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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14904871 No.14904871 [Reply] [Original]

Ahhh, breakfast.

>> No.14904903

People who actually order a McDonald's Big Breakfast® with Hotcakes must have the absolute most depressing lives.

>> No.14904905

Use a plate, nigger. Do you eat on you car?

>> No.14905102

That hashbrown is looking grim

>> No.14905125

You cant even eat inside the restaurant you fuck brain
>throw away perfectly good plate substitute just to put it on a plate and create more dishes for you to wash later

>> No.14905148

This takes me back to taking car trips as a child. To this day whenever I wake up before dawn to start a drive I swing by McDonalds for the Big Breakfast.

Also for getting up really early to surf all day they’re perfect. My old town had a really cool bagel sandwich shop everyone would go to which was also obviously a massive amount of calories but the Big Breakfast ain’t a bad choice either.

>> No.14905155

Why are surfers almost invariably homosexual?

>> No.14905166

I’m not gay I just prefer my women with cocks.

>> No.14905197


>> No.14905200

I don't think they have that in Canada :( they also changed the recipe of the Big Mac here to make it "more healthy". The Big Mac® used to be my ultimate guilty pleasure, now it's a shell of what it used to be. One day I will road trip down to Donald Trump's America and once again have that classic sandwich I hold so dear.

>> No.14905202

you fucking cucks didn't even realize that this is another restaurant's rip-off of McD'S big breakfast with cakes. if I had to guess, is it Bk, Op?

>> No.14905206

based surfer anon

>> No.14905208

Yeah getting mcdonalds breakfast before a big road trip is a fond memory. Still do it whenever i go on a trip.

>> No.14905213

What are you implying

>> No.14905242

Goddamit Canada is such a shithole, it started when we elected justin Trudeau and when we sold Tim Hortons to the Filipinos

>> No.14905290

ah yes the american dietary color palette, all shades of white yellow and brown

>> No.14905334

yeah this is really nice. i used to get hashbrowns or a McGriddle before going out to fish with my dad at the crack of dawn. good times.

>> No.14905346

Ah yes, the Euro posting habits. All shades of seethe and salt.

>> No.14905400


>> No.14905413

hardee's has the best breakfast in a box.

>> No.14905510

>no peanut butter or syrup for the pancakes

>> No.14905516

>racism outside of /b/

>> No.14905517

For me? For me it’s grocery store corn flakes

>> No.14905525

cope fatty

>> No.14905536

>you cucks don't regularly eat sloppa

>> No.14905579
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Mmm, breakfast.

>> No.14905704

Is cummies an appropriate breakfast choice?

>> No.14905957

>and when we sold Tim Hortons to the Filipinos

Fucking hell, that's grim. Like when Lotus Cars got sold to China.

>> No.14906032

>homo outside of /int/

>> No.14906333

You’re a liar.

>> No.14906342

>eggs cooked with butter
>deep fried potato
>sausage patty


>> No.14906605

>fuckin timmys got sold to the flips
My aunt and uncle used to take me on their yearly trips to Canada all throughout my childhood and this place was one of my favorite stops, your a&w’s are a million times better as well. Last time I went for a visit timmys was fucking pretty bad compared to what it used to be. I’m sorry that faggot Trudeau has ruined your once great nation.

>> No.14906736

Needs 5-6 packets of butter spread out evenly on the eggs/biscuit/hash brown/pancake and syrup over it all

>> No.14906782

rent free

>> No.14906809

so good to live in a time when people can appreciate such subtle distinctions, just a short 15 years ago you would have been labeled a faggot just for sucking a girls dick

>> No.14906872
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>to make it "more healthy"

no they didnt you fucking moron

they added MORE big mac sauce and just cook onions with the patties now....and a new nicer bun

fuck you're dumb

>> No.14906889

Interesting. Is there an article or before/after photos? Canada just seems like an alternate version of the USA where a gay man is your leader.

>> No.14907058
File: 588 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the canada big mac

note the bun is more "rustic" looking. That + more mac sauce is the only change.

Calories went from 540 to 580

>> No.14907079
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another pic from ur local fatty

>> No.14907099

Ahhh, looks like shit

>> No.14907106

are you a woodpecker?

>> No.14907129
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>> No.14907156

try to eat them without shit spilling everywhere.
protip you cant

>> No.14907172

You, are in prison right?

>> No.14907648

3/4ths carbs

you better be chopping wood all day

>> No.14907737

then why are there so many holes in your table/desk?

>> No.14908179

In prison they serve cereal with a biscuit

>> No.14908330
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>> No.14908436

my little bro loves the hotcakes, i get a stack for him every time i go for breakfast

>> No.14908476

Anyone else order theirs with cheese on the eggs and make a sandwich with it, the biscuit and sausage?

>> No.14908515
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the better option

>> No.14908523

Theres a fat american behind this post

>> No.14908576

For me, it's jolli spaghetti

I got some "hot cakes" I can "stack" on your little bro if you know what I mean

>> No.14908670

My dad used to bring me these once a month on Saturday mornings when I was a kid.
It's one of those things that remind me of him. I might go get a big breakfast in a few days just for old times sake. RIP old man.

>> No.14908828

I can tell by appearance of the items that it's not McD

>> No.14908867

When covid started our local mcdonalds offered free breakfast for the hospital workers near by. I had horrible morning sickness and the hotcakes and sausage were the only thing I could keep down so my husband would pick it up for me and split it with me.

>> No.14908889

You realize this is from McDonalds, right?

>> No.14908940
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>Flashbag to when I was on a road trip to Texas to visit my Grandma and we just got easy food for the go
>Mfw her time is on the horizon and I will never experience the child road trip vibe again

>> No.14909203

natural wood, was like that from the get go

>> No.14909212
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get good scrub.

>> No.14909227

The trick is:
You gotta pour syrup over the sausage and hash browns, too!

>> No.14909236


I get it when I don't feel like making my own pancakes. It tastes pretty good for what it is. Be sure to ask for jelly. Make a sausage biscuit and put the jelly on top of it. Also get some ketchup for the hash brown.

I don't think BK has a big solid hash brown like McDonalds. They serve tiny bites.

>> No.14909268


The packaging seems a bit off from a McDonalds breakfast. McDonalds uses a shiny black plastic, and they dont give you that much eggs. This is either some weird McDonalds franchisee who tried to do things slightly different, or someone who is trying very hard to look like McDonalds.

>> No.14909278

ive seen better looking breakfast in county jail

>> No.14909281

>I don't think BK has a big solid hash brown like McDonalds. They serve tiny bites.
Yeah, and they can get oversalted at times. I like McDonalds hash browns the best.

>> No.14909306


They removed preservatives and other "toxic ingredients" and the new bun is way worse fuck off McDonald's shill

>> No.14909321
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still tastes fine to me, boss

>> No.14909322


Don't listen to the retards in this thread telling you they didn't change it for the worse. I've been eating big macs for damn near 30 years.

>> No.14909328

>removing preservatives is a bad thing

the absolute state of this board

>> No.14909912

OP here. I got this from the McD’s on Flatbush Ave in Hartford, CT, and yes, I ate it in my car.

You guys really need to re-evaluate your visual investigative skills lol

>> No.14909934

Same for my little brother anon

>> No.14909945

>he fell for the preservatives bad meme

>> No.14909965

Mcdonald's Jews.

>> No.14909971

>I'm a cuck because I don't recognize fast food sloppa shit
Kek, absolutely the purest of keks

>> No.14910029

ight fatfu/ck/s, help me identify what the hell am I looking at
I see overcooked eggs, a burger patty, a hashbrown, something that looks like its trying to be an American biscuit and, I dunno, a dry as fuck pancake?
the whole thing looks dry as fuck to be honest

>> No.14910038

Don't worry, it's lubricated with pure butter so the overcooked nature of the frozen ingredients doesn't become apparent in the texture.

>> No.14910104

scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage patty, pancake, biscuit (US), and a pancake

I'm not sure why you say it looks dry. It looks microwaved to me. Oddly devoid of grease though.

>> No.14911047

This man gets it, although if your mc Donald's sells this, most likely your local L&L would have a better breakfast.