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File: 238 KB, 1500x1500, prime rib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15126914 No.15126914 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow cu/ck/s, my family is a bit autistic, so we're doing a prime rib for thanksgiving, and I'm making it. It's already sitting out coming to room temp, but I've got some questions. Originally, I wanted to pan sear and then throw it in the oven, but it seems like everyone online sears in the oven? Then I see the reverse sear method where they cook it in the oven, then sear in the oven after cooking.
My question is why can't you just fucking pan sear the thing instead of the oven. I'd imagine fat would render better, better browning, considering a prime rib is just a giant ribeye steak, which is probably going to get pan seared. Also, I'd really like to butter baste with some aromatics in the pan (garlic, thyme). Any anons have any experience with prime rib, know why these youtube fucks all do it in the oven? Even if I fuck it up, my mom's the type of person to eat baby carrots and Walmart cheese so she'll probably enjoy just about anything kek. Thanks anons

>> No.15127157

500 F. 5 minutes per pound. Turn off oven and leave it in there for a couple hours. Don't open the fucking door for anything.
It will be seared on the outside and medium rare on the inside.
If someone wants their meat burnt, then carve them a piece and do your basting in a skillet.

>> No.15127206

This is the only advice. Also get some rosemary and thyme to put in melted butter and pour over the top with salt and pepper before cooking.

>> No.15127233

>70% is a bloody chewy mess
What a waste

>> No.15127271

Prime rib like that is melt in your mouth tender

>> No.15127338

It’s actually not. That’s much tenderer as a roast that color than as a steak

>> No.15127385

If it's not too big, the best method I've used is to pan-sear it on all sides in a hot cast iron pan, then transfer to a v-rack and slow-cook it in the oven at 225 F until the center is about 120 F.

I've used the reverse-sear technique too, but the results are not as good imo as the sear-first approach.

>> No.15127395

Pleb detected.

>> No.15127398
File: 27 KB, 244x272, 1602590355678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15127409

just because you don't know anything about cooking doesn't mean your reddit opinions are right

>> No.15127411

It's still raw fucking retard

>> No.15127436

Is this the chef John approach? I watched his vid and it looked great. Will any kind of pan sear overcook it?
And you suggest the pan sear. Mine is 5.2 pounds I think, not the biggest. You don’t think pan sear will overcook it like the other anon said. Also how long should it take if I do this?
You want daddy to cut it up in little cubes and put ketchup on it too? Awww don’t worry the kids table still has a seat

>> No.15127447

Also the pic is not my prime rib just something I grabbed off of google

>> No.15127451

Actually, how about you stop being a human nigger and boil a turkey like a fucking sane American

>> No.15127527

>Also how long should it take if I do this?
Just enough to brown it. A few minutes per side. Use a pre-heated cast iron pan to do the searing.

>> No.15127550

Oh no I meant in the oven
Don't think niggers could afford a prime rib, and if they could they'd ruin it with
>muh spices wypipo really only put salt an peppa on a mufuggin prime rib nigga put chili powda an takis on that shit nigguh
Also boil a turkey? Whatever works for you kek

>> No.15127622

>Oh no I meant in the oven
Two to three hours, depending on the size. Test with instant read thermometer after a couple of hours. Since the temp is so low, you will be unlikely to overcook it.

>> No.15127651

Prime rib beats turkey anytime

>> No.15127684

Incorrect. Prime Rib is a scam. Far overpriced cut of meat and is far inferior to the much better ribeye or New York

>> No.15127694

>Prime rib
Is there such thing as composite rib?

>> No.15127710

Its not blood you fucking idiot. Animals are fucking bled after they are slaughtered. The red is from myoglobin and it means you didn't overcook the entire piece of fucking meat. Beef is red meat not grey meat. Another great thing about beef is there are no high temperature pathogens infecting it. Honestly searing the outside is enough for steak to be safe to eat but getting steak to from 115- 125 internal temp just before resting is just about perfect.

>> No.15127715

t. has literally no taste buds

>> No.15127739

don't know who chef Jon is or his recipes. Have been cooking professionally for twenty years though. It's bullet proof for prime rib.

>> No.15127757

shut the fuck up fly over bitch boy, don't cry when your date looks at you in disgust when you squirt heinz on your well done steak.

>> No.15127772
File: 1.32 MB, 576x1024, signal-2020-11-04-201242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15127806

Is that an alien?

>> No.15127942

Are you a boomer? Dont do this guessing garbage. Just get a fucking thermometer. It's 5$.

>> No.15128606

Ribeye and prime rib are the exact same cut of meat.

>> No.15128610

prime rib sucks who the fuck eats that shit
almost as bad as "filuet minuoung"

>> No.15128635

imagine cutting off her breasts and deep frying them in peanut oil. then you cover them with sweet and sour sauce and st

>> No.15129105

Reverse sear is the best. Low oven, 250 degrees for a couple of hours. When it hits 120-130 degrees, remove, heat oven to 450 and cook for another 5-10 mins.

>> No.15129352

Hello Hannibal Cuckter

>> No.15129465
File: 1.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20201126_192452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd yours come out anon? Here's mine.

>> No.15129471


>> No.15129495

Looks perfectly cooked.

>> No.15129504

>Prime Rib is a scam
But doesn't the bone make a prime rib taste better?

>> No.15129508

>My question is why can't you just fucking pan sear the thing instead of the oven.
You can, it’s how I do all my steaks. Cook to temp, rest, then pan sear. But it’s a very very quick sear at high temp.

>> No.15129624

prime rib depresses me, its just such a sad looking meal

>> No.15129782

>well done steak
That should count as animal cruelty; the cow died in vain.

>> No.15129985

Get a grip on life, degenerate.

>> No.15130174

Looks great anon! Yours looks a bit more evenly cooked than mine. It was bretty gud, extremely juicy, I just wish maybe more of the fat inside rendered. Had some mashed potatoes with garlic and thyme, and homemade italian bread. Made some batter for financiers that I'm gonna do tomorrow, ran out of time tonight.

>> No.15130178
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_0872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15130463

nice fucking pink, mmm

>> No.15130506

Thanks anon, sliced into that bitch and I was like wow, so juicy

>> No.15130544

I like a bit of grey on my prime rib. It gives it a bit of bite instead of being too tender