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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 222 KB, 1080x741, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14851952 No.14851952 [Reply] [Original]

Saying you don't like Chinese food is like saying you don't like European food

>> No.14852006

>roasted whole lamp
the Chinese really WILL eat anything it seems

>> No.14852011

Its like saying i dont like indian food.

>> No.14852012

I don't like European food.

>> No.14852016


you haven't even tried it. typical narrow-minded westerner

>> No.14852018

I like Chinese food,
and what I really mean by that is, I like European food

>> No.14852061

isn't western china busy being assimilated? Pretty sure that food won't be around much longer

>> No.14852062
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Better version

>> No.14853470

exactly my first thought

>> No.14853475


>> No.14853517

I don't know their food 2bh, most of it contains shitload of rice which isn't my carb of choice. I've had some chinese or "chinese" food that was tasty, couple of times, tho. So I'll probably try more later.

>> No.14853525
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Actually the traditional am*rican lightbulb steak is derived from chinese roasted lamp brought over by the coolie indentured laborers in the old railroad days

>> No.14853553

Rice is actually pretty regional. Especially in the north, the base grain was traditionally wheat instead of rice, so you wind up eating a lot of noodles, buns, bao, dumplings, etc as a base.

When my family used to throw dinner parties for family friends (from western and southern China), we'd make an assload of dumplings or baozi, and then they'd ask for rice because it was inconceivable for them that a meal would not have rice. And we were like "wat".

>> No.14853727

When was this made, 1990? Chongquing is centrally administered now as a municipality
If you accused them of cooking sichuan food they would through things at you

I lived in China, the food is great but the dining culture is awful.
No russe, everything tends to arrive at the same time, people eat very quickly and fucking HATE to loiter.
Han Chinese don't know about half the food in their own country, let along lowai.
It also doesn't help that most Chinese dishes aren't named, or their names lead to confusion because they are called "flower soup" and "flower" is neither and ingredient or a technique- but something like a palate range.
Many dishes are called things like "sour soup" or "hot sour soup" or "hot sour spicy soup"- and thus increasingly complex flavors are just called "flower".

Many interesting ingredients, lots of regional specialties.

>> No.14853735

Spicy* bat soup get it right

>> No.14853794

>noodles, buns, bao, dumplings, etc
sold, I'll talk my old man into going to Chinese restaurant nearby his place, last time it was good enough to return there anyway.

>> No.14854011

how common is gutter oil and can you taste it

>> No.14854026

so complimentary question:
what's the weirdest shit that you've tried?

>> No.14854068

I don't like food

>> No.14854078


>> No.14854117

With the names being so generic how do you know what you order vs what will arrive?

>> No.14854152

Man why can't you have a sensible discussion about Chinese food these days.
Counterfeit products are an issue in rural areas and outside of China, once I found a shipping container filled with nothing but this one type of biscuit in Laos- the stuff wasn't out of date so god knows what was wrong with it.
I assume it was stolen, but that alone wouldn't cover it

What is wierd?
century egg, blue tofu? both are bad but very common. interesting process and I often wondered if you couldn't preserve other things this way.
I've had caterpillar fungus, which sprouts inside dead caterpillars- tasted like any other bug I've eaten.
A rare and particularly good drink I had is from far east India, it is a hard alcohol similar to sake but it is fermented with a rare and poisonous jungle root (Albizzia mycrophylla) as a source of culture I think.

It's hard to know what even qualifies as weird

Oh shit.
I swear to god I once ate part of a snow leopard, not one of those medicine places where it's just a bobcat or something, but I actually found the dead snow leopard and as a request for not turning in the hunter I demanded to eat some. Really I just wanted to flip the dynamic of "better shoot this white guy or I'm fucked",
But yes, I in fact ate part of the leg of a snow leopard

>> No.14854158

>century egg, blue tofu?
I'd try that, but yup, I'd considere it weird. Sorry for cliche question, I just don't know one shit about Chinese cousine, so that's the best I could ask about.

>> No.14854187

Ah, well this is more an issue for English translated menus overseas.
In China you get the regional version and everywhere will do it almost the same (or so my lowai taste-buds tell me).
Visual translator apps suck, the only thing they DO work on is restaurant menus.

So the blue tofu isn't that wierd because Asia is full of fermented soya products.
Blue tofu is nothing on Burmese stinky soya bean or Nagamese smoked burnt stinky soyabean.
I make kimchi and I consider that stranger again because you're fermenting something with both vegetable and fish.

century eggs are truly fascinating, you use alkaline salt to preserve the proteins without drying them, so they turn into this jelly and it's fucking pungeant- sometimes I would accidentally order century egg noodle by accident and I would know before it even got to the table.
It is however the best way I know if not the only way to preserve eggs, which can last years.

>> No.14854220

Food from the northeast is absolutely based.

>> No.14854242

> Southern minority food

you mean soul food?

>> No.14854254

Mmmmm bat soup... Uma delica!!!

>> No.14854265

You know what people mean when they say chinese "food", bucko.

>> No.14854288

I thought wuhan was more well known for their bat recipes

>> No.14854298

Saying I don't like Chinese food means that I don't like eating the literal animal trash they regularly consume. Sorry I wasn't born in a country that endured near millennia of constantly fighting and food insecurity that my ancestors resorted to tendon, feet, and other vomit-inducing animal parts in order to survive.

>> No.14854300
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>southern minority food

>> No.14854325

Why is everyone still trying to find a way to blame China for Western incompetence?

>> No.14854343
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>> No.14854354

Shut the fuck up bugman Xi Jinping sucks and swallows his daddys cock.

>> No.14854360

>0.5 RMB has been deposited in your account!

>> No.14854366 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 656x475, 1587767153117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying you don't like Chinese food is like saying you don't like European food
What the fuck does that mean?i don't like chinese food because they eat vile shit too.if french chefs had Chateaubriand and spit roasted babies in the same repertoire you would have a bias,wouldn't you?

>> No.14854485

god i wish that were molly

>> No.14854489

You literally don't know shit about Chinese food yet it lives rent free on your subhuman head.

>> No.14854496
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>> No.14854502

You're sharing your knowledge in good faith with a bunch of losers who think making the same bat soup joke or ignorant remark makes them look funny. Don't bother.

>> No.14854533 [DELETED] 

Sure I don't, chen. Go back to eating boiled CCP boot and uyghur offal you fucking niggerfaggot insectoid. Too bad you weren't born back in 1970 so they could run you over during tianenman

>> No.14854539

Saying you don't like Chinese food is saying you don't like food. The incel retards on this board are not to be trusted or believed. They haven't been out of mammy's basement and the only Chink food they've had is Panda Express. The food in China is amazing.

>> No.14854553
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Blame r*ddit, the sinophobia of zoomzooms has reached kony 2012 proportions

>> No.14854567

You reek of underage faggot. Go back to /b/, stupid little shit.

>> No.14854591 [DELETED] 

what's wrong faggot, can't handle the bantz? Don't call me a subhuman then get mad when you get it back harder than you gave, wang. Not going back anywhere except to this thread to make sure you know your place as the soulless dry husk of chitin you and the rest of your race truly is. Don't forget to add some shaoxing to that boot dipping sauce.

don't embarrass yourself anymore, it's not worth it for fifty cents

>> No.14854629

Lol, you should be even mildly amusing or original in order for your underage rants to be considered banter, friendless loser.

>> No.14854642

>muh underage
>muh no friends
suck up the 3 molecules of pride you have left and stop replying, this is pitiful. I'm probably older than you and you'd never believe it.

>> No.14854657


>> No.14854664

he's kinda right, tho
inb4 samefag
nope, it's not and you know it

>> No.14854665

Being old and still being this much of a loser just makes you more pathetic.

>> No.14854668

Because Chinese incompetence is more funny in it's scale

>> No.14854691

You may call Chinese, or the CCP, evil, but I wouldn't call them incompetent.

>> No.14854737

Free Tibet

>> No.14854809

You sound like a total faggot.

>> No.14854839

I hope I can get off this site before I end up like you

>> No.14854867

FUCK Tibet

>> No.14854874

just stick to the /ck/, we are mostly gentlemen and sholars here

>> No.14854887

"Sichuan" food is by far the most common "authentic" restaurant you'll find both in and out of China.
Of course it's not authentic or Sichuan at all. Just literally millions of chinks from all over jumping on a bandwagon and doing a shit job.

>> No.14854905
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Yuan has been deposited into your account

>> No.14854906
File: 207 KB, 1242x1394, a80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree. Tibet must be freed of the foreign agitators and fifth-columnists undermining the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China and its efforts in developing infrastructure and reducing poverty in its territory.

>> No.14854917


>> No.14854923

kek, these threads always make me feel bad. i fucking love chinese food and half the people claim i'm eating literal western pigdog trash compared to true authentic chinese food (tm) but god damn it i still fucking love it. i don't really like the sweet and sour shit but my go to order is
>some kind of a stir fry with meat, peppers, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, possibly bamboo and black mushrooms, all in some kind of savory sauce whose contents i can't even begin to guess at
>spring rolls
i just love this shit so much. maybe it's not authentic but it's all i can get. i doubt i'll ever go to china or to an upscale chinese restaurant.

>> No.14854989

westernized is unironically better than chinese food in china.
They chose the best dishes and improved them.

>> No.14854996
File: 487 KB, 720x1114, 1601859364809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call them based and redpilled.

>> No.14855012

Replace the second panel with nukes all over china

>> No.14855026

That weak meme doesn't change the fact, that Xi Jinping's reaction to all this is quite fucking retarded. I mean banning a cartoon character because some people told you, that you look at it (and you doesn't rly do, on top of that)? Is this guy serious?

>> No.14855030

Keep dreaming.

>> No.14855101
File: 123 KB, 640x1070, iacoi8g30zr31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not banned.

>> No.14855108

Before the Han folks fucked over everyone else with their little pet project, you might've had a case

>> No.14855111

someone is lying to me, brb

>> No.14855116

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14855125

you're right

I've taken that SP episode bit too seriously. Plus seems that these guys aren't banned neither

So USA is rly lying sack of shit?

>> No.14855126

Nice copypasta

>> No.14855240

>not liking Chinese food
>categorically discounting organ meats, tendon, offal, etc.
Fucking faggot.

>> No.14855378

Thats not an accurate picture of China my dude. Pic related, actual CCP controlled China and the three countries that they invaded.

>> No.14855380
File: 12 KB, 274x184, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfft forgot pic

>> No.14855445

I love lamp

>> No.14855452

you forgot virgin boy eggs

>> No.14855460

is this image supposed to suggest chinese cuisine is really diverse? why are large swaths of the map the same color and represented by things like lamp and flatbread? are rice noodles supposed to taste sour? can people in the southern region not enjoy salty foods?

>> No.14855461


>> No.14855464

Oh boy oh boy nothing like those sweet piss eggs dayum

>> No.14855472

Those regions were part of China since the Empire's times, you retarded mutt. Jesus, it's like you compete to be more stupid in every post.

>> No.14855517

Chinese is ok but to me Thai and Indian is way better and japanese teriyaki and sushi.

Thai soy is like wow with 4 exclamation marks !!!! right (between japanese sweet and chinese bitter).

Chinese soy is really good in sauces though.

>> No.14855586
File: 169 KB, 640x427, 5227314657_d5a11815e6_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say I like Chinese food more like Asian foods in general. What's worst is I feel there is something wrong with American food.

>live in Vietnam and Thailand for 10 years
>portions are insane like huge
>be stuff after every meal
>eat nothing but asian street fast food and the occasional chain burger place
>didn't gain a pound
>come back to America
>be here for 1 year
>order a combo meal
>dinner sometimes don't even eat
>gain 20 lbs
I don't feel full or stratified but I am fat now. I miss working in Asia.

>> No.14855600

you folks seem to put shitload of sugar in nearly everything, that's the reason you've got weight

>> No.14855630

IDK but everyone is fucking fat in this country.

>> No.14855703

Not OP but true. I didn't realize how good I had it in my last city. Apparently it must have been pretty authentic Thai.

I moved to Chicago, which is pretty well known for food, and the thai here is dog shit. Most of it is sickeningly sweet, or weird takes on traditional thai dishes. Extremely disappointed and my overall biggest complaint is the crazy amount of sugar, and the spring rolls. They don't know how to make a fuckin spring roll here.

>> No.14855741

Thai here, LA has the best Thai food.

>> No.14855749

All of this is CCP controlled China though.
De jure =/= de facto.

>> No.14856003
File: 20 KB, 240x240, nz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuan? USD please.

>> No.14856336

It was never banned, you fell for a retard meme.

>> No.14856703

it seems so, I feel stupid now

>> No.14857154

you should travel more, ignorant one.

>> No.14857164

spend less time on r*ddit

>> No.14857430

No. It means I don't like insect food

>> No.14857511
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chinese food

>> No.14857530
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>> No.14857642

Besides Italy and Spain no one in Europe has a respectable cuisine.

>> No.14857643

what's the best thing you've eaten what's the worst thing you've eaten and what's the most interesting far out there thing you have eaten.

I went to a Chinese restaurant that's Hong Kong style And everyone in there was Chinese I was the only white person
The dim sum was great The worst thing was the raw jellyfish The most interesting was the sauteed chicken feet

>> No.14857648

In China minority only is used in an ethnic sense.
There are many tribes in China and some of them can in fact cook.
I don't mind, I hate China more than anyone as most people who lived there do- but informed racism is the best kind.
>Empire times
Maybe Mongolia should get Asia

>> No.14857752

That's typical of Cantonese food, lots of seafood, some dumplings, lighter flavors.
But as OP made this thread to point out it really is diverse, Western Chinese food is a blend of Chinese, Islamic renaissance and Central Asian- you get dishes like hand cut cold jelly noodles with black vinegar (like Liangfen), some really interesting spice blends with grilled meats, central Asian style glazed flatbreads,

Sichuan dishes tend to have many ingredients, many exotic spices including Sichuan numbing peppercorn, hot pot, river fish and noodle dishes.
Best dish is wok fried potatoes with sour pickles, Indian spices and about a hundred other ingredients, second goes to deep fried yardlong beans which I make at home all the time

Beijing food tends to be stocky, sweeter, I didn't spend much time here because it's an awful place.
Yellow noodles are good but I prefer the dandan noodles in Sichuan

My favourite is probably Yunnan, where someone is always grilling things with yellow mustard seeds, red pepper and spice.
Lots of soups with mushrooms and vegetables, neat kind of rice cakes

I hate to say it but the worst thing I ate was actually an honour dish from the uighur, who gave me goats head soup with the eyeballs of the goat- I'm squeamish.
also up the list was fertilized duck egg, I had that before in Vietnam and I was dared to eat one by some filthy workers I was drinking bijou with.

>> No.14858471

That's the Phillipines, idiotic mutt.

>> No.14858507

Unfunny, unoriginal and idiotic, as expected of your kind.

>> No.14858566

Ngl this is actually pretty true, but I have sympathy for Malta and greece

>> No.14859621

Philippines. Seethe harder mutt

>> No.14859639

Who's the one seething?

>> No.14859668

Italy, Spain and France*

>> No.14859774
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>> No.14859812
File: 292 KB, 680x1349, British Food (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14859859

too much MSG

>> No.14860515

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.14860530

not anymore sweaty

>> No.14860541

>user has gained 15 social credit points for this post

>> No.14860955

Halal is the best and most trustworthy. I don’t think Turkic people will slip a bat or rat into my food

>> No.14861007

I've seen bull's balls once at the halal butcher shop.

>> No.14861168

Just so you know, we can all tell English is not your first language.

>> No.14861201

Where is bat soup from?

>> No.14861203

Your shitty joke was made like 4 times already, loser.

>> No.14861210

>t. Chang

>> No.14861231

Yeah ive had it before, you should try it anon

>> No.14861233

Why are azn incels so angry and easy to b8?

>> No.14861262

seethe harder, chang

>> No.14861278

No, it’s high fructose corn syrup, but you were close

>> No.14861281

France? Portugal? Belgium?

>> No.14862088
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>> No.14862234

Your cope of shitty insect food was made like 4 times already, zhang.

>> No.14863419

I don't like Chinese food.

>> No.14863463

>representing whole regions with one dish
I guess every other dish is rice or millet gruel anyway.

>> No.14863464

I'll just say I don't like the Chinese instead.

Taiwan is where its at.

>> No.14864360


>> No.14864538
File: 329 KB, 796x1152, 1601058358847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying you don't like Chinese food is like saying you don't like European food
bingo, two for one special

>> No.14864578


They were shipping out Muslims to work in the factories during the whole corona panic over there, but I think life is back to normal for now. I think the Tibetans are screwed, but Xinjiang people are too stubborn and Muslim to ever be fully assimilated.

>> No.14864598

>map includes Taiwan as part of Eastern China
gee, i wonder who could be behind this map
Also, literally all of "western China" should be independent as a couple of separate states, as should the "southern minority food" region. All the rest of it- what's actually china- should either be nuked or returned to the rightful government of China, the Republic of China in Taiwan.

>> No.14864641

>the Republic of China in Taiwan.
So do they eat Chinese food or not?

>> No.14864981

Europe =/ the EU

Stupid american

>> No.14865136

They do, the idiot thinks this is supposed to be some political map when it doesn't even say "cuisines in China".

>> No.14865140

Your balkanization fantasies are never gonna happen, mutt piece of shit. Lay off the videogames.

>> No.14865151


>> No.14865156

That's for sure the plan, yeah

>> No.14865183

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.14865193

what sort of flour do they use for that flat bread?

>> No.14865686

Flips are mutts by definition

>> No.14866553

sorry you misunderstood, I hate the CCP not the chink food.

>> No.14866969

Which one are you? Muslim? Amerishart? Average soyboy?

>> No.14866986

That's right. All the tea

>> No.14867003 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14867012


>> No.14867121

Most people on /ck/ specify sichuan, hong kong, american chinese etc. I agree with you, but you're probably preaching to the choir here.

ANYWAY, people in China do in fact say things like "European food".

>> No.14867140

Gutter oil is a non-thing in any Chinese restaurant a westerner is going to visit. Probably.

What you SHOULD be asking is how common antifreeze is in the cocktails, and whether you can taste it. The answer is don't drink their complimentary drinks and only when you've drunk it before :(.

>> No.14867141


>> No.14867147

not really
we say things like western food 西餐

>> No.14867150

Yeah. That's what I was referring to. I don't like admitting it though because I hate America and I hate how Chinks assume anything western is American FUCK YOU FUCK YOU ALL I'M ENGLISH I'M FUCKING ENGLISH

>> No.14867168


>> No.14867174

>Sour fish
Sounds like my honeymoon

>> No.14867388

(south) German, Austrian, and Hungarian food is delicious.

>> No.14867539 [DELETED] 

Triggered ching chong
And fuck this thread; chinese cuisine is bottom tier, gutter oil and dogs/cats/rodents basically
Get cancer

>> No.14867553 [DELETED] 

Shoo chinky

>> No.14867561

based westerners

>> No.14867642

You're an ignorant retard and a friendless loser. Unfunny to boot.

>> No.14867671

Lol, I love how 70% of this thread is braindead subhumans who couldn't point the PRC in a map sperging out at China with tired /pol/ tier memes. Keep seething, losers.

>> No.14867755

dumb map