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14796069 No.14796069 [Reply] [Original]

24 Sept.2020

Man dies after eating bag of licorice every day for a few weeks

A Massachusetts construction worker’s love of black licorice wound up costing him his life, doctors say

A Massachusetts construction worker’s love of black licorice wound up costing him his life. Eating a bag and a half every day for a few weeks threw his nutrients out of balance and caused the 54-year-old man’s heart to stop, doctors reported.

“Even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little bit,” said Dr Neel Butala, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who described the case in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The problem is glycyrrhizic acid, found in black licorice and in many other foods and dietary supplements containing licorice root extract. It can cause dangerously low potassium and imbalances in other minerals, principally electrolytes.


>> No.14796074


Eating as little as 2 ounces of black licorice a day for two weeks could cause a heart rhythm problem, especially for people over the age of 40, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns.

“It’s more than licorice sticks. It could be [licorice flavored] jelly beans, licorice teas, a lot of things over the counter. Even some beers, like Belgian beers, have this compound in it,” as do some chewing tobaccos, said Robert Eckel, a University of Colorado cardiologist and former American Heart Association president. He had no role in the Massachusetts man’s care.

The death was clearly an extreme case. The man, who has not been publicly named, had switched from red, fruit-flavored twists to the black licorice version of the candy a few weeks before his death last year.

He collapsed while having lunch at a fast-food restaurant. Doctors found he had dangerously low potassium, which led to heart rhythm and other problems. Emergency responders did CPR and he revived but died the next day.

The FDA permits up to 3.1% of a food’s content to have glycyrrhizic acid, but many candies and other licorice products don’t reveal how much of it is contained per ounce, Butala said. Doctors have reported the case to the FDA in hope of raising attention to the risk.

Jeff Beckman, a spokesman for the Hershey Company, which makes the popular Twizzlers licorice twists, said in an email that “all of our products are safe to eat and formulated in full compliance with FDA regulations,” and that all foods, including candy, “should be enjoyed in moderation”.


>> No.14796111
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Wait you mean to tell me that something that tastes worse then dogshit and looks/feel's like actual rubber and comes out of the fucking ground isn't good for you???
I can't believe this

>> No.14796115
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Fuck I meant to post a picture of Sam Hyde my shitpost has been self sabotaged

>> No.14796176
File: 132 KB, 500x315, jumbo_red_licorice_twists_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that tastes worse then dogshit

Red licorice is good, black licorice is worse than dogshit and I dunno how anybody can eat that disgusting crap.

>> No.14796210

Doctor is a quack that capitalizes on getting his endorsements after stupid man kills himself by eating nothing but a sack and a half of candy every day for an extended period of time.
What a fucking surprise.
Next you're going to quote an article where the quack and the FDA warn how dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous because some bitch consumed too much and showered dozens of times a day in it until she died from it.

>> No.14796211
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So a weak person can't handle his liquorice how is this news, I thought it was going to be about the fact that liquorice seriously suppresses your testosterone levels even the day after eating but it still tastes great if we are talking about salty liquorice and not sweet liquorice.

Also eating too much of anything not being good for you being news O.o if that dude just from a bit of high blood pressure he had serious problems to begin with.

Why haven't you taken the salty liquorice pill yet anon https://www.happycandy.se/losviktsgodis/salt-lakrits/salt-sill/

>> No.14796216

Red licorice is not licorice. They're basically sugar sticks. That's why they call them twists.

>> No.14796230

That is a shit tier palate you got there,

>> No.14796270

evolve your palate

>> No.14796277
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>heh, their palates are so shit they can't appreciate the taste of tire rubber boiled in road tar

>> No.14796314

like i said, get better taste

>> No.14796321

This isn't a one-off event, Black Licorice nearly killed a man back in 2017:
And in 2015:

>> No.14796333

you're the one who needs to get better taste. and by that I mean get your tongue fixed. if licorice sends dopamine to your brain, it's physically broken.

>> No.14796349

Get a better brain
it doesn't work of you enjoy black licorice

>> No.14796361

>if licorice sends dopamine to your brain, it's physically broken.
Nigga, if your brain can only enjoy things that are sugary sweet and you heave at the salty candy then maybe you're the one with the problem

>> No.14796383
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>Black licorice
>Salty candy
Yup your brain's fucked bro
Your fucked

>> No.14796414

>can only enjoy things that are sugary sweet
stop putting words in my mouth the way you put nigger dicks in yours

>> No.14796435

All good liquorice is salty, sweet liquorice is for plebs

>> No.14796436

Let go of that hate, bro. Love the world and it will love you back. This attitude will only bring you misery and bad days. Now go buy some black licorice and just have a good time.

>> No.14796442
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you dropped this

>> No.14796450

Thanks, bro, I knew you had it in you.

>> No.14796485

I wonder if there is a gene responsible for hating the flavor of anise like there is for coriander
surely there is some reason why these poor souls sperg out so much over the delicious taste of licorice?

>> No.14796505

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.14796512

>Man dies after eating bag of licorice every day for a few weeks
This surely is very serious and everybody should know about these death sticks

>> No.14796514

Are you telling me people exist that doesn't like coriander I mean sweet liquorice I can understand they just haven't discovered salty liquorice yet

>> No.14796517

Because people "don't have time" to make food nowadays, so instead they drink these meal in a can solutions instead. Its a sad state of affairs.

>> No.14796530

Some people claim it tastes like soap.

>> No.14796550

i've had a few in some situations where i'd have skipped a meal instead. it's an instant few hours of not feeling hungry, doesn't taste like shit, and isn't the worst thing you could put in your body. no idea about the people who replaced their entire diet with the stuff, that seems awful

>> No.14796614

Taste like soap, are you sure they aren't just fucking with people it's kind of like these people that claim they can't handle milk and say it makes them shit like they don't shit sooner or later either way

>> No.14796651

>are you sure they aren't just fucking with people
I don't care regardless, I shout at them that they're tastelets then roll away with my Heelys.

>> No.14796703
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Cilantro tastes exactly like soap to me.

Several years back a new Mexican restaurant opened nearby (owned by Arabs and staffed by Blacks…) and my buddy and I stopped in to try it out and I ordered wet burrito but when I took the first bite, it tasted literally like dish soap.

I picked up the plate and looked/felt around underneath, figuring someone hadn’t rinsed it after washing but it looked fine and when I told my buddy, he said I must have the “cilantro gene” that causes it to taste like soap to some people and when I reread the menu, sure enough cilantro was listed.

I still choked down the burrito, as it wasn’t the restaurant’s fault but now I carefully check the menu when ordering anything to see if it includes cilantro.

>> No.14796754

>I still choked down the burrito, as it wasn’t the restaurant’s fault

imagine being this much of a pussy

>> No.14796781

what was he supposed to do? go full Karen with "noooo this tastes like cilatro I need to speak to your manager"?

>> No.14796810
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you're all vaginas

>> No.14796838
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Finland has one good candy (yes Fazer sucks if that is Finnish I keep forgetting, still mad that they destroy good bread with weird fuckin oils) and you even failed at posting the right one, for shame anon

>> No.14796840

>waste of money
>higher risk of catching something from nigger spit

>> No.14797018
File: 265 KB, 541x355, the more you know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why should the restaurant take the financial hit? It wasn’t their fault cilantro tastes like soap to me and there was nothing dangerous or inedible about the burrito they made and the menu did list cilantro as an ingredient, I had just never had it before.

>> No.14797039

Because it tasted like soap to you and the most likely explanation is that they didn't wash the dishes properly and it's not like it is expensive for them and the goodwill is worth more than the money they would loose or likely not loose just make less as the markup should be pretty substansial

>> No.14797365

>the most likely explanation is that they didn't wash the dishes properly

No, for some people (like me) cilantro actually does taste like soap. A year or so back, I tried a bit of a friend's bbq chicken Hawaiian pizza and instantly realized it had cilantro on it, as it tasted like soap but didn't for my friend.

>> No.14797377

Yeah no shit, don't overconsume licorice products with the active ingredient. Occasional treat.

>> No.14797386

You don't think your friend just didn't want to accept that his pizza got messed up or are we talking placebo that it didnt taste like soap until you knew it was in there?