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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 720x960, 48113C9C-18E3-406E-AED9-6F1E26955772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15019988 No.15019988 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it’s Black Booster.

>> No.15019991

That's a car wash anon.

>> No.15020001

>best before 2012
So you've kept it aging for another 8 years? Any improvement in flavor from sitting in the plastic bottle?

>> No.15020230

Someone post the screencap

>> No.15020248

If the US was a whisky

>> No.15020665

>posting this again
Sierra Leonean here, KADCO stopped making this stuff a long while ago. Their new brands are just as trashy to the western eye, and not much better on the tongue, but they ship in actual bottles, which is pretty impressive considering.

>> No.15020682

>but they ship in actual bottles

>> No.15020691

That's the reason 'Black Booster' has a sell by date. Not because it goes bad, 84 proof liquor doesn't go bad, because it leaches chemicals and eventually eats through the plastic.
Actual bottles are a big improvement.

>> No.15020693

I'm not convinced this stuff ever really existed, as this is the only photo of it.

>> No.15020702

So what are some other good Sierra Leonean beverages?

>> No.15020713

The best thing this company makes is a bitter Kola nut aperitif, which they call an 'appetizer' for some fucking reason.
I recommend it if by some miracle you're ever in the country.

>> No.15020735

Care to post some? Sound fascinating

>> No.15020743


>> No.15021279
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>> No.15021378

I bet they could make some memebucks making Black Booster in plastic jugs again.

>> No.15021886

>pretty impressive considering
Considering what

>> No.15021898

>Considering what
Considering, yannow

>> No.15021953

care to post a picture of one? I thought this whole thing was a hoax, there is only this one picture of black booster online even though it's become a semi-big meme

>> No.15021983

Considering it's a brewing and distilling company run by blacks and Indians in a third-world country.

>> No.15022019

>Straight up copyright infringement on every label

Dangerously based.

>> No.15022097

Makes sense. What are they gonna do, send some heeb to Sierra Leone to complain about it?

>> No.15022397


>> No.15022506


Guys it's ~1850 round trip to freetown sierra leone. The distillery is only an hour away (but you do have to get on a ferry).

Should do it?

>> No.15022521

Good Lord, how much spare money do you have, anon?

>> No.15022550
File: 26 KB, 505x220, 433B45BD-DEB5-43BD-A8D6-41FA09A81957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled pic related straight from their website. A boy who has daughter? Sierra Leone is wild.

>> No.15022562
File: 114 KB, 571x477, E4B2CB36-1507-4F70-9F44-DBFEF351EE30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get drunk and strong.

>> No.15022584

holy shit i was just googling this and failed like the brainlet i am thank you

>> No.15022932
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For me, it's 6 PM.

Life begins at 6 PM.

>> No.15022960
File: 200 KB, 667x1000, 8-PM-Whisky__91088.1596639536_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life TRULY begins at 8 PM.

>> No.15022973

>While KADCO have greatly contributed to consumption through dubious marketing campaigns, their investments have also helped to advance development in the struggling countries.
This is from Kadco's own website.

>> No.15022999


>> No.15023000
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>> No.15023011

They also claim to be one of Sierra Leone's greatest consumers of electricity. Honestly, their entire gimmick is that it's really hard to believe these guys are real, but they are.

>> No.15023019

Always bet on 8, m8.

>> No.15023035

If I am ever in Sierra Leone the reason will be whatever the opposite of 'miracle' is.

>> No.15023063

Plastic bottles are horrible for the long-term storage of beverages such as alcohol due to this fact.
>Had a friend who had a dark plastic fucking flask that could hold a few ounces.
>He would continually refill it with different types of whiskey and never clean it.
>It felt tissue paper thin when held.
>The only time I ever drank anything out of it I immediately spit out this ammonia flavored Jack Daniels.

>> No.15023091
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>> No.15023093

>Was helping my buddy clean out his Father's house after he passed away back in 2018.
>Discovered an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels inside a cabinet that was filled with old tools.
>The bottle was from the 1980s by the curve on it and research did.
>The cork had rotted away and we had to strain it.
Tasted like an old Jack with a penny in your mouth.

>> No.15023620
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for me, it is Blade Gin-ity

>> No.15023644

Holy shit hahahahahaha

>> No.15023646

>Emblematic of how the wine feels while you're drinking it: like a speeding train passing right through your head


>> No.15023652 [DELETED] 
File: 2.04 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201108_050606213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here drunk gang on Saturday night?

>> No.15023654
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Y'all niggas better be getting it in the hood-classic plastic bottle.

>> No.15023671
File: 1.71 MB, 1440x1224, Screenshot_20201108-001043~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here drunk gang on Saturday night?

>> No.15024033

do it. you'll go down in the halls of /ck/ with Patty and Taco Bell Seagrams Guy.

>> No.15024068

Holy based

>> No.15024106

truly men's hour
filthy liar

>> No.15024130

That's an actual thing?

>> No.15024141

IS it for you? Doesn’t look fit for anyone to consume.

>> No.15024153

That's wonder of fucking Kadco. There's maybe twelve guys who have confirmed it's legit, most of whom never lived to prove it.

>> No.15024268

do it, you'll become a legend

>> No.15024283

I believe the company is real, but the petrol whisky is just promotional material someone printed out and stuck on there with a bit of tape for the lulz
if they can afford a website, they can definitely afford to put their stuff in bottles

>> No.15024311

they are still alive and kicking, don't fuck around, too

>> No.15024327

>whiskey in plastic

Is this an american thing? I mean you also have milk and orange jews in plastic.

>> No.15024346

it unironically is, they sell alcohol in huge plastic jugs there, they call them "handles"

>> No.15024560

Yikes. Sounds like he's gonna get cancer at 35

>> No.15024572
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They even have a Youtube channel

>> No.15024855

>When wine is allowed to reach room temperature, it is much easier to taste. You do not want to do this
>Serve very cold


>> No.15024862

love that commercial

"Happy Aaah"

>> No.15024907

This is fucking hilarious. Also, nice trips.

>> No.15024918
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Fuck me, I actually downed a bottle of this the other day. I thought they'd stopped making it entirely but the liquor store I was in had it tucked away in the bottom in the corner of the cold case in the back of the joint like they were ashamed of even stocking it and for some reason I was all like
>I always hear jokes about this stuff
>It's only 99 cents
>Lets try it
And boy does the name fit it. This shit will make you NEED a nap, even if its in the gutter. There's something more in there than just poorly made wine and grain alcohol. It doesn't dye your mouth black like they say it does though. And it tastes like death.

>> No.15024926
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>> No.15024932

what exactly does that mean?

>> No.15024960

It's probably a reference to When We Were at War, a Russian folk song where a black horse carried the narrator in and out of the enemy firing line.

>> No.15025069
File: 73 KB, 697x799, diffidente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best before x

>> No.15025130

What's the actual shittiest scotch I could get in the uk? Dads birthday soon and I usually get him something special but I want drain cleaner tier whiskey for a change.

>> No.15025147
File: 167 KB, 1024x1546, DSC_8544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this when I was in Dublin one Summer.
If you have something worse I don't want to know about it. I could fucking taste the caramel they had used to colour it.

>> No.15025167

Bah, discontinued.

>> No.15025811

>filthy liar
I think the 8 PM might be owned by the same Indians who own Kadco.

>> No.15025843

I’m assuming it’s because of the shitty plastic leaching into the drink after a certain amount of time in the jug.

>> No.15025864

>Taco Bell Seagrams Guy