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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 735x787, Traditional-Bolognese-sauce-1-1-735x787[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15060054 No.15060054 [Reply] [Original]

how do you like your bolognese sauce, /ck/?

>> No.15060063

On spaghetti

>> No.15060087

Is bolognese sauce just another way of saying spaghetti sauce?

>> No.15060098

What is spaghetti sauce? Nothing about that name hints at what is in the sauce.

>> No.15060163

Like what's in your picture

>> No.15060187


>> No.15060193

Chunky bits of tomato.
Lots of onion.
Red wine.
Hot sauce (only because I'm a fiend for heat).

>> No.15060399

tomato paste,red wine and milk.
no fresh tomattoes nor canned tomato/passata.

>> No.15060464

lots of onion, garlic, and meat
i use lots of stock to make it thick and juicy as well

>> No.15061063
File: 65 KB, 725x483, 9662c2-splendid-table-523263613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thicc mirepoix chunks
lots of red wine
whole roma tomatoes not crushed

and a good wine to eat it with, handmade tagliatelle is icing on the cake bonus but store bought is much less hassle so I usually do that

>> No.15061767


extra bologna please

>> No.15061838

the eternal debate: beans or no beans in Bolognese?

>> No.15061876

Beans are a mexican thing. You can't just be mexican pretending to be italian unless you're ariana grande

>> No.15062150

I'm making it tomorrow. I like to braise beef shank, short ribs, and/or oxtail in it, then shred the meat and add it to the sauce. I only use one can of tomato for a big pot.

>> No.15062185

Beans? Wtf is wrong with you

>> No.15062186

why did you (You) me friend

>> No.15062188

Is pretty G on mashed potatoes

>> No.15062194

neither does bolognese

>> No.15062208

my man. only tomato product should be paste.
I will say I actaully like using an acidic white wine rather than red wine.

I also run my mirepoix through a meat grinder, I think I get more flavor out of the carrots especially

>> No.15062281
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>I also run my mirepoix through a meat grinder
what the fuck

>> No.15062303

In a large pot sauté pancetta, remove and sauté beef, remove. Sauté mirepoix in the rendered fat until soft. Add 1 cup white wine and reduce. Add tomato paste, nutmeg, bay leaf and cook for a minute or two. Add 1 cup whole milk, 2 cups stock, and the meat, then simmer 3-4 hours until sauce is very thick. Season to taste and serve on fresh pasta with Parmesan/Pecorino Romano.

>> No.15062435

with beans

>> No.15062480

You had me until you said milk

>> No.15062556

>how do you like your bolognese sauce, /ck/?
I don't

>> No.15062571

Since I hate mirepoix chunks I grate all the stuff instead of cubing it. Also helps a bit with thickening the sauce.

>> No.15063601

onion, garlic, habanero, diced tomato, tomato paste, red wine, anchovies, thyme lime salt pepper rosemary is my immediate go to. made a solid vegemite bolognaise the other day

>> No.15063926

try it. it works

>> No.15063929

That is how bolognese sauce is made, anon. American meat sauce for spaghetti is not the same thing.

>> No.15063940

>simmer 3-4 hours
fucking LEL.
2 hour tops , otherwise you'll have to add more stock

>> No.15063945

With chicken livers blended in.

>> No.15063965

Then you add more stock stupid faggot.

>> No.15063974

on spaghettoni, spaghetti are for plebs

>> No.15063980

no garlic and no tomato

should be just tomato paste, cream, the meat, red wine, stock for a classical bolognese

>> No.15063981

Bacon and red kidney is a must

>> No.15063982

Has bolognese come to mean any meat sauce? Bolognese is supposed to be a very specific recipe with meat, mirepoix, tomato PASTE, milk, wine, and stock. Now it seems as long as there's meat in it people will call it bolognese. If you want to add tomatoes or leave out milk or something else that's fine but don't call it bolognese. Call it meat sauce.

>> No.15063992
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>no garlic
non mi piace

>> No.15064003

Alright, fuckface. Listen up.
You peel two onions. Then you peel four carrots.
Then you take your box grater and grate them shits up. Then you chop one (1) rib of celery very fine and add to the grated stuff. Should you happen to have fresh basil and fresh parsley in the house, pull off and reserve the leaves and very finely chop the stems of the herbs and add those to your grated stuff.
Then smack and peel six garlic cloves. Yes, six, princess, we're making food here. And don't you fucking dare cherry-pick the six smallest cloves.
Take a big pot. Melt some butter, add some olive oil. Add your veggies and salt them. Cook them until soft. You can tell by the carrots shifting to a more yellowish tone. Fish your veggies out, add some more oil. Dump a pound of ground pork and a pound of ground beef in the pot. Cook until all the moisture has evaporated. Then add salt, pepper, chili flakes and oregano. Stir in. Then add a lot of tomato paste, like half a tube. Stir that in, then roast everything until the tomato paste caramelizes. Add your veggies back in. Deglaze with a third of a bottle of wine. Red or white, I don't give a shit, whatever you have on hand. If you have to buy it anyway, take white. Add a can of tomato puree. Add a spoonful of powdered chicken stock. Fill the tomato can with water and add that. Now you'll let this cook for three hours, stirring at least every thirty minutes. Your sign that it's about done is when there's little excess liquid and the smashed garlic cloves have the consistency of warm butter. Mash them with a spoon or leave them whole if you're cooking for some prissy faggots who don't want to eat too much garlic.

>> No.15064005

>Literally consume as much sodium chloride as you can
Does your mother know you are a complete retard? Of course she does, she knew the second she fucked your nigger dad that her son will be an abomination

>> No.15064007

didn't read

>> No.15064009

>adds cream
No, you are the faggot.

>> No.15064032

Imagine being such a weenie you can't tolerate some salt. Regardless, stock doesn't have to be salty you fucking goober. When you make it, leave out the salt if you're a sensitive faggot with inferior genes that can't handle it. Or here's an idea, add water! Wow what the fuck are you even doing itt, you clearly have no fucking clue how any of this works.

>> No.15064047
File: 546 KB, 1080x900, Ragù-alla-bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cream is basically milk with less water, it's the same as using milk and then simmering it
also in the "official" recipe require some cream

>> No.15064053

> stock without salt
> I know, just add water!
Are you a nigger? This could explain everything

>> No.15064057

not the same poster but yes they are right, you are stupid as fuck

I will not engage in debating the points since it's obviously pointless to engage such a brainlet, go read "how to cook for dummies" or something you moron

>> No.15064063

So you defend simmering the bolognese sauce for 4 hours? Are you retarded or what? Why would anyone want to eat that sloppa shit?

>> No.15064066


>> No.15064080

Literal retard.

>> No.15064082

ok nigger
now tell me how you do your bolognese

>> No.15064092

There's no debate. No beans.

>> No.15064095

Explaining to you how I make it would be like explaining to a monkey. The ingredients aren't the issue here, it's that you don't understand how simmering, reduction, and liquids work I'm sauces. If you can't understand those basics then I'm not going to debate with you, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.15064100

>Explaining to you how I make it would be like explaining to a monkey.
Cope more faggot. Just admit you are a stupid nigger and GTFO

>> No.15064103

>Have sauce
>Simmer for 2 hours, water evaporates
>Add some water, problrm solved
Are you just pretending to be stupid?

>> No.15064110

Go back to /b/ you fucking little bitch.

>> No.15064114

>>Add some water, problrm solved
> just dilute the taste brah
lmaooooo yeet
cope more nigger

>> No.15064126

Italian Sausage, very finely minced sofritto, white wine, and served on riggies

>> No.15064127

>>simmer 3-4 hours
>fucking LEL.
>2 hour tops , otherwise you'll have to add more stock
Why do you say you would need to add more stock, like it's a bad thing? Do you not have stock/water?

>> No.15064134

There's no debate. Beans.

>> No.15064135

>I'm not going to debate with you
this, it's not even worth replying to them they're that clueless

>> No.15064136

whats wrong with that?

>> No.15064138

braindead or bait

>> No.15064139

I mean , for what purpose, my friend? The meat and the vegetables are cooked before i simmer them , and I really dont see the point of simmering them more than 2 hours. In 4 fucking hour timeframe these fags propose you use 4-5 cups of stock, and trust me, that's a lot of salt.
I'd rather taste the meat and the seasoning than the salt from 5 cups of stock , but holy fuck , some people posting here are complete retards.
Also , why the fuck would you add water? What is the logic behind this?

>> No.15064140
File: 464 KB, 895x500, busecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beans are very popular in italian regional cuisine but not in the bologna's area

>> No.15064156

>tripe with beans

>> No.15064168

Several solutions have been given to you including using stock with less/no salt. You say you need to add stock over long simmering times so you must understand a little bit of what's going on. You need 4 hours because proper bolognese is like a paste almost, from cooking so long. You're adding stock to replace the liquid that simmers away so it doesn't dry out or burn, right? Here's the key: only water evaporates. Not salt, not flavors. Water leaves, concentrating every other flavor. Adding water doesn't dilute anything, it simply replaced the water that ered away so you can keep cooking. I don't know how toale this any easier to understand.

>> No.15064179

chopped ripe tomato
olive oil
fresh onion
oregano,black pepper,salt
bay leaf
little bit cinnamon,little bit chilly flakes

>> No.15064193

>proper bolognese is like a paste almost, from cooking so long
Here is the problem , fuckboy. If you use quality mince meat ,and you brown it really good in the skillet before you simmer it with the rest of the ingredients you dont need to boil that shit for 4 hours. Two hours is ok IMO
> just add more stock / water
As i fucking said beforehand, adding more stock only adds more salt and takes away teh natural flavour of the meat. If you want it to be extra beefy , just fucking suck a Knorr cube .
I swear y'all poorfags mus use the shittiest meats available that you have to cover with heaps of seasoning and overcooking it until it becomes sloppa shit.

>> No.15064224
File: 57 KB, 243x252, 1602247878110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding stock adds salt
this cooklet doesn't even known the most basic fundamental of cooking (making a stock)

go on (You) me and call me a nigger see if I give a fuck you cooklet

>> No.15064231


>> No.15064233

If you don't like stock then add water you stupid nigger.

>> No.15064243

for what purpose, imbecile? After 2 hours the meat and the sauce is done
Also, why 4 hours? Why not 6 hours? Why not 8 hours? Just fucking add a gallon of stock and let it simmer overnight

>> No.15064248

Make your sauce however you want stupid cunt, I'm done arguing with you.

>> No.15064249


>> No.15064259

nice argument nigger.

>> No.15064267

from a can

>> No.15064270

I just fucking said that less stock means less salt , and therefore healthier.
Now you just post this fat fuck who is gonna die before the vid ends. fucking kek

>> No.15064289
File: 32 KB, 694x720, 6167652f543766475979324d6469524b61773d3d2d3333323236323934332e313438353964646364616166346639363730323532393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody is in agreement you're a fucking retard double nigger
still trying to cope and prove your failed argument like a retard

toplel dude

>> No.15064297

Meaty and spicy

>> No.15064300

> everyone
>And yet not one has refuted my point

>> No.15064331
File: 57 KB, 1400x1400, coping-mechanism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not one has refuted my point
some did and succeeded but you're too dumb to realise it, most realised it was pointless to even engage you since you're clearly retarded

cope some more cooklet

>> No.15064433

is this a copypasta from reddit

>> No.15064724

I use a cheese grater for my carrot/onion when I make mirepoix

>> No.15064732

>some did and succeeded
like what , you massive imbecile?

>> No.15064737

Onion, bell pepper and garlic. Also garlic powder because I like both. And a little red chili flake.

>> No.15064762

Fine mirepoix, half pork half beef, red wine to deglaze, strained tomatoes, gentle simmering for 4 hours minimum

>> No.15064790

Cooking for 3-4 hours is to reduce the sauce and make it thick. Add the meat at the end if you think it'll overcook but it doesn't.
Stock shouldn't have salt at all because it goes into other dishes and you salt after you've reduced that.
>he doesn't make his own stock

>> No.15064861

what's the matter ur infantile mind realised I don't give a fuck about you saying "nigger"? why'd you stop calling me a nigger in every post you stupid double nigger

>> No.15064894

>3-4 hours minimum
Like I said think about how much salty ass stock you'll be adding over that amount of time, dumbass. What the fuck is wrong with you niggers?

>> No.15064949
File: 207 KB, 1472x1472, 1581232196520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga still goin on about stock being salty

>> No.15064954

With plenty of bologna

>> No.15064973
File: 522 KB, 1920x765, 1504015162-bologna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a lame dish named after a great city.

>> No.15065035

tripe with beans is meh.
tripe with chickpeas is sublime.with tomato sauce.mmmm.uma delicia

>> No.15065048
File: 314 KB, 1200x3000, 1200px-Lea_&_Perrins_worcestershire_sauce_150ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*drastically improves your bolognese*

>> No.15065091

made with cream

>> No.15065095

Ingredients commonly found in Bologna

>> No.15065101

>no thyme, sage, rosemary/oregano, cream and with onions

nah I'm good thx

>> No.15065154

not that it sounds bad I just don't feel like chewing on onions but I guess you could remove it and replace it with something like onion salt (not sure if it's really onion or garlic now that I think about it) then adjust the regular salt content to that but I really want cream in my bolognese even if some believe it's not a bolognese with cream but I would eat it either way preferably without onions

>> No.15065179
File: 8 KB, 272x185, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drastically improves your drasticl improvement*

>> No.15065317

Bolognese is for trannies.
Real men eat ragu.

>> No.15065442

with 2/5th sausage meat

>> No.15065459

Everything cut extremely finely; I put the onions in a food processor, mushrooms cut down to tiny cubes and mash the tinned tomatoes with a potato masher.

>> No.15065488

that is a meaningless statement with no context outside of a specific region of italy.

>> No.15065514

Prove to me that this isn't chili

>> No.15065551

It's not spicy nor does it contain beans

>> No.15065559

>Not using Vietnamese fermented fish/oyster sauce
Amateurs, the lot of you

>> No.15065895

You don't add more stock

>> No.15065929

Can anyone share a good spaghetti American sauce recipe?

>> No.15065952

1 Rao's Arrabbiata sauce
1 can of fire roasted diced tomatoes
1 yellow onion
6-8 cloves garlic
1.2 pounds of 90/10 ground beef
Olive oil


Start by filling pot with water + salt and get it boiling
When boiling add pasta and taste occasionally until desired firmness is reached

Pour sauce into small pan, let it warm a bit
Season with black pepper, oregano, bay leaf, basil, cayenne pepper, and some El Yucateco Kutbil-ik de Habanero hot sauce
Add in can of diced tomatoes, stir, cover, and keep on low-medium heat

Add olive oil to large pan and turn on heat
Peal and dice onion + garlic and add to pan
Fry onion and garlic in olive oil for a few minutes
Add ground beef to pan and cook until browned
Remove 70-80% of the juice with a turkey baster
Pour tomato sauce into large pan, mix, let cook for a few minutes

Strain pasta, get some in a bowl pour sauce over it

That's it nigger

>> No.15066328
File: 36 KB, 500x500, SpendWithPennies-The-Best-Chili-Recipe-21-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With beans

>> No.15066391

>fry onions in butter
>add garlic
>add beef mince
>season with salt, pepper, thyme and oregano
>brown mince
>add tomato paste
>add beef stock
>add red wine
>add Worcester sauce
>cook for however long you like I guess, just keep tasting along the way
>add over sgahpeti

>> No.15066670


>> No.15066986

adds a nice flavor to chilli too

better in bolognese but tastes a bit odd in stuff like stews

>> No.15067074

>tomato sauce
>ground beef
>diced onions
>pureed garlic
>diced green peppers
>thin sliced celery
>sliced mushrooms
>garlic powder
>onion powder
>chili powder
>thick and chunky style full of meat and veggies, not runny and thin.

>> No.15068302

Russian dressing is not a meaningful term because it means dressing made from ingredients commonly found in russia, which is a meaningless statement with no context outside of a specific region of eurasia

>> No.15068306

From my nonna. Three serves with homemade pasta. I miss eating that.

>> No.15068315

Honestly bottled Bolognese sauce from the supermarket is better than home made 'authentic italian' bolognese, my mothers bolognese was just complete garbage but it's not her fault people have terrible taste.
I'll spend all day cooking bolognese though and served on good pasta i.e anything that isn't spaghetti.
When I was 12 years old I used to order the spaghetti bolognese at a new restaurant just so I would know that the restaurant was terrible and I'd rant about how inauthentic it was and how spaghetti is terrible at holding the watery sauce, yes I was and still am obnoxious.

>> No.15068318

Also I should add that bottled Bolognese sauce is closer to actual authentic Bolognese than the majority of bolognese recipes used, at least in Australia or restaurant bolognese.

>> No.15068343

Yes. A proper name is something like "Mustard" (made from mustard seed) or "Ketchup" (derivative of catsup).

>> No.15068347
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>> No.15068354

good bait

>> No.15068796

With beans.

>> No.15068889

Another nice thread turned into shitfest

>> No.15068907


>> No.15068972

I think he meant in bolognese specifically. If you put beans in ragù you would actually get hanged upside down like Mussolini.

>> No.15069117

You’re correct. I think OP means a Ragu

>> No.15069595

It does if you are smarter than a chimp.
You really have no clue what you are talking about do you?

>> No.15069599

bolognese is typically eaten with different pasta shapes than spaghetti

>> No.15069601

I add macaroni and cheese to mine

>> No.15069653

I brown some 80/20 in a pan and dump in a bottle of Great Value™ Meat Flavored Pasta Sauce and serve over pasta. It's delicious.

>> No.15070169

what a fucking retard

>> No.15070227

Made by me

>> No.15070235

This. I made bolognese sauce and my mom kept saying
>There's leftover spaghetti
>I'll put the spaghetti in this tupperware and you can have it tomorrow
>Don't forget the spaghetti you made

>> No.15070256

>leek (senpai is allergic to onion.. :( ...)
>mince (cooked hot with 2x stock (good quality) cubes and sometimes flour, de glaze with red wine)
>2 cans tomatoes
>simmer for a good long while

>> No.15070265


>> No.15070761

Bolognese is meat and tomato sauce, so yes it does. Spaghetti sauce could be fucking any sauce you have on spaghetti.

>> No.15070782

So puttanesca is spaghetti sauce? Cooked egg, pecorino and guanciale is spaghetti sauce? Oil and garlic is spaghetti sauce?

>> No.15070897

red wine aids in colour senpai.
i always want my food deep red if it contains tomatoes, i often add wine or sweet paprika to aid in colour.

>> No.15072152

I eat spaghettis with Bolognese sauce and...........fried potatoe chips

>> No.15072323

>eternal debate
Literally not a debate, beans are not in Bolognese

>> No.15073527

Based spaghettichad

>> No.15073533


1 Cast Iron Ceramic pot, small
2 Cups ground beef
3/4 Cup Onion fine dice
1/2 Cup Celery fine dice
1/2 Cup Carrot fine dice
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp basil
1 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp fresh ground 4 pepper blend
2 Cans Whole Tomato
1 Can Campbell's tomato soup.
1 Can Mushroom slices

Over medium high heat brown ground beef in cast iron pot and reserve. Add butter and onion, working the fond off the pan into the onion.
Brown onion then add carrot and celery and mix. Sweat mixture unti soft. Blitz one can of tomato to sauce consistency and add to pot, bring to a
boil and reduce heat accordingly, cleaning bottom of the pot with spatula. Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces and add. add spices and vinegar.
stir and bring to a strong simmer and cook for about 45 minutes. Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet

>> No.15073535

You're just being pedantic

>> No.15073566

>Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet


>> No.15073595

egg pasta is better for bolognese in my opinion. tagliatelle is the traditional choice

>> No.15073699

this nigga eatin beans

>> No.15073712


>> No.15073744
File: 82 KB, 836x786, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg he said bad words in a recipe! epicness! take your updoot and leave :P

>> No.15075055

you cant cook

>> No.15075593

With chorizo...