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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14958126 No.14958126 [Reply] [Original]

>just got hired as chef at seafood restaurant
>I faked my cv, work history and education
>not really a chef, can't even make a burger

How long till they find out?

>> No.14958127

Why tho?

>> No.14958128

Neetdom ended

>> No.14958132

First day

>> No.14958139

First day and they won't have time to train you. You'll be sacked by the end of your shift.

>> No.14958140

you fucked up you retard
enjoy being fired at the first order

>> No.14958147

Then fake a job that's actually easy.

>> No.14958148

>seafood restaurant

that's where you fucked up. if it was a regular fast food shit you could wing, but no such luck with fish.

>> No.14958157

stream your first and last day, buddy
I need to see this shit

>> No.14958185

How did you fake it?

>> No.14958279

I would do the same for office jobs, but they'd require actual degrees and evidences.

>> No.14958301

day one if you dont learn it right now

>> No.14958305


first ticket of the first shift

>> No.14958315

>he thinks employers check your background and references
Maybe for an office job that a thousand people applied for. In the real world, as long as you don't have a felony nobody checks anything.

I've had a "fake" resume for a decade. I mean, I actually worked at the places I worked at, but I've had about 15 other fuckboy jobs in between that I don't put on my resume.

>> No.14958317

watch this crazy mofo instantly become the best seafood chef doesn't even have a bowl of mac n cheese in his experience.

>> No.14958324

Nah, I have one I just lied about a degree

>> No.14958330

You dun goofed. Seafood is easy to fuck up.

>> No.14958335

Just buy frozen meals from the grocery store and when no one is looking put them in the microwave and pretend you cooked it

>> No.14958336

You didn't need to coom anything to the owner to prove your skills?
If so, the owner deserves the shitshow you're going to deliver.

>> No.14958344

unironically just tell them you forgot how to do a lot of stuff

>> No.14958351

You can delay the inevitable by doubling down when challenged about your "skills".
They dont really know what cooking is OP. Confidence is key. They're lucky to have YOU and be graced by your mere presence.

>> No.14958368

In case this isn't a LARP

> read the menu from the place you applied for
> take dishe's names and youtubed them
> watch videos (multiple versions for the same dish)
> wa la

>> No.14958374

Please give daily or weekly updates. You can bullshit your way through if you continue to project confidence. You don't make "mistakes" but rather you do things "your way".

>> No.14958503

this, also just watch a basic vid on line cooking and mise en place and you’ll make it in no time. if they hire you with a fake resumé they’re probably either a shit restaurant or very poorly run

>> No.14958526

Anon you autistic retard. You better leave now and quit before you embarrass yourself

>> No.14958603

this is legit, you may be able to pull through OP, if they start to look at you funny just say some shit like the COVID situation has gotten you a little rusty or out of focus or that you're just getting used to the new environment.
Cooking isn't too hard at the end of the day.
Also when you say chef do you mean like a kitchen manager or a really hands on position with people cooking under you? big difference

>> No.14958608

confidence is key for sure, and it helps if your tall and big too

>> No.14958618

go buy a big bag of carrots and practice your knife skills a bit

>> No.14958621
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I applied at a new bar/takeout food place and got the job but I never accepted the offer yet.
I don't know what to do bros. I thought I wanted to work there but during the interview I started to notice red flags and now I'm not sure.
Also, I'm lazy to go back to work after not having to work during the Covid lockdown.

>> No.14958622

of all things you chose a seafood place?

have fun fileting a fish and failing

>> No.14958623

I think he probably means line cook or sous chef. I doubt a restaurant would hire someone to create menus and run a kitchen without verifiable experience or knowledge.

>> No.14958628

technically a line cook is still a chef, they're just a station chef or chef de partie

>> No.14958645

Sounds right, then if OP knows what his responsibilities will be, as others have said, he can look up the menu, google and youtube those things and just study up. Hopefully he at least knows basic knife skills. The most obvious thing will probably be the way he carries himself in the kitchen but I dont think you can look that up.

>> No.14958674

If OP is being honest, and does actually film it and is okay with making an ass of himself, this has the potential to go viral on YouTube

>> No.14958684

>I've had a "fake" resume for a decade. I mean, I actually worked at the places I worked at, but I've had about 15 other fuckboy jobs in between that I don't put on my resume.

How is that fake? Its your choice if you want to omit any previous experience, no one says you have to mention every place you've worked at, unless there could be some legal problems in specific jobs

>> No.14958699

What red flags?

>> No.14958714

they didn't ask for references?

>> No.14958723

It's fake because I claim that I worked there longer than I did.

>> No.14958732
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>They were originally just going to serve premade food that's heated up.
>They can't serve alcohol for some reason anymore.
>Won't pay minimum wage until business gets going, then they'll increase to minimum.
There was probably more but I can't remember right now.
Should I just collect my Trudeau bucks and be a neet like I've been doing most of the year already? It's pretty comfy.

>> No.14958738

if you can still get unemployment I would definitely look elsewhere for work, sounds like shit

>> No.14958740

that sounds fucked

>> No.14958741

I'd pick the job.

>> No.14958744

kill all frogposting faggots

>> No.14958748

beats anime avataring

>> No.14958750

Oh. Still seems risky and would make you look really unreliable if caught on your lie

>> No.14958760

no it doesn’t

>> No.14958783

Why would you ever lie on your CV don't you think they would find out eventually and in my eyes that should be grounds for dismissal and at something as painfully obvious as well, it never occurred to you that they might actually need someone that knows what they're doing because they don't have the time and manpower to train someone from the getgo.

Hope for your sake this isn't the case and they decide to train you but I wouldn't count on it especially if you know nothing whatsoever

>> No.14958786

How come? I'm curious
I can still get unemployment (EI)
Right? I'm trying to think of a good reason to take the job but I can't

>> No.14958790

i have the opposite problem op. i have like 15 years of experience doing my job and a 4 year degree and nobody will hire me because i worked under the table my entire career. the funny shit is when i do finally get hired some idiot manager with a shitty hr department looks like a fucking genius when i take a job that pays entry level wages and I give them 100k dollars a year worth of merit and production. literally fuck the idiots who run most companies. they usually end up paying people with 2 years of experience more than me and everybody in the art department comes for me to show them how to do their job. i dont know how most companies in this industry stay in business. they are all fucking run by idiots.

>> No.14958795

why'd you work under the table? Sounds like it really hurt you

>> No.14958796


>> No.14958817

Wait they are heating up premade stuff, that's not a restaurant they aren't cooking anything.

Lost their alcohol license and won't even pay minimum wage until business gets going, that will get even harder without alcohol and can you get that in black and white on paper with a set time limit or budgetary goal?

It does sound shady.

>> No.14958821

im from a tiny town where there are zero job opportunities. youtake what you can get. the problem is that most people who run giant companies are terrible judges of merit. you can easily take 15 minutes and watch someone work and you will know if they are legit. most rich guys are too stupid to do it. if you dont have a giant paper trail of idiots telling other idiots to hire you - you wont even get a shot. some jobs require you to produce shit. you can watch people produce it. you dont have to read tea leaves.it infuriates me. the only satisfaction i get is when i do finally get a job and i am working on a team of people who are paid more than me and they all realize instantly that I am the boss.

>> No.14958827

Don't worry too much, it's an easy job, nobody will ever find out. Watch some youtube vid if you want to impress them with sick cooking tricks. I recommend Salt Bae's channel on youtube.

>> No.14958831

They weren't too clear on how the kitchen would work. I think I'd have to make a bunch of easy food like nachos and then put them in the fridge and reheat for service. And they don't even have a liquor license to begin with. They're hoping they can get one down the road. That was the biggest issue for me. Why would anyone go to your bar if you don't serve alcohol? And they'll possibly raise the wage to 15 after three months IF they reach their sales goals, which seems unlikely considering no liquor license.
Christ, the more I talk about it the more it seems like a bad idea kek

>> No.14958834

fuck that shit lad

>> No.14958839

Like 5 seconds op, when they tell you filet a fish for dish or flip some shit in pan your going to look like a tarded deer in the headlights, gl

>> No.14958864

>>Won't pay minimum wage until business gets going, then they'll increase to minimum.
It's called the minimum wage for a reason, they can't just decide not to pay it.

>> No.14958870

Wait the have a restaurant or well any business and haven't worked out how it should work.

Well that's not necessarily a problem to prepare as much as possible in advance but wouldn't it feel fresher if you just prepare a set amount of minced meat and pull it out of the fridge and cook it when needed it doesn't really take long and reheating should still take some time as I hipe we aren't talking microwave here.

It could work without a liquor license as well seeing as yes it drives business but also increases the risk of a clientel that I guess they aren't looking for, there is also the cost of buying in and stocking so I'm not sure 3months is a short timeframe but generally I feel like a liquor license should help also depending on the style of the restaurant as well.

They have a bar?

Then again it is just three months, sure there is a risk you're being used but if you need the money, can make do with what you're paid and the hours you work I mean who knows it might be fun

>> No.14958882

I just emailed them and declined the offer. I really don't see them succeeding, especially during this pandemic.
There are better places to eat and drink on the same block and I can't see what makes them special.

>> No.14958885

It all depends on how the laws are written doesn't it and if anon makes a personal deal with the employer why does anyone have anything to do with that but yes I agree that working for under minimum wage isn't really ok but if it's the difference between a job and no job then less is more than nothing

>> No.14958902

I don't think it's worth taking a job that pays below minimum if I can just get unemployment and make more money being a neet. If a better job comes along I'll gladly take it though.
Yeah I thought that was fishy

>> No.14958906

>why does anyone have anything to do with that
Because labor laws would might as well not exist if you could just break them because the workers agreed to it out of necessity. Every business would pay below minimum wage to force wagies to accept it.

>> No.14958916

It does sound like it would be hard especially with other restaurants in the vicinity, what they could have though is government subsidies that makes it easier for them to turn a profit for a while.

Are you sure about this do you have something else lined up and more importantly how does it affect your budget, can you make ends meat or do you say meet I feel like meat is more apt given the context.

I hope I didn't make you do a rash decision if it hurts your budget but I do hipe you find something a little more well serious

>> No.14958924

I was leaning towards not accepting the offer. I just wanted to know what anons thought.
I live frugally, so unemployment is more than enough to make ends meet.
I do want to go back to work but it's gotta be worth it, and I don't think this job is worth it. I just can't see them doing well in this current climate.

>> No.14958930

That I do get

Of course which is pretty much how it works over here but not when it comes to the salary but more like using different style of employment contracts that doesn't provide any job security making it easier to replace people and look for younger employees or people with less experience that you can pay less.
The problem is that labor laws go both ways, it's a pain in the ass to negotiate for a higher wage due to the labor laws it's very much possible but it's hard to get a large bump but getting a larger bump then what is negotiated in whatever business you work in is very much doable it's just how much.

>> No.14958941

Ok, hope you find something soon

>> No.14958953

Not to mention if those nosy unionfuckers want to start looking at working hours and start bitching about that as well, don't even get me started if they get wind of someone having a higher salary due to producing more profit/product well basically just working their ass off

>> No.14958956

Thanks anon

>> No.14959108

This is very similar to me but in a different field. I’ve unironically wanted to KMS for a year.

>> No.14959210

what field lad?

>> No.14959256

theres a reason chefs don't need education

you'll be find op

>> No.14959343

Marketing. I hate women in HR. Not intelligent enough for anything let alone gate keeping talent and self-important and egotistical to boot.

>> No.14959444
File: 273 KB, 1024x862, 1585813195401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying on your CV is illegal is a felony and you will be caught and fined
You should always be 100% honest with any and all employers

>> No.14959463

One day

>> No.14959470


youtube vids cant help you when its a busy service and you're in the weeds. Unless OP has a strong work ethic and is cool under pressure he will be fired first day. pretty obvious when a line cook has no lcue what theyre doing. dont worry tho, most line cooks are morons.

>t. bartender masterrace

>> No.14959524

Not OP, but I'll never get a job that way.

>> No.14959529

>Lying on your CV is illegal is a felony
I could buy illegal, but there's not a chance in hell someone's going to spend a year in prison because they're not as good at cooking as they said they were.

>> No.14959537

Is there a reason not to if you won't get the job without one?

>> No.14959538

dont worry, nobody's getting arresting because none of this ever happened and its just some faggot trying to fish for some karma outside reddit

>> No.14959543

Most restaurants just don't want you leaving. If you can do the job, who the fuck cares what your past is

>> No.14959544

Ghost them and apply for a KP job elsewhere.

>> No.14959562

That's not a "red flag" that's a fucking scam operation

>> No.14959738
File: 10 KB, 187x270, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucked. It's gonna be cruel, too. I'd recommend not showing up and saving some dignity. The way to become a cook is to start as a dishwasher and ask to become a prep cook. From there you can move up to the line. The restaurant that hires you might be willing to help you if you admit what you did and ask for a dishwasher job. Restaurants always need dish boys.

>> No.14959767

Damn that picture brought back bad memories. I was serving at a restaurant and it was at the end of the night with just a few tables left and I was bring the check to a table when this terrible scream filled the whole building. Come back to find that the fry guy had been standing over his fryers he had just turned off and left uncovered to take down the hood vents for cleaning, and both his feet slipped and went into the fryers. A couple other kitchen guys picked him up out of the fryers and his legs were... fucked up. His pants had melted to his skin. Didn't see him again before I left shortly after, I think he can walk?

>> No.14959802

Sounds like the origin story to a 70s comic book villain: Fryer Feet.

>> No.14959839
File: 203 KB, 2048x1924, 1603063215288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is only half true and depends what state you're in. Also as long as he didnt fake any real documentation theres literally nothing he could get in trouble for

>> No.14959907

op here. I called in sick.

I can practice for a week. I also bought a cook book for practice. I will make it, bros.

>> No.14959924

Calling in sick before your first week lmaooooooo

>> No.14959925

1 week?
Wouldn’t you have at least 2, because of paranoid Paula’s?

>> No.14959941

>calling in sick before your first day
they're already seeking your replacement anon

>> No.14959949

>>Won't pay minimum wage until business gets going, then they'll increase to minimum.
Bro this sounds like a scam

>> No.14960050
File: 30 KB, 326x210, 1603286549682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I already declined
Looking forward to a comfy neet winter

>> No.14960258

enjoy the lawsuit

>> No.14960495

seafood is easy, just look at the chinks, they eat that shit raw cause theyre too stupid to cook it properly
dont worry about it anon

>> No.14960505

lol i got fired for stealing from a shitty upscale grocery store and have had multiple jobs since without issue
i even list them as an emplyoer

technically i quit before they had a chance to fire me tho

no one fucking checks small time gigs

>> No.14960558

Based. If you pull this off it will be legendary, but if you fail it will be twice as funny because you made them wait for a fucking week to finally come in and bomb.

>> No.14960576

they will never increase your pay. theyre lying. they lost their liquor lisence either cause too porr to renew or shady shit. don't take the job, wait for neetbux relief.

restaraunt laws are fucked. i worked at a bar and only got paid $2.70/hr

>> No.14960614

I don’t work in restaraunt industry but my impression is most places are (1) family run slave labor (2) fronts for drug operation. That minimum wage promise sounds about right

>> No.14960927

I did this exact same shit, I worked as a dishie in a few upper scale places a town over, got fired, applied for a job at a local mom n pop pizza place, they asked if I could cook i said yes. threw me headfirst into a service, when I started fucking up the manager asked me "I thought you said you could cook" told the guy that I said I had done it not that I could do it well. made me a driver instead.

>> No.14960950

Would that burn bad?

>> No.14961330

I had a similar experience two years ago. Was very low on money, three months behind on rent, so I lied about my cooking abilities to get a job at a local steakhouse. When they fired me for lying, I spent the rest of the night drinking 4Locos and punching the walls of my apartment. Broke into the steakhouse in the middle of night and destroyed anything I could find. I'm shocked I only had to pay a $500 fine. My lawyer was amazing.

>> No.14961376

OP do me a favor and tripfag yourself for the rest of your time there, I'm particularly curious as to how all of this turns out

>> No.14961515

>his phone autocorrects 'cook' to 'coom'
You should lay off the shitty memes, fag.

>> No.14961551

Fuck that would probably be my life if I didn't find my wife

>> No.14961594
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do this

>> No.14961599

That's most places do anyways.

>> No.14961603

Ok chud

>> No.14961614

How does that have anything to do with being a chud?

>> No.14961648
File: 18 KB, 503x537, 1602793754127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true and sometimes it's fucking sad the things they could have easily made fresh
give this person a break, his mom always heats his tendies, and has never been out to a restaurant in his life. He's only seen how they work on sitcoms and movies. You'd have to leave the house.

>> No.14961657

That's exactly what a chud would say

>> No.14961664
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>> No.14961682

I think you are just parroting a word you have heard.

>> No.14961687
File: 236 KB, 553x2424, Screenshot_2020-10-22 ck - Food Cooking - Search chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to the spammer.

>> No.14961690
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1585183984696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he saw it on reddit and he's trying it out.

>> No.14961709

yes it does