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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14928243 No.14928243 [Reply] [Original]

based or cringe?

>> No.14928247

Eternally based.

>> No.14928250

cringe af famalamadingdong. all of his content has already been debunked

>> No.14928252

>begging for money on livestreams whilst sitting in your mommy's attic full of 80s sports memorabilia and posters of cartoons

>> No.14928255

what do you mean debunked?

>> No.14928259

Extremely based

>> No.14928268

It's already been debunked by NYT, WaPo, Snopes, and actually google as well. Read the wikipedia article FFS.

>> No.14928276

What does he do that needs to be "debunked"? He's not bigfoot

>> No.14928295

literally nothing you meandering, slack jawed ape

>> No.14928309

What the fuck are you trying to say? Debunked what? are you retarded?

>> No.14928328

based cringe

>> No.14928333

I'm thinking based.

>> No.14928355


>> No.14928431

i'm gonna go ahead and debunk these posts

>> No.14928455
File: 144 KB, 1080x2002, why_they_call_him_#2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Nickocado Avacado

>> No.14928502

He has the head of the based department on speed dial.

>> No.14928515

Sorry sweetie, this has been deboonked

>> No.14928521

Cringey in a based way

>> No.14928523

Would be cringe if he was fat as shit but he pulls it off.

>> No.14928543

it's the hot new /pol/ meme, try to keep up on 4channel culture sweaty

>> No.14928762

he drinks epicac to make himself vomit for certain videos e.g. the crystal pepsi vid. finny enough he even "happened" to do a vid of drinking epicac he just " happened" to have not many months after that crystal pepsi vid.

>> No.14928813

how did he eat the lightbulb without fucking dying

>> No.14928899

Oh no someone did something for theatrics on youtube? I can't believe it

>> No.14928928

not the point, they have done this FOR YEARS. When you make such lies to your fans, its only logical to deduce the rest of his shit is bs. Some other things he has done are fake blatently besides this shit such as the hand in sodium acetate (hot ice). He acted like it was horrible and cut to a scene after saying he got third degree burns and had to goto the hospital, showed his hand wrapped up.

Besides all the fake bs, lying, its just kind of depressing watching this old dude do this weird eating shit over and over again and watching him suffer. Also hearing his depressing boring backstory made me realize hes literally a waste of existence.


>> No.14928956

You genuinely sound autistic

>> No.14928965

Yes... literally the definition of based

>> No.14928971

>for certain videos
oh, the riot

>> No.14928997

That's the whole point of this website

>> No.14929339

>destroying your health for money
Cringe, but based as a spectacle.

>> No.14929392

there's nothing more cringe than mukbang

>> No.14929407

have you ever seen one of his videos?

>> No.14929429

stop being idiots

>> No.14929438

nope I turn that shit off. I don't give a shit about anything even remotely similar to that stupid shit. I would rather huff paint thinner

>> No.14929445

Stop bringing /pol/ memes outside of /pol/, you nigger.
You forgot "independent fact checkers".

>> No.14929566

poast links to the best videos of his.
I'm not going to "google" or whatever myself.
snap snap

>> No.14929570

im thinking based

>> No.14929622

But what he does isn't even remotely similar to mukbang.

>> No.14929644

he eats a bunch of food in front of a camera and talks to the camera. it's not difficult to define. I don't see the appeal of watching other people eat.

>A mukbang, also spelled meokbang (/ˈmʌkbæŋ/; Korean: [mʌk̚.p͈aŋ] (About this soundlisten)) and also known as eating show, is an online audiovisual broadcast in which a host consumes large quantities of food while interacting with the audience

>> No.14929812

it's almost like we're friends and he's talking to me personally

>> No.14929907


>> No.14929914

He single handily brought back Crystal Pepsi letting me consume it in an alcoholic mixture thus closing an arc in the story of my life that started when I was a kid

>> No.14929915
File: 1.01 MB, 1044x522, Crystal Bepis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based god