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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15103952 No.15103952 [Reply] [Original]

Ok , bear with me, lets say thanksgiving has been canceled by the godless left like fox news says.
Does that mean that turkeys are going to be on sale like crazy after thursday?
If so , what can a neet do to make use of them?

>> No.15104106
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No has any speculation on turkey futures?

>> No.15104129

Plenty of industrial use for a turkey.
Canned turkey, preserved turkey, frozen turkey etc...
So if there's expected to be an insane amount of leftover turkey early in the supply line it means it just goes to a different place. Expect to see more new microwave dinners featuring turkey than before.
If the oversupply and low demand happens at the supermarket level then you will probably see cheap turkey on sale, but I wouldn't count on it necessarily. That is to say don't plan your food budget/needs around potentially buying a truckload of turkey. In some cases it may be shipped back to factories for the above mentioned microwave dinners.

>> No.15104165
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I remember about 10 years ago there was a big turkey surplus and stores were selling them for as low as 10 cents a pound after thanksgiving.
/ck/ had a few threads about it and the best solution I saw was braising an entire turkey in stock pot and then deboning it into light and dark meat
This was all packed in single servings and frozen and the bones returned to the pot to make bone broth.
I did mine with shallots and it made amazing sandwiches

>> No.15104290

thanksgiving has been canceled by the godless left like fox news says

>> No.15104351

Tucker is fucking fuming mad aboot it too

>> No.15104353

Why don't you just eat the bear for free?

>> No.15104438

Buy one and put your penis in it just to see what happens

>> No.15104469

You killed a McChicken thread for this asshattery? Die a slow, painful death.

>> No.15104566

What about free turkeys?

>> No.15104809

>Not seeing you family and cooking a meal because "TV Says"

That being said, hell yeah I bet there are going to be cheap turkeys and other birds next weekend. I think I might get a turkey and a couple ducks and fill my freezer.

>> No.15104815

Ah a fellow anti masker.

>> No.15104890

>thanksgiving has been canceled by the godless left like fox news says.
Go back to the containment board of your choice please

>> No.15104925

I bet you could get quite a few meals out of a single turkey. Make soup from the carcass, use up the wings and a breast in that. Use the other breast as it's own roast another night, or turn into sandwiches. Legs could be braised. Thighs would probably make a killer coronation turkey salad.

Yeah, just don't have it in me to comply. I tried playing along for a few weeks, now I just don't bother. Tempted to start open carrying just so I don't get bitched at.

He was clearly kidding, friend.

>> No.15105110

>He was clearly kidding,
That is not so clear to many people. Jokes are tough

>> No.15105132
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>Does that mean that turkeys are going to be on sale like crazy after thursday?
Turkey has already been heavily on sale for me.

I don't think it can get much cheaper.

I've bought over 125lbs at this price.

>> No.15105274
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>I don't think it can get much cheaper.
This is only the beginning
I feel bad for them that already stocked up

>> No.15105294

>Does that mean that turkeys are going to be on sale like crazy after thursday?
This was the case at my Kroger last year even without covid. They were selling the fresh ones (never frozen) for five bucks each.

>> No.15105311

I remember your thread on this, you like turkey year round and you get them all right now, right?

>> No.15105461

Yup, they keep in the freezer very well, I'll be eating turkey until next fall. A roast every ~2 months or so.

I've got 5 at 21lbs, 1 at 23lbs. The 23lbs one is for thanksgiving.

I'll probably buy another 1 or 2 in the 20lbs area after thanksgiving. leaving me with ~125-150lbs in 6-7 birds.

Christmas dinner is a tenderloin roast but I might breakout a ham or turkey as an option as well.

>> No.15105497
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I feel like you might be thawing out these turkey corpses and having sex with them

>> No.15105515
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Nah, i do put them inside me though.

>> No.15105531


>> No.15105832

What are those green plastic things?

>> No.15105859
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They lift it up out of the juices

>> No.15105864

Leftists actually think this is an insult

>> No.15105963
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>lift it up out of the juices
For what purpose?

>> No.15106062

Turkeys are ALWAYS on sale like crazy after Thanksgiving. Nobody buys turkeys to cook at home except for thanksgiving.

Theyre the best deli meat but are not that great prepared in a way your average home cook can make them. Injected and deep fried is good but is heavily discouraged now from all the dumbasses burning their houses down over the years.

>> No.15106065

that's a nice looking bird
this thread has inspired me, i'll be on the hunt for a cheap turkey post-Thursday and i'll experiment with it, probably main meal, leftover meals, sandwiches, and a big thing of soup to freeze

>> No.15106175

To prevent sogginess, retard

>> No.15106185

Who eats the bottom of the turkey retard?

>> No.15106274
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>> No.15106682

Expect current turkey sales to continue to reduce store inventory beyond Thursday, but don't expect stupid cheap 4c/lb pricing.
If it's in the warehouse, frozen, they'll hang onto it or move it to another channel, as the cold chain is intact.
Wouldn't be surprised if food banks and charity meal services have plenty of turkey next month.

What can a neet do with it:
Get a Nesco. "Nesco" here always means the 18 quart turkey roasting size. It is not a one-trick pony; you will also use it for ham, pulled pork, chicken, and other meats.
Follow the damn instructions, which are basically oil/season/high heat/moderate heat/rest.

Then you eat the drumsticks, slice up the breasts for lovely sandwiches, and make soup out of the rest (heavy on onion and celery, put separately cooked wide egg noodles in the bowl just before ladling in soup).

Hopefully you have made a friend to unload some of the extra on, and were smart enough not to go bigger than about 14-16lb (unless there was a price advantage to do so).


>> No.15106862

>Hopefully you have made a friend

>> No.15107417

I went to the store today and maybe it was just my store but they're almost out of cheap turkeys. They just have a bunch of those $4/lb ones that are GMO-free or whatever makes them so expensive. But of the normal turkeys, I got literally the last of the 15-pounders. They still had like half-a-dozen 20+ pound turkeys, but nothing smaller. Unless they have more in a freezer in the back or are going to be getting a new shipment.

also a lot of bags of turkey breasts cuz apparently some people get those I guess

>> No.15107463

Wouldn't they be selling more turkeys since individual households will be doing solo Thanksgivings instead of a big group? Instead of one turkey for 10-15 people, it's 4-5 turkeys for all the different family household groups.

>> No.15107525

this can be true too. I normally went to a friend's place and they cooked the turkey, so this is the first year that I ever bought a turkey. I expect the smaller turkeys especially to sell out, while the giant ones might be more available and some people might just give up on Thanksgiving altogether.

>> No.15107533

fuck, i never thought of that

>> No.15107662

>$125lbs of turkey for less than $50
How are they even making money off that? Surely it costs more than that just to process and ship the turkeys.

>> No.15107691

cocaines a hell of a drug

>> No.15107769

Stores will often sell turkeys at a loss and then make the money off of all the other stuff you buy with the turkey

>> No.15107788

In Canada stores got a shit load in stock expecting every household to have their own smaller dinner. Families still got together anyway so stores were stuck with freezers full of turkey and ham. Walmart was selling them dirt cheap for a while.

>> No.15108509

Nigga just do what I’ll do with family, early thanksgiving

>> No.15108610

You retards really believe these guys have genuine emotions? He will leave the studio after his few hot takes, his paycheck will be rolling in, and he will have been successful in conning the All American Idiot once more. People like that have no genuine feelings towards anything.

>> No.15108656

The turkey back is the best part idiot. Try living a little.

>> No.15109268

>You retards really believe these guys have genuine emotions?
tucker has real anger

>> No.15109286

>Does that mean that turkeys are going to be on sale like crazy after thursday?
Yes, but that happens every year regardless

>> No.15109320

Only when it has been slow cooked in turkey fat.
That device looks like bullshit to me

>> No.15109355

Priced in. Buy Christmas tree shorts.

>> No.15109452

I am already leveraged against christmas cheer and good will towards men

>> No.15109537

>lets say thanksgiving has been canceled by the godless left like fox news says.
>thanksgiving has been canceled by the godless left like fox news says

KEK underrated

>> No.15109709
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>> No.15109716

take your polshit elsewhere, faggot

>> No.15109741

Who are you talking to?

>> No.15109745

Everybody on 4chan.

>> No.15109782

We aren't on 4chan

>> No.15109801

>Tempted to start open carrying just so I don't get bitched at.
That'll get you arrested. Source: saw a man try to walk in maskless to a liquor store with a cop already in there for an unrelated reason. Guy got told to leave, and he said he has a "condition" while pointing to the gun in his holster. Cop was on him like ugly on an ape.

>> No.15110472

You cannot open carry in a liquor store on most states

>> No.15110484

Where do you think we are?

>> No.15110499

turkeys are cheapest before thanksgiving, you just have to buy frozen whole birds for $.25/lb. The remaining fresh birds will be marked on sale the day after thanksgiving and will sell out and not be restocked. The remaining frozen birds will go back into deep freeze to be brought out next year. Unless you care about fresh birds, frozen bird will always be cheaper, even when the fresh bird is marked 50% off on friday.

>> No.15110564

I think the implied threat with a firearm was what got the cops attention

>> No.15110734

Yes, but unless you're in his tax bracket, that contempt you see in him is just as much at you.

Back to /pol/ with you

>> No.15110749

You mean the private prep school trust fund baby thinks the plebs are beneath him? I for one am shocked.

>> No.15111511

He never pretended to be a blue collar guy .
His fans know this

>> No.15111818


I mean, sure if you have followed him for years and know his shtick, but he certainly plays a character that tries to represent the "average" American white man.

>> No.15111825

Quit avatar-fagging

>> No.15111872

You would never think he pretends to be blue collar if you watched his show.
The fact is you could never watch his show because it would make you far to angry.
So what you do instead , is let some influencer create a highly edited montage decide for you what you should think of him.
You have been assigned your beliefs just as much as the people who watch fox news.

>> No.15111914

Debone it before you cook it and use the raw meat for recipes like turkey tacos, chimichangas, or cut the meat into portions and cook it on grill.

>> No.15111916

lmao i've watched him, even recently. He 100% plays up that angle and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.15111923

>Does that mean that turkeys are going to be on sale like crazy after thursday?
The turkey sales tend to be 1-2 weeks before the holiday, actually. Stock your freezer up at that time. They're loss leaders for you to get in their store and buy a lot of other sides and items at higher prices. They go back to regular prices after that. They are valuable year round.

Ham on the other hand is really the best value before, and then again after the holidays, because they last right through Christmas. People are done with turkeys after thanksgiving except for making sandwiches for the week's lunches.

>> No.15111934

You fucking idiots. Thanksgiving won't be cancelled. You don't need to have a massive fucking dinner, you can just have a small one with your immediate family.

>> No.15112245

You’ve been worked into a shoot brother.