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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 200x240, aldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14775717 No.14775717 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a bag of yellow potatoes from this place today and half of the were rotten.

Is this normal?

>> No.14775726

No. How did you not notice when you bought them?

>> No.14775730

Take a few phone pics, call the store, they will give you a fresh bag, like as not.

>> No.14775731

They were advertised as golden Yukon potatoes, if that matters,

>> No.14775736
File: 60 KB, 860x650, D38ACA6A-86DF-4071-92E7-82790C387F71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a big supermarket shill makes a thread

>> No.14775756

The bag looked fine. Nothing was unusual, but when I got home I had to throw away half of them due to being soft, mushy and having visible mold

Never shopping aldi again, unless it's for bread and cheese..

>> No.14776046

Bought moldy bread on accident once. They immediately replaced it no questions asked

>> No.14776053
File: 630 KB, 900x900, my-cat-wont-drink-water-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly buy potatoes from Aldi and haven't noticed this. In fact, just least week I baked some that were two weeks past their best and they were fine.

>> No.14776066

>complaining about rotten potatoes is "shilling"
Might want to see someone about that unchecked schizophrenia.

>> No.14776076

Likely some socialist merkel shit, get used to her socialist agenda, you gave her the platform. Being used to shit is what you bought into.

>> No.14776078

It is shilling for the socialist "wolf in sheeps clothing" agenda.

>> No.14776087

So anyone that disagrees with you is a schitz? What does that make you?

>> No.14776090

Again bro, they replaced the moldy bread i bought and it was fine. If rotten potatoes are part of a socialist conspiracy theory to lower people's standards thatd be pretty funny desu

>> No.14776091

During this Covid Bs it is. Quality has gone to shit on basically every product.
>sorry bitch no refunds or exchange
Pisses me off.

>> No.14776102

Funny isn't the term for what the liberals aka socialists aka wolves in sheeps clothing are trying to get away with. Don't be daft or nieve.

>> No.14776112

The democrats use cutsie little names as a disquise for their true intentions which is the destruction of the USA. If you don't believe that then you haven't looked into history and are fooling yourself.

>> No.14776194

There's nothing socialist about aldi. It's just a cheap grocery store. It has a CEO and publicly traded stock. If you had the money you could literally buy it and run the store as you see fit. It's sad that you really think any bad thing that happens is because of some abstract boogeyman

>> No.14776198

Yes. I bought white onions from them and they all were rotten inside. And the bag of bacon bits had green mold growing in it.

>> No.14776200

What the fuck even is this thread.

>> No.14776213

take it back. they'll replace it or give you a 200% refund.

>> No.14777465

always smell the bag before you even put it in the cart

>> No.14777468

>Never shopping aldi again
shill, you're acting like you never got a bad potato from every other store

>> No.14777617

You have to be careful buying fruit and veg and from aldi because a lot of it is on the verge of going bad. I guess that's one of the ways they cut costs. Don't buy anything unless it looks pretty fresh, fresh for grocery store veg, that is, and make sure you use it within a few days. Also you have to know what is prone to going bad and what isn't. Stuff like green onions are usually safe, they don't go bad for a week or more as long as they are firm when you buy them. Potatoes are easy to tell too, as long as they are hard and dry they should be okay for a good while, and as long as they aren't visibly bruised and covered in eyes. Keeping them in the fridge makes them last a lot longer. Most fruit I would avoid unless you plan on eating it literally in a day or two. Berries are sneaky buggers. They can go moldy if you turn your back on them for a split second. Know your food.

>> No.14777639

its being used by mossad to communicate with their agents abroad in encryption

>> No.14777657

Why can't you /pol/ losers stay in your containment board? So fucking embarrassing to see.

>> No.14778620

Russians and other eastern Slavs actually do have a higher genetic propensity for schizoid disorders compared to the average. That's why so many "Jews" (IE eastern Slavs who think they're something else) are fucking crazy.

>> No.14778631
File: 127 KB, 1920x1541, 1571065466464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy cheap groceries from a discount grocer
>Product is spoiled
You expected something different?

>> No.14778651

I don't know if it's that they're trying to cut costs. It's just that they're a european company. Europoors don't know how to identify fresh produce.

>> No.14779296


Everything about Aldi is about cutting costs. You're just too used to the social engineering of a supermarket to understand.

Aldi is a lot closer to what a general store was than the american notion of a supermarket.

>> No.14779504

Has anyone noticed a massive drop in the shelf life of potatoes and onions over the last few years? It doesn't matter if I buy from Aldi, Walmart, local chains, anywhere I buy from has shit tier onions and potatoes now. They go bad much faster than I remember in the past.

>> No.14779572

The taters from Aldi are usually excellent because of the high turnover rate.

>> No.14779609

The problem is they do, and then Aldi sweep up the shit that's leftover for cheap. It's the same here, produce rots in days if you get it there.

>> No.14779636

Yeah I expected my dick to get hard when I was walking through the checkout line. The nasty slut at the register was eyeing my dick like what else am I supposed to do. The little fucker wouldn't get hard. That's why life is meaningless. It's all bullsbit anyway. They act like they don't care that you couldn't get hard one time. But then they keep bringing it up. Life tf am I supposed to do. They're putting estrogen in the water supply and soy I. All the food. Like of course I'm have ed and low testeroen. My penis is like a floppy rocket ship though