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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 145 KB, 1100x825, dsfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14879401 No.14879401 [Reply] [Original]

Very cool! Very hip!

>> No.14879412

I’ve been asked to not sit like this at McDonald’s. Why does this nigger to do this?

>> No.14879420

I used to doodle faces with stitched up mouths all the time. Has this guy made a brand out of it? Fucking robbing me of my memories.

>> No.14879555

its lit!

>> No.14879570
File: 30 KB, 333x500, a49047d73e5644961b123aa48790d5c8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14879582

Cactus Jack jacked my cactus.

>> No.14879587

The success of this "collab" is the single biggest indicator of how royally fucked America is. I hate niggers so much. And the jews that enabled their disgusting fucking culture.

>> No.14879591

I don't know who this is and can't be bothered to google. Twitch keeps throwing his stupid ad at me though so I had to post this.

>> No.14879593

I'm jewish and I hate niggers as much as anyone else.

>> No.14879600

Didn't they stop selling that at McDonald's already?

>> No.14879616

have you noticed something about 9/10 of those twitch ads?

>> No.14879618

It's funny how hard this pic is trying to not look staged and sterilized. I wonder if people are going to start disliking tattoos and out of the ordinary hairstyles and things like that because it's what big corporations want so you think their products are cooler.

>> No.14879619

Yeah, but can you all please stop pushing their bullshit on the rest of us?

>> No.14879623

Oh I'm sure their handler jews hate them as well. That doesn't stop them using them to accelerate the erosion of the west. I kinda feel sorry for you anon, you seem like you're the kind of jew that thinks it's just a religion and couldn't understand why your people are so persecuted.

>> No.14879628


It’ll all come full circle again all things do

>> No.14879648

Can you racist retards go back to pol and stop shitting up a cooking board with your degenerate ideology? Thanks.

>> No.14879666



>> No.14879672

in the past few years there have been a lot of weirdo discord groups raiding here, you have to expect some pushback

>> No.14879675

what does he do with the chapstick?

>> No.14879679

Get your ass off the fucking table. People eat there. What, were you raised in a ghetto with no father figure?

>> No.14879682

t. niggerlover

>> No.14879686


>> No.14879689


Go back

>> No.14879697

White fragility in action. Typical!

>> No.14879701

Travis Scott burger is more iconic than the McRib

>> No.14879709

God i wanna lick his large black erection and swallow his cock whole as he cums down my throat and spits in my face

>> No.14879727


You know those niggers wont care about how you shitpost when they come to rape your (((wife))) and (((daughters))). Fuck off white knight

>> No.14879730

4 chan in a nutshell

>> No.14879733


Why do you think mcdonald's hired him? He's cheap, and looks like he could be one of George Floyds bastards.

>> No.14879746
File: 152 KB, 1000x1500, photo-1577543584588-da8f359a32aa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on things you're not supposed to sit on is cool. It lets people know you don't follow the rules.

>> No.14879751

but you are being pretty fragile about some words on the internet
maybe you should just take a break from here?

>> No.14879752

Racism is freedom of thought, taken to a scientific cultural level. If niggers, Jews, Gooks, and Nips can be openly racist, so can Caucasians. We're the original pioneers, the original colonizers and we sure as fuck know the rest are merely homebodies or parasites.

>> No.14879761

Probably. I've already seen someone saying they dyed their hair to piss off society and were confused when nobody cared. I did that shit as a kid too just because I enjoyed it sometimes but eventually learned to appreciate what I have and ended getting more comments from people because I don't go out of my way to change anything which was funny.

>> No.14879772
File: 25 KB, 310x415, 1602376410594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the only way that humanity avoids dying with this planet is if we genocide all black people. i mean actual extinction. yes, it is a matter of life and death. no, there is no alternative. yes, they do deserve it. no, they can't just 'stay in africa' because at some point some bleeding heart faggot will decide to benefit them and they'll continue their terror and destruction and evil.

god created humans, and so satan created niggers in order to mock him. there IS NOT an alternative to nigger extermination and extinction. IT IS the only way any of the rest of us will make it out of this planet.

that makes it an absolute moral imperative to perform genocide, at any cost whatsoever. i pray to god that humanity wakes up and 'does the necessary'.

>> No.14879777


>> No.14879790

glowniggers are on /ck/ now?

>> No.14879800
File: 111 KB, 1022x1024, comfy_time_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get mad at people saying mean words on mongolian small engine repair forum
>call other people fragile
i shiggy diggy

>> No.14879808


i am just a regular person, who believes in taking ones geopolitical views to their ultimate conclusion, rationally and morally.

>> No.14879866

If you go to McDonalds and just ask for the nigger burger will they give you it?

>> No.14879875

Hahaha, you should stream that. It'd be especially funny since they've made it so that it can ONLY be ordered through their stupid phone app, in an effort to get retards to download their stupid phone app.
>uhhhhh yeah I'm looking for that special promotion with that one nigger? I don't see it on the menu

>> No.14879906

Your brownie point badge is never coming

>> No.14879915

Reminder to everyone that the report function exists and must be utilized as much as possible on any and all threads and posts that violate >>>/global/rules/3 for the greater good of /ck/

>> No.14879927

You need to drown in a shallow tub of piss.

>> No.14879931
File: 95 KB, 955x866, basedboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14879951

McDonald's as a corporation took a huge gamble here. A mega-billions corporation needs to choose their spokesperson with thoughtfulness. Just look at the hit Subway took after Jared... obviously that was a very poor choice.
This guy... I still don't know who the fuck he is or why, but if that picture is him...
SELL SELL SELL your McDonald's stock immediately. That nigger is going to be arrested for something very very soon, and drag the company down.
Why on Earth would the world's largest restaurant franchise choose this? On every level its an objectively terrible decision, and I cant wait for it to backfire.

>> No.14879964

Sadly encouraging others to report posts isn't against the rules (I would've sworn it was).

>> No.14879995

Jared was a massive success until it was revealed he was a fucking pedophile.

>> No.14880004

Yeah. What did you think he was talking about?

>> No.14880028

doesn't matter. if he gets arrested, its whitey's fault, not his
poor blacks can't be held responsible for their actions when they're so oppressed

>> No.14880055

He said Jared was a terrible decision, but it was not. Jared from a business standpoint made the brand a massive amount of money. They just got unlucky in the fact he was a disgusting pedo. They could not have predicted that.

>> No.14880062

The entire point was that they should have screened more carefully.

>> No.14880097

People knew deep down he was a pedo. It was obvious. We ate our sweet chicken teriyaki anyway.
We will be talking about Biden the same way in a few years

>> No.14880122

There are some things that cannot be screened for anon. It's like buying a tire that blows out because of a manufacturing defect after 30000 miles of wear. Could you have known that the tire had that defect? Does that make the decision to buy that tire a bad one? All I'm saying is Jared really wasn't subways fault. But they sure as fuck paid the price in the end anyway