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14814176 No.14814176 [Reply] [Original]


I've had extreme lethargy for years. I'm exhausted and on the verge of sleep all the time and I can't focus on anything. Everytime I go to the doctor they run some tests and tell me there's nothing wrong with me. I'm a normal weight and excercise. This is ruining my life.

The only thing I can think of is diet. Fast food is rare and 90% of what I eat comes from the grocery store. In a typical day I have a small amount of chocolate, and then eat chicken and rice or some kind of stew/soup with bread. I snack on cheese, fruit, veggies and hummus. Eat eggs pretty often.

I don't have caffeine often, and when I do it's only green tea because it knocks me it and puts me to bed. If I drunk a whole cup of coffee I get derealization and panic attacks that last all day if I can even stay awake.

Anyone else with some insight?

>> No.14814202
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If the doctors don't have any idea, I think most people on /ck/ (or just 4chan in general) won't either. Have you checked if your symptoms correlate with any possible mental health issues, rather than physical problems?

>> No.14814212

cut back on the cheese and eggs and see if it helps, if it doesnt try cutting back on something else. If none of these help, you might have hypothyroid symptoms or just mental illness like depression

>> No.14814215

get a good nightss sleep nigger. or score some cocaine

>> No.14814216

Try cutting out all wheat products for a week.

>> No.14814221

I honestly hadn't thought of that.

Might just give fasting a shot. I've heard it gives people clarity.

>> No.14814222 [DELETED] 

I'm like this too, I'm tired all the time. Sometimes I can exercise for a few weeks at a time and if I exercise to the point of near collapse I can temporarily feel like I imagine normies must feeel all the time, but inevitably I get some cold or an injury and I stop being able to exercise for a while and then it's back to the normal default brain fog all day, being unable to interact with people normally, and wanting to get life over with. what's the point of anything? I don't even want friends because they just fuck you over and women are even worse, emotional vampires.

>> No.14814269

I wouldn't really recommend that if you have physically intensive work. Are you a NEET, a student, a labourer, or someone who does light/no physical work?

>> No.14814274

Why do you assume this is a physical problem? See a psych or get on adderall. You are probably just unmotivated because why should you be motivated? Is anything pressing?

>> No.14814284

Do you all seriously get depressed from loneliness? I've pretty much lost all social contacts aside from family ever since I finished middle-school, yet even so, I still find life meaningful and valuable, if nothing more than just due to optimism and hope for a better future. Friends and women aren't the only things that exist in the world, and they sure as hell aren't the only that matter.

>> No.14814303

I've been like this for years, eventually shit got worse and ahedonia set in, among other problems.
My doctor also won't do anything but a fasting blood-test, and says I'm fine. Honestly, I think it's pre-diabetes, every problem I have can be connected to it. I'm thinking of asking my doctor for an oral glucose response test, but I'm too scared to out myself as an autist who wants to second guess a physician, but my whole life has fallen to pieces and been completely on hold for years over this lethargy and ahedonia.

>> No.14814306

Two options here from a medi/ck/al anon
>you have a food allergy to something you are eating. It's mostly a meme for people but think about going gluten or sulfate-free
>you need to check for possible mental illness friend. anxiety should not be cast aside
take care

>> No.14814353

smoke weed

>> No.14814373

IT work from home

>> No.14814419
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are you female OP?
you might just be a lazy whore

>> No.14814434

You're depressed and you have Lyme disease

>> No.14814465


If he has panic attacks from fucking coffee then he'd probably have a heart attack if he tries cocaine.

>> No.14814481

Feels good not to be alone at least.

Ty anon, I'll take this into consideration. I'd almost prefer not to know I have meme dietary

>> No.14814502

you have depression

>> No.14814512

>but I'm too scared to out myself as an autist who wants to second guess a physician, but my whole life has fallen to pieces and been completely on hold for years over this lethargy and ahedonia.
lmao, just get a new doctor or say you've been trying to research your fatigue and think it might be prediabetes. What's he going to do, drop you? Fuck him.

How do you sleep? It could be sleep apnea or something along those lines.

>> No.14814549

Bro, you are paying them to take care of you. Demand a test. Who gives a fuck what you look like to them? You won't hear them talking shit about you and it gives you peace of mind.

>> No.14814587

Depression alone can cause exhaustion

>> No.14814727

You can always try an elimination diet, choose one thing to remove completely for a week, when it doesn't help, move on to the next one. You could cycle through the usual triggers like wheat, soy, dairy, etc.

>> No.14814807

Stop eating turkey meat, and any food with melatonin



>> No.14815785

could be an iron deficiency? It can lead to annemia and it makes you sleepy/tired because you need iron in your blood to carry oxigen. Maybe eat some beef liver from time to time, also do breathing excercises and something active you enjoy (could be dancing, yoga, for me it's going for a ride on my bike).
I also feel sleepy most of the time and find I have a bit less of energy than my pairs but keeping myself active helps, also taking a good nap from time to time. I hope you can find the culcript and get better OP

>> No.14816090

Do acid.

>> No.14816095
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Not really the same as OP, but since I started eating a protein-heavy breakfast rather than things like a bowl of cereal I've had so much more energy in the morning. It's like stepping out into the light after a lifetime in the caves. The only problem is that if I go back to low-protein breakfast it feels sluggish now that I know what the alternative feels like. It almost feels like an addiction, but since protein is necessary either way that's obviously not the case.

>> No.14816103

Legitimately could be depression anon.

>> No.14816108

maybe celiac disease?
are you of scot-irish descent?

>> No.14816136

Lmao at all these somatisizers. Seek therapy.

>> No.14816174

>depressed from loneliness?
Not me. Either I've embraced solitude, or just grown to hate people.
My typical interactions with people are under 90 seconds, and I have 5 or less most days.
Short of becoming a hermit, doing ok.

>> No.14816294

>>14814176 bit of a long shot but do you ever stay in other houses? There could theoretically be mold in your house or carbon monoxide buildup etc. That could be effecting you. I suppose those might turn up on tests but you haven't told us what they've done. Done any allergy tests?

>> No.14816312

you have cancer and lupus

>> No.14816317

get some iron and fatty fish in your diet at least

>> No.14816319

sounds like Hashimoto's disease

>> No.14816324


and liver

>> No.14816342

For Celiac's eating gluten can cause extreme tiredness

Maybe u can't eat bread bro. Blood test could confirm

>> No.14816417

>Everytime I go to the doctor they run some tests and tell me there's nothing wrong with me

Elaborate what kinds of tests. Did they check vitamin D level?

>> No.14816486

Coping mechanism to stress.
Got the same shit.

Just stop being a bitch.

>> No.14816492

>get on adderall
I got like OP because of psych meds. Adderall is horrendous for people.

>> No.14817120

Are you getting enough iron, vitamin D, Omega 3s, and vitamin B12, anon?

I'd recommend eating beef or chicken liver, oily fish (sardines, salmon) and bivalves (mussels, clams, oyster). Take a supplement or get 10 minutes of sun every day.

>> No.14817522

you might have lyme disease anon. look it up. i know of people who had to fight their doctors to get a test for it.

>> No.14817584
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Do meth desu

>> No.14817882

take adderall op, it helps along with a good diet

>> No.14817890

>For Celiac's eating gluten can cause extreme tiredness
>Maybe u can't eat bread bro. Blood test could confirm

This. Avoid wheat and eat fruit during the day.

>> No.14817923

unironically this

>> No.14817925

I would recommend relaxation exercises to help ease your anxiety. Light meditation could help. You sound stressed as fuck
If you're sure it's nutrition, ensure you are eating a good range of vegetables, meats, all kinds of proteins and fats,and you drink plenty of water. Exercising more will increase your energy levels regardless of your level of fitness
But lethargy due to malnutrition would be quite progressed and extensive, ie complete lack of calories.

>> No.14819425

You're fucking depressed.

>> No.14819473

>I've had extreme lethargy for years. I'm exhausted and on the verge of sleep all the time and I can't focus on anything.
Eat clean protein rich food, hydrate properly, sleep well, lift heavy weights, and do at least SOME cardio. Fucking idiot. You know what's wrong yet you say "ooooh what's wrooong with meee??? I'm soooo tired!"

Just be healthy. If your diet and sleep schedule is proper, you have a medical problem that warrants a visit to a doctor.

>> No.14819475

I'm like this from anxiety disorder. Being in fight or flight mode all day is exhausting. Btw chocolate has caffeine too, especially dark or semi sweet. If you are actually falling asleep though even with proper bedtime rest than that could be a sleep disorder type thing.

>> No.14820534
File: 375 KB, 948x1388, PS; Keto_VLC; WL; Some Sweeteners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >>14820133


Cholesterol is metabolically expensive (..eggs are beneficial).

Fasting is not "optimal".

"Not even documented with amphetamines, caffeine is correlated with testosterone, at a least near physical intensity."

>[How jokely].

"Depression" is not a "cause". (For the huge majority of individuals, cellular propagation has been ~ordinary, thus the likely explanation is "substrates / etc.".)

>[Not really a specific criticism / argument].

Carbs are technically unnecessary. Protein is the second most abundant item in the body, to water. Specific amino acids are also metabolites of neurochemicals.

>lethargy due to malnutrition would be quite progressed and extensive, ie complete lack of calories


>> No.14820941

I have it. Synthetic hormones changed my life. And Brazil nuts, two a day.

>> No.14820945

You probably just need to exercise

>> No.14820948

Hashimoto's symptoms:
weight gain
brain fog
asleep 10+ hours a day
low energy, low stamina
extra dry skin
redness in the cheeks, like a rash
hair loss
feeling cold all the time

>> No.14821106

stop drinking caffeine dipshit, stop drinking green tea, switch to herbal. check every soda you drink, it'll say caffeine free or not on it.
you're probably already addicted heavily to caffeine, so its not going to be easy.

>> No.14821268

Blast and cruise bro

>> No.14821276

This is just alcoholism

>> No.14821294

Unironically this
You may be sensitive to gluten (memes aside)

>> No.14821533

You sound autistic as fuck

>> No.14821546

sounds like serotonin issue

>> No.14821610

>[Not a specific criticism or argument].

>> No.14821655

sounds like light mustard gas exposure

>> No.14822364

Hashimoto's still triggered by gluten, this is not a solution. Nonfunctioning thyroid isn't going to fix itself

>> No.14822490

Only advice I've got is buy some real hard drugs (not opiates and not meth) and see if you can feel a difference in the days after. Shrooms and mdma are good ones.

>> No.14822959

have you mostly always had it or did it start at one point in particular? Do you feel less rested after sleep than most people? Because I dont know as much about dietary issues but I've had chronic fatigue syndrome before and theres a very persistant amount of fatigue with that as well, and it is hard to test for

>> No.14823175
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Could be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Family member had it, and it was connected to food intolerances etc too, so could even be a combination.

A few Docs don't think it's real, most do, but don't know how to diagnose it.

>> No.14823435

TSH levels are probably among the first thing a dr would check with these symtoms

>> No.14824106

OP here, I forgot to check the thread for a while because I figured it'd mostly be posts calling me a nigger.

Thanks for the helpful replies. A lot of your suggestions are things I hadn't considered or even knew could have an impact on my general wellbeing. /ck/ is the best board desu. I've taken notes and will explore possible sleep, mental illness, and the dietary possibilities that were brought up.

Hard to pin down a specific time, but seems to corelate to a period in 2015 where I was having constant panic attacks. All day I'd have fuzzy tunnel vision, heart palpitations that would wake me up at night. Horrific sweat. Sometimes I'd just have nightmares so real and bad they'd start the panic and I'd be derealized for the next week. I found out my brother died from schizophrenia. I also would lose handfuls of hair, so much that it broke our vacume. This was also around the time that I tried mdma and acid for the first time, and also the first time I started drinking coffee regularly. I was also trying to hold down three jobs, go to school full time, support myself, and maintain a long distance internet relationship. Had a lot going on, heh. Life is pretty good now, but looking back it's not surprising something would come from zero leisure time for years and years.

Caffeine will be the first thing to go. I've always felt like it wasn't good for me even in small amounts.

I'm not sure what's in them nutritionally but I've added them to my grocery list. Ty anon

Lol I've had/have every symptom on your list except for the cheek rash. I'll bring this up at my next appointment.

>> No.14824119

eggs absolutely are not beneficial, are you retarded?

>> No.14825104

It's real. Fuck that shit I've got post viral syndrome long covid from covid and I'm sick of this shit. Cfs is related sort of to pvs. Docs can't hide from it now cause there's gonna be a lot of long covid cases compared to the small amount of post viral symptoms of mers and sars and whatever

>> No.14825132


>> No.14825284

deffo get some blood testing done to check your hormone levels.
most doctors will start with TSH and T4 for your thyroid, but you can totally ask them to order a comprehensive panel. if they give you pushback, just tell them you want to establish a baseline for the future.
you can also ask about getting a vitamin panel done to see if you're deficient in anything. this can be kind of expensive if your insurance won't cover it. if you feel like you eat a lot of the same types of foods and don't supplement with anything, it's worth bringing up at the doctor.
something that will be really helpful for both you & your doctor is a food/symptom journal of some sort. you don't need to note down exact recipes, but a generic list of meals you've had and any negative symptoms you experienced that day can help you find correlations between feeling specific types of shitty.
if you have gastric issues, it's a good idea to ask for an IBS panel. this sort of ties in with the vitamin panel, since digestive issues could lead to malnutrition even if you think you're eating enough. an IBS panel can sometimes cover testing for celiac's, ulcerative colitis, and other related diseases, but it really depends on the specific testing code that gets ordered so make sure to ask what all is tested for on any panels your doctor requests.
since you know caffeine is an issue already, cut that and any foods you normally eat which contain caffeine. there are a lot of different elimination diets out there that might help you find some relief on the chronic fatigue front. AIP, low FODMAP, keto, low histamine, etc... at the end of the day, it's going to really heavily depend on what works best for your body. it's also entirely possible that a combination of a few medical diets could help, or that it's not diet related at all. if you want to trial an elimination diet, stick to one really strictly for 2 weeks and if you see immediate results keep going with it, and drop it if it doesn't help.

>> No.14825323

Fuck, this sounds like my gf
What do?

>> No.14825361

something else that's extremely important is sleep hygiene.

make sure you're going to bed around the same time every night, and getting up around the same time every morning. try to give yourself 9 hours of bed time if you can, to account for falling asleep and waking up as naturally as possible.
get some decent pillows and a bed that's actually comfortable and supportive for your body. make sure your blankets and sheets are a material you like. personally, i like linen sheets with multiple layers of thinner polyester blankets, and i have a talalay latex pillow and "ultra plush" memory foam mattress. sometimes i use a weighted blanket because i'm an autismo.
grab some blackout curtains- both to help control the temperature in your room & the light levels.
keep the blue light filter on all electronics at all times, and stop using them when you've settled down to go to sleep. put your phone on do not disturb when you go to bed.
you can also invest in a fitness band that tracks your heart rate while sleeping. this should graph should be hammock shaped, and your heart rate should fall to about 60% of your daytime heart rate.

if you have trouble getting to sleep at a regular time, here are some supplements you might trial:
melatonin- 1mg to start; your body naturally makes this and is supposed to produce more at night. if you have trouble falling asleep, taking a low dose in addition to correcting your sleep hygiene can be really helpful to induce new sleep habits.
magnesium- 100mg; if you aren't getting enough magnesium, your body will hate you. don't take extra magnesium unless you know you aren't getting enough from your diet. too much magnesium will make you shit yourself.
l-theanine- 200mg; do not take this if you have low/low end of healthy blood pressure. this chemical is present in green tea, and helps relax the body and lowers your heart rate, enabling more restful sleep. it will fuck with your blood pressure, though.

>> No.14825434

tell her to go to the doctor and get her thyroid hormone levels checked
if she has irregular periods (extra heavy, extra painful, not often enough, etc...) tell her to get evaluated for PCOS and endometriosis. it's the demonic trifecta of under-diagnosed diseases because doctors don't give a shit about female illnesses.

>> No.14825571

Thanks anon i will be sure to do that

>> No.14826831

Exercise. Go on runs and lift weights. Running is great cause it really improves your cardio consequently lessening feelings of lethargy. You will have more energy and not get tired as easily if youre a good runner. Lifting is good cause it releases endorphins and being strong feels good
Eat more healthy fresh meats like fish, beef etc
Eat fruits and vegetables
For carbs eat things like oats, honey, with some milk

Cut out any and all chocolates, sweets, fast food, all that crap needs to go
No pornography or jacking off

>> No.14826967

Isn't this just hypothyroidism in general?

>> No.14827501

I got the celiac. Good think my pale irish polish ass can still drink vodka.

>> No.14827515

depression is a symptom, not a disease
sleep, diet, sunlight, and lifestyle are the most important things

>> No.14827537

I don’t believe you exercise very hard or frequently at all.

>> No.14828226

distillation process removes the gluten afaik. i can drink rye whiskey but even low ppm gluten beer makes me feel sick.
aren't most vodkas potato based anyway?

>> No.14829753

This. Lack of energy and motivation are a dead giveaway for vitamin D and B deficiency.
Get some Sun 30min a day and eat Vegemite, OP. You'll be fine in a month.

>> No.14830548

I find me, and everyone of my IT colleagues that are Wfh are constantly wanting to take naps/do take naps.

Over 15 people I've asked id say 13 of them are constantly wanting to sleep all the time as of late. Weird.

>> No.14831466

break up with her

>> No.14831662

I've done a line of adderall every morning for 4 years straight and in doing amazing (until 2pm, but then I do it again)

>> No.14831669


>> No.14832285

>cut back on the cheese and eggs
I personally found that eating a lot of eggs and protein-rich cheese (parmesean, etc) has pretty much kept me out of depression for most of this year.

>> No.14832380

Overloading on refined carbs probably.

>> No.14832391

try an elimination (temporary) diet to determine what food triggers your issue.

>> No.14833503

This is what happen to me for about 6 months but it was low iron level because my body decided it was not gonna adsorb it correctly.
I took iron supplements and was back to normal in 2 weeks but same can happen if you got low magnesium or low minerals of any kind.
Just look up your symptoms and see if they match the low iron.

>> No.14833678

Why the duck would that help? Especially eggs.