directly from the fridge onto fire

>> No.15129473

>i-i-its SUPPOSED TO be burnt and raw!

why? does anybody enjoy charcoal with cold meat and unrendered fat?

Its what woumd happen to room temp meat if you put it right on an open flame

>> No.15129496
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He says to not do that but let it reach at least room temperature before putting it on the grill.
>why? does anybody enjoy charcoal with cold meat and unrendered fat?
It's not cold. From room temperature at 18-20 it should at least reach around 40C.
>unrendered fat?
It's very good fat. It can be enjoyed more purely without being burnt to hell.

>> No.15129507

I love his other videos too. He's completely fucking crazy like Italian chefs are supposed to be.

>> No.15129516

that fat is raw. chewy fat isnt good. it needs to be rendered. you know the method is fucked because theres no way you could even reach a medium rare without turning the outside into charcoal

>> No.15129523
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>> No.15129667


>> No.15130320

Its pretty mediocre overall I'd say.
The fat either needed to be trimmed more or rendered for longer, and the meat should have been seasoned in advance, rather than just having a ton of large grain salt thrown on at the end.
I tend to like this guy's work, but this is lower end.

>> No.15130339

>globs of unrendered fat
Jesus, did a Swede cook that steak? I thought Italians were good cooks.

>> No.15130375

god i fucking hate you bait fags

>> No.15130390


Italian food being mediocre became a meme here for the same reasons stereotypes do; theres truth behind them both

>> No.15130802

Ultra based and tricolore-pilled

>> No.15130833

that's what he's aiming for stupid boy

>> No.15130872

no it's beacuase people here are too contrarian to admit they're tastelets

>> No.15131969

It's a stereotype because some people just can't understand what it is about.

It's not about adding lots of flavour. It's about honouring and respecting the ingredients.

Italian cuisine is about using the best possible ingredients you can get and let them shine.

In this case, he takes beef of exquisite quality and gives it a good sear with olive wood fired grill that also gives it a nice taste while not really cooking the meat, it should be just around body temperature.

This lets you really taste the qualities of the meat as they are, and good meat are great like that.

It's very different than american bbq where meat is smoked for hours with lots of spice. Not saying that is bad, just a totally different thing.

>The fat either needed to be trimmed more or rendered for longer
As it is, you can taste the fat more purely. Italians are more used to eating fat like this, and it's really great.
>and the meat should have been seasoned in advance
He talks about in the video that you can season before or after, but he really prefers it as it is, it's so good it doesn't really need salt.
>rather than just having a ton of large grain salt thrown on at the end.
It's not much for such a huge steak and it will be brushed of before eating/not eaten and will just give a light touch of salt flavour.

>> No.15132023

get the best of both worlds! tastes like charcoal AND the texture is soft and disgusting

>> No.15133019

I just can't agree on the fat.
In American meat preparations the fat is always heavily rendered down and browned. And of all aspects of American cookery, meat is something we did get right.

>> No.15133049

It's blue and the fat isn't even rendered.

>> No.15133073

>it’s blue
>It’s clearly red

Get your eyes checked asap

>> No.15133095

Then this style really isn't for you then. America makes very good grill and bbq too, and has very good meat.

>> No.15133099

Top kek

>> No.15133120

most based post ive seen on 4chan

>> No.15133347

Hes aiming for bad steak? Nailed it

>> No.15133637

Ultra based and redpilled.

>> No.15133793

Indeed ultra based.