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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 438x400, 57ab20d71fd32dc352a766f8_sugar101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14779117 No.14779117 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate cane sugar?

>> No.14779120

i don't know of many people who only specifically hate cane sugar

>> No.14779135

You hate the cane, sugar because it leaves longer lasting welts than the riding crop.

>> No.14779159

It represents slavery which is a bad thing.

>> No.14779168

Be specific fag bait, who is "we?"
What are you some kind of negro that uses "we" instead of it's own name?

>> No.14779173

I've never heard of anyone hating cane sugar.

>> No.14779192 [DELETED] 

Maybe just negros because they associate it like the simple minds they are with whips. They expect reparations which given their simple monkey minds think that they'll get, they should look to africans in the first place as to the ones selling them in the first place.

>> No.14779202

Every other health faggot will claim that cane sugar is bad but maple, honey, date, agave, etc. is more "natural"

>> No.14779208 [DELETED] 

Negros are funny, especially when called out on their own bullshit. They chimp out when called out.

>> No.14779214

We don't.

>> No.14779215

Follow the money on that one. Always follow the money for bullshit.

>> No.14779219

The moron uses "we" instead of I, so a pathetic negro type.

>> No.14779230 [DELETED] 

As most negros do, they use "we" as the herd types they are, they can't be individuals.

>> No.14779246
File: 322 KB, 546x700, 6BB92697-9850-41CD-814A-CCB60ECD5CEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.14779252

Personally I prefer the versatility and flavour of palm sugar.

>> No.14779255

Nobody hates cane sugar. You're thinking of high fructose corn syrup. Everybody should hate that shit.

>> No.14779262

Well, the less processed ones might be slightly healthier. Don't know if it's true or not because every source I tried to find had different numbers, but it seems like refined sugar might be higher on the glycemic index and cause more of a blood sugar spike. But the main issue is still total amount consumed I think, 150g of sugar from honey isn't going to be healthier than 20g of refined sugar. Though generally going for less processed food seems to be a good idea. Not just for nutrition either, less refined cane sugar has more flavor too.

>> No.14779397

>Stole a pol meme and made it worse

Pol eternally btfo

>> No.14779408
File: 10 KB, 235x233, 075e073688b4ebefe2ab8d8e816cf777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm yummmyyy HFCS

- every american ever

>> No.14779431


The reality is: We don't like HFCS either, the problem is that the government put incentives in place and it's cost effective for companies to put it in literally everything now. There will be savory dishes out there with HFCS in it. That's where we are at now.

Not by choice, more like lack of choice.

>> No.14779453

Health faggots just want a bogeyman to blame over their own lack of self-control

>> No.14779461

>glycemic index
Is a meme.
Sucrose is sucrose. No matter where it comes from, it is the same arrangement of atoms

>> No.14779493

So it's due to big corn?

>> No.14779495
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1590029772164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recipe calls for sugar and HFCS

>> No.14779531


>> No.14779564

Big agriculture and big energy.

>> No.14780154

Cane sugar might have some benefits over plain white Refined sugar.
A lot of recipes these days only use cane sugar in specific situations

>> No.14780373

>grew up in the south
>would get sugar cane all the time during festivals and school trips

honestly miss it, fuck these yanks that complain about it.

>> No.14780390

the vietnamese make prawn kebabs on sugar cane skewers, shit is so cash

>> No.14780450

Well they're retarded, all of those sugars are bad.

>> No.14780474

The only one of those "natural" sugars that's actually good for you is honey. Honey and lactose are the only sugars that are actually healthy to consume.

>> No.14780479

>fell for the honey meme

>> No.14780494

>fell for the sugar/agave/splenda meme

>> No.14780505

Don't be a cooklet, corn syrup helps to invert the sugar molecule which makes for more pliable sugar for Confections and decorations, it's why you can buy inverted sugar.

>> No.14780618

Beet Sugar is infinitely superior

>> No.14780727

Honey is still fructose, which is poison.

>> No.14780893

wait anons I get like over 100g of sugar a day purely from fruit
I thought this was fine, have I fucked up?

>> No.14780902

Or you could follow the glycemic index you cringey fucking truthmaster faggot

>> No.14780904

best sugar kane

>> No.14780905

fruits are whole foods and have fiber and tons of vitamins and minerals, keep eating them

>> No.14780929

ok good because im I don't think I'm willing to give up my brothers fruit protein smoothies

>> No.14780960

that's totally fine, just keep eating fruit and don't fall for the retarded keto memes

>> No.14780975

Easy, refined sugar is bad for your health.

>> No.14780995

why do people do keto if not for losing weight? And if for losing weight why not just man up and take the fasting pill instead? I never got it

>> No.14781005

Unrefined sugar is just as bad for your health.
>inb4 b-b-but I need the 47μg of magnesium I could totally get off of eating a single bite of spinach

>> No.14781835

Empty calories, just like all sugar.

>> No.14781843

The whole point of "healthy" individual foods (rather than a healthy entire diet) is to give piggies an excuse to binge themselves on horrendously unhealthy foods while living an unhealthy lifestyle, but have it be ok because they purify/purge themselves with healthy foods, and "healthy" foods that are actually horrendous in large quantities.
E.g. Gorge themselves on berries.

>> No.14781851


>> No.14781859

Corn syrup is cheaper. That's why the elite shovels it down your throat.

>> No.14781968

You want to eat foods with low glycemic index because the higher the glycemic index, the higher the insulation spike, and the higher the insuline spike, the bigger the insuline dip. The insuline dip is what makes you sleepy and it's why people take naps after thanksgiving dinner. While the calories are calories, glycemic index is all about hormone behavior

>> No.14781975

>thinks the back to the future parody image is a /pol/ meme because he saw the reddit variant
Sweet summer child.

>> No.14782030

agave is ultra processed and literally HFCS tier
those health people dont know jack shit

>> No.14782043

I knew someone that was allergic to corn syrup. That must be hell for a kid.

>> No.14782190

how is that possible its just sugar

can he function irl without spontaneously combusting?

>> No.14782196

no idea but somehow the allergy went away when she got older.

>> No.14782333

I moved to north Florida, there is a park here where you can take kids to play but there is also a sugar cane peeler. I thought it was just a historical artifact but then some guy drove up and started peeling his sugar cane with it. Everyone likes sugar cane.

>> No.14782336
File: 23 KB, 384x383, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exclusively a yank meme.

>> No.14782547

wtf how much fruit do you eat

>> No.14782578

Because it's more expensive than beet sugar.

>> No.14783315

>I never got it

Yeah, checks out.

>> No.14783327

I'd rather have sugar than fucking stevia. I sometimes buy neat looking drinks and expect them to be lower in sugar content. Fine with me. But then they just pump it full of this cancer causing (((natural))) sweetener. No thanks.

>> No.14783586

Some fat fuck in elementary school used to bring sugar cane with him as a snack. It was pretty good to chew on, I recommend it.

>> No.14783587


This isn't reddit, retard. We're not a collective hivemind.

>> No.14783599

I got caned too much as a kid and now my teeth are all messed up.

>> No.14784935

we dont its tasty

>> No.14784939

you can chew it like gum but its actually wood wtf

>> No.14784997

glycemic index is a bullshit metric, even more broken than calories
it does not account for ripeness, cooking methods, processing, individual differences in digestion, or the mixing of foods during normal eating
the determination of the glycemic index of foods is even more fundamentally flawed than the determination of calories in foods
nutritional science is a terrible field

>> No.14785036

no, corn subsidies. Blame the government.

>> No.14785047

I happen to love cane sugar:
