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15093081 No.15093081 [Reply] [Original]

>goes to japanese restaurant with family here in brazil
>eats one of those rolls like pic related
>almost throws up
>find out they have put CREAM CHEESE in it
>find out thats super popular here and people love it

Am I a tastelet or does it objectively sucks and it is people here that are the tastelets ones? Is it normal in your country to mix cream cheese with raw fish?

>> No.15093086

LMFAO they do this all the time in america too. Americans are so fucking fat they need their creamy cheese with everything even in fucking sushi.

>> No.15093088
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>Brazilian sushi

I think I found your problem, OP.....

>> No.15093090

What a philly roll? It's a split. 99% of peoples first roll here is a California roll

>> No.15093097

Giving third worlders access to the internet was a mistake

>> No.15093100

It's a thing in Japan too. Since Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan this doesn't surprise me.

>> No.15093104

It's a pretty common westernization of japanese sushi. You'll find it in US and Canada too. I'd say it's popular to mix raw fish with cream cheese. An example of this is bagel with cream cheese, lox (or smoked salmon), onions and capers.

>> No.15093105
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>tfw my grocery store deli makes tzatziki with sour cream

>> No.15093112

No, they brought in so many new memes

>> No.15093163

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15093181

Ive seen it here in the USA but Ive never gotten it because it sounds fucking nasty. If it was smoked salmon with cream cheese, I would probably try a roll since cream cheese and smoked salmon work well together.

>> No.15093197
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Is this bait?

>> No.15093203

It's not just bait, it's pasta

>> No.15093260

but raw salmon tastes similar to smoked salmon anyway...

>> No.15093267

Brazilian sushi is wild.

>> No.15093276

doesn't belong in sushi

>> No.15093280

>california roll
I used to work in a sushi-joint and these shits were the most annoying to make. Not hard or anything but those tiny little fucking orange pebbles were EVERYWHERE!

>> No.15093305

I'll avoid rolls with cream cheese when I'm ordering for myself but whenever I've had some that someone else ordered it's been good, especially when it's a tempura roll

>> No.15093324

We put mango in our sushis, as well. It's pretty good. Mango with immitation crab meat and cucumber.

>> No.15093328

It's okay within a smoked salmon roll. But it doesn't have to be 50% of the filling like a few restaurants around here do. It's not meant to be the major portion of the sushi.

If someone serves me frozen cream cheese sashimi again, I'm burning their restaurant down for warcrimes.

>> No.15093361

Yeah seems like a weird thing to have with soy sauce. Its popular in the uk in supermarket sushi as you get smoked salmon in it cos it has to keep longer so I'm guessing it's just used as a cheap filler. It's pretty shit anyway.

>> No.15093977

>Go to Brazilian restaurant in Japan
>order Sopa de Macao
>It's mostly just seaweed and tofu

>> No.15094930

>Doesn't know that Brazil has the highest number of people of Japanese descent outside of Japan.

>> No.15094934

cheap filler

>> No.15094936

You're thinking of hawaii

>> No.15094937

I don't love rolls with cream cheese in them but you almost puked? That's a bit fucking dramatic.

>> No.15094966

Not him, but most dairy flavors make me feel terrible.

>> No.15094989

take a gander at Mexican sushi
they dont even say cream cheese. they just say
P h i l a d e l p h i a

>> No.15094991

yes, brasil improves every food it touches, get over it.
look up our beouf Strogonoff, it is clearly superior too.

>> No.15094999

counterpoint: Japs and Chinese love putting large and inexplicable amounts of sweet corn kernels and mayonnaise on every American dish they make, including the local Pizza Huts

>> No.15095009

Babaca, that doesn't mean anything. Sushi here is trash for several reasons.

You've never visited Japan so stfu.

>> No.15095013


Mayo and corn sushi when

>> No.15095965

Kek. If you knew what the fuck you were talking about, you'd mention the cheese and beef or chicken salad sushi. You'd also know that Japan only likes to sell shit people buy there and it ain't "baka gaijin" buying it. Nobody looks down on it either. The only real sushi snobs I've met have been white people.

>> No.15095972

I fucking love American style sushi. I miss going to the buffet and getting a plate full of sushi and a plate of crab rangoon. Fuck people who think sushi should only be fish on top of rice.

>> No.15095999

like most foods, if you want quality you gotta make it yourself

>> No.15096142

If I had to live in your county I think I'd starve to death

>> No.15096152

Rent free

>> No.15096339
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O-oh no. He said the funni words!!!1! My point has fallen and im going to jump in front of a train. American public schools sure did teach those guys a lot. I mean, "rent free", How did he come up with that? It's such a witty comeback to that other guy's opinion about how shitty the US is. Goddamn, Americans are so fit and smart and not fat and look like blobs of shit.

>> No.15096596
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>> No.15097228

I often give a tiny bit of cream cheese to salmon rolls. It brings the flavors together. Unless they really overdid it you sound kinda crazy.

>> No.15097320

All of this to just prove the other anon's point

>> No.15097347
File: 67 KB, 960x640, 98180094-589ca9d23df78c475817e9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's basically a take on extremely classic jew food. the capers/lemon being the vinegar in the rice, the bagel being the rice and the smoked salmon being raw salmon

i don't particularly like it or dislike it but the original is delicious and it's not crazy or offensive and you're a baby if it shocks you

>> No.15097673

To be fair, he is right.

>> No.15097683

better than regular sushi. its so fucking bland and gay, and all weebs should kys, especially you. you fucking sopa de macaco monkey

>> No.15098025

The more you learn to cook for yourself the less you will accept the cooking of others.

>> No.15098777

I think japan got that from burbers

>> No.15098871


brazil full of japanese
japan full of cream cheese rolls
brazil full of cream cheese rolls

>> No.15099002

I'm not a weeb and you are all a bunch of abnormals. Cream cheese doesn't match with fish let alone raw fish. This is disgusting and objectively bad

>> No.15099037

what is smoked salmon and cream cheese?

>> No.15099052

t. White leftists

>> No.15099588

People love that shit in America too, I like cream cheese and sushi but not together

>> No.15100200


No, normal salmon

>> No.15100508

I don’t fucking get what the obsession with cream cheese is and I’m an American.

I love it on a bagel, idk, all these Karen’s have shitty crock pot recipes where it’s just chicken cooked in two logs of the fat shit. I don’t get it.

>> No.15100534

Doesn't care either.

>> No.15100541

Lucky it wasn't chicken hearts and gravy.

>> No.15100556

just realized i haven't had sushi in like a year. fuck covid

salmon and tuna are best. salmon with avocado

>> No.15101063

Shit, I'd expect that in the whitest parts of america, but brazil?

>> No.15101112

only the American-style ones have it

>> No.15102545

uma delicia

>> No.15102687

My work has sushi at the cafeteria that they make for you. They have a roll with shrimp, jalapenos, and cream cheese that's tempura fried. Shit's delicious. People who don't like cream cheese in sushi are gay.

>> No.15102693

>That "Vegas roll"
What the absolute fuck? That's not a vegas roll.

>> No.15102776

Avocado and cream cheese are not supposed to be in sushi. Fucking horrible.

>> No.15102990

I agree about avocado because avocado is just tastless green playdoh. Cream Cheese is good though you fag.

>> No.15103001

lived in japan for 3 years and can confirm that they do actually put cheese/mayo on sushi with raw fish

>> No.15103011

>not eating macaco sushi
you missing out

>> No.15103039
File: 11 KB, 225x225, EB7D213B-9A9A-4BB1-BB36-8DA0E8AFFD0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they always have a basil cheese sushi at sushiro

>> No.15103042 [DELETED] 

filtered by oro verde
this, not a big fan of mayo in sushi, but shrimp sushi with grated cheese on top was fucking delicious

>> No.15103053

filtered by oro verde
this, not a big fan of mayo in sushi, but shrimp sushi with grilled cheese on top was fucking delicious

>> No.15103060

it matches just fine with the seasoned rice, retard.

>> No.15103145

i usually just cover the gross low-quality ingredients with wasabi and pickled ginger.

>> No.15103155

You mean horseradish with green food coloring.

>> No.15103159

i use higher quality products which have a bit of real wasabi on them.

>> No.15103164

And you use it on gross low-quality sushi?

>> No.15103172

yes, i mainly use it on stuff like salmon sushi and fake crab meat. i wouldn't use wasabi on something like uni sushi or other expensive stuff like that.