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14783291 No.14783291 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever eat lunch at your desk?

>> No.14783293


>> No.14783301

I'd rather kms than spend 5 minutes longer at work than I have to.

>> No.14783314

No, eating is forbidden!

>> No.14783319

Always, I don't want to be around my coworkers.

>> No.14783324

Yeah I eat at my desk and half work I'm salaried so they just ask I put in 40 hours of work. Although I will probably put in 60 this week. I hate my fucking job

>> No.14783326
File: 140 KB, 1080x902, _20200713_091157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did I eat lunch at my desk at work for five years every day, but I ate lunch at my desk for two or three years of high school too.
In fact, this was a breakfast I ate at my desk at work once.

>> No.14783344

I dont take a lunch break. I cram mouth fulls in while i continue working like a good goy

>> No.14783346

So have you been working there since the 80s or has that calculator never left that cubical.

>> No.14783379

Based breakfast

>> No.14783441

no, because people still come in and interrupt me

>> No.14783461

Fuuuuuug I wanna eat that lunch so bad then have sex in the copy room

>> No.14783515

I've never had a desk job, but no. I go out to my car and eat in peace. It helps me regain some humanity before I go back to my job.

>> No.14783516

i did Yesterday. a salad consisting of chicken, peach, apple, coriander red onion, evoo and white vinegar plus s+p. it was nice for sonething made out of basically random shit.

>> No.14783543

>he doesnt skip lunch to be productive for an extra hour

Americans are sure lazy

>> No.14783632

Jesus Christ no

>> No.14783647

Yes, i work in recruitment, i usually get a kebab, Indian or a cheeky nandos delivered to my desk around 12pm and then something small from maccies or kfc around 4:30pm.
I also smoke at my desk.

>> No.14783653

My father worked at the New York Times. He had a coworker who wanted it on his headstone that "He never ate lunch at his desk" and in that spirit would organize a huge luncheon once a month for whoever wanted to join. I went with my father once and it was outstanding. Huge platters of bagels, cold cuts, knishes, all kinds of stuff. Just wonderful. That guy knew how to do lunch.

>> No.14783666


hopefully you blow the smoke into the toastier at HR’s faces

>> No.14783750

Taking a break on your 8 ho- I mean, 10 hour workday is forbidden, goyim

>> No.14784049

damn it feels good to be a gangster

>> No.14784229

>this guy lets his piggie masters know when he's on break by strutting down the hallway to get his 2000kcal oreo shake
just eat at your desk and dont let anyone know when youre actually started or actually done for maximum downtime

>> No.14784254

>I hate my fucking job
>Although I will probably put in 60 this week.
Are you one of those people that complain about work but cant stop working? I don't fully understand how salary works, but I wouldn't put in another 20 hours unless there's an overtime extra. Or unless it's so you can do less hours next week.

>> No.14784276

Breakfast Lunch and dinner in my work place. No more cafes.

>TFW Trucking during Pandemic times.

>> No.14784282

>still going into the office for work

yikes, feel bad for yall. i'm never going back.

>> No.14784288

yeah i used to do this, just keep my cooler in my office all day. id usually fuck around for up to two hours on youtube and leave my lunch stuff on my desk, if my boss walked in I'd just say I'm "just now finishing up"

>> No.14784350

Almost everyday.

>> No.14784536

Not often at work

Every meal at my house

>> No.14784567

I don't wanna get fired for not getting my work done. It's an abstract feel.

>> No.14784573

Yes, almost exclusively unless my boss asks me to come with him for a meeting. I'm salary so I get paid the same if I'm at my desk or out at a restaurant, I just browse the internet while eating.

>> No.14784587

absolutely not. when i was in the office i always left so no one would bother me on my lunch break but now that i am work from home thanks to based covid i usually eat on my deck

>> No.14784680
File: 3.86 MB, 3686x2765, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At home, all the time. At work, fuck no. I usually eat outside or in my car if it's too cold or raining/snowing.

>> No.14784687

The diabetus is strong with this one

>> No.14784694

>made out of basically random shit.

>> No.14784695

imagine being a wageslave in 2020 loooool

>> No.14784700

we have a break room for that. we call it the "staff caf"

>> No.14784760

That's a meat bun, not a pastry.

>> No.14784761

yeah all the time

>> No.14784824


>> No.14784828

only when i stole food from the break room

>> No.14784980


People like you are why at my old job I spiked a BLT with dried ghost pepper flakes and accidentally sent my thief of a co-worker to the hospital.

>> No.14785825

Nah, I eat while taking a walk around. Need to stretch my legs a little or I start feeling bad.

>> No.14785971

>I don't fully understand how salary works, but I wouldn't put in another 20 hours unless there's an overtime extra. Or unless it's so you can do less hours next week.
You don't have the choice on salary. The work is the work. It's a bullshit loophole to get through established labor laws, but in most salaried jobs you will NEVER get to leave early because you put in more work the week before or finished your work more efficiently than your coworkers. As I've been constantly told in all salaried jobs, "there is always more work."

This is why I absolutely will never eat lunch at my goddamned desk. That's just me giving even more free work to my company so they can make more and more profits off of my labor. If I am given an hour lunch break, you'd better be goddamned sure I'm taking it.

This should be some politician's fucking platform, cracking down on companies that do this, but of course it'll never happen because of muh economy.

>> No.14786055
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x1960, 20200624_133711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah except I work construction so "at my desk" is usually the tail gate of my truck in a camping chair.

Its honestly pretty comfy desu.

>> No.14786064

Ha! Figures.

>> No.14786104

Why did you take a picture of a knockout kit?

>> No.14787061

Well shit, I've always been hourly pay and thought it was worse than salary. I suppose it's nice to know you'll get that amount each month regardless, but I'd rather just get paid for what I work.

>> No.14787133
File: 46 KB, 540x557, 1588684616963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home so I tend to eat my meals with my barely clothed 9 year old sister. It's very hot weather here, so I consume my meals nude. We're both nude. Pancake batter all over her nipples.

>> No.14787141
File: 90 KB, 1440x1441, 1586109877941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever eat at your desk you will always get pressued into starting work early "since you're already here"
Always go out to lunch, even if you have to sit on a park bench

>> No.14787145

my coworkers all go to the breakrooms so i get my building to myself. also i get to watch from the windows and make sure zoo guests aren't throwing rocks at my animals.

>> No.14787146
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your fbi agent sees this

>> No.14787149

restaurant at work opens at 11.30 and im always the first one there, they way i can chose where i i sit, top comfy

>> No.14787184
File: 10 KB, 242x253, 1588075421236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen up guys, team
>So we all know someone was stealing from the lunch room
>No Johnathon we don't know it was James
>But anyway as you know James ate a sandwich from the breakroom fridge and was violently ill and we had to call an ambulance
>It turns out someone POISONED the food
>Now it turns out it was harmless ipecac and laxatives but I expect the guilty party to come forward by the end of the day
>This goes on for a fucking week every time I do it
Why are people such fucing thief apologists when it comes to stealing food?

>> No.14787270

That looks pretty good, don't leave that sitting around or some secretary type will grab it.

>> No.14787273

that kurbo became a turdo

>> No.14787385

>real mayonnaise

as opposed to w-what

>> No.14787398

Yes and because I have the comfy work from home life since covid I also get to eat at my gaming desk like I always do.

>> No.14787429


Is this something that could get you sued or fired?

I eat a lot of spicy foods and I know there are some food thieves.......

>> No.14787475

tell me more about that calculator. I really like old calculators. that kinda looks like an old commodore calculator

>> No.14787477

Lol city slicker

Take the farm pill and eat a burrito while you watch pigs fuck

>> No.14787501

No of course not, how could you be held liable for someone stealing from you?

>> No.14787526

I, too, feel this feel

>> No.14788417

Yes, I work and eat at the same time

>> No.14788427

looks like a TI to me

>> No.14788499

Do Americans really?

>> No.14788721
File: 41 KB, 845x1440, angery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sued, fired and arrested, yes. I told this story once before, they called the cops to interview all the employees. Most people went in with the mindset of "I have nothing to hide so I might as well cooperate" but I have family in law enforcement and who are lawyers and while cops want you to believe that, the truth is their job is to get as much evidence as possible to solve a crime and will lie to you to get what they want. I told them "I have no connection to this and nothing else to say, thank you" and left the conference room. I don't know what the exact crime would be but I assume if they could prove I intentionally laced the food to cause harm or distress, there is some food tampering law many states have adopted.

I could be sued for that guys medical bills. Fired, yes. In the USA you can be fired for pretty much any reason besides being a member of a protected class (like you can't be fired for being a gay Jewish black woman, but being a gay Jewish black woman doesn't mean you can't be fired for other reasons).

Fuck food thieves.

>> No.14788740
File: 10 KB, 182x309, rude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. pretty much every day in the pre-covid times. every job i get i convince myself im going to make my co-workers like me but i always seem to fuck it up. they all go together and never invite me

>> No.14788784

I don't have a desk at my job and we're not supposed to eat at our stations, we do it anyways, especially with COVID we're completely overwhelmed and understaffed.

>> No.14788794

We do appreciate your service manning the drive-thru window. Indeed these are tough times.

>> No.14789081

I work at a very small business so yeah

>> No.14789225

I'm pretty sure it says panasonic on it. I don't think OP will ever reply. oh well

>> No.14789266

This is the best advice, the only time it doesn't count is when you're hourly. If you take lunch at your desk then you can claim that you worked through lunch for extra pay.

>> No.14789276

Based food spiker. Lunch room thieves deserve to be punished and that should teach everyone in the office a lesson.

>> No.14789287

Good advice. Thank you.

>> No.14789361

Miracle whip

>> No.14789382

Smart and cautiouspilled. Don't talk to the police, by design it absolutely cannot help you.

>> No.14789524

That fucking old calculator

>> No.14789616

Not really. But I got a separate office just with my coworker (chill guy) like a week ago. Before that, I used to go eat out with my friends from other department or have a lunch at breakroom.
But until like a year and a half ago, I always ate lunch alone because all the other colleagues were boomers. Now there’s a few more of my peers so we go to lunch together. And sometimes we spend there like 2 hours while wagies have to be at their desk within 30 minutes.

>> No.14789638

I hate going out with morons from work, I'm there to make money not friends. I like eating on my own one way or another.

>> No.14789642

Literally every single day: but then I work from home.

>> No.14789646

"wagies" you'd be surprised at what some of us make are you some kind of hypocrite trust fund baby?

>> No.14789654

>he doesn't have productivity tracking apps on his work computer that monitors mouse movement and takes random web cam photos and screenshots for his boss

haha must be nice

>> No.14789660

Yes it is, especially as a dev and admin so I delete those so called apps, plus those things are a security concern and need to be deleted as soon as possible.

>> No.14789698

Those so called apps are for secretaries and interns and such not for professionals. Get more experienced and you might start to understand.

>> No.14789716

lolwut thats a thing?

>> No.14789737


If you work in a Bangladeshi call center maybe, but if you have a respectable job then hell no.

>> No.14789870

If you're a freelance programmer with per hour pay

>> No.14790099

Same, my lunch is unpaid so why not just eat n work and get home faster. No one would notice how long I'm there but I'm honest

>> No.14790111

I don't get that. I've been on a salary since leaving education and only go into overtime when deadlines are due. Usually, we claim the hours back on another day (or flunk when in a quiet period).

Unless you desperate for cash, just finish what you can in a day. If it goes over, talk with your boss to work on things slowing you down. If your boss is a cunt, don't work overtime and let HR deal with it.

>> No.14790144

Uhh...I eat most of meals at home at my desk, so I can watch Mark Wiens or Yuka Kinoshita while I eat.

>> No.14790439

Only if its microwaved fish or something with half a cup of cumin and cardamom in it

>> No.14790479

Sometimes that's the best way, otherwise assholes try to make people stay for 16 hours like twats, even worse accepting that like h1b types that are too worrying about loosing their visa statuses.

>> No.14790486

You mean that you don't like fish dicks?
GTFO outta Dodge!

>> No.14790490

Everyday, I work from home and prefer to eat at a leisurely pace. Then I just take my lunch at 2 and use it as a regular break and smoke weed.

>> No.14790505

Thanks, now bend and squat.

>> No.14792644

Yes, but actually no, i work retail so no desk, but i ate a sandwich while at the sellpoint, was eating and selling stuff at the same time, boss tried to tell me to stop, i didn't give a shit, now they almost always have me in the warehouse or at delivery service so actual clients can't interact with me
>Inb4 sperging, why don't they fire you
Dad's the owner lmao

P.s. it was a Reuben

>> No.14793112

Yes, I used to recline back, turn on my space heater, grab some free energy drinks and watch netflix. It was the coziest shit and I just had to update excel sheets for 10 mins a day.

Now I work from home, not so cozy

>> No.14793183

I eat lunch at work so I take my time chewing