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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 600x337, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14777342 No.14777342 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys can we have an energy drink thread? What are you guys sipping on? I hope you moved past the trend of drinking sugary ones and moved on to the sugar-free.

>> No.14777350

I'm currently sipping on a monster with a few drops of teen urine in.

>> No.14778168
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Morning, /sip/bois

>> No.14778204

imagine drinking an energy drink with sugar

>> No.14778219
File: 298 KB, 750x600, 96D3AA36-DD4F-4415-BAA9-0F6C233E3C1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Bang had an orange creamsicle flavor like Reign. Bang is the best at making my feel like a tweeker, but Reign tastes better. Pic related is the only passable Bang flavor, B-Day cake is good too.

>> No.14778302

Mostly redbull, (with sugar, I need those calories to stay functional under stress) because they are sold in the uni vending machines.
Friends sometimes drive over to the supermarket to buy 6 packs of off-brand, much cheaper.
Oh and also I have this tablet stuff that you drop into water, it's got like a liter of redbull condensed into a single drink. It even carbonates the water. Tastes like shit, very cheap.

>> No.14778314
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-09-19-18-23-31-029_compress71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang and Reign are the only ones that don't make me tweak. I only drink them on Saturdays; half a can in the morning before work, half in the evening before I do ubereats.

>> No.14778347

Do you put the half can into the fridge or something? You aren't drinking them lukewarm I hope

>> No.14778357

if you ain't bangin' you ain't hangin'

>> No.14778372

You got a name for those tablets?

>> No.14778405

Zenergade by "sunlife". Probably not applicable to where you are, I'm a Roach so most likely a local thing.

>> No.14778683

Oh yeah, I drink half before I leave for work and put it in my black mini fridge in the picture. Its flat-ish by then, but its fine.

>> No.14779725
File: 233 KB, 1600x900, 106158455-1569948707240cokeenergylead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sippin on a coke cherry energy rn, pretty good. What's the /ck/ consensus on these, based?

>> No.14779772

i drink blue bang
piss rocks out my peehole

>> No.14779782
File: 178 KB, 1500x1045, 81jyDGk19PL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try the Amazon-brand Monster knock-offs yet? They come in white and red.

>> No.14780043

i used to be a monster zero ultra guy myself until I moved onto coffee about a year ago. much cheaper in the long run

>> No.14780198
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This is one of the worst things I've ever drank in my life, and I've drank moldy orange juice and piss before.

>> No.14780223

I didn't hate it, but all of their flavors taste "dusty" somehow. It's unappealing.

Used to drink 3-4 energy drinks every single day and quit cold turkey like 3 weeks ago. Classic monster was my favorite.

>> No.14780225

At the same time?

>> No.14780245

>100 mg caffeine
I've got an addiction to feed, get this shit out of here

>> No.14780300

I like them quite a bit, probably my second favorite behind bang. They were a deal when they were selling for $0.99 but now they went up to $2. Thats too high and I just stick to bang.

>> No.14780323
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1426374890534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be yuropoor
>order 30 cans of monster java from the US cos we dont get it here
>want to try them
>theyre all delicious
>go through all of them in 2 weeks

its not fair

swiss chocolate is fucking amazing

>> No.14780352

i think i remember you posting about this when you first got them and were asking which to try first
glad you enjoyed them bro

>> No.14780357

Looks interesting, gonna have to give them a try

>> No.14780443

thanks homie

next time i do another order it'll be swiss chocolate, salted caramel, irish blend and fiesta all the way

until then, its back to the doctor, mango loco, pipeline punch and the classic

>> No.14780459

holy based

>> No.14780460

I drink a bang a day before each workout, need to transition to a regular pre workout. bang is expensive but it does make my workouts bearable.

>> No.14782359

Too weak, plus no taurine. It's ok on the taste

>> No.14782408

A good black tea is all I need, no sugar needed
Though milk + sweetener is nice treat

>> No.14782737

Reign is pretty good. I like their lemon flavor more then monster white.

>> No.14784630
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>there are "people" who STILL buy Red Bull

>> No.14784643

Need two of them at a time for me so I prefer a Reign. I like the artificial cola tasting favor for the sugar free ones though. It reminds me of cola flavoured gummies.

>> No.14786279

Does it taste better than Bang? I've had Bang's cotton candy and blue razz flavors, the cotton candy is alright but the blue razz was nasty after the first few sips. Obviously those two aren't representative of all Bang flavors

>> No.14786291

b-but it gives you wings!!

>> No.14786294

for me, it's full throttle

>> No.14786349

My Bang top 3 are Cherry Blade, Miami Cola, and Rainbow Unicorn
Lately I’ve been enjoying the purple MZU though I wish it had more caffeine

>> No.14786450
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300mg caffeine per can and tastes pretty good

>> No.14786797
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Good evening, complaint department is closed right now my apologies

>> No.14786816

Yeah they have some straight up autistic flavors. Cherry Blade Lemonade is the shit tho.

>> No.14786970

Seconded. It tastes like those shitty vanilla scented hand sanitizers. I couldn't even gulp it down for the caffeine. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.14787002

i like BANG in part because of the name honestly. Is it a threat, with the crosshairs in the logo? A sound effect? Maybe even a command? Very diverse word and even though the label has it in lower case I always like to yell the name. BANG!!! lmao. Get banged up, banged out, etc. Highly recommended.

>> No.14787027

I used to drink so much caffeine last year lol. A bang/reign/quake everyday plus maybe some coffee at night

>> No.14787074

>100 migs
Probably more pleasant & effective to drink coffee.

>> No.14787080
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>two or three cans of Monster a day for two straight weeks

>> No.14787085
File: 76 KB, 601x677, the big sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys buy tallboy energy drinks?
If so, what lifestyle choice led you there?

>> No.14787125

2 bangs per day is standard operation for anyone whose life requires cognitive effort.

>> No.14787423

Being able to pour vodka in and reseal the top to drink in cab/train/walking to bar.

>> No.14787455
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I can't get enough bros.

>> No.14787466

God are you a woman? Why the fuck did you put some attention seeking bullshit into your pic?

>> No.14787472
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Settle down ok.

>> No.14787474

God I wish they made a lime version of that stuff.

>> No.14787483

You need a big penis to enter you so you can get your self esteem up. Please just stop taking pictures and go to bed

>> No.14787500

anon this thread is about sips not your gfs bulls cum

>> No.14787625
File: 149 KB, 1500x1282, 71lMK9ljOQL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried one of these for the first time recently, holy god its good

>> No.14787633

Pipeline is better but yes

>> No.14787639

I pray every day they make an ultra version. The job they did making a 10cal version of Mango Loco is nothing short of magic.

>> No.14787642

Thanks, gonna have to try that next

>> No.14787643
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, AC8D30A6-2FE3-4A88-8B55-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its nicotine gum

>> No.14787719

Tried the zero calorie Marshmalloe Rockstar X or whatever, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14787726

>niacin 32mg

>> No.14788019

lmao were doing a class on energy drink economics. Btw, professional economy professors all agree on monster is BTFOing redbull

>> No.14788718
File: 1.68 MB, 3840x1920, IMG_20200924_093036147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Java sip coming through

>> No.14788785

god i fucking wish they brought monster mad dog back.

>> No.14788805

I drink de bangs, reign is a close second I think I got kidney stones lole

>> No.14788953

Bought one of these because of this thread, it's actually disgusting

>> No.14789008

>drink multiple redbulls when working cause work gives them to us for free
>work night shift so fuck my sleep schedule over because I drink that shit at 2 AM
>every month or so I fuck it up so hard I can't sleep at all so I basically fight through it
>break out the 300 mg cans of reign and bang
So far I like sour heads, I wanted to try the candy apple flavor but I didn't find any recently. Any recs?

>> No.14789094
File: 600 KB, 1200x1200, 0081515402000_0_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has nobody posted the GOAT?

flavor wise this shit has no competition

>> No.14789104
File: 79 KB, 331x449, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were actually really good, but you can't find them anymore sadly

>> No.14789321
File: 1.02 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_2729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. good choice anon.

>> No.14789324

Love this lil' nigga. Shame it has so much sugar, though.

>> No.14789389
File: 150 KB, 600x600, nocco_focus4_legend_soda_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Razzleberry is the best, reign is my new favorite, they have their own signature taste like monster does

Sipped this morning on pic related, was meh

>> No.14789461
File: 123 KB, 1220x760, TENZING-trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a recommendation as much as it's a warning, I bought this fucking can of diarrhea elixir in a gas station in the middle of the fucking desert and I've never seen it since in any store or gas station, the 30 minutes after I drank this bowel breaking demon I was hunched over a dirty toilet with diarrhea spewing out of my ass like tub girl. Please don't ever get this product and don't ever get a "vegan" energy drink

>> No.14789474

>diarrhea elixir

>> No.14789547

not him but I alternate between bang and reign these days. reign's melon mania is better than most of bang's flavors imo

>> No.14789837

I'd be pissing crimson

>> No.14789855

It's so funny how they convinced kids and man children to get hooked on caffeine with these shitty sodas.

>> No.14789895

t. That "Monster is satanic" lady

>> No.14789928

No i'm "you're drinking the most unhealthy soda in existence because you're addicted to a stimulant that you never needed in the first place" guy

>> No.14789968

You tried so hard to b8 and failed miserably

>> No.14790008

>you're drinking the most unhealthy soda in existence
I rarely drink sugary energy drinks, and very few sugar-free energy drinks use aspartame, if you're worried about that. Caffeine, taurine, and B-vitamins are fine for you in moderate doses. Theres a huge difference between drinking seven sugary Rockstars in a day and having a Zero Ultra or two. It's not dangerous unless you're sensitive to caffeine.
>you're addicted to a stimulant that you never needed in the first place
Tell that to the coffee industry.

>> No.14790054
File: 958 KB, 2000x1021, E242D31F-04C3-4493-9497-B2EDB2A1DE4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely drink energy drinks but when I do it’s Red Bull.I have a 20 oz Red Bull for the formula one race on Sunday morning. Going to wake up at like 6:30 and I’m gonna need to guzzle it down to stay awake desu.

>> No.14790324

Is there anything that tastes exactly like red bull but is cheaper?
I'd drink something else but nothing hits the spot quite like it.

>> No.14790386

Red Thunder. You can get it at Aldi

>> No.14790956

Love this and love that it doesn't have fuck loads of niacin for whatever reason

>> No.14790975

this one is actually good, tastes like coffee instead of syrup. The others are all overly sweet

>> No.14791180

I heard it was discontinued in the US. Is this true?

>> No.14791472

>purely from plants
The warning was right there anon

>> No.14791691

>a stimulant that you never needed in the first place
Yeah, and we don't need to drink alcohol, either- or take in our food in a form other than value-maximized nutritional slurry. Life is joy and risk, anon.

>> No.14791699

>diarrhea elixir
That's what happens when I drink Uptime, to be fair.

>> No.14791917

That's not Full Throttle though

>> No.14793103

Just tried this today, it's like Coke + 1/4th Dr Pepper, but for $3 i'm not sure I wanna keep going

>> No.14793147

Try Kratom instead. Never looked back

>> No.14793433

Whine more you little fucking bitch. It's far better then alcohol or weed which you most likely abuse

>> No.14793519

Rhino rush

>> No.14793543

miami cola is better

>> No.14794318
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x1960, 20200925_093018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been drinking these

>> No.14794362

Most of the monster rehabs are good
Most of the monster teas are good
Red bull blueberry
Monster sugar-free white can
Bang guava and pear

These are the top energy drinks and you can't change my mind

>> No.14794374

It tastes like someone put a slight amount of urine in a regular coke

>> No.14794395

Based jarritos tamarind

>> No.14794399
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x2960, grosskidney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kidney of a 30 year old man that drank multiple energy drinks a day. I used to drink monster pretty often. I know they taste good but they are awful for you, please stop.

>> No.14794741

>Phoneposting ZUCC book
Yes you are gross.

>> No.14794812

it's a pic i saved from google search. I don't use facebook. like it even matters, summerfag

>> No.14795154

i've never seen this in my life but i want them

>> No.14795161

Fake and gay

>> No.14795743
File: 107 KB, 512x512, pewd_00000-3_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it good?

>> No.14795775

Why are all the other NOS flavors such shit compared to the original?

>> No.14795864

I hit resistance to gfuel's blend after like 8 jars of powder, so I'd say it's about that good
are they actually making it into cans now? hopefully it's less chalky.

>> No.14796096

That flavor legit tastes like you got the slice of shitty store bought birthday cake that someone let the candle drip on b/c they couldn't blow it out fast enough. fucking horrid

>> No.14796281

No thanks faggot

>> No.14796312

nobody gives a fuck about your internet team bullshit faggot can you either contribute or fuck off?

>> No.14796327

I've seen this posted to argue against everything from hard liquor to the wrong kinds of cooking oil. Back to Faceberg, granny.

>> No.14796337

Miami cola tastes like pure ass, I have no idea why you guys shill it on here. Tastes like sun-baked, expired store-brand cola.

>> No.14796395
File: 24 KB, 417x288, energy drinks bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting 'information' from faceberg memes
holy fucking lol get off the internet it's dangerous when you're this stupid
this is the pineal gland of a man who drank 4 red bulls a day for 24 years. i know they taste good but they are awful for you, please stop.

>> No.14796457

Fuck you for posting cringe and thinking it's "contributing" I bet you want a fucking ass pat or a "based" for such a "contributing" post

>> No.14796685
File: 122 KB, 1030x856, 61+QrWACsTL._SL1030_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these monster maxx any good? how does the peach one compare to ultra fiesta or the mango loco?

>> No.14796750

is pink monster good? just got them in store now.

my go to is green, purple or black sips.

>> No.14797711

One of my favorites. Tastes like rainbow sherbet from baskin robins.

>> No.14797755

>mother was a caffeine addict, could take caffeine pills and coffee all day and take a nap whenever she wanted

>somehow I inherited some of this extreme caffeine resistance, and even after going dry for months the only feeling I get out of a reign is having to shit if I drink it too fast


>> No.14797861
File: 126 KB, 600x600, 2e2d462f-7eae-4718-ae2a-4d6e4d825176_1.293de7e50fdc149339df376b569ef9ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change my mind.

>> No.14797875

NOS+vodka is a god combo, prove me wrong

>> No.14797967

Only a retard drinks caffeine and alcohol together.

>> No.14797983

Yeah but I include cocaine to that combo, what now ya dingus?

>> No.14797990

It speaks volumes about your mental prowess, or lack thereof, more specifically.

>> No.14798002

Fuck you I like it

>> No.14798013

You have the mental capacity to reply to a literal retard, says a lot about you.

>> No.14798020

It's a skill you learn when dealing with retail staff.

>> No.14798030

well I work at a gas station, that shows how much you know lmao

>> No.14798057

I used to make the machines you use. You have no idea how relieving it was to move to building military equipment. The military doesn't send "consultants" to prowl the line and pester you about leaving parts out to save costs. Motherfucker if you leave the compressor out of a refrigeration unit it's not going to do what you want it to, no matter how much cheaper it is.

>> No.14798061

fucked my heart up in 2018 by the protracted withdrawals from research chemicals, cant really have any stimulants anymore.

I used to do coke and drink a redbull and not be bothered but now even just a little caffeine gives me heart palpitations.
Amphetamines were way superior in every way, gotta say.

>> No.14798067

i quit these things a few months ago, but i've been craving one pretty bad, but i don't wanna fuck my heart up anymore

>> No.14798093

ah bloo bloo get over yourself, quite frankly nobody cares that you did shit for the military of ZOG

>> No.14798620

At least you did something

>> No.14798640


what rc's were you taking? I fucked up my brain taking 2ce,2ci when I was younger. I'm better now but it gave me really bad HPPD and depersonalization.

>> No.14798761

phenibut and clonazolam. dunno if you ever heard of the horror stories of cLam or phenibut. cLam is just the most potent benzo by weight you can buy, I would blackout for days if I slightly overdosed and dependency built within like a week of daily use. Felt incredible though, the warmest and most hypnotic of any benzo I've ever had.
Phenibut is a wierd gabapentinoid invented in the 60s by the the Soviets. It's got some GABA action not unlike GHB, has alot of wierd effects depending on how much you take, and lasts for like 2 days. Tolerance builds super quick and daily dosing isnt really sustainable. The withdrawals were way worse than any benzo or opiate could ever feel, mentally. Basically felt like a constant adrenaline dump/fear response that peaked after I went cold turkey for like a month. Had a grand mal seizure. My heart is still fucked up and im super sensitive to stimulants still.

sorry for the wall of text I'm just reminiscing. these days I just smoke weed and drop acid sometimes.

>> No.14798799

that's the worst bang flavor by far.
stick to, in order:
cotton candy
star blast
radical skadittle
rainbow unicorn
pina colada
blue razz
all the others are throwaway

>> No.14799073

Ive been drinking either 2-3 monsters or a bang every day for like a year now and caffeine doesnt really work for me anymore. What do I do now?

>> No.14799092

Stop cold turkey

>> No.14799094

>all the others are throwaway

are you shitting on Power Punch and Lemon Drop? Cherry Vanilla and Cherry Blade Lemonade are good shit too

>> No.14799098

Ive done that for up to a month several times and it did nothing for me.

>> No.14799112

>What do I do now?
Suffer. It takes months and months to lower your caffeine tolerance once you get to that point and youll probably never get back to where you want to be. Just give them up, get something else. Eventually you'll cycle back to it and be able to enjoy the benefits again

>> No.14799117

I'm pretty sure that a study was done, consumption of energy drinks and low IQ would be strongly linked. Nobody successful is taken in by this fad.

>> No.14799312

Mango loco is beyond based!!!! Got my ex hooked on them and when I go pick my son up the bed of her truck is filled like dad's old beer cans in the bed.

>> No.14799317

Mango loco>pipeline punch>this

>> No.14799347
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For me its Rockstar Mocha.

>> No.14800527
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>> No.14801104

Goalposts. Projections. And dilate.

>> No.14802280

I recently had the sugar free pear red bull, got a massive headache for no reason. Hate for red bull has solidified

>> No.14803214

only time I've drunk this liquid cancer is when for some shit life reason I have to skip sleep entirely. Very rarely

>> No.14803410

That is actually a really good question I expected them to be good, but they're just not!

full throttle is good too but idk if it holds up to nos

>> No.14803857

Did they stop producing the sugar free version? That's the pinnacle to me.

>> No.14804452


>> No.14804521

Bangs are literally sugar free you tard. No calories.

>> No.14805591
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>> No.14807191

>putting an energy drink in a bottle

>> No.14807584

my favorite flavor, energy

>> No.14807641

energy drinks never give me energy.
is something wrong with me?

i hardly drink the stuff. and to add, i dont really drink coffee or soda with caffeine

>> No.14807747

i guess a 1 liter can would be too big

>> No.14807772

Or he found the image on google to ask if anyone had tried it. Calm your shrunken nuts.

>> No.14808178

it better fucking not be

>> No.14809575

How do I differentiate between just wanting an energy drink because I like it vs being addicted and "needing" an energy drink? I miss the taste and the buzz as a mental thing, rather than feeling dependent on the caffeine (I have coffee so that's no problem)

>> No.14809603
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, C4-Pre-Workout-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you crave an energy drink, then just drink water. If you don't drink an energy drink for a couple days and the craving is still there, accompanied by irritability, then you have an addiction.

That said, energy drinks are a waste. I moved onto pre workouts powder mix. Shit will have your skin tingly and warm.

>> No.14809622

you crave the vitamins and sugar

>> No.14809626

>energy drinks are a waste
>try preworkout


>> No.14809767

I haven't had one in roughly two weeks, so I've still been craving them on and off (which I placate with sparkling water) and I never felt irritable.
No evidence that extra B-vitamins give you an energy boost, only that you feel lethargic without any. Plus I rarely have sugary flavors.

>> No.14809792

Reigns are better

>> No.14809793

God these cans are beautiful, I'd really want to get pic rel as a shirt

>> No.14809797

Imagine biting down on one of those haha and it burst in your mouth like a crunchy salty gusher haha

>> No.14809799

I've never seen these in any store I've been to
Is it only really sold in the south?

>> No.14809804
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>he drinks PWO but never lifts

>> No.14809909

Is that good or bad?

>> No.14810649
File: 546 KB, 645x369, razebros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm about to crack open a RaZE phantom freeze

>> No.14811280

C4 comes out to less than 1$ per serving in his defense

>> No.14812832

Quick rundown on Raze?

>> No.14812910

Mmm knooperdelicieux

>> No.14814973

Never knew they made that. Is is still available?

>> No.14815122
File: 1.57 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200803_161052_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick ar build brah

>> No.14815167
File: 57 KB, 600x600, Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its Marshmellow Rockstar

>> No.14815203

stockpiled 4LOKOS. shit gets me fucking high.

>> No.14815244
File: 775 KB, 993x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my haul from walmart today. That middle one is Reign Jalapeno Strawberry (shit is 300mg and has some other shit that makes me shake just a tad but i kinda like that). Its an odd taste that i can't stop buying.

>> No.14815252
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Have you guys tried either Monster's or Rockstar's Ginger Brews? I flipped when i saw these, i tried the rockstar one a couple years ago and the monster one a few months ago. I will say the Monster one was way better, but its been a long time since i tried the Rockstar one so i may need to try it again. They are a little hard to find however. Also i try and stick to sugar free energy drinks now (currently sipping on these: >>14815244) because i started running to loose weight, but im sure if i saw a rare beauty like these bad boys i would spring on it.

>> No.14815259

What are they made out of, salt?

>> No.14815274

P sure that is a result of over doing caffeine itself more so than specifically the energy drinks. Worries me a bit tho, 4 normal 12oz red bulls is just 440mg of caffeine. For a few months every 8 hour shift i was doing three Bangs (900mg @ 300mg each) at one point but im pretty sure my brain was shutting down (i was feeling shitty moods and if i didn't have them for my work shift i would feel depressed, like i was addicted) so i dropped that down to 1 or 2 lol and eventually maybe 1 and not Bangs, other brands that just have 160mg.

>> No.14815280

I see these in my cali walmart. Never tried them tho, their signature trait is they are 99¢.

>> No.14815289

get your energy drinks at groceries and retail rather than gas stations. These are little over a dollar at walmart.

>> No.14815304
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Saw these at the store the other day and laughed my ass off.

>> No.14815307
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You ever try Bang teas? Its harder to find, but its the sweet peach tea is my favorite bang. After that comes lemon drop and after that comes purple guava pear.

>> No.14815377
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>Gas station doesnt carry swiss chocolate or salted caramel anymore, just the shitty mean bean

>> No.14815392

It's a bit more intense than a 16oz Red Bull, of which an 8oz is generally enough for me. Maybe just too much in an individual can.

>> No.14815607
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My new fav is STING Ginseng edition.

>> No.14815611

wtf has that gotta do with taking illicit drugs with vodka???

>> No.14815903

the monster ginger would be better if it was zero ultra or had less surgar and more ginger taste

>> No.14815915
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>> No.14815924

I wanted Maimi Cola to be good, but you're right. It's absolute ass. I'd rather have ANY flavor of bang over that.

>> No.14815929

>star blast
fuck yeah

>> No.14815930

I'm calling the police. The BASED police. Because you're based. Sorry I'm not very good at this.

>> No.14815966
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Yeah, the sugar is kind of a deal breaker for any habitual drinking, but they are kind of rare anyways. I feel what you mean about a stronger ginger taste, i would have appreciated that as well. Still, for Monster brand it surprised me and i will rep it.

>> No.14815982

These types of people are dangerous, fucking crazy, and are best avoided (fruit punch rockstar drinkers)

>> No.14816007

You tell them becky
>pops xanny and chugs wine

>> No.14816210

Hear me out anon. I enjoy the zero sugar variants and i can not drink coffee because it does not agree with my stomach (or taste buds. its too bitter for me, but i know this is a controversial take.) As far as not needing the stimulant in the first place, im not so sure. Im the worst morning person. When i must wake up earlier than i would like, im slow and unhappy. I could technically make it through one of these mornings with out caffeine, but why should i? Wouldn't you agree that these drinks are more or less perfect for me?

>> No.14816399
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I can't stop drinking these. I like a sour apple type flavor, and this one nails it. If there was a soda that tasted like it I'd switch.

>> No.14816437
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this image shouldn't be making me horny

>> No.14816968

that WAS at a grocery store

>> No.14817016

i remember one time i was hanging with my friend and they bought me a monster because i've never tried it. it tasted okay, but the aftertaste was so fuckin sour and dry in the worst way, also i felt like i was going to have a heart attack the whole time i was drinking it

tl;dr, i'll be sticking to the raw amount of sugar in brisk ice tea as my energy drink

>> No.14817669
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>> No.14818111

Dang family maybe its high end or something. Find a walmart or a target or something. I swear these are just like $1.30~ at my walmart.

>> No.14818155
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You had just normal green monster probably. That and normal red bull are far from the best options IMO. Never liked the taste and sugar concerns are very valid. Companies are starting to pump out lots of no/low cal/sugar options. In terms of taste, you are pretty correct in your impression of the green monster. It has that antifreeze after taste lol. I highly recommend the Xyience brand >>14815244 They taste light and clean. They don't even use food dyes, all their flavors are clear. Also, I HIGHLY recommend the Monster Rehab line pic related. These are Monster's energy teas, they don't taste artificial, and have no carbonation.

>> No.14819372
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bro its not bang
its bargs

>> No.14819482
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favorite road trip sips? just loaded up for a 13 hour haul to visit family.

>> No.14819601

i dont understand the joke

what does cheese mean?

>> No.14819753
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I miss this mofo like you would not believe bros.

>> No.14819759

This shit legit gives me diarrhea

>> No.14819761

lol weak

>> No.14819772

Whhats in the sandwich, brother?

>> No.14820104
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It takes me 3 days to finish a can of monster.

>> No.14820258

I will only ever believe this if i see it in person and can smell the liquid before hand

>> No.14820262
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The Monster Dragon Teas are some of the best tasting Monsters i have tried.

>> No.14820267

meant for you :c

>> No.14820925


>> No.14821068
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>> No.14822386 [DELETED] 

I thought it was out already

>> No.14822399

October 1st through December 31st

>> No.14823013

Apparently something like 16mg is the dv for an adult, so itd have double that of a small yellow Red Bull (have one off hand to read)

>> No.14823052

Looks like one of those subs you get at Savemart or Safeway. They normally just have a single layer each of ham, turkey, and roast beef, with cheddar and american white. Mostly just bread, though.

Based, although the second revision is lackluster. Wish I could find it around me still.

>> No.14823766

Hope we get it here. I'll definitely buy it and collect it if it's worth it's weight.

>> No.14824056

“cheesed” sounds like pleased
“I’m cheesed to meet you”

>> No.14824063


>> No.14824111
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>swiss chocolate monster java
I don't know who you are, i don't know where you are, but i know you are my nigger, and I yours.

>> No.14824725
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>live in Canadian town that borders the USA
>buy Canadian green Monster
>tastes good
>buy American green Monster
>tastes like shit
>any time we Canucks got promo cans for games, they also taste like shitty American green Monster
>about 2 years ago, notice all our green Monster here in Canada now tastes like shitty American green Monster
What gives? Someone once told me that we used to get Mexican shit that had real cane sugar, but now we get American shit with HFCS? Any merit to this?

>> No.14824731

Have you ever strawchugged a beer? Drinking literally anything is easy as fuck when you strawchug it.

>> No.14824799

maybe it creeped north slowly, i don't like monster anymore for the past 5 years, im in texas

>> No.14824995

No i havent. I can see how that would help a shit ton, but i still think its too easy to replace the liquor with another brown liquid to believe a video.

>> No.14825039

Super sugary but I like them

>> No.14825045

Drinking energy drinks out of anything but necessity is the ultimate sign of a pleb-drinker. I drink energy drinks at work to get through the day, especially during late shifts. But it gives me very little joy and I never drink them outside of work.

>> No.14825057 [DELETED] 

I used to live in a small rural area, and they actually had the liquor store closed on mondays. It was very annoying for me because I was quite a drunkard at that time.

>> No.14825103
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White Zero Ultra Monster is the only acceptable answer.

>> No.14825427

Planning on sneaking out the house to stock up on some sips. I usually just get sugar-free stuff but I might get the Samurai Cola for shits and giggles. Dunno how long I'll have to wait for my family to go to sleep but we'll see.

>> No.14825438
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Most energy drinks don't have anything in them that you can't get from just eating a banana and making a cup of coffee. It's just b vitamins and caffeine.

>> No.14825928

Update. No Samurai Cola at the 7-eleven I went to. Bought four rockstars and a monster import. Didn't get caught leaving home nor coming home

>> No.14827140

>eating a banana
miss me with that gay shit

>> No.14827361

Bananas are bad for diabetics and keto-minded ppl

>> No.14827695
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The superior choice

>> No.14828068

incredibly powerful

>> No.14829468

Literally who

>> No.14829485

I'm Canuck
Rockstar tastes like piss, Monster's pretty good but it makes my insides start a fucking revolution. I haven't had Nos, is it good?

>> No.14829778

>Mango Loco
my nigger, how was the drive?

>> No.14829789

Red Bull still has a taste that no other energy drink has come close to emulating.

so if you're somebody like me, you drink it on occasion for the taste

>> No.14830524

i had an energy drink today and it feels like my teeth are gonna fall out. fuck these stupid drinks

>> No.14830571

Nos is shit.
Reign just got up here, try that. Best one I've found.

>> No.14832017

does it make you anxious or feel jittery?
or does it calm you down.

>> No.14832028

So get a sugar free one
Anybody who drinks energy drinks regularly has moved onto the sugar free variety, they don't even taste bad nowadays.

>> No.14832363
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The only energy drink I bother with is Zero Ultra.

>> No.14832387
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Got these on sale at publix and a berry quake for tomorrow. I only drink sips on Saturday, so I'm set for the month.

>> No.14832560
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Indeed, Green Tea is my favorite of the three.

>> No.14832629

Rule of thumb with bang flavors, if doesn't have an actual food in the name its trash. Birthday cake bei g the exception since it also tastes like anus.

>> No.14832639

The monster one makes a good moscow mule. Would be great if it was a zero suger version.

>> No.14832770

Why would you pee in your own drink?

>> No.14833126
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im a big fan of these but my local stores dont carry them, so they're a rare treat.
my grocery store used to have a much better selection of energy drinks, like multiple monster rehab flavors as well as monster hydro, but now its just full sugar monster or lemonade rehab. gets boring having lemonade every day.
the dragon ones are really good

>> No.14833157

This guy right here was amazing. It was like the yellow redbull which i love and i thought had a better taste actually, but don't like the sugar content and the price of the redbull compared to these guys. BRING BACK CITRON!!!!

>> No.14834334

>H-How can you drink that? But it smells like piss!
I drink my piss soda if I want to faggot.

>> No.14834722

I miss when it came into little bottles that looked like gas canisters. That shit was the bomb.

>> No.14834976

Is there something comparable to a caffeine-free energy drink?

I don't care about the caffeine, and ideally want to avoid it. I just really like the taste and feel of a sip. No regular soda, caffeinated or otherwise, is the same.

>> No.14835147

I think there are some 'health drinks' on the market packed with b vitamins and gingo biloba and other things that are often found in energy drinks and/or pre/post workout drinks. Maybe try some of those out.

>> No.14835183

I don't really care about the vitamins and stuff either. But anyway, you just made me realize that the right pre-workout might hit the spot. Most of those are probably going to be caffeinated too but maybe not all.

>> No.14836204

I thought caffeine was an integral part of pre workouts, could be wrong tho. Anyways, you are more or less screwed. The taste is a bi-product of the energy, and demand for that taste sans the energy is next to none. (You are the first person i have heard of wanting this.) Youre best bet is to just search for the closest thing that tastes like it, rather than a caffeine-free energy drink. You should be looking at different kinds of sodas desu. This also brings to question, what kind of flavor are you thinking of when you want the taste of that sip? A redbull or monster flavor? Were you into the sugar - or sugary? What was your sip anon? (Also, why do you no longer want the caffeine?)

>> No.14836245
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Having this. Not bad, kinda like a eh version of rainbow unicorn. It's more a sweet flavor than berry tart flavor.

>> No.14836271

Ah yes, the 7-11 Bang.

>> No.14836496

Monster Ultra Zero. I would buy the variety pack at the warehouse club.

Right now it's Red Bull zero sugar. Because Amazon had it on sale.

Whatever I drink I have to have lots of water. Caffeine requires the additional water or you just get dehydrated and feel like trash.

>> No.14837105

uh no this is from a chinese man who ate nothing but tofu and didn't drink enough water

>> No.14837226
File: 257 KB, 740x740, 890078171_preview_b0112940_50f2d56665d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man
tastes like cigarette smoke on carpet and lemon
based flavor, you have my blessing

>> No.14837309
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Too sad you'll never enjoy this unique taste, fellow 'mericanos.

>> No.14837320

>Whatever I drink I have to have lots of water. Caffeine requires the additional water or you just get dehydrated and feel like trash.

What? Do you get dehydrated just for drinking a Monster?

>> No.14837328

...yeah. Even more so than with soda. You need to drink a lot of water to make up for it unless you want kidney stones.

>> No.14837339

I drink water everyday. But I have never felt dehydrated after drinking just 1 Monster.

>> No.14837340
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Yes mate, hiballs are fucking incredible, came to this thread to post this. No sugar crash, no cancerous taste, just sparkling water with caffeine that lasts all day. You can usually find them at whole foods or local co ops. Sometimes Walmart has them near the check out lanes, but this is rare. I really don't care for energy drinks aside from hiballs.

>> No.14837341

I got some. Tastes like a diet fruit punch. It's not bad I just don't have a white sugar free monster to compare it to.

>> No.14837400

Lolol, what a retard. Females put themselves in the pictures, always the foreground. Stop being a noguns faggot.

>> No.14837665

Your kidneys feel it. Otherwise your body "adapts" One can a day is fine and if you drink plenty of water you should be able to get rid of all the shit in there, otherwise you are harming yourself. I know I If drink coke or monster I get incredibly thirsty like half an hour latter, but I'm not used to consuming them and do it only once every two months usually.

>> No.14837759
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>> No.14838276
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>Drinking energy drinks without Niacin

Please tell me you aren't doing this

>> No.14838693

>99.99% likely that it tastes like honeydew instead

Fucking honeydew assholes stop doing that shit

>> No.14838694
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Do you ever make a trip to MicroCenter just for these?

>> No.14838711

>no Reign creamsicle
>no Rockstar marshmallow
>no any nongeneric flavor
>but here have yet another generic tasting one instead

Germany is a sip desert.

>> No.14838721

I drink Red Bull every day

I love it and am scouring the local stores for the rest of the watermelon summer edition

>> No.14839939
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my body is ready

>> No.14839943

>does literally nothing

>> No.14840494
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>> No.14841155

I think the sour apple and cherry nos are good.

>> No.14841458

these guys has a slight vanilla taste. Absolutely amazing, and a very cool bottle. Plus in highschool, you could make lots of balls jokes when talking about the drink.

>> No.14842009

i drink like two cans a day and have been doing so for like two years

am i gonna die?