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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15126235 No.15126235 [Reply] [Original]

If you're alone today you can come hang out in here.

>> No.15126237

I beat black children for free

>> No.15126241

do they just let you do it?

>> No.15126256


What are you up to anon? Do you have a PS5? Do you wanna play something on Steam? I can hang out if you want while my turkey and shit cooks for the next few hours.

>> No.15126277

I drank myself out last night and am nursing a massive hangover. I can basically only phonepost in bed in the dark for now, but thank you for the kind offer

>> No.15126392

Im not a burger American so i don't celebrate it, therefore I am alone.

>> No.15126601

Me too. I was blasting music and singing for 3 hours because i thought i was all alone in my apartment. There is a car in the driveway so i am pretty sure my neighbor heard me.
I was puking at 5 am after drinking 15 beers and passing out at 9 pm last night.
I am cooking a 12 lb turkey for myself and following chef johns recipe.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.15126624

Thanksgiving was last month.

>> No.15126636

I'm just heating up a precooked ham I bought and slamming some stuffing and instant potatoes on top

>> No.15126645

I'm saving lives not going out and having family coof all over

>> No.15126657

same :(

>> No.15126704
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>> No.15126725

Heroes walk among us

>> No.15126728

Fauci recommends limiting alcohol and no loud music or singing. Why do you want to kill your entire block?

>> No.15126731

Separated from my wife, no family around to celebrate with. Life is lonely brahs.

>> No.15126749


>> No.15126755
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you've come to the right thread fren

>> No.15126759

Parents just cancelled on me. They are both sick with stomach problems. Its just gonns be me the wife and brother.

>> No.15126760

You have us anon.

>> No.15126769

You should try having autism and never connecting with another human your entire life

>> No.15126772

Thanks brahs, pretty close to seeing what Hinge is all about, I’m too young for this chit.

>> No.15126825

I got a Hungry Man turkey dinner for later in the day. Probably won't even cook it. Going for a hike in the mountains then coming home and drinking whiskey until I pass out.

>> No.15126827

Hinge is terrible. You have to look at fatties the first couple if days until the algorithm knows you don’t want them. If you are around 30 the only women on there are career girls and rich people.

>> No.15126974

That isn't alone. Fuck off.

>> No.15126981

>he does it for free

>> No.15126995
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Not technically alone but I will be eating with my Ma, she has been paranoid that I am gonna give her Corona and kill her ever since CA shut down in March

>> No.15127005
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I got the coof (diagnosed monday) and am spending it alone.
The chinks fucked me out of thanksgiving, they've made an enemy for life.

>> No.15127018

I'm not alone. I'm surrounded by my pet beetles and numerous letters from serial killers. BTK. I'm having a thanksgiving turkey with the ghosts of murderers.

I'll probably end up committing suicide.

>> No.15127027

Maybe his wife makes him feel alone

>> No.15127045

I am no longer human. I eat as I breathe. All unto myself.

>> No.15127062

What is eating the sausages?? So fucking weird.

>> No.15127080

Was gonna spend today with my sister and her family, but on tuesday she started showing symptoms of The Invisible Enemy and needed to get tested. Thankfully one of the local pizza chains is open today so I'm get something from them for dinner then drink myself into a stupor. Happy Thanksgiving fellow anons.

>> No.15127086

sound kinda comfy actually. I wish I had beetles.

>> No.15127104

I'm cooking for myself while my roommates are out doing their best to turn our house into a den of pestilence and disease.

>> No.15127109 [DELETED] 

blogfaggotry and wojak spam threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 >>>/global/rules/10 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.15127127

jesus christ, must we lose everything? leave us this thread at least

>> No.15127135

>whines about rules
>announces a report
everybody point and laugh at this dipshit

>> No.15127140

I'm 3000 miles from my nearest family, and stuck in a hotel. Fortunately, its one with a stove in the room, so I'm trying to make a small turkey with some potatoes. Place your bets as to whether or not I set off the fire alarms by mistake.

>> No.15127143

I cook for myself just because I'm a sucker for tradition. Stuffed turkey is in the oven right now. Got some candied yams and green bean casserole ready to go in too. A can of cranberry sauce chilling in the fridge, and i made a pumpkin pie and a cheesecake yesterday. Went all out with it and roasted my own fresh pumpkins this year.

>> No.15127168

how are you going to eat all that?

>> No.15127178
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Hello friends

>> No.15127187

what's good brutha

>> No.15127190

One meal at a time. I'm not making ridiculously large amounts of any of it. But I'll probably have leftovers for 5 days or so. Then ill use the turkey carcass and scraps to make a pot of soup that will last another 5 days

>> No.15127209
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based and bonebrothpilled

>> No.15127216


>> No.15127217
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Just had thanksgiving dinner from Bob Evans, shit was cash.

>> No.15127245

Probably a big ass eel

>> No.15127315

alone every date, and filled with contempt, hatred, disgust and most of all disappointment went amongst other humans

>> No.15127419

I'm in a homeless shelter. I helped make all the Thanksgiving stuff and clean the kitchen last night. Not physically alone but mentally and physically destitute. I just wish I could play xbox or wh40k. Maybe go to my friends celebration but the temptation to drink would be too much.

>> No.15127426

*spiritually destitute. Not physically

>> No.15127469

I found my way out of my nihilist atheist phase by volunteering, so you might be on the right track. Hope all goes well, and you find whatever you're looking for.

>> No.15127503

>a den of pestilence and disease.
>11/26/20(Thu)12:30:36 No.15127127
>jesus christ, must we lose everything? leave
Thx. Hoping I land one of the jobs I've been interviewing for next week to start saving to get out of here. Volunteering here is nice. Passes time. Makes me feel human.

>> No.15127512

weird posting style you weirdo, but I wish you nothing but luck and fortune

>> No.15127542
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>goes to volunteer at a homeless shelter instead of drinking
fuck, anon. that's some perseverance. i might try some volunteering instead of going to rehab next time.

genuinely hope things get better for you and have a lucky weekend.

>> No.15127580
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Thanks. It's been a humbling ride.

>> No.15127590
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>tfw stuck with obnoxious family members
Enjoy your day anon

>> No.15127604

Thx. Yeah being drunk for 10 years straight is/was enough for me. I hope I can stick with it. You also have a good weekend.

>> No.15127610

>4 free?
>Are there pay services?
>Why can't Mama do it herself
>Daddy can do it when he comes back with the milk

>> No.15127617

I’m alone, with my wife and two kids and our two cats. Hold me brehs

>> No.15127635

shut the fuck up normie and get the fuck out

>> No.15127640

I breed white children for free
>t. Black Man

>> No.15127654

How many comics have been made with this exact format?

>> No.15127673
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COVID? more like ALONEVID!
>distant rimjob

>> No.15127696
File: 640 KB, 2048x2048, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily that, but more-so the whole "Look, my life is great! But actually it's revealed to be bad in the fourth panel!"
Like pic related

>> No.15127783


>> No.15127926

Some faggot on the other side most likely. Looks like one of those fake stupid viral videos like mentos fishing

>> No.15127933
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>> No.15127934

But a house has upkeep costs. IT'S NOT AN ASSET

>> No.15127954
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Sitting here debating if I want to hit up the gas station for more seltzers, but I have 5 left and a large bottle of wine... it might be enough to hold me until dinner and have a decent buzz. Maybe. I'll go at halftime of the second football game if I have to.

I ordered a 20 inch thanksgiving sandwich to eat later today. Maybe I'll eat around 6 or 7 while nice and drunk.

>> No.15127962

So do most investment accounts, doesn't make them not worth it. The important question is if the upkeep, taxes, interest, and insurance are more than renting, which, in many cases, they're not.

>> No.15127993

codspeed anon, I tritip my mushroom cap to (You)

>> No.15127994

You can rent a house out yourself though. I have a roommate, and 100% of his rent goes into my pocket, as I'd still be paying utilities and upkeep anyways. Plus I have someone to look after my shit, and get to play with his dog.

It's $7500 I save each year.

>> No.15128004

I've been alone for 7 years to the day when she broke up with me. One more day isn't going to hurt at this point. Have a drink and cheer up, pal.

>> No.15128020

milk dad just arive

>> No.15128068

You do it... for free?

>> No.15128170

I moved out to the Midwest in January this year after being headhunted for a job. No friends or family or any connections out here. Haven't seen anyone from back home in the northeast since I moved. My company has enforced (through threat of termination, as a co-worker found out) a work-from-home order since late April.

I just feel worn down. Most of this year was spent working extra to make sure I didn't look like someone who could be let go to cut costs and so I haven't even gotten time to try and go out in a limited way to meet people.

Just made myself a Thanksgiving hanger steak today with creamed spinach and fondant potatoes. Tasted fucking amazing but I didn't enjoy it much because of the isolation and loneliness.

>> No.15128202

this whole year has been shit, anon, hang in there. at least you have a job. I have nothing. let's get comfy and watch some TV and try to forget about it

>> No.15128237


>> No.15128284
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I'm not physically alone, just mentally and spiritually.

I don't even want to look at these people.

Just getting drunk on my own right now. Rum and coke but I'm almost out of joke. Will switch to rum and orange juice soon.

>> No.15128293

It sucks that so many anons are alone. I would invite some of you to my Thanksgiving, even though it's just myself and gf.

>> No.15128305
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plenty of booba features herein, I can tell you are indeed a man of culture and sophistication

>> No.15128313

I think most anons would rather kill themselves than be reminded of their alone-ness by spending time with a couple

>> No.15128315

>I'm almost out of joke. Will switch to rum and orange juice soon.
I guess that was the punchline but it isn't very funny, just sounds kinda gross

>> No.15128328


>> No.15128330

Fuck you

>> No.15128337
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>> No.15128340

Just a typo. What's gross about it? Rum mixes just fine with oj. I was going to buy some other stuff but all the stores near me are closed, even walmart of all places.

>> No.15128366

Sorry to hear that, anon. I almost moved to NYC late last year for a job in One World Trade, but would have just gotten cold weather and then Covid disasters. So, I get it. I hope things pick up for you.

>> No.15128385

Anyone else prefers to be alone? I don't feel lonely at all, I have my food and sports that's all I need, I'm a comfy happy camper.

>> No.15128406

>only child who lives with parents at late age cause I'm a worthless friendless khv autistic loser, we have poor relationship because theyre as autistic as i am
>usually see very small extended family on thanksgiving, only time i see/talk to them all year, know nothing about anyone cause i dont talk to them or have social media
>have nothing to talk about cause of my pathetic life so i just sit around mute and then feel bad because i never talk
>didnt visit them due to covid so sitting alone in separate room from parents

i like to pretend like i like being alone given how aloofly i act with other people but in reality being alone is what caused my entire life to go to absolute shit

literally seeing anyone at any time with other friends or loved ones makes be feel horrible.

>> No.15128409

is this you?

>> No.15128424

Spank me master

>> No.15128460

Any anons in or around Tacoma, WA want to come over and eat dinner with me? I'm cooking turkey and all the usual sides. Got lots of beer and whiskey too

After we can watch movies and play board games. I'm 5'6 and 120 lbs in case anyone was wondering

>> No.15128466
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>> No.15128468


>> No.15128545

I'm OP and I live in Redmond lol, but I don't have a car. Pretty cold so far, huh?

>> No.15128554

Hello food fans

>> No.15128576

Based and kind offer, anon. I'd go if I didn't live on the other side of the country.

>> No.15128579

I know, but it's not like I'd invite just one other person. Just know I am thinking of you, frens

>> No.15128581

What's the implication by giving your height and weight?

>> No.15128587
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Hey I mean at least he has a mouse. Mice are better than dogs anyways

>> No.15128588

He's implying he wants to get you drunk and be a hungry bottom lmao

>> No.15128617

Just thought I'd share if anyone was curious

>> No.15128649

Based reverse date rapist

>> No.15128655

Curious about what?

>> No.15128669

Hes pretending to be a homosexual something kids today do to be edgy, they have no idea this suicidal self talk will lead them straight to the gloryhole

>> No.15128674

>implying that he isn't trying to bait us into the gloryhole

>> No.15128675


>> No.15128677

based /lit/poster

>> No.15128767

I just want to let everyone know that the oversized red wine bottle fell off the top of the fridge and I caught it one handed with my left hand before it turned my Thanksgiving into cleaning up wine and glass.

>> No.15128854
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>> No.15128865
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Chad move

>> No.15128899

My body type

>> No.15128903

are you a grill?

>> No.15128912

No I'm not a grill anon. I'm a human

>> No.15128930

Yes it is. Imagine not accruing expenses.

>> No.15128971
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It's funny because during the actual program Franklin is segregated from the white members attending.

>> No.15129614

I stream on twitch and I'm truly considering leaving this dogshit affiliate contract. If anything I think not being affiliated might help because they don't run ads. And fuck ads.

>> No.15129616

well I got a great big meal and my brother showed up unexpectedly so we're going to watch a shitty film on Jewflix. Later sk8ers

>> No.15129618

>My company has enforced (through threat of termination, as a co-worker found out) a work-from-home order since late April.
What? Like if they find out you socialized, you get fired? Or they fired your coworker on the spot for going into the office?

>> No.15129653

>ex gf sends me a short video of her turkey
>she's wearing a shirt that slightly exposes her midriff and I can see her firm supple tummy in the reflection
>suddenly go from feeling pretty good to a deep depression

fuck, I need to stop talking to her all together because I feel awful every time I see a picture of her but I can't

>> No.15129675 [DELETED] 

>letting her friendzone you after a relationship
Not healthy, don't keep her in consistent contact until you've moved on and started with a nigger girl.

>> No.15129681

>letting her friendzone you after a relationship
Not healthy, don't keep her in consistent contact until you've moved on and started with another girl.

>> No.15129701

Poor comprehension, anon. He means they can't work in the office, and if they're caught, they'll get fired.

Which sounds like my fucking dream, to be honest. People who like going into the office are ruining it for the rest of us. Truth is, we know they just want to get away from their families and fuck around on the internet while they get credit for "working so late."

>> No.15129706

did your phone autocorrect to nigger?

I'd like to get back together with her, I never wanted to break up. She wanted to get married and I wasn't ready and it started drifting from there

>> No.15129734

>fuck, I need to stop talking to her all together because I feel awful every time I see a picture of her but I can't
why do I do this

>> No.15129735

the person you're replying to didn't say nigger once in their post. i think your brain is autocorrecting to nigger, anon.

why didn't you want to get married? and why did you break up in stead of just postponing the marriage?

>> No.15129759
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Phone autocorrect.

How old are you? If she wants kids, and you see a future there, make it happen. If she wants to get married and no kids, that's a mistake. Even if the relationship doesn't fully work out, the kids will be fine and you can make even more kids later with another women. Seems weird that you're pining for someone you don't want to marry.

>> No.15129764

feels good to talk to her, but it's never worth it for that little high
because my parents have a bad marriage and I don't want that for myself, so I said we just need to spend more time together in a relationship and at least live together first to decide if it's something we should do
and then corona happened an she went away to kentucky where her family lives and it's 12 hours away from here. And her birthday was the following week and she wanted me to come down for it
this is back when we were still doing 2 weeks to slow the spread so I was expecting to go back to work that week, so I didn't go down because it was going to be a seriously long trip for me to just spend one night there and have to come back immediately.

but then that never happened so I could've gone down. The fact that I missed her birthday was the catalyst for the drifting apart

>> No.15129815

>She wanted to get married and I wasn't ready

>> No.15129945

my man

>> No.15129954

he was a smart man. you early marriage cucks are gonna just get divorced and get all your shit taken from you in your mid 30s

>> No.15129957

no way lol

>> No.15130031


>> No.15130036


>> No.15130114

based and wholesomepilled. Happy Thanksgiving frendo.

>> No.15131554

What do you play?