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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14943471 No.14943471 [Reply] [Original]

new babish dish, looks tasty.


>> No.14943477
File: 21 KB, 597x559, 1602933620288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes own chicken stock for a noodle dish

>> No.14943484 [DELETED] 


>> No.14943488

Why is this bald soiboi being shilled so relentlessly on /ck/ lately?

>> No.14943505

To get reactions like yours. They'd go away if faggots would quit replying.

>> No.14943516


>> No.14943555

astroturfing, he pays for it

>> No.14943566

I'll take this faggot over the nth obvious fast food shill thread

>> No.14943592
File: 379 KB, 1111x597, 1457929913836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still absolutely seething 2 years later about the italians talking shit
rent free

>> No.14943602

Which he admits isn't very basic and that you don't need to do it. But he also presents a very simple chicken stock recipe that requires nothing more than browning wings and simmering for as long as you can tolerate it. It works, too.

>> No.14943605

That's kinda retarded he doesn't need to shill on /ck/ of all places with his following

>> No.14943643
File: 244 KB, 1200x1125, 1603219757022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first we're gonna skim off as much of the fat as we can

>> No.14943750

t. fatty

>> No.14943764

t. wasteful human being
fat is delicious, as long as you don't eat like shit and exercise, you won't get fat. Enjoy animal fat rather than wasting it

>> No.14943773

i can already feel the angry italians sperging in the comments

>> No.14943781


>> No.14943793

this idiot used 10 pans pots and bowls for a fucking ragù alla bolognese when even a half blind one handed italian can make it in 5 minutes without being so wasteful


>> No.14943795

>making chicken stock isn't basic
lmao impatient, lazy nincompoop

>> No.14943803

>5 kilos of onions and carrots and celery
>removes and puts back in the shit 5 times from the pot
>cooks the sauce in the stove
>bologneis and pappardeiils
>it's not even the right pasta, it's tagliatelle

am i being baited? how is this basics if he's complicating every step and it's not even the correct way to make the dish?

>> No.14943816

Where does this man gets his recipes?

He has no culinary education whatsoever and it's really beta and insecure when around actual cooks (see his video with Brad Leone), so who is he ripping off? And why does he pretend to teach what he doesn't know?

>> No.14943903

The reason he does makes stock or bakes bread in every "Basics" video is because the recipe itself is so short that he needs to pad time in order to hit metrics for Youtube money.

>> No.14943922

He lifts almost all of his content from America's Test Kitchen or Kenji Lopez.

>> No.14943926

will he make it to the end of the year before being called a racist?

>> No.14943934
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>t. wasteful human being
cope fatty

>> No.14943950

His main audience is unironically reddit, and those people like to self fellate themselves with "hacking" really basic shit, so instead of throwing in cheap beef and pork with a basic assortment of fragrant veggies they constantly remove shit then add it back in for a "different flavour" and that leads to shit like putting your bolognese in the oven

>> No.14943973

my grandma made ragù alla bolognese on monday by using the meat scraps of the day before

>> No.14943981

thats how its supposed to be done

>> No.14943996

I love that she is basically my gf's doppelganger

>> No.14944012

milk is in the traditional bolognese recipe what are you talking about

>> No.14944013

totally shook by the italians

>> No.14944020
File: 234 KB, 630x930, 1602805224719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you just do a heckin disrespect to babisharino?

>> No.14944023

just half a glass not 3 cups + heavy cream

>> No.14944029

He steals from Test Kitchen, Chef John and Kenji. He's a hack.

>> No.14944056

i think he's doing this to spite them

>> No.14944076

he's from Nu-York he doesn't give damn. he has no function for learning.

>> No.14944098

>chicken stock for bolognese
>not beef
Also why the fuck would you waste an entire tray of wings for fucking broth, just use a carcass and some scraps.

>> No.14944117
File: 147 KB, 1000x781, 1602116047583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shill this guy for free?

>> No.14944139

>sharing a video is shilling
are you shilling for memritv?

>> No.14944190
File: 99 KB, 1300x1010, 46048591-bowl-of-mayonnaise-on-kitchen-table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bowl of 'nnaise?

>> No.14944214

Is this guy serious?

> he wasted all that roasted chicken for broth instead of using bones and carcasses, which is where you actually have the flavour for broth

> Pancetta and lamb

> He didn't cook the meat enough in the first step

> He didn't cooked the soffritto properly, those vegetables are raw

> He didn't use wine

> Milk goes after the wine to make meat absorb it

> He put the pan in the oven, which is not that bad, but at least check it from time to time. He actually end up with burnt in all the pot

Did this pass for good cooking in anglo world?

>> No.14944233

>> he wasted all that roasted chicken for broth instead of using bones and carcasses, which is where you actually have the flavour for broth
Making broth with chicken wings is actually very common with cooking magazines, ATK and websites like Bon Appetit. Many home cooks do not keep their bones and carcasses either because they don't cook whole chickens or eat roasted chickens frequently enough to make it worth saving, or because they're grossed out by bone scraps/carcasses in their freezer.

>> No.14944239

pancetta is standard and he did use wine, rest is pretty spot on

>> No.14944247

>First things first, we have to to make our own bread/pasta
Every fucking video.

>> No.14944260

Do people really eat shitty wings that have been boiled for 5+ hours then? You can get carcasses and scraps from your local butcher dirt cheap

>> No.14944282
File: 1.71 MB, 240x426, infinity cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they don't eat the wings. The solids are thrown away. There's no flavor left in them anyway. Pretty wasteful in my opinion.

>> No.14944290
File: 26 KB, 550x360, mpw-knorr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me i want to reflect a laser from Babishe's magnificent Byzantine-Level dome to the moon and carve this image.
humanity probably hasn't experience such a super reflectant yet.

>> No.14944303
File: 136 KB, 139x179, 1430261786101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw away an entire fucking tray of perfectly fine wings
actually triggered me

>> No.14944315

For somebody learning the basics, seeing each step done in a discrete manner is actually good. After you've done it a few times, you know what steps you can simplify.

>> No.14944319

I don't know him very well, but this time he's right.

Pappardelle, tagliatelle, orecchiette and such need to be made fresh.

But generally italian dishes need dry pasta.

>> No.14944351

If you use them to make stock, you've already gotten all of the flavor and collagen out of them. There's nothing left. They'll literally taste like nothing.

>> No.14944362

Meat is not made entirely of collagen, it's stupid and wasteful boiling roasted chicken wing to extract collagen

>> No.14944373

I wasn't disagreeing, I'm just baffled there's professionals cooks advocating the method and wasting all that meat instead of just using some scraps, you'll get better stock too since all the flavor comes from the bones anyway.

>> No.14944378

Go shill your shitty youtube videos somewhere else, faggot.
Everyone else, report him for breaking >>>/global/rules/11

>> No.14944381

There's still some in the soft tissues and skin. It all adds up.

>> No.14944510

It adds up a little by ruining a perfect piece of tasty meat, you retard.

You make broth with bones in order to **not wasting** precious flavour that otherwise could not be extract in other way and you suggest it's a good idea to waste 10 delicious roasted chicken wings to add a very little amount of collagen?
Do you actually extract the milk from a cow by tearing it apart?
It's just stupid and unjustifiable if you have at least half a brain

>> No.14944544

That looks like vomit. I'm not even memeing here. That thumbnail is one of the most unappetizing images of food I've seen in a long while.

>> No.14944677

You've got some weird looking puke, friend.

>> No.14944682

I'd be more worried if you didn't have weird looking puke

>> No.14944806


>> No.14944844


>> No.14945095
File: 571 KB, 686x720, 830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we love babish we love babish we love babish we love babish

>> No.14945105

He's been featured no less than 4 times in the "italian chefs react to popular youtube videos" series. Most recently just a week ago which I'm sure is why he made this video just now.

>> No.14945160

Why do Italians act so haughty on the internet yet when I went to Italy 3/4 of the restaurants I went to were terrible?

>> No.14945288

did he mean to call it bolognese? because this more like a curry than bolognese

>> No.14945362

at least he refers to the ingredients as "everybody". seems sohla taught him about how everyone needs to get to know each other when making a sauce

>> No.14945370

>boiled garlic

>> No.14945382

>things knorr babies actually believe

>> No.14945425

my favorite is how he adds lamb and then has to come back and brown different meat because he forgot what he was doing when he was producing a fucking cooking video as a "professional chef"

>> No.14945430

>My playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish!

>> No.14945451
File: 419 KB, 1107x1099, joy_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14945672

What a good fucking recipe

>> No.14945823
File: 176 KB, 854x859, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you got some shit taste bro im sorry

>> No.14945934

i know canned tomatoes isnt traditional, but I use them because it stretches the dish out more. I'd rather my bolognese last for 3 days than just 1.

>> No.14946004

Crushed tomatoes or passata is in the traditional recipe, just not as much as some american versions where the dish basically turns into a tomato sauce.


>> No.14946028
File: 636 KB, 909x1064, 63A4FCEE-7AE7-499A-99BD-37732D56A365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Barbato poster

>> No.14946035


>> No.14946085

Its traditional, just its a meat sauce with tomato flavoring, not a tomato sauce with meat.

>> No.14947953


>> No.14948118


>> No.14948378

>banish culinary Universe
epin reddit