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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.16 MB, 4608x2592, 20201010_105831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14875252 No.14875252 [Reply] [Original]

> wake up
> see this

Fuck you, past-me.

>> No.14875258

>hasnt seen my kitchen
Heh.. feel better about yourself Anon, things can be so much worse

>> No.14875260


>> No.14875261


that's like 2 minutes of cleaning, like if i was really hungry i would just push it all to the side

>> No.14875269

>wake up, go to kitchen
>roommate threw colander out window
>walk between dirty ally to pick it up
>rub his toothbrush under my sweaty balls
Cant wait to move out of this hellhole

>> No.14875312

Post pics

>> No.14875314

>roommate threw colander out window

>> No.14875387

Beat him with a sock full of coins you passive aggressive cuck

>> No.14875470

Imagine how outraged he would be if you sucked his cock. Try it.

>> No.14876718

I'm still seeing lots of room to stack and shove things around to make space.
Also, am I spying stuffed grape leaves in the lower right?

>> No.14876734 [DELETED] 

Wow Jews control the media and the banks.

>> No.14876735

I came in my roomies milk once, edged for hours to get a big thick load. Fuck him

>> No.14876737

>>rub his toothbrush under my sweaty balls
ew why if he has any kind of oral disease now you have it on your balls

>> No.14876755

Yup, I should eat those. Been there for a while. Surprisingly good for canned Dolma.

>> No.14876757

why your wall look like the blair witch project

>> No.14876764
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>> No.14876778
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>> No.14876802
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>> No.14876851

>most of the shit can be thrown in the dishwasher
stop being so lazy Hans.

>> No.14876854

did past you go charles manson on that wall?

>> No.14876867

That's one faggy kitchen you got there and you also make faggy threads

>> No.14876877

You woke up in 1970's East Berlin?

>> No.14876885

Why did you splatter blood all over your wall? Were you drunk and sliced yourself open with a knife by accident?

>> No.14876888

>walk into kitchen
>sink full of pots and pans and utenils
>dishes stacked around kitchen

>> No.14876890

>Why did you splatter blood all over your wall? Were you drunk and sliced yourself open with a knife by accident?
Amazing how I thought it look like ink blots of blood as well.

>> No.14876992

>walk in kitchen
>see mess
>clean it up
>go for a run
>pick up trash along the way
>feel good about myself

>> No.14877003

Good. You haven't noticed that we fucked up the wallpaper. Its fucking upside down lmao

>> No.14877019

>walk in kitchen
>see mess
>notice awful wall paper and cabinets
>relise ive been living in this hell for far to long
>contemplate suicide
>contemplate vidya
>load up 4chins
>ask autists wat do?

>> No.14877439
File: 296 KB, 720x553, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort that wallpaper out you nonce it looks like an animal has been killed on it. Also that's fuck all cleaning.

>> No.14877656
File: 106 KB, 720x540, hoarders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14877727

classic 4chan users house

>> No.14877744

Bags hanging on the microwave for extra storage, im taking this idea.

>> No.14877804

mate thats clean compared to my place. the amazing thing is one house mate is a chef in a premium restaurant in london. all I can say is im never going to eat there....ever.

I fucking hate cunts who leave dirty dishes in the sink. you do realise other people use the sink too right? you fucking cock gobbler.

>> No.14878027
File: 3.16 MB, 4608x2592, 1602320458261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, it doesn't really look any better this way.