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14839087 No.14839087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this a symptom of getting old? should i stop eating certain foods? i wake up and eat tums now.

>> No.14839096

maybe too much acidic foods in your diet, cut back on that tomatoes

>> No.14839106

Same. 29. turn 30 in may.
Started getting very bad heartburn and acid diarrhea in March. Won't stop.
Fucking doctors don't have any advice for me.
All my doctors have their brains replaced with flowcharts, and anything not on that flowchart gets filtered and they don't hear it.
All they got out of me telling them this was "diarrhea", they tested me for colostum dificil, and did some blood work.
They don't have any advice on how to deal with the acid diarrhea, or seem to care that bile acid is making it through my system when it should be absorbed.

>> No.14839107

Go to the doctor. Constant heartburn can cause esophagus cancer.

>> No.14839122

i used to work with old people and one of them told me he always asked his doctors what grades they got in medical school which i thought was funny.

>> No.14839136

>is this a symptom of getting old?
No, it's a symptom of a bad diet.

>should i stop eating certain foods?
If you want quality of life, learn moderation.

>> No.14839144
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what/how should i eat anon?

>> No.14839158

You know...the usual. Less fried food, less desserts, less alcohol, more lean meats, more vegetables. The usual.

>> No.14839179

introduce more alkaline foods in your diet OP. There's too much acidity and not enough alkaline to balance it out. Also, eat foods rich in pro and pre biotics, these will help you create healthy gut bacteria that will keep your stomach operating at a healthy level.

>> No.14839184

Sounds like leaky gut. Did you go to a gut doctor?

>> No.14839186

Eat nothing but lean meats, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and quinoa, oatmeal, black beans, healthy fats and lots of vegetables for a month and see if it goes away.
Try and eat at the same times every day, don't eat near bedtime (2 hours at least) avoid snacking and for the love of god don't drink alcohol.

>> No.14839193

cut your meal portion size down or switch to intermittent fasting

>> No.14839205

This is good advice on top of eating less processed food in general, but you also have to just find what works for you and what doesn't. Took me a while to realize that sweet foods make my skin irritated, even ones that are naturally sweet. Try just looking up common food intolerances and eliminate some from your diet and see if there's any improvement, then add one thing back in and see if the issue returns. You could also try getting a food sensitivity test done by a doctor which might make that process quicker, or there are some places that say they can do testing for allergens in your blood that you mail to them but I'm not sure how reliable that is.

>> No.14839217

>don't eat near bedtime (2 hours at least)
>cut your meal portion size down
This might help. I've noticed that the few times I had a big meal before going to sleep I'd wake up in the middle of the night each time feeling like I just burped up a bit of stomach acid.

>> No.14839219

>is this a symptom of getting old?
No, you've probably got gastroesophageal reflux disease.

>> No.14839220

Yeah, your lower esophageal sphincter loses tone with age. Also, you might have gotten fat. Try losing weight, especially the abdominal fat that sits on your intestines.

>> No.14839225

My medical school was pass fail

>> No.14839228

>I'd wake up in the middle of the night each time feeling like I just burped up a bit of stomach acid.
Oldfag here. I had this issue and the easiest fix was not eating or boozing within 2-3 hours of bed. Also beware spicy stuff too late in the evening

>> No.14839231

just take a pill daily
prevacid is cheap try that first
if that doesn't do the trick buy prilosec otc

>> No.14839233

I went to a gut doctor and his requested bloodwork suggested I might have celiac disease, but that really doesn't seem to have anything to do with my current symptoms, and it's all he cares about now. He wants to do an endoscopy to confirm or strike out celiac disease.
He told me he couldn't do it until COVID restrictions were relaxed,and he would contact me to tell me when he could do it. That was back in May.
I kinda don't wanna go back to him and continue this thread. I'm really just wishing it will go away as suddenly as it came. But I still have it.

>> No.14839242

Don't sleep on your right side, it causes your stomach contents to flow into your esophagus if you're prone to it. Google sleep positions.

>> No.14839271

Both an endoscopy and a colonoscopy would be of great use to detect if there's something physically wrong in your intestines and stomach and esophagus.

If you still have these symptoms, there's no use hiding and postponing going to the doctor. Number one, you'll continue to suffer, and number two your condition may require intervention. It's always best to face problems head on.

>> No.14839282

Celiac disease definitely causes diarrhea and heartburn. Your immune system destroys your guy lining so you can’t absorb nutrients so your gut bacteria have a field day producing gas (which causes bloating and increase intrabdominal pressure which causes heartburn) and also the undigested stuff in your gut pulls water into your bowel so you have diarrhea

Cut all gluten out for a few weeks and see how you do

>> No.14839293

Im 32 I only have ever gotten heartburn eating processed foods. I got fraudulantly sent nutrisystem shit and i got my money back but all this processed diet shit and it gave me heartburn. Don't eat processed shit u stupid faggot. learn to cook.

>> No.14839294

as someone who got over their extreme heartburn while maintaining a greasy fucker lifestyle, I have to say, the answer is kombucha

1 drink from a bottle instantly gets rid of even the most hellfire of heartburn and keeps it away for a long while. I know it sounds suspect because kombucha is sour, but the probiotics fix your guts, like, immediately

>> No.14839301

what the fuck are you eating?

>> No.14839332

If your internal plumbing seems to leak from top to bottom an endoscopy might not be a bad idea anyway.
Doc should take a look at your esophagus and shitter.

>> No.14839339

Your bodies are punishing you for a lifetime of eating shit

>> No.14839354

I haven't tried cutting gluten. Actually, under the expectation that I am going to get an endoscopy, my doctor told me not to cut gluten, as that would throw off the endoscopy results.
But really, this seems most agitated by fatty foods like peanuts, or acidic foods like soda or Takis.
And I've been taking a daily probiotic and it helps as long as I avoid those aforementioned extremes of fat and acid.

The way the doctor put it to me, Celiac disease is more like being a bubble boy than just not eating wheat. He said I would have to get my own set of plates, utensils, and cookware, that must never ever be touched by any gluten, and I wouldn't be able to eat at restaurants.

I eat the same shit my father does and he's doing fine at 70 years. He's got less problems than I do.

>> No.14839415

I can somewhat relate.
What I thought were heart palpitations a few years ago seem to be esophageal spasms. They squeeze my chest, then make me burp up acidic burps. I only get them when I I'm lying down. Maybe it is still angina though? Idk.
I've yet to go in, because I'm not supposed to right now unless it's life threatening thanks to covid.

>> No.14840152

Your doctor is insane. Just eat keto.

>> No.14840749

Drink a glass of milk with your food. It will help to neutralize the acid.

>> No.14840778

American education?
To neutralise acid you have to consume alcali like baking soda (but better use special drugs).

>> No.14840787

bro you actually have cancer

>> No.14840813

You have to try different diets for yourself if the doctors don't know. There's not medicine for everything

>> No.14840879

>I can't stop eating the fattiest fried foods in existence and red meat in every dish, why am I getting heartburn all the time it's a mystery
Do you even cook your own food

>> No.14840897

>But really, this seems most agitated by fatty foods like peanuts
Then don't eat fatty foods dipshit and start cooking your own meals from scratch

>> No.14840903

>I eat the same shit my father does and he's doing fine at 70 years
yeah and you don't have 100% of his genes, now do you

>> No.14840914

Basic tips for unfucking your stomach:
1. Stop drinking alcohol.
2. Drink more water.
3. Drink more electrolytes.
4. Eat more probiotics (yogurt, kimchi, look it up)
5. Eat more fruit/vegetables
6. Eat less salt (especially in processed foods)
7. Eat less fat (except fats necessary for cooking and as little as possible)
8. Stop eating inflammatory foods (anything that causes gas, spicy foods, large amounts of onion/garlic)
9. Eat some fiber but only a normal amount, such as the amount consumed when eating vegetables/fruit
10. Exercise, this might be hard if you’re feeling unwell, but normal human activities like walking move your gut around naturally and promote digestion, you’ll never have a hot stinking loaf like after a long hike
11. If your problems are consistent/extreme despite changes in lifestyle/diet, GO TO A FUCKING DOCTOR and better yet GO TO MORE THAN ONE because some people are fucking retarded

>> No.14840942

pro tip is don't change at all and just put a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it down. it tastes kinda like cum but it will instantly cure your indigestion and you'll be praying to me as a deity once you try it. i swear it works 100x better than Pepto for a quick fix.

>> No.14840959

That’s definitely true because it literally neutralizes the acid
Here’s the downsides: less stomach acidity means food won’t be digested as well or as quickly and microorganisms wont be as well destroyed by the stomachs acids.
This means, especially if you do it too often, that you are much more susceptible to foodborne illness and will more than likely cause further digestive problems over time.
P.S. this is true for all antacids

>> No.14840996

im baking soda anon and this guy makes sense. use this trick I googled sparingly as a quick fix when you can't stand the pain of acid in your esophagus while working on your diet and weight.

>> No.14841299

European faggot mamzer?
Milk absolutely helps as well, nigger

>> No.14841316

Am 26 and had heartburn for months, it would only go away if I didn't eat anything and as soon as I ate it came back. Cut out alcohol from your diet completely and replace bread with rice cakes and potatoes.

>> No.14841332
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You almost certainly have celiac. That test is 90% accurate. Don't stop eating gluten until after the endoscopy. Don't worry bro, it's gonna get better. Just keep going to the doctor. Weed and edibles will help until you get an endoscopy.
>t. Celiac

>> No.14841333
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What are your weight, height, and what are your body types. What do you normally eat?

>> No.14841342

You have a problem with fatty food because of the damage to your small intestine from gluten. Don't listen to any of the retards on here, your doctor is right. You're gonna have to avoid most restaurants and you're gonna need seperate cooking shit. If you can live alone, that would be better.

>> No.14841348

T. homeopathic medicine retard

>> No.14841356

I used to get heartburn all the time when I drank lemonade and ate cheez its, maybe stop doing that if that's what you're doing

>> No.14841462

Lose weight you fat fucking burger

>> No.14841609

The number one cause of heartburn is being a fatass.

>> No.14841694

Fucking vegan

>> No.14841698

Stop eating Mickey ds every day you fucking fatty

>> No.14841706

>8. Stop eating inflammatory foods (anything that causes gas, spicy foods, large amounts of onion/garlic)
Rot in hell you fucking commie

>> No.14841816
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30 is not old you're unhealthy

>> No.14841871

I know you’re specifically replying to the idea of not overeating alliums, but this just makes you retarded. Eating too much alliums is bad, and everyone who’s ever experienced being alive knows this.

>> No.14841903

First of all, acid shouldn't be entering the throat, ever, it's dangerous to the delicate tissue and even your lungs and dental enamel. It can lead to pre-cancerous "barrett's syndrome" so treat it now!

First advice for many people is to prevent acid from coming up the pipe. This is accomplished with #1 losing weight, so the pressure of the gut isn't applying pressure onto the sphincter muscle when you lay down. You can #2 elevate the top of your bed a couple of inches, and only laying on your left side. Also, #3 CNS relaxants that weaken and open the sphincter should be avoided entirely, such as alcohol. Really acidic foods like OJ or lemonade, also avoid.

Daily medication, don't forget it.Nexium, etc. They keep the acid pumps from making excessive acid. The other class of meds will change pH and neutralize acid, but have the side effect of kidney stones in excess, so leave the Tums alone. Pepcid and tums combined may be your starting med for now. Pecid helps covid, so stock up since it's a hoarders item. Take it 30-mins 1 hour before breakfast ideally, and without fail every single day until you are skinny and on top of it. I take Nexium. When I skip it, within 3 days, the heartburn can be back. Avoid foods that float in the stomach or irritate, some fats like porkfat, bell pepper or chili skins, really spicy or pickled food, coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, and maybe some other triggers if your case is bad.

You can also see the doctor for a h.pylori check. This bacteria is cured with an antibiotic, and for some people, it's the cause of the GI lining upset, but the reality is that you will now have this the rest of your life, so eat right and baby it.

>> No.14841910

>i used to work with old people and one of them told me he always asked his doctors what grades they got in medical school which i thought was funny.
The better question is which school, and which residency, if they are board certified. There are slews of doctors where I live that are only board eligible but will never ever pass that test.

My dad always points out that his doctor, that his vet friend told him who didn't make the cut for vet school due to less than best grades, so so-and-so went to medical school instead as the consolation 2nd best prize. There's a lot of doctors who wanted to work on animals instead, but weren't smart and studious enough for the more competitive entry.

>> No.14841915

>I kinda don't wanna go back to him and continue this thread. I'm really just wishing it will go away as suddenly as it came. But I still have it.
New doctor.

>> No.14841919

>Daily medication, don't forget it.Nexium, etc. They keep the acid pumps from making excessive acid. The other class of meds will change pH and neutralize acid, but have the side effect of kidney stones in excess, so leave the Tums alone. Pepcid and tums combined may be your starting med for now. Pecid helps covid, so stock up since it's a hoarders item. Take it 30-mins 1 hour before breakfast ideally, and without fail every single day until you are skinny and on top of it.
I agree with all of this post EXCEPT this

>> No.14841936

Fasting is de wey

>> No.14842035

>I'm overweight, don't exercise, and gobble down rich food and alcohol all the time, why do I feel like shit guys??

>> No.14842077

Turning 30 next month. Never been healthier and more active in my life but proper digestion has become a whole thing now.

>> No.14842092

>This bacteria is cured with an antibiotic
Uh oh. Back to the books medstudent.
(other than that pretty good)

>> No.14842111

I started getting it, but I have lansoprazole to cure it rather than take antacids. It stops acid being made rather than getting rid of the acid already there

>> No.14842224

That's bullshit. nothing is "acidic" compared to your stomach.
OP might try to reduce wheat and butter stuff, like pasta or bread. especially for supper because sleeping helps that shit get out of the stomach.

>> No.14842228

Age is 100% a factor though.

>> No.14842267

>dude dr goldberg is my greatest ally, pay the monthly fee to be normal, enjoy the life in little rainbow candies.

>> No.14842276

i have an intolerance to eggs that caused heartburn
it got much worse over time

>> No.14842293

I'm 21 and I get heartburn from eating too much bread, particularly sweet / processed shit.

>> No.14842957

I'm sitting down to a giant turkey sausage right now you retard, but my proteins aren't exclusively meat.